Lux's Farewell

756 [0745] Outdated old guy

Kalya dared to say that, it was naturally targeted.

The situation of Ixtal as a "elementist for all people" is really bluffing at first glance. It has the momentum of a thousand sails and a hundred boats. It seems that the Ixtal Kingdom has completely penetrated magic into production and production. in all the details of life.

However, after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that the elemental magic used by these people is rigid and routine, and their control over magic is also integrated. Most importantly, the source of their magic power is very special.

Even in Runeterra, energy cannot appear out of thin air.

Therefore, if a mage wants to cast a spell, he must consume mana - an elementalist is also a mage, and normally speaking, casting a spell requires mana consumption.

But the question is, where do these elementalists with extremely routine spellcasting and low level of magic control have so much magic power to waste?
This obviously doesn't fit the known magic theory.

After careful observation, Kalya finally discovered that the reason why the Ixtar people were able to cast spells in a routine like this was due to the special elemental environment here.

Within the entire range of Ixtal and in the element gradient enchantment, the concentration and activity of the elements are very high, and the activation level of the elements is also very high - people living in this environment are like those in the shadow realm Like those indescribable, twisting, screaming and crawling shadow creatures in the world, they naturally possess spell-like abilities.

Of course, no matter how high the concentration and activity of the elements in the environment are, and how amazing the overall activation level is, ordinary people without magic talent will not have the basic magic power to guide magic.

As a response, the Ixtal people added a large amount of magic power supplements to their diet, and in an acquired way, forcibly endowed people with routine spellcasting abilities formed by attracting active elements.

The reason why Karya was able to discover the mystery in the first place is actually very simple-because of some personal factors, he is very, very sensitive to the magic power supplement in the diet, such as a humanoid dragon like Shivana, It is possible that eating a little food with the effect of supplementing magic power will not cause any obvious reaction, but Kalya can clearly perceive the magic power in food and drinking water.

After all, during the Shurima Empire, he did not eat less of these things.

So, after a meal at this restaurant, Karya already knew what to expect.

By increasing the concentration and activity of elements, create an active environment for elements, reduce the difficulty of guiding elements, and create an environment that is convenient for casting spells.

By integrating elemental control techniques, people who cannot perceive the elements can also guide the elements, thereby expanding the range of potential spellcasters.

Supplementing a safe dose of magical power through diet serves as the most basic source of magical power needed to guide the elements for those who do not have magical power themselves.

The three techniques were combined, and Ixtar finally formed the current situation of the "National Elementalist".

It has to be said that this is a very clever method—even to a certain extent, Ixtar's construction of the basic environment for elemental magic can be regarded as a "man-made elemental magic net".

However, behind this brilliance, there is a problem that people have to pay attention to.

What do the Ixtar people rely on to support this huge elemental magic net?

The high concentration of elements is okay. Ixtal itself has relatively good geographical conditions, and Runeterra has many subplanes full of active elements. If it can be guided, it is not difficult to create an area with high element concentration.

But the question is... how did the Ixtal people activate their elements?
You must know that turning inactive elements into active elements is essentially building artificial elemental tides, and the generation of elemental tides consumes huge amounts of energy!
In Carya's view, in order to form an elemental magic net environment with high element concentration and high element activity covering most of Ixtar's cities, Ixtar must completely control at least four elemental subplanes. Under the guidance and control of the ground, the torrents of elements from the four element subplanes can flow out in an orderly manner and merge with each other. Only in this way can the current effect be achieved.

This is no easy task!

This kind of control involving multiple subplanes is not only related to elements, but also related to space. If there is a little carelessness, the entire country of Ixtar will be placed in a huge elemental vortex like a toilet!

To be honest, in Carya's view, the difficulty of this kind of magical engineering is difficult to achieve.

Whether it is the "intersection of four different elemental subplanes" under objective conditions, or the "artificially stabilized element tidal environment" created subjectively, in Karya's view, it is almost impossible to achieve.

As powerful as the Shurima Empire, four subplanes have been discovered one after another in thousands of years, and they are all unrelated to each other; and the construction of an artificially stabilized elemental tide control system may be far more difficult than All the projects of the Shurima Empire, except for the Sun Disk and the Monolith Fortress, are nothing short of a spectacle.

It's not that Karya looks down on the Ixtars, it's just that with the momentum and size of this kingdom nestled in the jungle, it simply can't support this level of spectacle construction!

However, the elemental magic net really appeared in front of Karya again. Obviously, the Ixtars found some more convenient methods.

This more convenient method is nothing but the decomposition of monoliths.

According to what Izreal said before, in Ixaucan and other important cities, the Ixtarians built huge towers of elements. The concentration of elements near these towers is the highest, and the activity of elements is also the highest. According to the results of Iva's previous investigation here, those towers of elements are full of elemental infection unique to monolithic elements without exception.

At this point in the matter, the result is very clear.

The people of Ixtar are breaking down monoliths as a means to increase the concentration and activity of elements in the city, and they have constructed an artificial elemental magic net covering important areas of Ixtar, thus realizing the grand occasion of elementalists for all the people. !

However, judging from the scale of this artificial elemental magic net, it seems that just relying on dismantling the Monolith Fortress cannot support Ixtar for so many years——besides the Monolith, Ixtar must have other new energy sources !
And this new energy is the key issue that Carya needs to figure out.


The Tower of Elements is the most critical and important facility in the city of Xutar, and it is a place where idlers are not allowed to enter.

Considering that the Tower of Elements itself is heavily guarded, and the flow of elements in it is very special, even Kalya, it is impossible to sneak into it casually - the Tower of Elements supporting such a huge elemental magic net, even he must Be careful.

Therefore, if possible, Karya needs to enter the Tower of Elements in a safer way and observe it from the inside.

So, is there any normal way to allow ordinary people to enter the Tower of Elements?

As long as he is willing to pay a large sum of money, then as the owner of an "Elemental Dragon", Kalya is eligible to enter the Tower of Elements and perform elemental baptism for his Elemental Dragon.

Although Kalya can do things like elemental baptism without the Tower of Elements, but there is such an opportunity to enter the interior of the Tower of Elements with money, even if it is only the inner periphery, why not do it?

Moreover, there are some things that Ixtar will hide from the master who brought the dragon to the elemental baptism, but it may not be hidden from the baptized elemental dragon!

So, after eating, walking around the city with Shivana, and roughly knowing what he knew, Kalya went out of the city overnight, and then the next day, he and Shivana in dragon form landed on the dragon in the city of Ixocan. on stage.

Unlike when he entered the city freely yesterday, this time, according to the dragon management regulations, Carya paid a large sum of money.

When paying the fee, he asked the other party where he could request elemental baptism for his elemental dragon.

The fat man who collected the money skillfully signed and stamped an excess receipt, and glanced at Shyvana.

"The appearance is good. It seems that the blood concentration of the elemental dragon is very high."

Kara nodded with a smile.

Nonsense, can it be not high, Shivana is a pure elemental dragon.

"For an elemental dragon of this level, it's good to have an elemental baptism." After taking the chewing tobacco from Kalya, the fat man pointed out the direction for Kalya, "If you want to do the elemental baptism in Ixoken, then you have to wait It’s a good time, it’s best to go before dawn, bring all the certificates of the dragon, prepare fifty quintals for standard baptism, and ask for cash, and they are of good quality—by the way, bring some good tea, so as not to waste time.”

Obviously, this fat man is also a kind person, after taking the chewing tobacco pressed by Kare, he also gave him a few pointers by the way.

And Karya followed the other party's method, brought everything early the next day, and led Shivana to queue up. In the afternoon, she finally passed the baptism application and was able to enter the Tower of Elements.


Shyvana was taken for an elemental baptism.

Karya, on the other hand, waited quietly inside the Tower of Elements together with the other dragon masters.

Since the elemental dragons and elemental sub-dragons that need to undergo elemental baptism are both amazingly valuable, and the baptism itself is also very expensive, so the dragon owners who can come here for elemental baptism are generally wealthy people—— Just like the members of the luxury car club, while waiting for the elemental dragon to perform the baptism of elements, most of them are communicating with each other, hoping to expand their network.

Although Kalya wore a mask and looked a little strange, she still politely communicated with the people who came to strike up a conversation.

However, apart from communicating, Karya's main attention was still on observing the inside of the Tower of Elements.

Although there was a sign saying "Spellcasting prohibited" on the wall, Kalya still quietly released a few small-scale detection magic.

The detection results are interesting.

Inside this tower of elements, at least in the waiting area for the baptism of elements, the concentration of elements is actually not high.

This is not the core area of ​​the Tower of Elements.

For this, Karya is naturally mentally prepared. After all, this is just a business that can be participated in by paying, and Ixtar has no reason to put these people in the key positions of the Tower of Elements.

So, after sitting for a while, he got up and asked the waiter if he wanted to go to the bathroom.

Then, under the leadership of the other party, he passed through a curved corridor, entered the bathroom, and walked out quickly. It seemed that everything was normal.

It was during these few minutes of "everything was normal" that Karya discovered something very interesting.

From the lounge to the restroom, Kalya was acting against the elemental gradient along the way. While in the restroom, he briefly tested the concentration of environmental elements, and the result was a small test spell, which almost created an elemental vortex.

And judging from the distance he traveled all the way, even the location of the bathroom is far away from the center of the Tower of Elements.

According to this situation, the core area of ​​the Tower of Elements probably has an astonishing source of elemental energy.

In addition, what surprised Karya even more was that although the concentration of elements had increased significantly, the unique contagiousness and strength of monoliths did not change at all along the way, which was different from Karya's estimate. There may be surprises in it.

Not long after returning to the waiting room, Shivana's elemental baptism was successfully concluded. Kalya took her out of the Tower of Elements quickly, and took off on the dragon platform pretendingly. After flying out of the city of Ixoken Land quickly where no one is.

"How was the baptism process?" After landing, looking at Shivana who couldn't wait to transform back into a human form, Kalya realized something, "Did you see the monolithic element?"

"According to what you and I described before, I carefully observed the baptismal environment." Shyvana nodded, "The entire baptismal pool is entirely made of monolithic stones, and on the bottom of the pool, I also found the The inscription I said."

"Which serial number is it?"

"The first serial number you mentioned." Shyvana's tone was firm, "Although the monolith is not good-looking, it does have the serial number you mentioned, the square characters, and the Exactly what was shown to me."

"That is to say, the baptism pool for the elemental dragon in the Ixoken Element Tower is indeed the No. [-] pool removed from the Monolith Fortress." Kalya nodded, "This is not true. material."

"So, there is a baptismal pool in Monolith Fortress?" Shyvana was somewhat confused when it came to this topic, "What is it used for?"

"The Monolith Fortress has a formation of giant dragons specially responsible for guarding, and the baptismal pool is prepared for the rest of the elemental dragons." There is nothing to hide, "The Monolith Fortress is a city flying in the air, and there are naturally many Living Facilities."

Shyvana nodded, with a look of understanding on her face.

She didn't have any doubts, but Kalya was a little confused—combining Iva's experience, Izreal's experience, the reaction of the Underworld Blade near the Tower of Elements, and the results of Kalya's own investigation, his All speculation has been overturned.

After all, if the monolith is simply decomposed to maintain the elemental magic net, then the baptismal pool must be the first living facility to be decomposed.

However, both Shivana's discovery and Kalya's verification of the monolithic pure elemental infection have become negative evidence.

However, there are indeed very abnormal traces of monolithic element infection around the Tower of Elements. Such a large area of ​​elemental infection must mean the decomposition of monolithic elements, and normal use will not cause This large area of ​​elemental infection...

At this moment, Carya was really a little confused.

Could it be that I really can't keep up with the times?
There are too many novels written in the League of Legends universe, and sometimes it interferes with the train of thought... I almost confused the chapter of the original axiom with the previous book, and I wrote this chapter twice, oh well.

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