Lux's Farewell

744 [0733] ​​Sequence 0

Different from the bustling cooking arena, the specially carved arena can only be described as deserted.

Although this is due to the remote location of the arena, but more importantly, the host and referee of the competition on the special engraving side are all archons.

Xiongdu people currently have a rather negative attitude towards mages.

In fact, people who have prejudices against the magician are not only the people of Xiongdu. When the northern walkers swept through Demacia, most of the residents in the newly occupied area did not have a good attitude towards the wizard.

However, people in other places have a bad attitude towards the Archons, most of which are caused by propaganda factors and traditional concepts, and it will gradually ease in the future, but in the Xiongdu of Demacia, the situation is different, because here, The mage did cause a lot of damage.

The last time Silas escaped, it blew up the entire Arcatraz. At that time, even Lux and Ino both contributed to the flames, which could be regarded as an early screening of demon-infested people.

For the Xiongdu people, they have seen the destructive power of the mage with their own eyes. Although they dare not stand up and criticize the magician, they can at least hide as far away as possible.

In the grand square, there was originally a proposal from a law-enforcer to set up a large-scale projection, but because she was worried about the resistance of the public, Lacus finally rejected the proposal, and finally only adopted the method of broadcasting by means of amplification.

As for the special carving competition, as the host and referees dressed as courtiers appeared on the stage, the originally sporadic audience quickly dispersed in twos and threes, and even the contestants who participated in the competition had somewhat unnatural expressions.

If it weren't for the fact that they really needed a job and were worried about offending the new master, these players might not be willing to compete in front of the Archon.

Who is not afraid?

But people always have to eat. Even nobles, there are many moody and difficult guys to get along with. Don't you still have to contact them in order to make money?
Regarding the attitude of these people, the Archon side is actually somewhat awkward - in the northern border, the Archon is an envied profession, but after leaving the North, the people's attitude towards the Archon can be said to be more and more southward Not good, it can also be said to be tired of seeing each other.

However, although the attitude of the contestants in the special carving competition is not very good, the person in charge of hosting and judging is quite enthusiastic.

Even so enthusiastic that many craftsmen felt anxious, suspecting that the other party had bad intentions.

So why are the Archons so enthusiastic?

Naturally, they didn't really have malicious intentions—in fact, they were so enthusiastic mainly because most of these contestants could be regarded as their future colleagues, and they were also members of the court who were going to enter the establishment.

Unlike the sculpture competitions that the Special Sculpture and Art Support Association assisted in organizing competitions, mainly in the form of relief sculptures and round sculptures, the comparison is in the carving level and carving speed of fine lines, and the emphasis is not on artistry, but on efficiency and reliability.

Most of the participants in the special engraving competition are craftsmen who once worked for various noble families and specialized in engraving noble heraldic seals.

Moreover, unlike the sculpture competition which has a fixed ratio of winners, the special sculpture competition is a skill level competition - the competition does not rely on the proportion of the number of people to select the winners, but has a clear division of skill levels.

Within the specified time, from the basic magic power circuit to the complex magic power circuit, what level of magic power circuit can be carved, and what level of magic power circuit engraving technician can be assessed.

That's right, the main content of this competition is to carve magic circuits on the forbidden magic stone!
Anyone who is familiar with the establishment of the Archon knows that the sculptor who can accurately carve out a specific magic circuit on the forbidden magic stone or other materials is the most important member of the Archon organization besides the mage.

They also have a more resounding nickname in the north, called the zeroth sequence.


Although the zeroth sequence appeared very late, its birth was actually a necessity for the northern border and for the guardians.

In the past, at the time of Fossbarrow's inception, the Archons were more or less led by Kalya herself.

At that time, the highlight of the imperial court was that it was a concentrated force to carry out large-scale projects.

In a short period of time, an artificial lake was excavated in the northern border, the Grand Canal was built, the river course was fixed, and a new city and a new port were built.
But in fact, this is not the normal situation.

After all, a total of two thousand extremely talented mages buried their heads without complaining or tireding, digging soil and repairing embankments for infrastructure construction. Even the former Shurima Empire did not have such a luxury.

Can you not go faster with super calculation?

It is not an exaggeration to say that Fossbarrow's take-off is due to the fact that the country's elite mages can be gathered together and bend down to do projects. If it weren't for Demacia's consistent anti-magic policy in the past, it would have been absolutely impossible. impossible.

Under normal circumstances, these royals should be senior technicians and special constructors of the project, responsible for engineering design and construction of difficult parts, instead of fighting dust in person.

Special circumstances are destined to be impossible to normalize.

Therefore, in recent years, as the function of the law-enforcer has gradually become clear, the stalls have become bigger and bigger, and the number of project teams has increased, and the problem of insufficient manpower has gradually become clearer.

And as Lux moved south, this problem was highlighted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Give the simplest example.

At the beginning, Fossbarrow City, when it was beginning to take shape, once carried out a water supply and drainage system update. For that update, Carya gave the drawings, and more than [-] royals were responsible for the construction. In less than two months, the entire water supply and drainage system of Forsbarrow was remodeled.

Later, when building Xinfucheng and Xinfugang, in order to complete the infrastructure construction of water supply and drainage from scratch, three hundred courtiers tossed back and forth for more than half a year.

Today, in the entire northern territory, there are only more than 200 registered courtiers.

What does this amount mean?

It means that if Fossbarrow's method is followed and the problem is solved only by the Archon, then it will take at least ten years to complete the water supply and drainage renovation of major cities in Demacia.

During the ten-year period, all registered magicians just dig sewers, draw magic circuits for the sewers, and do nothing else.

This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, if you want other parts of Demacia to enjoy the same infrastructure as the northern border, you must distribute some work that was done by the Archon himself in the past, but actually presided over by the Archon.

Of course, if it is just to maintain the rule, the northern border model does not need to be promoted to the whole country.

In fact, among the northern border walkers, court clerks, and clerks, some people really have this kind of thinking. Although they dare not say it, they also think in their hearts that there is no need to build the whole country like Fossbarrow. as good.

For this kind of thinking, Lacus wrote a special article to criticize it-this article is not a ghostwriting, but Lacus's own summary.

The article pointed out that the Fossbarrow model and the Xiongdu model are two completely different social orders. The aristocratic elite model that Demacia insisted on in the past was based on the history of Demacia and was led by a small number of elites.

During the long-term maintenance process, although Demacia has reformed itself many times, it still inevitably led to the division of the country and the persistence and solidification of a series of wrong policies.

Especially after the start of the Shurima trade, investigations have clearly proved that most of the profits from the trade flowed into the pockets of the nobles, while the commoners lost their way to rise amid inflation and became poorer.

This social order no longer meets the needs of Demacia today.

In contrast, the Fossbarrow model also values ​​talents, but talents should not be completely separated from all Fossbarrow people.

The individual and the collective are complementary to each other. Without the support of the majority of Forsbarrow people and northerners, Fossbarrow would not be able to make it this far.

In the article, Lux unequivocally criticized the "new aristocratization" atmosphere for the first time, and re-emphasized the mission of the Northern Vanguard. The Northern Vanguard should not be the new Demacian nobles. The power and Responsibility is to match!

Due to Lux's personal reputation and the unanimous attitude of the Big Three, this trend was temporarily suppressed.

Moreover, when the northern army swept across the country, victory could cover up all problems and dissatisfaction.

In the end, when they were about to enter the city of Xiongdu, the walkers in the north, the rulers, and the clerks all expressed their approval of the idea of ​​​​establishing a new order in Demacia. For the trial, the professional technical competition will be held first.

For the magicians, in order to achieve this goal, the organization needs to carry out internal reforms, and the most important step in internal reforms is to hand over the things that mages did in the past to non-casters.

So, what are some jobs that Archons have been doing themselves in the past, but could actually be delegated to others?

The most obvious is the drawing and sculpting of magic circuits.

As we all know, if you want to maintain the magic effect for a long time, the magic power circuit is an indispensable thing. This thing can guide the magic power in the predetermined direction to achieve the desired effect. For example, in the water supply and drainage system, the inner wall of the water pipe is Mana circuits of steady water flow need to be drawn to minimize the effects of mana turbulence.

In Fossbarrow, these tasks are all done by the Archon, because they can naturally sense magic, and they can know when they are carving.

However, the magic circuit can actually be engraved by ordinary people. As long as the engraving is qualified, it can be used. Compared with the magician, the problem of ordinary people is that they cannot perceive the magic power and do not know whether the engraving is correct.

This is also fixable.

It is enough to leave only one archon to maintain the quality inspection. Even if ordinary people can't perceive the magic power, they have to be slower and stiffer when carving, but the work of the past ten archons will become the current work of one archon and two The work of ten ordinary people is a huge improvement in itself.

Although it seems that this division of labor reform is grabbing the jobs of the courts, most of the courts can be said to agree with this situation with both hands and feet.

Because of the natural scarcity of Archons, most Archons have more meaningful and higher-paying jobs, and they are unwilling to do such dull jobs.

If someone can really help with these tasks, it can also free the Archon from these low-end industries!

In fact, for this point, the Archon had already tried it when he was in Fossbarrow.

For example, in the shipbuilding industry, the shipyard would pre-carve simple magic power circuits on the forbidden magic stone gun positions of the gun bays to facilitate the subsequent installation of magic cannons-the one who carved these magic power circuits was not the Archon.

And within the Archon, the zeroth sequence was born in this way.

In other words, expanding the number of people in the zeroth sequence is the current top priority for the reform of the internal organization of the imperial court, and it is a direction that all imperial courts agree with.

At Forsbarrow's time, members of the Zero Series came from two main directions.

The first type is jointly cultivated by the Archon and the school. The selected students are all interested in magic but have no magical talent. Starting from the fourth grade, they have to start learning some basic magic theories (mainly related to self-safety theory), and magic-related work such as the creation of the magic stone and the carving of the magic circuit of the magic stone.

The first batch of co-cultivated Sequence Zero graduated last year. These students with professional skills can be said to be widely acclaimed within the Archon. The Archon likes these students very much. Some research groups even recruit the most skilled students among them. Okay, I participated in the magic project.

However, joint training also has its own problems.

On the one hand, the speed of training is limited. On the other hand, although the newly graduated students have theoretical knowledge, their skills still need to be honed.

The other people in the zeroth sequence are complementary craftsmen with a foundation in craftsmanship—they are not nearly as educated, but their technology is solid and reliable, as long as the archon provides detailed and understandable technical requirements , they can always give the finished product.

Complementary talents in the two directions, to a certain extent, made up for the lack of manpower of the Archon, and played an important role in the continued development of Fossbarrow.

But even so, the manpower of the zeroth sequence is still very insufficient, and there are still many tasks for the archon to roll up their sleeves and do it themselves.

Now, with the capture of Xiongdu by the northern army, a large treasure trove of talents has finally opened its doors to the Archons—at the meeting about the professional skills competition, the Archons immediately presented their long-awaited competition plan.

The experience of the northern border has proved that people with carving skills can become magic circuit carving technicians as long as they have undergone simple training. There are nobles everywhere in Xiongdu, and they are responsible for carving manor interiors, There should be a lot of heraldic seals, right?

There is a shortage of people on the Archon side, we are applying for special approval!

Carya's Small Classroom New Noble Trend:

Not only many Xiongdu people regard the northerners, especially the northern pioneers, as the new nobles, but also many northern pioneers have similar thoughts - fortunately, because of the previous several rectifications and Lux's clear-cut criticism , this trend has been curbed for the time being.

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