Lux's Farewell

739 [0728] Difficult to adjust

739 [0728] Difficult to adjust
In order to gather enough orioles, Karya owed more than favors?
If Kalya only needs to provide information to call the dark descendants of the Black Mist Legion and the Sun God Cult, then if he wants to persuade Kieran, what Kalya has to pay is not a face—if it is not Having promised Icacia's status under the new order, Kieran will not leave Icacia.

However, these things don't need to be too much of a headache for the time being. What Carya needs to worry about now should be the group of dark descendants who have no opponents.

When Shivana discovered Kalya and brought him back to the battlefield with the unconscious Jarvan IV, the Black Mist Legion and the Sun God Cult were already on the verge of a fight.

Aatrox has always been arrogant, and Valiva is dissatisfied with her brother Verus joining the Black Mist Legion, and the two crows, Shabeka and Shabek, are chattering wildly there. The side protoss have just finished, and the side sees that the Black Mist Legion and the Sun God Cult are about to do it again.

At this time, the importance of Karya is reflected.

When Karya appeared, both Aatrox and Varieva were instantly as quiet as chickens.

Shabeka and Shabek, who were bluffing before, finally stopped their bragging behavior-but unfortunately, they were caught by Karya at the first time and cleaned up, which can be called a live version of killing chickens to warn monkeys.

"You guys!" Finally letting go of Shabek and Shabek, Kalya's eyes fell on the dark descendants, and then shook his head gently, "The empire has long been turned into dust, although I have no right to ask you Welcome tomorrow, but if you have to fight, I suggest you fight on Mount Targon, on the peak of Mount Targon, because Runeterra is too small to hold you.”

Everyone was silent.

"Let's go, let's go." Kalya waved his hand, "You should have enjoyed it, right? The Sun Warriors have been cleaned up, so what should you do?"

"Those who want to dig the corner of the giant god, continue to dig the corner; those who want to explore the mysteries between life and death, go back to the black mist. I will provide you with a free message here. Azir is already rebuilding Shurima. I want to chat with him. If you want to chat, you can also talk to him—in short, let’s go back to our respective houses!”

As he said that, Kalya waved his hand, took Jarvan IV with him, and went to look for Lacus without looking at these dark descendants again.

Aatrox snorted, grabbed Shabek and Shabek, carried Verus, and returned to the black mist.

On the other hand, Valieva curled her lips, turned around and left with the dark descendants of the Sun God Cult. She planned to meet Azir and talk to Azir.

Soon, the Darkborn left, the black mist faded, and in the valley, only the mess all over the ground still told of the fierceness of the previous battle.

After this incident, the northern border walker and the remaining Xiongdu Front Army could no longer fight.

Even the intrepid pioneers are exhausted after getting up in the early morning and fighting for more than ten miles.

As for the northern border walkers, after the battle was over, it was even more difficult to stand up - the last of their strength had been exhausted to withstand the impact of the Lieyang warriors.

Now that the protoss retreated, and after the last courage of both sides had exhausted, they could no longer hold weapons at all.

What's more, Jarvan IV was captured.

When he saw the unconscious Jarvan IV, the battle was completely meaningless.

When the Xiongdu Front Army, which was feinting to attack from other directions, gathered its troops and rushed to the battlefield, the situation had become very delicate.

The capture of Jarvan IV made the direction of this war very subtle. What's more subtle is that due to Jarvan IV's consistent centralization of power before, the Xiongdu Front Army has almost fallen into a state of brain death.

No one can stand up and speak.

It was also at this time that the northern border walkers who had gone to the south entrance of Badaopo to outflank were also in place-they arrived with them, and there was also wood going down the water. With these timbers, a temporary camp was quickly built, and now the Xiongdu Front Army has been essentially trapped between the mountains of Badaopo.

If Jarvan IV was still there, they would still have a chance no matter whether they went north to continue their assault, or turned back to break through and return.

But now that Jarvan IV has been captured, there is no one who can stand up and convince the crowd. Although no one said it clearly, everyone has actually realized something in their hearts.

This war...maybe it is doomed to fail.


When Jarvan IV finally woke up, his emotions were very complicated.

Although the protoss is the human body of the giant god walking in Runeterra, the will of the protoss itself will not be erased, but will be suppressed—so, Jarvan IV clearly witnessed the follow-up as a bystander. The whole process of fighting.

On the one hand, he was thankful that the Protoss was driven away, and he was not completely reduced to a puppet; on the other hand, he also suffered from the complete defeat of the war.

Jarvan IV is not the Twilight Protoss, he is very professional in commanding troops and fighting.

And it is precisely because of his professionalism that he knows better than anyone else the dilemma that the Xiongdu front army is facing now.

The logistics were cut off, the army was trapped between the canyons and hills, the air supremacy was completely lost, and the enemy's troops blocking the back road had water transport support.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is dead.

Unless Lux suddenly went mad, Jarvan IV would never have thought of any chance of turning defeat into victory.

More importantly, he, the commander in chief of the whole army, was captured...

Although a captive, Jarvan IV was not mistreated.

Even the Northwalkers respected His Majesty the Emperor. In their view, although Jarvan IV was not comparable to Laxana, he was not the same as many noble insects.

Therefore, although Jarvan IV's movements were restricted, his living conditions were not bad. After confirming that he did not have suicidal thoughts, his daily life was relatively normal.

But no matter how normal the living conditions were, it couldn't change the fact that he was burning with anxiety. After his physical condition improved a little, he immediately expressed his desire to see Laxana.

He wanted to be able to talk to Laxana.

This request was quickly answered, and Lux ​​also wanted to talk to him—if possible, Lux also hoped to use relatively peaceful means to solve the problem.

This is destined to be a historic meeting.


Putting on the armor he was most used to, Jarvan IV met Laxana in the office of the government affairs hall in Rithos.

When Jarvan IV entered this office, Lacus was buried in the files, her eyes quickly swept over the documents, and at the end she swiftly signed her name and affixed her coat of arms.

"Here we come." Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lux put aside the document with the heraldry stamped on it, and raised her head with a smile, "Long time no see, how is your body now, is there any sequelae? "

Such an understatement of greeting fell into the ears of Jarvan IV, but it was quite unpleasant. He instinctively wanted to nod, but in the end he just hummed lightly and skipped the greeting.

"What are you going to do with the legions?"

"This requires you to come forward and let them lay down their weapons and surrender unconditionally." Lux folded her fingers and said in a natural tone, "to avoid unnecessary sacrifices."

Although rationality told Jarvan IV that Lux was telling the truth, but when he heard the words "unconditional surrender", he still couldn't help his temples swell.

"And then?" After hesitating for a moment, Jarvan IV didn't linger on this question, nor did he give his own answer, but continued to ask, "Then where will they go?"

"Discuss on a case-by-case basis. Generally speaking, they need transformation." Lux has nothing to hide. "Not only the various legions, but the entire Demacia need a transformation from top to bottom."

"If you really want to become the first queen in Demacia's history, then I suggest that you should do as little trouble as possible." Looking at the confident and determined Lacus, Jarvan IV couldn't help but stab, " There is already a lot of resistance for the non-Lightshield family to become king, if you are still in a hurry to reform, then the entire Demacia will fall into chaos..."

"I'm not you." Lacus understood what Jarvan IV meant, but she still smiled, "If you really knew Fossbarrow and the North, then you wouldn't be so naive. idea."

Jarvan IV frowned.

This sentence should be said by Lacus herself - she is the naive person, she has no idea that politics cannot be completely determined by force, the place needs to be managed, the country needs order, and a strong army It can be used as a foundation, but what is really maintained should be people.

"The noble council will not let go easily." Jarvan IV shook his head, "Unless you completely replace the nobles everywhere with those officers, which is impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Lux asked very seriously, "Why can't I use my own people to replace nobles everywhere?"

"The nobility has long been entrenched in their fiefdom." Jarvan IV looked at Lacus, and although he gave an answer, his expression was full of doubts, "The new nobles want to replace the local snakes, it can't be done overnight. things."

"I didn't say I was going to send a new nobleman, did I?" Lux blinked, "What if someone is willing to preside over the land reform and redistribute the land?"

Jarvan IV's eyes widened.

This, what kind of outrageous idea is this?

It’s not even an exaggeration to say that this statement is even more rebellious than Lux’s claiming the king herself—redistribute the land, do you want to distribute the land of the nobles to the common people? !
"Don't your subordinates need rewards?" Jarvan IV couldn't help shaking his head, "Why do you do this?"

"The meritorious service of the northern border walker will naturally be rewarded by the northern border walker. In Fossbarrow, there has never been a law that stipulates that a fief should be granted for military exploits." Lux asked with a smile, "So, why can't I How do you do that?"

Jarvan IV was dumbfounded.

He obviously couldn't understand that the order and the heroes of Fossbarrow were very different.

In Xiongdu, a person's development path should be to join the army - make military achievements - be awarded a lord - become a nobleman - obtain a fief - pass on from generation to generation.

This is the only promotion channel, and everyone has clear expectations for the future when they embark on this path.

We worked our lives, His Majesty granted us land, and we established a noble lineage by relying on the land.

But in Fossbarrow, people's promotion channels are very diverse.

Whether it is a clerk, a law-enforcer or a walker in the north, they all have their own separate promotion channels, and none of them is bound to the land-the harsh plateau alkaline frozen soil in Forsbarrow is really left to private development, at least Within three to five generations, they will lose money.

Therefore, in Fossbarrow, rewards for merit are often reflected in other aspects.

Such as salary level.

Such as special commendation rewards.

For example, dividends from public trade.

Most of the trade that is in the hands of the Fossbarrow government, a considerable proportion is used as dividends and allocated to those who have made outstanding contributions. Compared with the rent, this part of the income is simply not known to be higher.

There are both material rewards and spiritual rewards, but power must never be used as a reward.

You can gain recognition for your credit, and then have greater power, but in contrast, you must also assume greater responsibility.

But a certain kind of power cannot be given as a reward to those who have meritorious deeds, because this power has no responsibility.

However, in the eyes of Jarvan IV, this was unimaginable.

He couldn't imagine getting the approval of the soldiers without relying on the fiefdom, and he couldn't imagine how chaotic the place would be without the nobles.

However, after a while, Jarvan IV couldn't help laughing at himself.

I am already a prisoner, so what's the point of worrying about it?

If Lux really tosses and doesn't understand, and makes everyone rebel, it may be a good thing for me...
"As long as you can ensure the safety of the soldiers." Jarvan IV finally stopped entangled in this issue, "I can make them lay down their weapons - as for more, I'm afraid I can't do it either."

"That's enough." There was a smile on Lux's face again, "Brother Jiawen, I believe it won't be long before you can return to Dawn Castle."

This sudden address caught Jarvan IV a little by surprise. Looking at the smiling Lacus, Jarvan IV couldn't tell how much of her address was genuine and polite.

"If you have time, you are welcome to visit Fossbarrow more." Lux saw Jarvan IV's hesitation, and continued to explain with a smile, "I believe you will understand what I mean soon."

To Lux's words, Jarvan IV just nodded, then turned and left.

In the autumn and August of the 16th year of the Fossbarrow calendar, at the south entrance of Badaopo, under the order of Jarvan IV, all the Xiongdu Front Army laid down their weapons and announced their unconditional surrender.

 By the way, I sorted out the recent outline, and it turned out to be updated at night, alas (sigh).

(End of this chapter)

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