Lux's Farewell

Chapter 745 [0734]

Chapter 745 [0734]

Ragnar Shiyu sat on his seat, looked up at the time, and then lowered his head again to check his full set of carving tools.

The knife bag has been spread out on the table, and the heads of large and small carving knives are tightly pasted in the leather interlayer, only the buckle for installing the knife handle is exposed. Ragnar took a deep breath, Starting with the smallest and thinnest knife head, the last inspection before the competition is carried out.

With an almost imperceptible "click" sound, the buckle and buckle of the handle are connected together.

Pulling the handle, the head of the knife came out of its sheath, and the sharp edge that had escaped from the leather interlayer shone sharply in the sun. Ragnar turned the handle slightly, and the slender knife head was like a dancer twisting his waist. Ordinary, showing his perfect curve in front of him.

Gently nodding his head, Ragnar stretched out the thumb of his left hand, and gently rubbed the side of the blade with his rough, calloused finger pad a few times.

Cool and slightly scratchy, a testament to a well-sharpened edge.

Ragnar nodded in satisfaction.

The familiar touch made him relax a lot, and the knife head mixed with rune steel gave him a small sense of security.

Although the tall city walls of Xiongdu can't stop these mages, but anyway, the ability of the magic stone to protect themselves from mages has become a steel stamp imprinted in the hearts of countless Demacians, and has become a part of the subconscious mind. a part of.

Ragnar's breathing calmed down, he lowered his head, and after confirming that the head of the first carving knife was intact, he began to check the second and third knife.

For him, checking is not only to prepare for the upcoming competition, but also the best way to relax himself. These carving knives passed down from generation to generation by the Shiyu family, as well as the techniques for manipulating these knives, together constitute Lang Gnar's pride.

Because when Ragnar was a child, his father told him about the family history, and according to his father, Old Shiyu, the Shiyu family, which carved coats of arms and seals for nobles for generations, has even more inheritance than Half of the nobles in Xiongdu are ancient.

It's a pity that in this chaotic world, even the nobles are at risk, and Shi Yujia, who had a regular source of customers in the past, has no customers. If he was not forced to, how could he come here to participate in this event organized by the mage? the match of?

Not life yet!
After checking the last carving knife, Ragnar finally raised his head and looked at the referee's seat in front of the arena, which was gradually full of people.

Unlike other arenas, in the arena of the special carving competition, it seems that there are more referees than contestants—all the courtiers who are free have gathered in the arena at this time.

They scanned the engravers who were waiting in full expectancy, and many of them were secretly thinking about how to recruit the best skilled people to their project team.

And if you want to poach people, the best way is to give money.

Coincidentally, the Archons are rich.

The treatment of the Archon is almost the best in the North, and Lux ​​almost provides them with all the necessities of life, and there are also high salaries and subsidies. There is not much difference between the clerk and the northern border walker, but the subsidy is quite amazing.

According to the specific work that the Archons are engaged in, the types of subsidies they receive are also different - those in charge of teaching, those in charge of research, those in charge of combat, and those in charge of production. The project team was formed independently, and some held important positions in the construction team, but without exception, they all had quite generous subsidies linked to Forsbarrow's economic level.

Almost all the courtiers who have worked for more than five years will have a lot of savings in their hands.

In addition, what is more important is that because of their meritorious service or rewards, many royals still hold dividends in certain project fields. These people are without exception the leaders of certain project teams or construction teams, and they are also subordinates. Those who lack the most people and who most hope to increase the number of the zeroth sequence.

Theoretically speaking, the engravers of the magic circuit of the zeroth sequence are assigned uniformly, but when allocating, the organization will inevitably take into account the individual wishes of the engravers—so, the archons who have allocated quotas have come to the arena early, I plan to see these craftsmen in Xiongdu with my own eyes and see their engraving level, so as to attract engravers with the highest possible level.

If necessary, they don't even mind giving engravers a private subsidy to attract people to their own project teams or construction teams. It's also blood money!


Ragnar obviously didn't know what these magicians were thinking, he just thought the attitude of these mages was a bit strange, and they seemed to be full of expectations—could it be that they were about to become nobles?
Well, it's really possible.

Perhaps the purpose of this competition is to select people with better skills to carve the first batch of noble coats of arms and seal templates for these new nobles?

After all, for a brand new aristocratic family, the coat of arms and seal of the first generation represent the beginning of the family's honor, no matter how perfect it is, it can't be overstated!

Thinking of this, Ragnar completely relaxed.

When it comes to carving techniques... he can be said to have full confidence.

There are so many sculptors in the entire Xiongdu, and only a few of them can be seen by him. More sculptors are just relying on their kinship with some declining nobles, so they mix in this industry to earn a living. It's just eating, do they have the ability to carve the original article seal template?

They don't have this ability!
Moreover, the engraving of the first-generation coat of arms and seals also has a certain need for design assistance. The aristocratic emblems that I have carved over the years are not one thousand but eight hundred. All kinds of commonly used elements can be easily obtained. In this regard, I also have a great advantage. !
The more he thought about it, the more confident Ragnar could not help twisting his neck. At this moment, he suddenly felt that maybe the game was a good thing.

Just when Ragnar gradually gained some confidence, the game was officially announced to start-then, when the referee made a request for the game, Ragnar was dumbfounded.

He received a test paper and a stone slab. The content of this competition was to carve the prescribed lines and patterns on the stone slab according to the requirements on the test paper.

Looking at the test paper in his hand and the various parameters about the lines and patterns on it, Ragnar was completely at a loss.

What is this?

Don't you want to carve a coat of arms?

This thing has nothing to do with the coat of arms, does it?

After getting the test paper and the slate, Ragnar almost instinctively wanted to modify it a little.

However, before he could start thinking about how to modify it to make it pleasing to the eye, the referee spoke loudly.

"Attention everyone, the engraving must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements on the test paper, any unauthorized modification and decoration will be considered as a failure of the engraving."

"Come to the judge's seat as soon as the engraving is completed. Your engraving speed is also part of the score."

Uh, just carve these ugly lines?
At this moment, Ragnar couldn't help but feel a bit of resistance.

However, this resistance was fleeting - because since childhood, his father told Ragnar that when engraving coats of arms, he must follow the client's requirements.

"What if the request is wrong?" Little Ragnar asked suspiciously, "I know that his family's coat of arms is not like this..."

"That's according to the requirements." Father said seriously, "We are just sculptors, and we mainly work according to the instructions. If we need to make corrections, we will correct them. If we don't say it, we don't need it, so that there will be no mistakes."

Ragnar has always insisted on his father's words and the tradition of the Shiyu family, so although these lines made him feel quite uncomfortable, he still began to select the knife head according to the carving requirements, and after calculating the carving path in detail, Decisively under the knife.


Designing and carving a magic circuit is not an easy task.

Even Ragnar, who has rich carving experience, was sweating from his ears and temples when he carved the fifth magic power circuit.

No way, as the magic power circuit becomes more and more complex, more and more lines need to be engraved with one knife. This is a test of the sculptor's technique and experience. As long as the angle of the knife is slightly deviated, the engraving path may appear question.

In the seventh magic power circuit, Ragnar pulled out a sweat towel from his waist and tied it on his head—in this magic power circuit, the inscribed content has already appeared, but it is different from the inscribed in relief, according to the label , the part where the Yang engraving is engraved, there are also requirements for cutting the knife.

To be honest, when he saw these markings, Ragnar was quite puzzled. He couldn't understand why even the parts carved off by the carving knife had to be completed in one stroke and follow the predetermined path.

Those mages, can they really tell if they have carved according to his requirements?

Although he was muttering in his heart, but with the idea of ​​"according to the customer's needs", Ragnar still took a deep breath and began to act according to the requirements.

However, not everyone is as down-to-earth as Ragnar—while Ragnar was still struggling with the eighth magic power circuit, there were already a few quick-minded people who brought slates and excitedly found the master. referee.

The magic power circuit on his slate, with the naked eye, seems to be no different from the requirements of the test paper.

After getting the slate, the referee just glanced at it roughly, then reached out and clicked on the starting point of the first magic power circuit.

Then, under the astonished eyes of the sculptor, the first magic circuit was quickly covered with frost.

"Well, circuit one is qualified."

After marking the next check mark on the test paper, the referee stretched out his hand and pressed it on the second magic circuit.

Frost once again covered the magic circuit, another hook.

And when it came to the third magic power circuit, after the referee stretched out his hand, the magic power circuit did not respond at all—he then approached the magic power circuit and looked at it carefully.

"You didn't engrave according to the requirements." After watching for a while, he finally raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the engraver with a dull expression in front of him, "I have already emphasized that you must sculpt absolutely according to the requirements."

Only then did the sculptor wake up from a dream, and hurriedly said, "This is absolutely invisible."

But obviously, what the Archons don't want is not to be invisible.

In the end, the first person to complete the sculpture, because of his cleverness, only obtained the primary license, and the many royal masters who had been watching behind the referee were also not interested in him.

After such a time, the other engravers who participated in the competition calmed down, and a few engravers who had been fooled halfway had to start again—they already understood that the incomprehensible lines they engraved might have a lot to do with magic. The relationship between the eyes, the problem that cannot be seen by the eyes, I am afraid that the magic cannot be fooled!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Seeing that the deadline is approaching.

Among the many sculptors, no one dared to stand up for a long time - the ninth and tenth magic power circuits are already quite complicated, even for specially trained magicians, it is difficult to carve them out.

Seeing this situation, although the guardians watching the game knew that the tenth magic power circuit was a bit out of line, and it was almost impossible for non-mages to complete it, they were still more or less disappointed.

However, at this moment, Ragnar stood up.

He let out a long breath, then calmly received all his knives, wrapped the handles in the knife bag and pinned it to his waist, and then walked towards the referee's seat with the magic circuit and the test paper .

At the referee's seat, everyone cheered up instantly. The referee even took the initiative to reach out his hand, took Ragnar's slate, glanced at it and directly pressed it on the first magic power circuit.

Well, the frosting spreads.

Then the second, the third...

The first nine magic circuits are perfect, completely covered with white frost.

"Rangnar...Mr. Shiyu." Glancing at the information on the test paper, the referee extended his hand to the last magic power circuit with some expectation, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Trengbout, I don't know you Are you interested in joining the second sequence, we have a cooperation with the Northlander, and we can provide pre-school military training for children..."

"Hurry up and watch the magic power circuit." Before Trengbout finished speaking, someone behind him urged, "There is no quota for the second sequence this time, so don't make trouble here!"

"That is, the second sequence and the zeroth sequence are not the same thing, you are just talking nonsense."

"Hurry up, hurry up, get out of the way after verification!"

In Ragnar's bewilderment, Trengebut shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his index finger and pressed it on the last magic power circuit.

The crystal clear ice crystals spread again, and the last magic power circuit was also filled with frost magic power—Rangnar completed the competition assessment!

Although he was already prepared in his heart, watching the last magic power circuit light up, the onlookers couldn't help but gasp.

With the last tick written, Ragnar was completely surrounded.

"Mr. Shi Yu, are you interested in plant cultivation and planting?"

"Do you consider leaving your name in the sewers of every city in Demacia?"

"We have an additional subsidy..."

"Our construction team has specially hired tutors - what, you are not married yet? It's okay, we also organize fellowship..."

Ragnar, who didn't know what happened, was dizzy and soon fell into happiness troubles.

 Karya's Little Classroom: The Turbulence of the Magic Circuit:
  Although it seems that there is no difference between the magic circuit formed by one knife and repeated engraving, there is a big difference in the basic turbulence.

(End of this chapter)

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