Lux's Farewell

742 [0731] The meaning of competition

For the residents of Demacia Xiongdu, the concept of competitive competition is actually very clear to them-don't forget, when Jarvan III was still there, Demacia held an international martial arts competition!

However, compared to the northerners, the residents of the Xiongdu of Demacia actually have a narrower concept of competition.

They understand martial arts duels very well, because personal force has a lot to do with subsequent development. Victory in the martial arts competition means that the combat power is good, and it is more likely to make meritorious deeds. All kinds of games, but it sounds a bit strange.

No competition, compared to the professional skills of all walks of life... No one has ever organized this in the past!

However, for the clerks who came with the army, as well as the intern students transferred later, they are completely familiar with organizing competitions-because in Fossbarrow, in Carya opened the exam After Pandora's Box, the competition culture quickly developed.

Not to mention the military competitions that the Northwalkers usually have during training and competitions, even among the folks in Fossbarrow, various competitions emerge in endlessly, and quite a few of them are even led by the government.

For example, fishermen in Xinfugang have fishing competitions, Xinfugang Wharf has boat stopping competitions and handling competitions, and there are various competitions within the Archon. New immigrants will also participate in immigration after arriving in Fossbarrow or Xinfu City. Games and so on and so on.

For the people of Fossbarrow, all kinds of competitions are national entertainment to pass their leisure time, and some competitions can earn extra money by participating in them, but in the eyes of Lacus, these competitions are very important and cultivate Fossbarrow's means of collective consciousness and identity.

An immigrant who came to Fossbarrow from other places in the north will be assigned to the community soon after arriving at Fossbarrow and registering. Depending on the time when the immigrant enters the community, every three to six Every month, ten or so communities will jointly hold an immigrant sports meeting.

Although the sports level of these immigrant games is often not high, most immigrants will enjoy it.

The reason is also very simple. Unlike the tiresome, troublesome and meaningless company team building, Fossbarrow has prepared quite a lot of prizes for these new immigrants, many of which you can’t buy outside—and these sports Projects are often group projects.

Starting from the simplest tug-of-war and boating, to the more delicate and cooperative fire transfer, Fossbarrow has prepared a very rich sports program for these immigrants who are still in training.

In each competition, the Forsbarrow immigrants can quickly adapt to their identity as Forsbarrow people. Even if their past identity labels cannot be erased, at least the new Forsbarrow labels can cover part of them .

Participated in the Immigrant Games, got the rewards, and was a Forsbarrow.

Therefore, Fossbarrow's clerk has very rich experience in organizing competitions, and also has very rich experience in using competitions to break up the old order and form a new order.

In Fossbarrow, immigrants from all parts of the north will gain a new identity in the immigration games. From then on, their labels will no longer be Miriam, Irwindale, or Rithos People, but people from Fossbarrow 325 community and Xinfucheng 221 community.

If the study and life in school is the first impression of the city for the children who immigrated to Forsbarrow, then the immigrant sports meeting is the common memory of adult immigrants in Forsbarrow.

But now, in the capital of Demacia, facing the huge and complex citizen class and the entangled old forces, Lux is determined to also conduct a large-scale special skills competition to erase this The old labels of all walks of life in this city, like the immigrant games, will be brought into a new order!

After the news that the special skills competition in various industries was about to start was released, the clerks who arrived in Xiongdu immediately took action.

As if they were merchants, these clerks walked around the streets and carried out initial publicity by shouting at their necks.

Later, after the symposium with various industries, the news was verified from top to bottom—although some people had faintly realized that Laxana was trying to break the old order, but such a big news was concealed. Can't help it, if you don't help promote it at this time, you are going against the new emperor. Anyway, everyone is the leader in the industry. Even if it is a fair game, you may not be afraid of others, right?

Thus, in less than five days, people in the entire capital of Demacia heard the news of the industry-wide vocational skills competition.

Man, how can this be done?
After confirming the authenticity of the news, the citizens of the Xiongdu of Demacia quickly became active. Originally, as the army entered the city, many noble manors were seized. Although the Xiongdu of Demacia was not in chaos, But it was still a lot quieter.

But now, when Lux took the initiative to set a path that had never been taken before, many people had some inexplicable expectations in their hearts.

In the past, everyone served the aristocrats. How much you can earn depends on your ability, but you also have to consider your connections. You don’t know a few brokers.
However, now that there is this competition, does that mean we can directly talk to the new noble lord?

Take the catering industry as an example.

In the entire city of Xiongdu, there are at least thousands of famous chefs who have been trained as teachers.

Among these people, those who used to be the private chefs of nobles have lost their jobs and need to seek new jobs; while those who have personal restaurants hope to make a name for themselves; Yes, I hope to rectify the name of my inheritance...

If there is no culinary competition, those noble private chefs will be angry because they lost their jobs; the chefs of personal restaurants will be dissatisfied because of the bad market; Worried about being lost.

But now, after the news of the culinary competition came out, all of them have a very clear goal, which is to get a good result in the competition—according to the preliminary competition plan, the culinary competition will select ten Famous chefs, as well as [-] special chefs, as long as one of these [-] places is won, it means that they have gained a firm foothold in the new environment of Demacia!

Under such circumstances, the loss of old jobs, the depression of the catering market, and the drastic changes in the situation in Xiongdu all became less important.

And, what's even better, as long as the competition is relatively fair, even if someone complains after the competition, it will be difficult for them to get approval-you complain, it's not your fault?
This is true for chefs, as it is for other industries.

Tailors have clothing cutting competitions and costume design competitions; construction teams have carving competitions and construction scheme competitions; bards have poetry competitions and singing competitions...

In order to hold these competitions, almost all the students graduating next year were sent to the capital of Demacia to participate in this amazing social practice.

So, who will provide the funds for such a large-scale competition?
Well this...

Naturally, it was generously donated by the nobles of Xiongdu!
In fact, for Lux, holding these competitions has a very important financial account.

After taking Xiongdu, almost all the assets of the nobles, even the Crown Guard Manor, need to be cleared and confiscated. However, due to continuous inflation, the nobles have never had the habit of hoarding gold coins, so for a while, Lux There are a lot of precious but useless things in my hands.

Among them, jewelry and the like are okay, even if it is not easy to realize, it is possible to sell it slowly, but the more troublesome things are some things that are wasted without being realized, such as precious ingredients, special magic materials, and difficult to preserve. Silk, etc., if they cease to circulate, they will soon be reduced to rubbish.

These things are not very good for northerners to enjoy, and they can't just sit and watch them break, so this game is also a good way to consume them - such as the precious ingredients that are priced like gold, It's not bad to use it as a material for the cooking competition finals.

Moreover, in addition to consuming some materials, this large-scale competition is also part of Lux's economic propaganda.

Also use the culinary competition as an example.

Nowadays, although the prices of many spices in the northern border have gradually dropped, Wang Xietangqianyan was ready to fly into the homes of ordinary people in the old days, but if people want to accept these spices, at least there must be a way to show them Bar?
In addition, since the start of Shurima trade, the level of enjoyment of nobles in Xiongdu has continued to rise. They can eat sea beast eye meat from Bilgewater, use Ionia's specialty silk, and enjoy Icacia's Specialty spices, wearing Shurima jewelry, but because the royal family firmly controls the channels, this kind of enjoyment can't even drive the private economy.

Now, in the special skills competition, special products from all over the world will be shown to the people of Xiongdu and Demacia, so that they can also intuitively feel that there is a bigger world outside, and a bigger world. There are also more good things in the world, which lays the foundation for Demacia to fully open its doors.

There is no doubt that this will be a truly national competition. In the entire Demacian capital, except for the nobles who have been imprisoned, all citizens are either participants or witnesses.

Of course, for this kind of national competition, if it is done well, order can be rebuilt, but if it is not done well, it will completely lose popular support. Many participants can't help but feel anxious, worried that these people from the north are ignorant.

For music, painting, and sculpture competitions, Lacus and Sona can completely control the field, and no one will have any objections, but for many more life-oriented competitions, does the North really have reliable referees?

Or do they want to select truly reliable people to be referees first?
Many people thought of this level, so after the symposium ended, many industry leaders gave hints that they could serve as referees.

As for these implicit and explicit hints, Lacus chose to accept them as they were ordered and personally review them.

In the temporary tent in the grand square, Lacus, dressed in military uniform and holding a sword in his hand, received these "reserve referees" with a smile, and then communicated with them one by one in person.

It usually only takes about half an hour, and these industry leaders will leave sweating, with disbelief in their eyes when they leave.

Almost everyone who left had a similar thought in their hearts - how could she understand everything?
Cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, gardening, veterinary...

Lux looks like a humanoid encyclopedia!
This is too scary!

In front of this expert, many industry leaders finally had no choice but to stay low and give up their ambitions for refereeing power. However, Lux did not embarrass them. After showing her own experience, she discussed with them one by one. selected rules.

Lux is certainly not an encyclopedia.

But Karya is.

When a person has lived long enough, he has truly achieved "never eaten pork, but has seen pigs run". Kalya's cooking skills are average, and he doesn't know much about tailoring, but this does not hinder him. Express your opinion as a critic in the fields of food and clothing.

Although he has no practical ability in many things, he knows a little bit about theoretical skills. With this theoretical skill, although it is not very good to further help players improve, at least he can comment!

This is enough.

With Carya here, the referees of all competitions have at least one person who knows everything, even if they are biased, generally speaking, the fairness can be guaranteed.

And with the guarantee of fairness, the result of this game will also be affirmed by the people of Xiongdu and even the entire Demacia. No matter how Lux tries and liquidates the nobles in the future, the mentality of the citizens of Xiongdu will only be for fun , rather than fighting against each other.

On November 16st, [-]th year of the Fossbarrow calendar, half a month after Lux entered Xiongdu City, she finally came to the grand plaza, facing the people eagerly looking forward to the rules of the industry skills competition, and started this year's winter speech.

Just as in the first winter speech in Fossbarrow, she promised to build water conservancy facilities in the north, in the grand square, Lux also made her first political promise in the capital of Demacia.

"I will host this competition with a fair and impartial attitude, select real industry elites and give awards."

"After the competition, there will be many brand-new fields and occupations open to all citizens of Xiongdu. Anyone who meets the requirements and has the ability to match will get an equal opportunity to compete, just like this competition. "

"I always believe that the greatness of Demacia comes from the brilliance of every Demacia; the future of Demacia rests on the shoulders of every Demacia."

"I announce that the first Demacia Industry Skills Competition is officially opened here!"

Carya's Little Classroom: Cuer Fish Liver:

Although in Bilgewater, the internal organs of many sea beasts are fishy and smelly, and no one wants them for free, but the tuoer fish is obviously not one of them.

The fish oil of the Zorer fish not only has a strange fragrance, but also has a very obvious refreshing effect, and the liver rich in fish oil has naturally become one of the top ingredients in Runeterra.

In addition, the green sac near the pharynx in the mouth of the Zorer fish is an important source of magic essence purification, and the skin of the Zorer fish is also a good leather armor material. Dragging it into the water is the job of the choel fish——Pike, a harpooner, was sold by his teammates while catching the choel fish, buried in the belly of the fish, and eventually became the ghost of Blood Harbor.

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