Lux's Farewell

752 [0741] 1st and 2nd generation

752 [0741] First and second generation

Lux is not the only one who is busy.

With the departure of the interns, the clerks who were temporarily seconded to Xiongdu were extremely busy.

Everything here is different from Fossbarrow and the North Territory. Many things that are normal in the eyes of the clerk have to be exhausted in order to carry out in Xiongdu.

Take the simplest population registration work as an example.

In Fossbarrow, three or five clerks can complete the population registration of a block in a few days-knock on doors from door to door, and then identify themselves, ask and fill out forms.

Then, according to the content on the form, compared with the data from the industry association, the school, and the internal public data of the clerks, courtiers, and northern walkers, a simple population database can be established in no time.

With this first-hand information, when the Fossbarrow government wants to mobilize something, it will naturally be easier.

However, in the Xiongdu of Demacia, the people showed more than expected resistance to population registration. During the population survey and registration process, they tried their best to conceal the report, as if they were afraid that the new emperor would take the opportunity to collect a wave of poll taxes .

In this case, even if Pender Patterson and his colleagues explain in various ways, the population registration in the area he is responsible for is quite slow.

Since Lacus had already considered resistance when implementing the population registration, the clerks did not have strict time requirements for this part of the work. Judging from the current progress, Pande should have enough time to complete the population registration work in the jurisdiction. But in his spare time, Pan De still can't help feeling emotional.

People in Xiongdu do not trust nobles very much.

In other words, people in Xiongdu do not trust their rulers.

In fact, as the first batch of excellent clerks who were seconded to the south to carry out local work, Xiongdu was not Pan De's first stop - after leaving his second son who had just turned one year old, his first stop was actually It's Pinara.

Although it used to be the front-line logistics base of the Xiongdu Front Army, after the northern border walkers occupied the city, tried the nobles, and distributed the land, the local citizens were quite positive about the follow-up population registration and other work.

Although the citizens of the city could not get the land, after seeing that the farmers got the land, and after Lux promised to reduce taxes, provide basic education, and open the northern market, the merchants and handicraftsmen of Pinara paid great attention to the clerks. , the attitude can be said to be quite welcoming.

In Pinara, Pan De successfully completed the work he was in charge of and handed it over to his successor. Then he went south with the army and became the first batch of clerks to work in Xiongdu.

As a result, in Xiongdu, Pan De encountered many troubles that he had never encountered before, and the core of these troubles was the instinctive resistance of the people of Xiongdu.

In his spare time, Pan De heard from his colleagues that before the start of the industry skills competition, there was a pilot census organized by the Northern Frontier Pioneer Group, but the resistance was even greater at that time. Although the residents of Xiongdu were full of fear of the clerks , but they are still unwilling to cooperate with the work, and sometimes they even talk nonsense with their eyes open-only when the Northwalker is present, they can obey.

Many people said in private that this was caused by the lack of corresponding punishment measures, and Her Excellency Laxana was too tolerant of these Xiongdu people with their nostrils upturned.

After the public trial, this kind of statement became even more popular for a while. After all, except for a few bastards who hated dogs, most of the nobles survived well and were not directly hanged like those insects in the northern border. Some people even hinted that this may be because Her Excellency Laxana lived in Xiongdu for a period of time and was close to the people of Xiongdu.

Maybe those nobles really didn't do evil, but if they don't do evil...they can't be cleaned up?

Just confiscation of property, distribution and transformation, can this completely change the attitude of the people in Xiongdu?

The previous experiments have proved that if a group of people are not dealt with, the people of Xiongdu will not be completely obedient. It is impossible to quickly rebuild order in a short period of time just relying on the way of benevolence!

However, Pan De knew very well that these rumors were pure nonsense.

Get close to the nobles of Xiongdu?
Do not make jokes.

If it is said to be close, wouldn't Her Excellency Laxana be closer to the crown guard of Mithril City?

But did that prevent many people from being hanged in Mithral City?
Those impetuous guys really didn't realize that during the internal meeting, in addition to urging work, Her Excellency Laxana also emphasized the work requirement of "the statute of the Northern Territory must be popularized while surveying the population"?
I don't know where all these silly books have gone. Didn't Your Excellency Laxana make it clear that you must first make an appointment, and then make a statement!
You see, it won't be long before many people who have been brought to public trial before will soon be taken to Hongwei Square for the second time—otherwise, why would the temporary court in Hongwei Square be closed after the public trial? Not demolished?
Counting it, it has been ten years since Pan De became a clerk. During this period, his biggest feeling is that although Her Excellency Laxana has always upheld the attitude of "telling everything to others", many times, some Things still need to be conveyed through more subtle means.


Pan De's judgment is still very accurate.

With the completion of the population registration, the second round of public trial of Grand Plaza will begin soon.

This time, there was no fanfare, and Lux ​​herself was not there in person.

However, after the public trial, the newly transformed Xiongdu Prison welcomed more than 50 new residents, and the one with the lightest crime will live here for five years and three months.

Although the temporary trial seat in the grand square was quickly dismantled, and the subsequent public trial will be held in the duel hall, but the two public trials formed a very sharp contrast. Only then did the people of Xiongdu and the old nobles realize that Laksana Your Excellency does not seem to be as gentle as she seems.

In other words, under her smile, there is an astonishing sense of justice—she doesn't seem to care what the people of Xiongdu think.

After the second round of public trial, it was much easier for the clerks to carry out their work. Pan De's team was rewarded because of their good work performance, and became the first batch of members who confirmed that they would stay in Xiongdu. From secondment to transfer.

Under such circumstances, Pan De came up with a bold idea.

Although the eldest son is going to school soon, and he had already contacted his teacher before leaving Xinfu City, but after confirming that he could stay in Xiongdu, he decided to take his family over and let the eldest son live in Xinfu City. Xiongdu School began to study.

You should know that although the compulsory education school in Xiongdu will start next year, and the previous population survey specifically counted the number of school-age children, when it comes to the quality of teaching, Xiongdu may not be comparable to the northern border.

But in Pan De's view, the development of Xiongdu may be significantly better than that of the northern border in the future - as the first batch of clerks to enter Xiongdu, he has been keenly aware of the huge development potential of Xiongdu.

It if he had entered Forsbarrow for the first time from Mithril.

As a clerk who graduated early, Pan De knows what a first-mover advantage is. In the class he graduated, most of the graduates got jobs that fit their wishes, and a large proportion of clerks were recruited. Guys who didn't study at all in school had a huge advantage in the clerk's assessment compared to adults who studied at night school!
But what about the last few years?

The newly recruited clerks in the past few years can be said to be really horrific - the Xinfugang Wharf Office where Pan De is located, the ratio of recruitment of clerks for most positions has reached the point of [-] to [-].

This is still on the premise that the requirements have been relaxed and a large number of training positions have been increased.

Although a large part of the reason is that the job benefits in the port area are better, the working environment is better, and it is easier to get in touch with new things, but it is not difficult to see from this that after 15 years of compulsory education, the competition in the northern border is becoming visible to the naked eye. became intense.

When his own child graduated, Pan De really didn't know if that bastard would still be able to pass the clerk examination.

It is true that with the gradual increase in the production of magic, besides clerks, Fossbarrow also has many more and more popular occupations, but in Pender's view, becoming a clerk should be the best choice for his children. He heard People have said that peak climbers have a long lifespan, so if their children can become clerks, they will also work under Lord Laxana, and the future is quite bright.

Following this line of thinking, Pan De very much hopes that he can work in a place where his children's competition pressure is less and the future is smoother.

In this case, is there a better choice than Xiongdu?
Although theoretically speaking, other cities and villages in Demacia will provide a large number of clerk positions in the future, and there will be a lot of room for development in the future, but as the first batch of clerks seconded to the south, Pan De knows very well what those cities and villages need. Need to work hard!
There is indeed a lot of room for development there, but the difficulty of the work may also be very high.

Several of Pan De's classmates are working in Secret Silver City, and some of them are even latecomers, and their ranks are higher than Pan De's now, but Pan De does not envy them at all, because these clerks have to work with Archons, Together with the Archon's auxiliary construction team, they sorted out the water conservancy system of Miyin City, and started to carry out the pilot work of magic planting.

That work intensity...

If the people of Xiongdu didn't cooperate with the census, they would at most make Pan De angry, but doing things like water conservancy in the northern border was a real hardship!

Pan De himself didn't mind suffering, otherwise he wouldn't have applied for a job in Xinfugang, which was poor at the time and had only simple cities and tube buildings, after graduation.

After all, before going to school, he had worked as a porter in the port area of ​​Miyin City.

But he really doesn't want his son to work with the construction team and breeding team to promote magic planting in rural fields one day. If possible, he hopes that his two sons can work in the capital of Demacia in the future.

After coming to work in Xiongdu, although Pan De is very tired from work during the day, he often misses home at night, misses his naughty eldest son, and misses his youngest son who just turned a year old and crawled on the ground.

After work every day, when he returned to the temporary dormitory, he would look at the map of Xiongdu hanging on the wall while eating.

In Pan De's view, Xiongdu's geographical location is far better than any other place in the northern border.

This is the place where great rivers meet, where the Tobysia River and the Meilan River flow into the sea, with excellent water transport conditions.

In the west of Xiongdu, the hydrological environment of Xiongdu Bay is even better. The entire Xiongdu Bay even faintly resembles the inner lake of Mithril City. Many southern rivers converge here, and it is a natural shipping distribution center.

Coupled with the fact that Xiongdu is a bit hot in summer but not cold in winter, Pan De, who has worked in Xinfugang for ten years, is very clear about the future of trade development here. It is no exaggeration to say that compared with Xiongdu, Forsbarrow The natural conditions can only be described as slag.

In the past, in the hands of the nobles of Demacia, Xiongdu was the political center, economic center and cultural center of Demacia, but it has not fully fulfilled its amazing development potential. Now Her Excellency Laxana has clearly expressed that For the importance attached to Xiongdu, and even to maintain the stability of Xiongdu with a misunderstanding and compromise attitude, Pan De can naturally understand the astonishing development prospects of Xiongdu in the future.

Perhaps in the hands of Your Excellency Laxana, the leapfrog development of Xiongdu will be more dazzling than Fossbarrow's miracle in the north.

Let the children come to Xiongdu to study now and work in Xiongdu in the future. Even if they fail to pass the exam as a clerk, the future development space will be far better than rolling in Forsbarrow!

Full of expectations and longings, Pan De wrote a letter to his family immediately after confirming the transfer, hoping that his wife could live in Xiongdu with their children.

In the letter, he shared his feelings with his wife very excitedly, and focused on his plans for the future of his two children—he even mentioned the art education in Xiongdu, although the northern border also has its own unique artistic style, But when it comes to artistic background, it is far from being comparable to Xiong.

(Art education is the only field of education in Xiongdu that can surpass the compulsory education in the northern border, and the other is military education for nobles.)
If the third child is a girl, perhaps Pender and his wife will still be able to support her in some courses that cannot be taken in the North, such as professional art education.

After writing thousands of words eloquently, Pan De quickly received a reply from his wife.

For Pan De's decision, his wife is very supportive - as if after graduation, after learning that Pan De went to Sun Fook Kong, she took the initiative to choose to go with her.

However, Pan De's father-in-law seems to have a subtle prejudice against Xiongdu. This old man used to be a member of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, and he is a real "old Fossbarrow man". years before retiring.

In his opinion, the people of Xiongdu are a bunch of tricksters, and if children go to live in Xiongdu, they will be infected with the bad habits there.

Therefore, the wife said in the reply that the father is being stubborn, and the youngest son is not easy to toss, or else wait a little longer.

And Pan De replied quickly, saying that now is the best time to move to Xiongdu, and his father's dissatisfaction is mostly because he is reluctant to part with his grandson, so that he can actually come to Xiongdu...

After a lot of tugging, Pan De finally convinced his wife, and his wife convinced his father-in-law. Before winter came, the whole family set off south and moved to live in Xiongdu.

It was also after Pan De's family arrived in Xiongdu that he was stunned by news.

Fifteen years later, another change occurred in the Freljord Icefield. After receiving an early warning from the Avarosa tribe, all three towns in the northern border entered a state of martial law.

 Open a new copy!

(End of this chapter)

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