Lux's Farewell

751 [0740] Open economy

751 [0740] Open economy
The transformation of the old aristocracy is just the beginning.

Although it is not easy to transform one's thinking, and it is not even three or five years to achieve the complete transformation of Demacia into New Demacia, but just like Jarvan IV's judgment, Lux is full of confidence in this.

As long as the local lords are insisted on public trial and the land is redistributed, the Demacian farmers who have obtained the land will definitely support the new order, even if they don't understand the historical significance of what Lacus said, and they don't know what the reciprocity of responsibility and power is.

Regardless of the prosperity of Xiongdu and the prosperity of all industries, looking at the entire Demacia, the main economic form is still based on agriculture. Farmers are the occupation of most Demacians. With their support and support, Lux There will be an opportunity to slowly carry out the next reforms.

Whether it is to develop education or apply magic to production and life, it requires a relatively stable environment.

As for whether the old nobles themselves will cause trouble...

Sorry, they don't have this ability.

The nobles who lost their private army have long since lost the ability to make troubles, and after the land is distributed, the nobles who have lost their economic foundation have no foundation to make troubles even if they want to make troubles.

Although it seems that Lux has not completely liquidated them physically, the old nobles will still quickly become rootless, and there will be no chance of making waves. Those who speak sour words can only say sour words in the end.

After completing the registration of the transformation intent of the main nobles, Lacus did not continue to lead the army south - the main force of the old Demacia has now been completely wiped out, there will be no large-scale battles in the south, and her more important task now is , is to stay in Xiongdu and preside over the economic production tasks under the new situation.


In Fossbarrow, in keeping with Kalya's usual line of thinking, the extent of the government's jurisdiction is astonishing.

Since technologies such as the breeding of fragrant red sage, the cultivation of hazelnut, and the breeding of Erniuk all came from the archons, and the first generation of archons were all students of Lacus, so the Forsbarrow government represented by Lacus, among the economic production occupies an extremely important position.

The technology for production is provided by the government, and the sales of production are arranged by the government.

Moreover, this is not only true of production, but also of life—in Fossbarrow, on the one hand, the government provides minimum guarantees for special groups of people, and on the other hand, it also conducts special procurement to provide Fossbarrow people with relatively stable prices. Affordable food and other necessities of life.

Although the trade in the northern border is in full swing, in fact, there are very few locals in Forsbarrow who do business. Most of the Forsbarrow people are more accustomed to carrying out various production activities under the guidance of the government.

The Fossbarrow people who grow the sage will sell the picked semi-finished sage leaves to the Fossbarrow government according to the purchase price, and then the Fossbarrow government will hand it over to the processing factory for primary and secondary processing , and then divided into different categories and sold together, or sold to Vazuan merchants, or sold to the south.

A large amount of profits have flowed into the hands of the government. Part of this part of the funds is used to maintain personnel expenses, part is used for public works, and part is used as special subsidies in various directions to attract immigrants and establish education.

Under Carya's painstaking plan, Fossbarrow achieved leapfrog development in this way.

The development of the past 15 years has proved that in the case of overall planning, various resources can be utilized to the greatest extent, so that the development of productivity is outstanding, and it can quickly change the backwardness of remote areas, as long as a strong growth rate is found point, then small-scale prosperity can be achieved.

However, while this policy is good, it is unlikely to be extended to the whole of Demacia.

In other words, the current Demacia is not enough to support its full promotion.

In fact, before a large number of military industrial projects were launched in recent years, as Fossbarrow's influence gradually radiated in the northern border, many problems had already appeared in this comprehensively planned economy.

Take hazelnut plantation as an example.

In order to maintain profits, the Forsbarrow government does not pay a high price for hazelnuts.

Although the price of dried hazel velvet sold in Xinfugang and sold to merchants in Vazuan has fluctuated, it still exceeds 17 hex per pound.

However, what is the purchase price of hazelnuts that have not been dried?
Fifty silver coins per pound, 0.25 gold hex.

It is known that the dry shipment ratio of velvet velvet is about 8 to 1. If the velvet velvet growers do not accept the unified purchase, but sell it directly to the merchants in Sun Fook Kong, then the same 8 pounds of fresh velvet velvet, their The payoff will be changed from 2 gold hexes to at least 17 gold hexes.

Although the drying of hazel velvet is more troublesome, such a huge gap is still exciting.

The first generation of Forsbarrow people still remember the hard times when Lacus didn't come. For them, the purchase price of [-] silver coins a pound was enough to satisfy them, but as the Xinfugang merchants became more and more More and more people are inevitably willing to send fresh or dried hazelnuts to Xin Fook Kong for sale.

For the Fossbarrow people, this boosts income.

But for the Fossbarrow government, this is their own wool - don't forget, the humus for hazelnut planting is to be piled up by the court in the shadow world. In order to support the cultivation of hazelnut, hazelnut When antler growers buy humus soil, they only pay for it symbolically.

Now you use humus soil purchased at a low price to cultivate hazelnuts, and then you skip the unified purchase and sell them directly to Xinfugang merchants. What is it not?
To solve this situation, there are undoubtedly two directions.

One is to open up the free operation of hazelnut, and at the same time cancel the relevant subsidies, and formulate relevant tax rates according to the actual situation, and leave it to the people to operate by themselves.

The other is to prohibit private sales and restrict Sun Fook Kong merchants from purchasing goods through channels other than the Fossbarrow government.

But, if you think about it carefully, you can see that neither will work.

Fully open and free operation means that the hazelnut growers have to bear a lot of additional risks, and greatly increase the operating threshold-many hazelnut growers don’t have much savings in their hands, so they spend a lot of money to buy humus , This is what forced them to give up hazelnut planting.

After calculation, if a family with an annual output of 50 pounds of hazelnut becomes freelance, their hazelnut sales income will change from 425 gold hex to an astonishing [-] gold hex.

However, in the absence of subsidies, the cost of purchasing humus soil for a family that produces 200 pounds of velvet per year will also exceed 5 gold hexadecimals, and this figure, under the circumstances of the existing subsidies, is not enough. to [-] gold hexes.

In the case of unified acquisition, hazelnut growers have minimal investment and with the unified support of the government, they can ignore sales problems, market fluctuations, and various risks, and start planting with the lowest entry threshold.

What about after switching to freelance business?

Those who can't spend two hundred gold hex a year are not qualified to engage in the hazelnut cultivation industry, and the threshold will be completely raised. This is obviously not what Fossbarrow wants to see.

And, don't forget, the existing hazelnut producers in the past, even if they have been working hard for five years, they can't save two hundred gold hexes just to maintain the lowest and starving expenses in these five years.

It has really opened up the free operation of hazelnuts, canceled subsidies and unified purchases, and the Fossbarrow government can indeed maintain fiscal revenue through taxation, but the hazelnut growers who have no money have only one way to reduce production. .

Well, if you have to say it, you can also borrow, but the current economic environment in Forsbarrow is not mature enough to support a mature banking industry, and private lending on such a scale, as long as the price of hazelnut fluctuates slightly, then A large number of growers can jump off the building with their families.

Open and free operation seems very fair, but in fact, it means adding a high threshold to a relatively mature industry that can provide employment for a large number of people and provide large fiscal revenue for Forsbarrow .

Considering that Fossbarrow still has a lot of hazelnut downstream industries (drying factories, grinding factories, etc.), if it is really open to free operation, that series of industries will suffer heavy losses.

So, why not simply legislate against the private sale of hazelnuts?

It seems that this is a good way to maintain, as long as we continue to maintain unified acquisition, unified processing, and unified sales, then everything can go on as usual.

But the question is, how to implement it?
Small-scale hazelnut sales only need one person, and one basket is enough. If you want to ban it, how many law enforcement officers are needed, and how specific law enforcement authority does the law enforcement officer have?
Doing so will not only make it difficult to grasp the boundaries of legislation, but also reduce the economic vitality of Sun Fook Kong in the process of law enforcement, which is not conducive to import and export trade.

Therefore, for this situation, Fossbarrow had to patch up and carry out dual-track reforms for industries that used a lot of government resources in the production process, including hazelnut and saffron.

Through the introduction of Sun Fook Kong market access permits, practitioners in these industries are given two paths—either accept subsidies and then make unified acquisitions; or give up subsidies, and then bear taxes and be responsible for their own profits and losses.

After the dual-track system is launched, growers who are willing to go to Xinfugang can go to the newly established free trade zone to sell individually, negotiate prices individually, pay for the booth fee and pay transaction tax by themselves.

Those who are willing to specialize in planting and do not want to bother can continue to subsidize planting and sell them in a unified manner.

Although this will still not completely eradicate the phenomenon of fleece, but at least it can significantly reduce the tendency of its spread and institutionalize it.


It is completely impossible to completely eradicate the wool of hazelnut growers in Fossbarrow, but looking at the entire Demacia, how is it possible to completely transform the production method into a Fossbarrow-style government-led one?

At the current stage, what Lux can do is to grasp the direction in the general direction and maintain the original state in most economic fields.

Specifically, Lux's presiding over economic production mainly follows the following three principles.

First of all, in the basic living industries involving the majority of Demacians, we must focus on maintaining the production and supply of the industry, and we must not affect the basic living materials due to the reform of economic production.

If necessary, the internal trades of these industries can be temporarily kept unchanged, and it is better to reduce fiscal revenue than to collect taxes indiscriminately.

Secondly, in the process of new economic production, it is necessary to modularly combine magic with the existing economy and production, and make changes step by step.

It is not only necessary to put magic into production, but also to make the work of ordinary people a part of magic production and organically combine the two.

In this process, it is necessary to consciously carry out a thorough reform of many industries that used to serve nobles, and give priority to serving magic-related fields, just like special carvings.

Finally, new economic production must establish internal organizations from top to bottom and bottom to top. The specific development of the industry can rely on the practitioners themselves, but the development direction of the industry must follow the direction and will of Demacia. There should be joint cooperation among them to avoid local protectionism.

This is the most important point, and also the most difficult to deal with, because in the past 800 years, the Demacians have become accustomed to different regions belonging to different lords, and each region is responsible for its own lord.

In the past, the economy and production of various regions highly followed the personal interests of the lords, local protectionism prevailed, the prosperity and decline of the industry itself completely depended on the will of the lords, and even the trade exchanges between various places were related to the noble transactions between the lords.

This situation has greatly restricted the economic development of Demacia. Because the nobles' fiefdoms are relatively closed, and they are often not large, and the industries are not complete. Under such circumstances, Demacia's business is quite closed. , all relying on the royal family's Xiongdu Trade Association for internal communication.

And after the northern border walkers went south and gradually took over Demacia from the old nobles, although Demacia will be divided into different administrative regions in the future, and each region will have its own local interests, it must not be the same as the past. The same as when it was time to carry out frenzied local protection.

You must know that in Demacia, although the weights and measures are unified, apart from the basic weights and measures, nothing else is unified.

Demacia's economy must be considered together!

At this point, it can be said that Lux has made a lot of preparations. When she was in the Northern Territory, the various industry associations in Fossbarrow played an important role in the integration process of the Northern Territory. Now Lux In Xiongdu, in addition to top-down legislation and reform, trade associations in various industries should also have bottom-up subjective initiative.

Therefore, in the next month, Lacus will have dinner with industry representatives from different industries every day. After this year's interns helped organize the national skills competition, the next year's interns will go to various industries to write investigation reports.

Looking at her densely packed itinerary and notes, Lacus was full of ambition.

 I'm so tired of writing... I always want to insinuate something, but fortunately I hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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