Lux's Farewell

Chapter 753 [0742]

As trade in the northern borders gradually became the norm, the intelligence team operating together with the caravan has set out from the Freljord Peninsula, all the way eastward, entered the Raxstark Plain, and walked through the West Freljord. large areas of the Freljord and the Freljord Peninsula.

Although it was just collecting information, sorting out travel notes, and passing through some villages and settlements, the current Fossbarrow is no longer as blind to the Freljord as it used to be.

Of course, if you want to know more... that's not enough, after all, the focus of the work is in the south. For Lux, the Freljord is her important trading partner, and she needs to be careful to hide her enemies.

The main goal of the intelligence group is to prepare for a rainy day.

But now, with the return of Iva and the news of Lax Stark City, Lax, who was still in charge of economic work in Xiongdu, preparing to refine the organization of clerks, and assign follow-up tasks, had to leave immediately and return to the city. Forsbarrow.

At the same time, Ino also received the news, speeding up the pace of going south to take over the city - she must end the war as soon as possible, and then gather up the team, in order to let the northern border walkers who are running all the way get a rest.

Because if the information is true, then for at least the next year, Demacia's main focus will be on the north.

So, what information did the intelligence team in Rakstark send back?

There are two pieces of information.

The first is this: "A large number of unknown creatures appeared in the east of the Freljord. The Ashe and Avarosa tribes were elected as the leaders of many tribes, and they will go to the west to fight against powerful enemies."

This kind of information is actually of little value, because the situation in the Freljord can only be said that there is no large-scale war, all kinds of wandering tribes and looters are still rampant everywhere, the ice trolls have never been honest, and Ashe She is a leader who upholds the will of Avarosa and is not good at conquest. Once any tribe is too strong, she will be elected as the leader and go to suppress it.

Of course, although it is said to be repression, in fact Ashe seldom uses force. Most of the time she plays the role of peacemaker-she is in the prime of life at this time, and the Avarosa tribe is also trading in the northern border. She has grown further under the nourishment of her, so most of the surrounding tribes will give her some face.

Moreover, Ashe has also mastered the means of influencing other tribes through the outflow of some materials without a teacher. The Avarosa tribe has a good combat power, and others cannot snatch them. Only by trading.

Although the fragile tribal transactions in the Freljord now rely entirely on Ashe's own prestige and means, which is purely a strongman order, compared with the past, the Rakstark Plain has indeed obtained a rare peace.

Therefore, the first news did not attract too much attention. Even the Fossbarrow intelligence team that received the news just routinely sealed up the news, and then sent a messenger to deliver it to the south-this level of daily news, even There is no qualification to toss dragons and birds.

However, a month later, Ivar returned again, and this time it sent a message that made everyone in the Forsbarrow intelligence team feel like they were facing a big enemy.

"The Avarosa coalition forces returned in a big defeat, and Ashe himself seemed to be seriously injured. According to the defeated, those monsters are a twisted collection of all horrors, and they are continuously gushing out of the abyss, and the number is endless , No matter how powerful the fighters are, they will be overwhelmed by them and become part of them."

"Although Ashe once showed up and claimed that the problem has been solved and the monsters will not spread westward, judging from the state of the remnant soldiers and defeated generals, this is most likely just a reassuring rhetoric."

"Because the mental state of the people who returned to Rakstark is very problematic, it is difficult for the intelligence team to collect information, because as long as the battle or the failure is mentioned, the experiencer is likely to collapse instantly like a sudden illness. "

"The intelligence team can only piece together some inaccurate descriptions from the rambling scattered sentences."

"The keywords are as follows:"








The news sent back by the intelligence team was a bit too scary. Although the final news said that Lakstark was theoretically safe, and Ashe also claimed that the monsters had been brought under control, according to the internal vote of the intelligence team, they decided to release a red Early warning signal, send this message back to Forsbarrow in multiple batches, hoping to get attention.

After getting the news, the Fossbarrow intelligence team didn't dare to neglect at all, and quickly changed hands and sent Iva to Xiongdu - when Iva's huge body appeared in the sky of Xiongdu without any concealment, even It also caused a sensation, and the clerks had to work overtime to post notices to appease the people.

Lacus got the news from the intelligence team at the first time, and then she was stunned.

The people in the keyword intelligence team can't understand them, but can Lux fail to understand them?
Purple, Aurora, Crack, Bug, Devour...

It cannot be said that it is quite similar to Icacia's Hernia of the Void, it can only be said that it is exactly the same.

The Freljord has void rifts too? !
If that's the case... then it's really troublesome!

The gap in the void that sealed Icacia back then relied on the Shurima Empire's huge Ascendant Legion and the monolithic fortress that was built with all the effort of the whole country, but in the end it just barely closed the gap in the void.

Now if the ground in the Freljord is also cracked... how can a monolithic fortress be built?
Now the production of magic in Demacia can only be said to be in the embryonic stage. If we don’t rely on unity to produce production and gather the strength of thousands of people in the Monolith Fortress, how much strength can mortals exert when facing the void? ?

Or, now we can only let Karya show off his old face and gather the dark descendants?
But when the darkin face the void again, will they generously ask for relief, or will they degenerate completely?
Frowning, Lacus immediately found Karya, who had become more relaxed recently, and gave him the information directly.

After reading the information, Karya's brows were also tightly furrowed on his mask.

"This is not easy." He shook his head. "If the ground is cracked and Runeterra and the Void are connected, then no one will be able to stop the expansion of the Void."

Kalya spoke a very astonishing fact in a very calm tone, his tone was so natural that Lacus could even hear it as a matter of course.


"So now that the intelligence team can still send back news, it proves that Runeterra and the Void are not fully connected. Something stopped them, and didn't the intelligence team also say that Ashe said they could not spread westward."

"That might just be reassuring rhetoric."

"But you can only believe it now and prepare according to this situation." Carya nodded, "If it's just a small-scale appearance of void creatures, or some teleportation points are exposed between Runeterra and the void , as long as the appropriate method can be adopted, the contact between the two parties can also be severed."

"How to do it?"

"Use high energy to destroy the stability of space and form a barrier separated by space turbulence." Kalya seems to be familiar with this, "Of course, before that, we must first clean up the void that has come to the Freljord Creatures, especially sentient void creatures, and destroy the anchor completely."

"It's easy to solve the problem of destroying the stability of space." Recalling the content of energy units in her advanced element introduction study, Lux nodded lightly, "Cleaning up void creatures is easy to understand, but destroying anchor points... This is another what happened?"

"To put it simply, if the Void wants to connect with Runeterra, it must have a positioning anchor point. This anchor point can be a person or something else. It must be completely eliminated before it can be cut off. The connection between the void and Runeterra."

"Is someone attracting Void's attention?"

"Probably so." Kalya nodded again, "But that's not the point. It's not difficult to destroy the anchor point. The real difficulty is how to clean up the void creatures."

"Void creatures... are they difficult to deal with?"

In Lux's impression, void creatures should not be considered powerful. Among the past events about the Icacia campaign that Carya told, the most dangerous thing has never been the overwhelming void worms, but the earth. The fatal erosion of the void after cracking, it can easily turn everything into the nourishment of the void like digestive juice.

"There are no large-scale void creatures in Runeterra now." Seeing Lux's doubts, Kalya couldn't help but shook his head, "You really haven't seen void creatures overwhelming the sky and overwhelming the sky. When you sealed the void rift At that time, the Monolith Fortress was bombarded for three months to clean up the blocked void creatures."

Hearing this time, Lux finally widened her eyes.

"How much, how long?"

"Three months." Kalya stretched out three fingers, "Keep the Monolith Fortress in suspension mode, the air force guards are dispatched in turn, the engineering team does its best to maintain and avoid overloading, bombing day and night, it takes three months to survive. Kan cleared a hole to close the rift."

At this moment, Lux's face was a little stiff.

"The most troublesome problem with void creatures is that they follow a unified will." Carya continued to explain, "No matter how elite the army is, command and action will inevitably be delayed, and everyone will have their own considerations. But void creatures don't. Although the void beasts you see living sporadically in the desert are no different from ordinary beasts, as long as they enter the state of protecting the void passage, their minds will become one. .”

"Do they have a commander?" Lux pursed her lips, "You said before that there is something called a monitor."

"Maybe it's the commander, maybe it's not." Kalya shook his head lightly, "It's hard for a mortal to think about everything in the void with his own mind, even for me, I just have some subtle perceptions, the will of the watcher may not necessarily belong to the watch The attackers, and even the monitors are likely to be part of the void... The decapitation tactic is effective, but it can only curb the actions of the void creatures for a short time. The key is to clean up the void creatures guarding the void teleportation point."

"That's really too bad." Hearing what Kalya said, Lux could only sigh helplessly, "Demacia is more than ten thousand miles away from East Freljord. At this distance, the most elite It is impossible for the snowfield walkers to go to support."

"Actually, it's not impossible." Carya's face showed a bit of a smile, "If there is a monolithic fortress, it is thousands of miles away, and it is not a problem."

"It's easy for you to say." Lacus's expression was subtle, "With Demacia's magic industry capabilities, it would be difficult to build a magic stone fortress with a full set of facilities, and a monolithic fortress..."

"Demacia does not have this ability yet, but as far as I know, there is a ready-made monolithic fortress in one place." Carya stood up and pointed to a corner of the map on the wall, "In Ixtar, Iva It has been confirmed that there are still a lot of monoliths there."

"The legacy of the Shurima Empire?"

"There should be no second organization that will spend a lot of money to build a monolithic fortress."

"So, do you want to show off your face as a highly respected person again?"

"No, my face may not be good for Ixtar." Kalya shook his head lightly, "Or, even if I still have some face, the Ixtar people may not be willing to take it." Get out of Monolith Fortress."

"Why?" Lux obviously didn't understand. "Isn't the Monolith Fortress built to fight against the void? Ixtar shouldn't understand the principle of cold lips and teeth?"

"If it's just a fortress, then maybe they will give their own conditions for the sake of Runeterra." Kalya shrugged, and his tone was a little more hateful, "But it's a pity that those bastards have already defeated the monolith. The fort has become their private castle, relying on my face, I am afraid it is not enough for them to contribute the Monolith Fortress."

"Private castle?"

"As a military fortress, in addition to its military functions, the monolithic fortress also has a good rest camp, and the monolithic material itself is also a very precious pure elemental material. After the threat of the void is gone, the monolithic fortress can be used as an energy material , of course it is quite useful.”

Although Kalya said "naturally", Lacus could clearly see that Kalya's appearance was quite unnatural. Based on her understanding of her teacher, he was afraid that he had already written those thoughts in the little book in his heart. The names of the Thar people are painted with red crosses all over.

"So, if you want to get the Monolith Fortress, don't you rely on borrowing?"

"Of course not." Kalya snorted, "I dismantled the Monolith Fortress to use it as an energy source, and still want the storage fee? I have to calculate the depreciation fee!"

"But I can't leave here for the time being..."

"No need for you." Kalya was already prepared, "There is no need for Ino, the situation in Demacia must be stabilized, and the pace of industrialization of magic can also be suspended. You must ensure that there will be no trouble, as long as Shivana is with me .”

The target ahead, Ixtar.

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