Lux's Farewell

Chapter 755 [0744] Dragon Management Regulations

Although she was critical of Kalya's plan, when a team of elemental mages rushed to the scene, Shyvana turned into a dragon form and pretended to look around.

And because Shivana's giant dragon is relatively slender, and it doesn't match up with ordinary elemental dragons, so in the eyes of these elemental pickets, this should be an elemental dragon.

So, they immediately looked at Karya who was beside Shivana.

"Elemental picket." The leading elemental mage took out a shiny badge with obvious elemental reactions, and shook it in front of Kalya, "Why did you land here? The farmland does not allow Yalong to land. Are you going to pay a fine?"

(At the same time, Shyvana recognized that she was an elemental dragon, and her eyes followed the elemental emblem as if instinctively—of course, it was just a look, and other than that, she just shook her neck.)
"Sorry, sorry!" Kalya shook her head lightly, showing a look of trepidation, "Just rest on the edge, eat something, and take off into the city immediately."

"What's the number of the sub-dragon?" Seeing that Kalya hadn't taken off his mask, the element picker gradually became puzzled, "Or, this dragon hasn't been registered yet?"

"I just brought it back from outside." Karya shook his head, "There is a large volcano on the other side of the barren hills..."

"It is no longer allowed to bring elemental dragons back outside, don't you know?" The headed elemental picket raised his brows, "There was a notice last year!"

"Last year?" Carya's tone was full of grievances, "I was fine when I left last year, why wasn't I allowed to come back from the outside..."

"The bumpkins outside are always spying on the rainforest, and it is forbidden to tame dragons from the outside, just to avoid the exposure of a daredevil like you." The elemental picket snorted, "Why, are you going to disobey the order of the elemental council?"

As if to prove his words, the other party also found a document with the seal of the Element Council from the document bag at his waist, and showed it in front of Kalya—the text on it was slightly different from the ancient Shurima language. There are differences, but Karya can still read easily.

As the elemental picketer said, the Elemental Council has officially demarcated a legal dragon training area since [Elemental Calendar 2984]. Outside this area, civilians are prohibited from domesticating wild dragons. Giant dragons, elemental drakes, and other dragon-blooded creatures with more than 25% elemental drake blood.

"I, I dare not." Karya's tone became more and more aggrieved, "But when I left, there was no such thing, and Shivana is really good, she won't make trouble, as long as you register, It's no different from a normal elemental dragon..."

While speaking, he took out a few ancient Shurima gold coins from his waist, put them among the documents, and handed them back to the element picketer.

The element picker glanced at the shape of the gold coin, hesitated for a moment, and finally snorted.

"The volcanic area of ​​the Barren Hills?"

"Yes, yes." Karya nodded hastily, "There is a huge extinct volcano there, and the mountain pass is full of magma lakes."

While speaking, Kalya took out a map of Shurima, gestured to the location of the barren hills and mountains, and handed it to the other party—of course, he also sandwiched a few gold coins in the map, Still an antique model from Shurima.

"You're lucky." Not knowing whether he was looking at the map or the gold coins, the elemental inspector finally nodded after pondering for a while, "Fortunately, you didn't go directly to Ixoken to register recklessly."

Hearing what the other party said, Karya's expression under the mask remained unchanged, but his tone became more relaxed.

"Thank you very much, thank you very much." He thanked Shyvana while thanking him, "Thank you, Mr. Picket, for helping me, the unlucky guy who delayed the registration time."

"This is not an example." The element picket snorted, "This is in Parasa, another place, even if someone wants to help you, it can't be done!"


Under the influence of ancient gold coins, Shivana finally obtained a "reissued" identity document at the element inspection office in Parosa as a "domestic elemental dragon". The document described her form in great detail. And printed with anti-counterfeiting elements imprint.

With this certificate, Shyvana is eligible to land in a specific area in the city of Ixtar—of course, Kalya needs to pay a considerable fee for her every time she lands.

Unlike Shivana, Kalya, a living being, does not need any identification. It seems that Ixtar only cares about the household registration of the elemental dragon, and doesn't care much about the household registration of people.

For this situation, Kalya is naturally happy to see the results. Of course, if the other party must insist on checking Kalya's identity, Kalya also has a place to entrust her household registration, but if there is one less inspection, at least one less will be lost. The link that may go wrong!

In this way, Kalya and Shyvana, one person and one dragon, can finally enter the various cities of Ixtar reasonably and legally.

So, after Parosa exchanged the ancient gold coins for some of Ixtal's Jintar and Silver Tak, Karya and Shivana left the border city of Parosa, took off and continued southward, heading straight for Ixtar His capital is Xaokan.

Compared with Kalia's time, the current location of Ixaocan has changed slightly-specifically, the city has moved a certain distance to the north.

In Carya's impression, the city of Ixaocan should be located in the east of the shady jungle, not far from the coast of Emmona.

However, the current city of Ixaocan has moved to the northeast of the shady jungle, more than a hundred miles north, completely away from the coast of Emmona.

Under such circumstances, Karya naturally wondered why the city moved north, but when he and Shyvana continued south and were about to approach the former site of Ixoken, they found that it had been occupied by a larger and stronger city. The barrier was covered, and the Ixtars seemed to hide something inside, and private entry was forbidden.

Kalya did not force her way in, but turned back north, landed outside the city in the dark, and entered the city of Ixaucan in human form the next day.


Although Yuparoza walked around in a circle while processing her identity, when Shivana was really in Ixoken, she still had a feeling of being dizzy.

In Shyvana's eyes, this is undoubtedly a magical and charming city, not only because of the buildings with special aesthetic feeling and pedestrians with unique clothing styles, but most importantly, in Ixaocan, magic— —Specifically, elemental magic—seems to have been infiltrated into every detail of life very naturally.

On the street, sanitation teams wearing uniform uniforms are in unison. The front one controls a small whirlwind, gathering all the garbage and dust together; while behind him, the road the second person walks on will become Wet; then a third person would mend the breaks in the road, filling in the unevenness of the pavement with crumbled rocks and making it one with the original pavement.

On both sides of the road, the work of residents from all walks of life is also closely related to the elements.

The chef and the blacksmith freely manipulated the flames, while the assistants around them helped blow the wind.

In the tailor's shop, one after another of ordinary-looking elements, after the magic of the element refiner, soon became radiant, making people feel like they are in a dream at a glance.

The mansion on the corner of the street is being renovated, and the renovation process is exactly the same as when Fossbarrow assembled the archons to do the project. Various elemental mages gathered together and quickly added bricks and tiles to a building according to the existing design. The progress is astonishingly fast.

It seems that the residents of Ixocan are very familiar with elemental magic. They have mastered a large number of means to apply elemental magic to daily production and life practices. Many tasks that are difficult for ordinary people to complete are in their hands.

Shyvana is also well-informed, but even in Vazuan, Hex Technology is not so convenient.

Even when she was taken by Karya and sat on the second floor of a restaurant next to the window, her gaze was unwilling to move away from the window, so that Karya had to do the whole process of ordering.

After carefully observing the living conditions of these Ixtars, she even came up with a rather subtle idea.

"Mr. Carya, is this the society you expect?"

However, to Shyvana's surprise, when she asked this question in a low voice, Kalya shook her head slightly, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Shyvana.

"Although I am also very surprised by the appearance of Ixtar now." Kalya touched his chin, "but if it is compared with what I is still far away."

"Why?" Shyvana took a sip of the tea in her cup, her eyes lit up, "Well, this tea is amazing, it seems to contain the power of elements!"

"Applying magic to production and life is naturally what I hope to see." Kalya didn't drink the tea in his cup, "However, this requires a gradual process, like Ixtar who forcibly mounts... I'm afraid it's not a good thing!"

"Forcibly mounted?" Shyvana was a little puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Look carefully at the blacksmith guy across the street." Kalya raised her chin, motioning Shivana to look across the street, "That guy who controls the flames while swinging the hammer."

"His skills are very skilled." Shivana watched the other party swing the hammer for a while, and didn't understand why Kalya said that. "I don't know the forging skills, but it seems that he has good control over the elements."

"Is the elemental control ability really good?" Kalya shook his head lightly. "In fact, his forging skills are really good, but the elemental control skills are not good, and many places have even been reworked."

"This..." Shyvana didn't quite understand, "But I see his flames are obviously hot and stable. It's not easy to have such a stable supply of magic power!"

"If his elemental control is really good, then he should be targeted instead of overdrawing his magic power like now." As Kalya spoke, the other party had already put the forged embryo into the furnace and turned around. Picking up a big tea mug, he began to drink vigorously, "It's not something that a person with strong elemental control would do."

" he's just using elements routinely?"

"That's right, a routine." Kalya nodded, "or in other words, a formula or an axiom."

Shyvana blinked, confused.

"You have learned the introduction to elemental magic." Kalya continued, "The control of elemental magic is complex and multi-dimensional. Microscopically, it is manifested as a magical turbulence with elemental reactions, and macroscopically, it is regarded as an elemental gradient. .”

Shyvana nodded - this was indeed what Kalya told him, although because she hadn't learned the introduction to advanced elements, Kalya didn't explain this part to her in detail, especially the part about elemental turbulence, but At least this part was mentioned before.

"The control of elemental magic is the fuzzy control of the turbulent flow of magic power and the precise construction of elemental gradients."

"The stronger the control, the more precise, accurate and rapid the above adjustment level."

"But the blacksmith on the opposite side obviously doesn't have this ability. He remembered a method to achieve the control effect of a specific element in a specific environment, and then used it as an aid to his work."

Shyvana blinked.

Then, after continuing to observe for a while with the idea of ​​verification, after all the dishes Kalya had ordered were served, she had to admit that it seemed that Teacher Kalya was right.

The other party did not have magic control. Although it seemed that the other party was using elemental magic, specifically, his behavior was no different from activating a magic-forbidden stone tablet engraved with a magic circuit.

"It's actually like this!" After realizing this, Shivana was full of doubts, "But then again, it's probably not an easy thing for a person who doesn't know magic to do this, right?"

"Of course it won't be easy." Kalya signaled Shivana to start eating, "This is the original axiom. I have to say that Ne'zuk has indeed lived up to his reputation as a great elemental envoy, even if it's just a way to know what he doesn't know why. , which is astonishing enough.”

"...the original axiom?"

"Yeah, the original axiom." Carya nodded, "The highly integrated theory of elemental magic control, when Ezreal and I described it, I had already guessed it in my heart, but to be honest, I saw it with my own eyes. After seeing it, it might be a little more surprising than I thought."

"Yeah, it's really amazing." Shyvana nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly realized something, "So, you are already thinking about studying the original axiom?"

"Of course." Kalya didn't hide anything, "Don't you think this is a good way to break the isolation between mages and ordinary people?"

"Our goal should be the Monolith Fortress, right?" Shyvana couldn't help reminding, "The Void has already appeared in the Freljord, and the Monolith matter is the top priority."

"It doesn't matter." Carya smiled and opened the chopsticks. "If I'm not wrong, this may be the same thing."

Karya's Small Classroom · The Universality of the Primal Axiom:
As a highly integrated means of magic control, the original axiom allows people without magical talent to "use" magic through some special means, but because this routine magic use lacks control details, there are only easy-to-observe Elemental magic can be used by applying the original axioms - magic of other attributes such as arcane magic does not apply to the original axioms.

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