Lux's Farewell

746 Attempt to Normalize Magic

746 Attempt to Normalize Magic
Although the competition was not over yet, Ragnar was still surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. The project teams and construction teams all offered excellent conditions, hoping that he could join his organization——No After any magic study, one can carve the magic circuit to this point. If one learns the knowledge of magic theory in the future, one can hardly think about the future!
It was only at this time that Ragnar realized that so many mages who looked like referees were actually not referees, they just came here to wait for someone who could complete the competition.

However, although Ragnar was very confident in his ability to carve coats of arms, he was still a little confused when he saw how enthusiastic these mages were - because he couldn't understand why these people were so enthusiastic.

Ragnar was a real man.

Ragnar was instinctively worried about this kind of enthusiasm that he didn't understand.

"Don't be so nervous." Seeing his embarrassment, Trengebut smiled and helped him out, "You just haven't realized your talent yet—you guys, stay away and recruit people. Don't make any noise in the examination room, the competition is not over yet!"

It can be seen that Trengebut is still very prestigious. After he spoke, many mages simply surrounded Ragnar and left the examination room first.

Of course, many people decided to stay and see if anyone else could complete the carving.

After leaving the arena, Ragnar can finally ask his doubts.

"What on earth do you want me to do? Engraving a coat of arms?"

"No, it's not a coat of arms." A capable woman who looked young explained to him, "It's a magic power circuit."

"What is that?" Ragnar was still confused, "Is it related to... magic?"

"Correct answer." The other party nodded with a smile, "Introduction, my name is Fuquelin, and I am the leader of the Forsbarrow Crop Breeding Project Team."

Ragnar didn't know what a crop breeding project team was, and he didn't know how valuable the title of person in charge was, but he, who was in frequent contact with nobles, could clearly see the status of this young woman among the many mages—— As she spoke, the chaotic situation around her quickly quieted down.

It seems... this is a very prestigious mage?

"It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Fauqueline." In this situation, Ragnar nodded slightly, and according to his usual habit, bowed to salute, "So, can you please tell me, this what is going on?"

"Of course." Fauqueline nodded enthusiastically, "The lines you carved just now are the magic power circuit - as you have seen, as long as you inject magic power into it, it can produce the predetermined effect."

"But I don't know magic!" Although he was prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help his heart sinking when he heard Fuquelin say this, "I mean, I'm not a demon...I'm not a mage."

The word demon-infested almost blurted out, but Ragnar corrected it in time.

"Not all magic needs a mage." Fuquelin heard half of his words, but she didn't have any dissatisfaction, she just shook her head with a smile, "Magic just looks magical, but if you are willing to understand If it does, then it also has rules to follow.”


Ragnar didn't know how to answer, because this sentence denied his past cognition, in his cognition, magic is dangerous, evil, and uncontrollable.

"Xianghongsu, have you ever eaten it?" Seeing Ragnar's emotion, Fauquelin gave an interesting example, "Even in Xiongdu, the price of Xianghongsu shouldn't be too high, right?"

"If you are talking about that kind of seasoning." Ragnar nodded blankly, "I should have eaten it."

"The place of origin of saffron is Fossbarrow." Fauquelin took out a red sage leaf from the bag at her waist and put it in her palm, "and the first batch of artificially planted sage leaves , I am responsible for breeding."

In the next moment, under Ragnar's astonished gaze, the fragrant red persimmon in Fuquelin's palm sprouted without warning.

"The cultivation of the first generation of Xianghongsu depends on magic."

After seeing this scene, Ragnar suddenly felt a little itchy in his throat.

Although rationality told him that the fragrant red persimmon that he ate a long time ago could not survive and take root in his stomach, he still felt uncomfortable in his throat.

"Sorry, this joke seems to make you a little uncomfortable." Seeing Ragnar swallowing again and again, Fauqueline clasped her right hand into a fist and put away the fragrant red soy, "The fragrant red soy you ate They were all planted by ordinary people, not the product of this kind of magic breeding——Xianghongsu’s industry is like this, using magic to develop and then universalize it.”

"So, what does this have to do with the magic circuit you just mentioned?"

"There are not enough mages. Some mages' jobs can be replaced by magic circuits, and you are the one who can carve complex magic circuits."

"Those lines are indeed rather weird, but to be honest, if you don't set a limit to complete and have more time, even the most dull apprentice can complete it."

"No, it must be a sum." Fauqueline corrected, "The turbulence of magic power everywhere in Runeterra will leave a magic mark after the engraving is exposed-have you seen the seal?"

Ragnar nodded.

One of his most important jobs is to engrave seals.

"If you are engraving a seal, you need to dip the ink pad once you engrave it. If you want to ensure that the engraving is clear, is it better to complete the engraving in one stroke?"

Ragnar blinked.

Although the behavior of "dipping inkpad after carving" is somewhat abstract, but if this is taken as the premise, perhaps there is nothing wrong with what Fauqueline said.

Or rather, there is a small problem.

"Where's the ink pad?"

"You're not a mage, so you can't feel it." Fauqueline shrugged, "Magic turbulence is everywhere."

Ragnar could only say that he understood what the other party meant, but he still couldn't understand.

"Magic theory is a complicated subject. You will learn it later. Although people without magic power cannot perceive the turbulence of magic power at all, and even the tide of magic power, you can still see it through some means— —Although the wind cannot be seen, at least the billowing sails can be seen.”

"In other words, my job is to carve those... magic power circuits?"

"That's right, in a short period of time, you can quickly and accurately carve magic power circuits." Fukline nodded, "Your talent and skills are amazing, to be honest, I have never seen it before, except for Her Excellency Laxana. Someone could carve magic circuits so fast and so firmly."

Ragnar was a little flattered to be suddenly compared with Her Excellency Laxana.

Even though he doesn't have a good impression of people in the north, and he is not used to mages, he still respects that Lord Laxana very much—when Her Excellency Laxana was still in Xiongdu, his father Tell him the story of Laxana.

Old Shi Yu once saw Laxana with his own eyes, and Laxana did not disdain him because he was a craftsman, but instead attached great importance to him and recognized his skills.

Even now that old Shi Yu's hands are shaking so much that he can't carry out fine carving at all, and he has completely handed over the work to his son, he will sometimes mention this glorious time.

And according to Fuquelin, Your Excellency Laxana is also very good at this kind of fine carving!

That's right, she is the founder of the Art Support Association, and she has a lot of research on sculpture!
If Fukline hadn't boasted too much, then she probably spent a lot of time on carving...

Although he didn't see Laxana, at this moment, Ragnar had a subtle sense of identification with her.

"So, are you interested in coming to the crop breeding project team?" While observing Ragnar's expression, Fauqueline formally sent out the invitation, "The scale of the crop breeding project team will be expanded a lot, and there will even be some Split, now is a good time to join."

"Here, can I think about it?"

"Yes, you can take your time to think about it." Fauqueline handed a piece of cardboard to Ragnar, "This is my business card, and I hope to choose the direction of crop breeding when Lord Laxana asks about your intentions." ..."

"Your Excellency Laxana will ask me personally?"

"Of course." Fauquelin nodded, "You are the number one engraver among all the coat of arms in Xiongdu!"


When the results were officially announced the next day, Ragnar actually met Laxana.

Not only Laksanna, Ino and Sona also attended the scene in person, and the Big Three of the North were present at the same time!

As the first place in the competition, when Laxana asked about her personal intentions, Ragnar did not hesitate at all, and directly reported the answer of the crop breeding team.

Although he answered cleanly and neatly, in fact, last night he struggled for a long time, because after Fukui Lin, many people also left him business cards, and when he returned home, he had an extra deck of cards in his hand. Card.

Moreover, those business cards clearly marked the subsidies they were willing to provide.

Marriage, accommodation, salary, holidays...

If it can be implemented, it will be a fairy day.

For a moment, Ragnar was even a little dazed.

However, when he asked his father's opinion, the old father pointed out the crux of the problem: "Among these people, who has the highest status?"


Ragnar, who was considering the treatment, was a little caught off guard, and after a moment of stupefaction, he remembered Fauqueline.

"This, Fauqueline."

"That's her." Old Shi Yu didn't hesitate at all, "The best heraldry carvers carve the royal family's coat of arms, and only those second-rate ones would consider earning money from the chamber of commerce."

Ragnar blinked when he heard the words, and then finally came to his senses.

That's right, why did I get lost for a moment? Since that Fuquelin seemed to be the highest status among all mages, and she also attached great importance to herself, so why should I hesitate?

In this way, when Ragnar reported the crop breeding project team to Lacus's question, Lacus nodded and glanced at Fuqueline who was sitting under the stage out of the corner of her eye.

After Fukline noticed Lux's gaze, she nodded imperceptibly.

This scene fell in the eyes of Ragnar, which was somewhat strange. After all, after Lacus reached the peak, his age was almost fixed. He still looks eighteen now, while Fauqueline is already 28. She looks like It's like an adult acting like a baby to a child.

"Then, the crop breeding project team." Looking away, Lacus pinned a medal on Ragnar's chest, "We are the breeding environment magic circuit sculptor—the first Xiongdu special magic circuit sculptor, Good job."

Ragnar puffed out his chest subconsciously.


Things like Ragnar's happened in many fields.

In other words, in the daily life and work of Xiongdu people, there are many things that are closely related to magic. The skill competition is a process of reordering various industries, and it is also a process of absorbing those industries that can assist in the production of magic. means in the production sequence.

As for the majority of ordinary citizens who are not engaged in related industries, at least cooking competitions and tailoring competitions have made them adapt to the amplification spells—if there are any competitions next year, maybe the projection spells will gradually be accepted by the public.

And this process is the beginning of the normalization of magic in Demacia.

Just like in Fossbarrow, the Archon spent a winter in Gaoxia to leave the Pinghu Lake, in Xiongdu, Lux and the Archon also need to prove the meaning of magic with practical actions, so as to get rid of the Demacians There has always been a stereotype about magic.

In terms of work, recruit people to participate in related work, and in life, let some harmless magic be promoted, step by step, gradually let magic appear in people's lives bit by bit, until the people are used to everything, Then completely justify the name of magic.

Lacus was not in a hurry. In order to completely digest the Xiongdu of Demacia, she even suspended the march of the army going south—this is not to say that she didn't know the reason why it is advisable to chase after the poor, but she knew very well that in the Xiongdu After it was taken and Jarvan IV surrendered, the rest of Demacia didn't even have a flag of rebellion.

Even better, because of the hard work of Jarvan IV, there is not even a single external force that can interfere in Demacia at this time...

If I have to say it, some Valoran principalities even have some subtle expectations for Lux's coming to power. For them, a Demacia who is not immune to demons may be a better trading partner.

In this way, during the two months when most of the nobles in Demacia were detained in Dawn Castle, the first professional skills competition in the capital of Demacia officially came to an end.

Among all the competition items, the contestants have redefined the order of the basic necessities of the public; and the items related to magic production have begun to be absorbed into the field of magic production.

A brand new order has finally taken shape here, and Demacia Xiongdu has once again recovered its prosperity.

And this also means that the trial and transformation of the nobles of Xiongdu will officially begin soon.

 Karya's Small Classroom Magic Turbulence and Elemental Tide:
  The ubiquitous magic power in Runeterra has the dual attributes of turbulence and tide. The former is the onlooker performance of magic power, while the latter is a macroscopic collection of elements.

(End of this chapter)

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