Lux's Farewell

741 [0730] People's hearts go in three steps

741 [0730] Three steps to the heart

As the sea gates were opened and the water gates breached, the Demacian Capital, which seemed to have impregnable defenses, was completely torn open.

Along this gap, the follow-up northern border walkers entered the city of Xiongdu continuously, and suddenly attacked the remaining defenders on the city wall.

The defenders wanted to take back this section of the city wall, but unfortunately, this was already impossible—after the gap was opened, they couldn't even organize an effective defense. Although the Feng Corps and Tobysia Corps could not be said to be defeated at the first touch, they were at least quickly chaotic.

At this point, the northern border walker can basically declare the complete occupation of the capital of Demacia.

However, Lux knew in her heart that the military occupation was just the beginning. In comparison, what was more important was how to bring Xiongdu into a new order.

Demacia Xiong is a city, and the occupation and planning of the city are completely different from the vast rural areas.

Even Demacia is the capital of Demacia, the largest city in Demacia, the third largest port in Demacia, and the center of traditional political economy and culture in Demacia. no the same.

In other places, once the northerners started to judge the nobles and distribute the land, they would soon gain the support of the local people-while in the cities, since most of the citizens did not know how to farm, the distribution was concentrated on the noble properties.

Most of the aristocratic industries are owned by the government, and a small part is dismantled and distributed to relevant practitioners. Following the example of the northern border, various cities set up industry associations to implement the transition. Everywhere the army goes, clerks will be stationed in the follow-up to popularize the law and maintain Order, registered population.

From the beginning, Lux's attitude was very clear. She only targeted the big nobles and big lords. For the offshoots of the nobles and those responsible for maintaining the rule of the nobles, they would be punished if they were guilty, and released if they were not guilty, and they would be employed equally.

Under this policy, Lux quickly stabilized the order in the occupied area with a relatively small number of manpower.

However, the situation in the Xiongdu of Demacia is very different from all the cities in the past.

It is no exaggeration to say that the capital of Demacia is the only place in Demacia that can be called "urban culture" except for Fossbarrow.

In Xiongdu, the gathering of a large number of nobles provided an astonishing number of service jobs, and the appearance of the royal fair also made Xiongdu's commodity economy prosperous like Demacia.

In other cities, merchants are the lubricating oil to maintain the normal operation of the society. Even in a northern pearl like Miyin City, the proportion of merchants is not too high, and most of them are mainly grain merchants and the distribution of local specialty products. Other merchants were engaged in the wholesale of necessities of life.

Although the number of these merchants is not small, they cannot be regarded as the main body of a city, because in addition to their attributes as merchants, they also have a remarkable attribute of service personnel that cannot be ignored, serving the surrounding cities within the radiation range. rural.

In other words, in Demacia, most cities are "service centers" for the surrounding countryside. The various functions of the city are highly bound to the needs of the surrounding countryside, although many people seem to be divorced from agricultural production , but in essence, they are still serving agriculture.

There are also only a few specialty product industries and local handicrafts that have nothing to do with local agricultural production.

However, in the Xiongdu of Demacia, the situation is completely different.

Living in Xiongdu is not easy.

More than half of the nobles in Demacia are gathered here, thus giving birth to a civic culture that is completely absent elsewhere in Demacia.

Moreover, before the start of Shurima trade, the capital of Demacia was the largest trading city in Demacia. The Royal Fair brought the specialties of Demacia to the city and its residents and nobles. .

From the very beginning, Demacia Xiongdu was not a city serving the surrounding countryside.

It is the capital of the country, political economy and cultural center!
In Xiongdu, in addition to nobles, soldiers, and servants, there are also millions of handicraft practitioners, businessmen from all over the world, foreign travelers, poets and musicians, small traders, and so on.

The former provides a broad service market, while the latter is a service provider.

From this perspective, Demacia Xiongdu is also radiating its surroundings, but unlike other cities, it radiates the entire territory of Demacia in the cultural and political fields.

(Well, that's right, in the northern border, there is also a city that has a similar function, and that is Fossbarrow, which radiates the entire northern border.)
Therefore, when dealing with such a super-large city, Lux has to consider far more than other places.

In other Demacian cities, the elimination of nobles means the elimination of rentiers, and the vacancy of supervision and power. As long as laws are clarified and trade associations are organized, the order and functions of the city can be quickly restored.

However, in the capital of Demacia, the elimination of nobles means the elimination of the consumer market in addition to the elimination of rentiers.

The vitality of countless people in Xiongdu is closely related to the nobles. Without noble consumption, no matter how carefully Lux maintains them, some industries will quickly become rootless and disappear.

The simplest example is that in the Xiongdu of Demacia, there are three construction teams with designers and engineers who specialize in building manors for nobles. They have rich engineering experience, and many of them have amazing artistic skills.

And after the nobles are finished, these people can almost declare unemployment.

Although in theory, they can also freely transform and repair houses for ordinary people, but it is obvious that their architectural style is too expensive for ordinary people compared to the cheap and affordable ones of ordinary construction teams. Free competition and transformation, even if these people can bend down to make a living by themselves, the inheritance of Demacia-style classical architecture may face the risk of being broken.

It is not difficult to occupy the Demacian Xiong.

The difficult part is how to smoothly digest the capital of Demacia and absorb the positive nutrients in this city for his own use!

In order to establish order in Fossbarrow, Lacus and the demons who have not yet become archons worked outside the city for a winter, and finally successfully built an artificial lake, demonstrating his determination to change the northern border , It also made the Fossbarrow people trust and look forward to her.

And now, she wants to show her sincerity again in the capital of Demacia.

The cities of the capital of Demacia are more complex.

But this time, there are more people around Lux.


After the battle was basically over, Lux did not give the winner's speech in the Grand Plaza.

In the past few months, the nobles of the capital of Demacia have been promoting the terror and barbarism of the northerners. Although the military discipline of the northerners is very strict, Lux does not want to cause any panic, so, in addition to controlling the key Except for some necessary personnel, the northern border walkers did not enter the city on a large scale.

It even seemed that the entire Demacia Xiong hadn't changed much from the past except for the careful review of access.

Lax herself is quite prestigious in Xiongdu, so after entering Xiongdu City, she immediately convened the Northern Vanguard Representative Meeting, organized members of the Northern Vanguard Group among the northern walkers and military clerks, and went deep into Xiongdu. All walks of life in the capital began to conduct in-depth investigations.

Understand the situation of each industry, understand the industry rules of each industry, understand the upstream and downstream fields of each industry...

After ten days of silent investigation, Lacus finally came forward in person and invited people with considerable reputation in various fields in the city to participate in a forum to discuss issues related to restoring order in Xiongdu.

Although there were doubts in his heart, those who received the invitation from Lacus still participated in the discussion.

At the meeting, Lacus pointed out straight to the point that the purpose of this symposium was "how to maintain the steady development of various industries in Xiongdu on the premise of eliminating the nobles."

To be honest, after hearing Lux's words, although there was no disturbance on the face, in the eyes of most industry leaders, this is nonsense and pure fart.

Without the consumption of noble gentlemen...

The size of your industry must be reduced by at least two-thirds!
It's not that the nobles never tire of food and fine food, how can the catering industry in the Xiongdu of Demacia maintain its current astonishing scale?
It's not that the nobles pursue fame and prestige, can the artists in the Xiongdu of Demacia eat and drink so easily?

It's not that the nobles need clothes and decorations. The number of tailors in the Xiongdu of Demacia can exceed [-]?
It seems that those aristocrats really didn't deceive people before. This former model lady of aristocrats must have been stimulated by something!

People always think about problems from their own perspective.

Most Demacian citizens are the beneficiaries of the aristocratic system. Compared with the majority of Demacian farmers living in the countryside, their living standards are better, and they have no hostility towards the nobles, and they even feel that they may lose their jobs. People from the northern border, they still have a vague dislike.

This is not to say that they are naturally the lackeys of the nobles and need to be eliminated together with the nobles. This is an objective fact determined by their industry and source of life.

People always have to eat!
Looking at the silent crowd, Lux, who had already known it in her heart, quickly showed her first move.

Although the market for nobles is about to end, the market for the northern border is also open!

Although the current Fossbarrow has formed a civic culture with northern characteristics, due to the short period of time, many aspects are immature, and many industries have started from scratch. In this case, if someone is willing to go north, They will face a vast blue ocean!

Is this cake fragrant?

good smell.

Although these participants do not understand the difference between the North and the Xiongdu, nor will they understand that the clerks, the walkers of the North, and the royals are not new nobles, but this does not prevent them from understanding the situation based on their existing knowledge. Lacus means.

In their view, this country must always have a manager, just like Laxana came to power after Jarvan IV stepped down. When the nobles stepped down, there must be new nobles. If Her Excellency Laxana is really willing to treat us If you let go of your political stance and open up the market for new aristocrats...

Whose money is not earned?
Moreover, according to Lacus, it seems that in the northern border, many industries are still in their infancy. If you participate in it at this time, maybe there is some possibility of swallowing the world?

Ignoring the emotions on everyone's faces, Lacus quickly started the second move.

Industry transformation.

Although the spending power of the northern border is also good, and with the subsequent industrialization of magic in Demacia, the spending power of the entire Demacia will inevitably rise, but there are still many industries that are still destined to be hit.

Under such circumstances, Lacus hopes to discuss the transformation of these industries through consultations between the government and industry representatives.

Just like the construction industry of the noble manor mentioned before - after the army continues to go south and takes Tobysia, Demacia will inevitably expand the production of the magic stone, and the magic stone processing industry will be very scarce at that time manpower.

You must know that the magic stone processing industry planned by Lacus and Karya is not the simple primary processing of burning magic tree and lime together to form magic stones. The follow-up will inevitably include things such as the general circuit of magic stone slabs. Basic processing, construction of giant magic stone statues, automatic tool processing of magic stones, etc.

Among them, in the field of the construction of giant forbidden magic stone statues, those high-level builders who are used to building beautiful manors for noble lords can do many jobs that ordinary people cannot do.

As for the sculpture artists in Xiongdu, if they don't have too deep pursuit of art, they can also consider transforming into the basic processing work of the general magic circuit of the forbidden magic stone - the number of magicians is limited, and this simple magic circuit has a special For processors, it will save a lot of effort.

After doing her homework, Lacus took out a detailed list of more than [-] subdivided industries that can be transformed through preliminary assessment.

If it is possible that the previous open market was purely a painting, then this detailed list and transformation content can show Lux’s sincerity to a certain extent—although for many new industries on the list of Lux I am not very familiar with the specific content of the list, but after getting the list, everyone can at least understand the part of the technical requirements.

It is clear at a glance what skills you have so far are useful and what skills you need to learn.

If Lacus is really fooling people, then among other things, she has spent a lot of money on fooling people just because of this list.

Finally, while the men mused over the items on the list, Lux dropped a bombshell.

She's hosting an industry-wide competition.

Right in the Grand Plaza, citizens are allowed to visit, and all practitioners are free to sign up for an industry competition!
Since the world needs to be changed, the authority of the past is not necessarily the real authority. Lux, who is determined to take the essence and discard the dross, is willing to mobilize valuable manpower, host an industry competition, and screen out those who are willing to devote themselves to the construction of New Demacia. The real industry elite!

 I went to check again today, the update will be late.

(End of this chapter)

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