Lux's Farewell

747 [0736] The beginning of the trial of the century

As the northern border traveler went south all the way, winning consecutive battles, the clerks accompanying the army gradually became more comfortable with public trials.

The so-called first-time life and second-time acquaintance, after hanging nearly 200 nobles and their sidekicks, throwing more than 3000 people into prison, and sentenced more than [-] people to hard labor, the clerk has long since had no filter for the nobles. It can be said that it is a mirror, and it can only be described as familiar with the trial of nobles.

However, the trial of nobles in Xiongdu is not that simple.

In other places, the nobles are the owners and mergers of the land. The nobles and their offshoots directly manage the land, and at the same time collect rent and land taxes from the farmers. There is a huge contradiction between people and land.

In recent years, the upward channels of Demacia have been blocked and the economy has been declining year after year. The conflict between the two sides is quite intense. At this time, the trial of the nobles can be said to be welcomed by the people wholeheartedly.

What's more, after the trial of the nobles, the clerks will re-measure the land, determine the boundaries, allocate the land, and use the new land distribution to stipulate the new level of land tax. The farmers who have received benefits are naturally happy.

Who wouldn't like such a thing as dividing the fields?
Even if the number of clerks is still not enough, the management at the natural village level will temporarily rely on local prestigious old people and rich families, but this is enough for the farmers to spontaneously support the new order in the north.

However, the situation in Xiongdu is different from other places.

The nobles in Xiongdu don’t need to be exploited by themselves. Although most of the nobles in Xiongdu live a very extravagant life, it is their own fief that supports this luxury. Although they are in Xiongdu, they are in the right place. The people suck their bones and suck their marrow. For the people of Xiongdu, these nobles are the most important consumers.

If the experience from other places is mechanically brought to Xiongdu, the result will only be that the lips of the donkey are not right.

Theoretically speaking, if you want to achieve the effect of a local public trial, the nobles of Xiongdu should be sent to the local trial.

But for most Demacians today, in their cognition, it is not wrong for the nobles to obtain the benefits of their own fiefs.

Although the nobles of Xiongdu are also insects in nature, and even the local nobles and their offshoots are so exploited because of them, but there is a layer of separation between them after all--and, compared with the unscrupulousness of the local nobles, the nobles of Xiongdu are in personal In terms of self-cultivation, quite a few of them can only be described as pure and pure.

If they are sent to a place for trial, even the people who are deeply exploited by the local nobles and their offshoots will not be able to have any empathy and understanding for these "noble nobles being judged".

Demacia has been established for so many years, and the local lords have long been familiar with the management of their own fiefdoms. The main family enjoys and seeks benefits for their own fiefs in Xiongdu, while the side branches do dirty work with white gloves in the local area, which arouses public outrage. Take off the gloves if you are dissatisfied.

It's all those gangsters doing bad things, the lord is fine, after all, in those years when the harvest was not good, he even fought for tax exemption for us!
And this is the most troublesome place when trying the nobles of Xiongdu.

In fact, until they were detained in Dawn Castle, many people in the noble council were still sure that Lacus would cooperate with them, because even with the strength of the clerk's trial elsewhere, most of the noble council in Xiongdu would not Cannot be judged.

After all, Lux’s goal was never to completely deny Demacia in the past. Gaining local benefits after becoming a lord was the “righteous way” of Demacia in the past, and even Lacus started her own business with Fossbarrow’s fief Strength, since the hands of everyone in Xiongdu are not stained with the blood of innocent people, where can the trial start?

It's a pity that this confidence has finally worn away bit by bit with the passage of time.

One or two days, three or five days of detention will not shake them in any way.

But when they were coldly treated by Lux in the Castle of Dawn for more than two months, even those nobles who were sure that Lux could not do anything to themselves finally panicked.

On the one hand, they believed that it was impossible for Lacus to be punished without teaching, destroying the credibility of their new regime, and on the other hand, they were panicked by the long detention. In this entangled state, when the news that the trial was about to start was delivered At that time, these nobles relaxed instead.

What they're afraid of is that Lux really doesn't care about anything, and insists on trampling on the sky - as long as you are willing to judge, then we will be fine.

Maybe in the local area, you can judge nobles by annexing land and oppressing common people, but in Xiongdu, what convincing reasons can you come up with to judge those who did not commit these mistakes?

Lux also thought about this question for a long time.

As a nobleman with young roots, Lacus is actually very clear about the political operation logic of Demacia. She also knows that the nobles of Xiongdu are different from the local nobles. At the beginning, I didn't think that the trial of the nobles in Xiongdu should be the same as other places.

In this case, Lux has to face a question that is very difficult to answer in the eyes of most people——

What exactly is the "crime" of the nobles in Xiongdu?
However, for Lux, the answer to this question is very clear, the crime of the nobles of Xiongdu lies in exploitation.

It's just that this kind of exploitation is institutional, and it has always been there after Demacia officially became a country, and it is a part of Demacia.

It is also for this reason that the trial of the nobles in the capital of Demacia is more important than trials elsewhere, because it involves the evaluation of the old order of Demacia and the final conclusion of the old Demacia.

Only when old Demacia is justly given a clear verdict, can this country truly be reborn.

In this case, Lux's choice is to start from the beginning of old Demacia, from the establishment of this country.

She doesn't intend to completely negate old Demacia.

The trial against the nobles of Xiongdu does not require the people's hoarse denunciation.

Because of this trial, not only the nobles of Xiongdu were judged, but also the old Demacia that lasted for 800 years.

In this way, when the nobles who had been detained in Dawn Castle for more than two months were brought to the grand square, they were surprised to find that this place did not seem like a court.

As if the king was giving a speech, countless civilians appeared around the square. The depression they were secretly expecting did not appear. On such a serious occasion, there were even many small vendors selling snacks and drinking water——Northern Traveler who maintained order They have been specially divided into commercial areas, which seems to be quite handy for this kind of municipal management.

One nobleman after another was ushered to his reserved seats with a rare degree of respectability.

And there are also exclusive seats, as well as industry elites who have proved themselves after competitions. Some of them, like Kui Can, do not know the identities of these nobles, but are just curious about what "training" can be carried out together in all walks of life; There are also people who know many nobles like Ragnar, and wonder why they appear here.

Similarly, the nobles who took the seat had no idea what Lacus was going to do.

Amid the doubts of the crowd, Lacus finally stood on the podium in the center of the magnificent square.

"Citizens of the capital of Demacia, elites and competition winners of various industries, all walkers of the north, clerks and law-enforcers, and all the old nobles of Demacia, good morning."

"I hereby tell you that in the next few days, I will preside over the trial of the old nobles of Demacia. Just like the previous industry competitions, I will ensure fairness and impartiality."

"This trial will uphold the attitude of learning from the past and carrying forward the past to open up the future, examine the old nobles of Demacia, and make corresponding judgments. All witnesses and evidence during the period will also take justice as the first principle, and will never falsify, and will never No mercy."

"This trial is not only a judgment on the past of all the nobles, but also a retrospective and development of the history of Demacia. The ancestors of Demacia had a difficult journey and had the glory of the first generation. Today, at the intersection of this era, Demacia needs a comprehensive summary."

The opening remark after the amplification magic clearly appeared in everyone's ears. Beside Lux, the Hex magnetic gramophone purchased from Vazuan at a high price also started recording at the same time.

Most of the people are not aware of what Lux said. Even the industry elites sitting in the front row seem to be watching the excitement. As for the people outside, they drink water and eat melons. At most, he felt that Lux's words were quite down-to-earth, and didn't think too much about it.

In contrast, the northerners who participated in this trial—they who had received education in the northern border clearly understood the significance of this trial from Lux's words, even those who had been preparing for the trial for a long time Those who had known about this at the meeting for a long time couldn't help but feel excited and emotional.

As for the nobles sitting on the trial seat, after hearing Lux's opening remarks, they all couldn't help showing doubts, because this situation seemed to be different from what they had imagined, and although they couldn't clearly understand He could hear the full meaning of Lux's words, but at least instinctively felt that her tone seemed loud.

Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, the first person to be interrogated was brought to the dock.

When the people present saw his face clearly, there was a burst of low exclamations one after another.

They recognized the defendant.

Jarvan IV!


This one is really heavyweight.

It is not an exaggeration to say that when Jarvan IV stood on the dock, the entire grand square gradually quieted down—the people who were still holding melons were also stunned, and couldn't believe their own words for a while. Eye.

Isn't that... His Majesty the Emperor?

In the hearts of the people of Demacia, especially the people of Xiongdu, Jarvan IV is a great emperor. Even if you count the past kings of Demacia, Jarvan IV should be at the forefront.

After all, he once defeated the Noxians head-on in Tobyssia, and indirectly led to the disintegration of Demacia's old enemy.

Moreover, in the series of power centralization actions of Jarvan IV, due to the development of Shurima trade, the prosperity of Xiongdu has risen to a higher level. It seemed that Jarvan IV was undoubtedly a great king.

To put it bluntly, in the hearts of most people in Xiongdu today, Jarvan IV holds more weight. This weight comes not only from Jarvan IV himself, but also from the generational rule of the Guangdun family.

Jarvan IV himself knew this very well, so when Lux hoped that he could attend the trial and guarantee justice, he chose to accept it.

From Jarvan IV's point of view, he has a clear conscience. Everything he does is for Demacia, and there is nothing that cannot be made public. Even this trial may become a stage for him to question Lacus back!

So, when he walked up to the dock, Jarvan IV held his head high, as if he was a warrior about to duel, staring at the smiling Lacus with burning eyes.

"Your Excellency Jarvan IV." After Jarvan IV stood still, Lacus nodded to him, "Are you ready to face the trial that is about to begin?"

"Of course." Jarvan IV nodded, "Let's start, I want to know what angle you have to stand in order to judge me."

"Then, before the trial, I need to reconfirm a few principles." Lacus ignored the implicit aggressiveness in Jarvan IV's words, and said very calmly, "Would you like to guarantee that you will be responsible for yourself after the next trial?" I am responsible for every word in it, and guarantee that there will be no fraud, concealment, bluffing and misleading."

"I promise."

"Very good, then let's get started." Lux seemed very satisfied, "May I ask Jarvan IV, what kind of power does the king of Demacia have, and what obligations should he fulfill?"

Jarvan IV was taken aback by Lux's first question.

Although this question sounds very vague, according to the Demacian tradition, it actually has a standard answer.

"Lead the people of Demacia, lead the army of Demacia, guard the land of Demacia, and honor the name of Demacia."

This is the motto of the Lightshield family, and it is also the consistent inheritance of the King of Demacia. When Jarvan IV was a child, his father said these four sentences to him.

Not only Jarvan IV, these four sentences are so famous that even many commoners in Xiongdu have heard of them to some extent - Jarvan III sometimes mentioned it in the king's speeches in the past.

So, even though he didn't know why Lux asked this question, Jarvan IV almost instinctively gave a standard answer.

After hearing this answer, Lux nodded slightly.


It was exactly what she wanted.

Jarvan IV thought it was a trial like a local public trial, and he thought that he was not afraid of the shadow being crooked.

But in fact, Lux didn't care about drinking—this is indeed a trial, but there is a premise for the trial, which is to have a clear right and wrong first.

The right and wrong of the public trial in the past was so clear that Jarvan IV and other nobles did not realize a problem that was fatal to them.

Before a trial, right and wrong must be clarified, and if you want to clarify right and wrong, you must criticize.

Taking Xiongdu is a criticism of weapons.

In this public trial, it was Lux who took up the weapon of criticism.

This part is so hard to write...

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