Lux's Farewell

759 [0748] Ixtar's background

Although it was embarrassing to be discovered and dangerous to be surrounded by plants, until this point Tarek hadn't thought about the possibility of being caught.

Just kidding, I used to be a protoss!

However, it turns out that in front of this group of people, let alone someone who was once a protoss—even if the real protoss came, they would have to shed a layer of skin.

Because everyone in this team has a common title.

Ixtar Great Elementalist.

Here Tariq has not found any angle or opportunity to escape, while the entire jungle over there fell into an unsettling frenzy as if it had come to life. At the same time, large-scale rainfall fell from the sky without warning.

The collision of different elements caused a colorful arc similar to the aurora to light up in midair, and the elemental tide carried hurricanes and heavy rains, completely covering the distance of hundreds of yards around Tarik...

Under such a bad environment, even Tariq seemed to be having a hard time moving.

To make matters worse, at this point Taric seemed to be completely locked in, no matter how he moved, the wind and rain and living plants always enveloped him, even as he swung the hammer and smashed the vines and trees in his way. , Open up a road for yourself, but no matter where the road turns, the end is still full of wind and rain.

Aside from the wind and rain, after confirming that Tarik did not have the ability to leave, the team of Ixtar great elementalists finally began to strengthen the spell itself—out of Tarik's vision, one of the great elementalists Shi put a black stone in his hand and directly extracted the amazing magic power from it.

And as the hands and arms of this great elementalist were stained with a layer of black, and the surface appeared almost stone-like hardening, his expression became violent. The next moment, in the wind and rain, countless raindrops began Gathering together quietly, they stabbed at Tarik like a sharp dagger.

Before this, Tariq never thought that the high-speed water flow could be so sharp. In just a split second, he was cut and bruised by the water flow. It was enough to make him bloody.

Under the urgent situation, Tariq had no choice but to use the power left by the protoss, and the light of protection lit up on him, temporarily protecting him.

Outside the rain curtain, the great element envoys clearly saw this scene. This wonderful aura made them stop their actions, gave up on-the-spot destruction and began to hope to catch alive.

In order to achieve this, another great elementalist in the team began to draw mana crazily.

Tariq was naturally unaware of this.

As soon as he propped up the light of protection and began to actively search for the enemy, the plants under his feet completely boiled in a posture that he had never seen before - countless plants even gathered into a giant dragon, and began to tear the tower Rick's Guardian Light.

At this time, Tariq was fully aware of the seriousness of the problem. He tried his best to find the enemy hidden outside the rain, but under the entanglement of the wooden dragon and the heavy rain, he failed several times and repeatedly. In the process of wielding the warhammer to crush plants and open up roads, his physical strength and energy were rapidly consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he soon had a tendency to exhaustion.

Taric is not good at controlling magic. Using the Guardian Light is completely instinctive, and there is a lot of waste of mana. However, in this situation, he has to support the Guardian Light to avoid being torn apart by the heavy rain in an instant. .

And although the large elementalists who maintain the rain screen and the wooden dragon consume a lot of energy, they have external energy supplements, so they are obviously more able to sustain it than Tarik—so, when the clouds disappear and the rain falls, they are exhausted. The exhausted Tariq was finally caught completely and became a prisoner.


Tari, who became a captive, was brought back to Ixtar in a daze like this. Several great elementalists who shot him were very interested in his guardian light—they planned to use it on Tariq's body. Conduct a series of magical experiments to study his wondrous guardian light,

After all, this is a wonderful magical phenomenon that no Ixtar people have ever seen.

However, this seemingly cruel thing to outsiders, but obviously beneficial to Ixtar, has caused quite a stir in Ixtar's internal political arena.

As for the elemental council, many people disagree with this research method that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, insisting that Taric’s power is evil and should not be researched—only a few of the original axioms have been researched now. If you have time, developing a few more primordial axioms is the right thing to do. I know that the report will be a magic experiment, so get a hammer!
Similarly, the elders of the old school Yun Tal were also opposed. They all said that you are too involved with the outside world. The Kingdom of Ixtar is gloriously isolated from the kingdoms of Runeterra. The transactions of Duga and Kumanggra are enough for us to understand the changing times and vicissitudes of the world outside. Your habit of bringing back whatever you see to study and study is a disease!

However, the great elementalists who captured Tariq are naturally not ordinary people. After all, this title was handed down from Ne'zuk at the beginning, representing the pinnacle of elemental magic, and those who can become great elementalists, In the political arena of Ixtar, they are also very talkative.

Therefore, for the opposition, they also quickly retorted, saying that this is their own spoils of war, and the report submitted by themselves is just a report, a notice, not a consultation—and more importantly, the Great Elementalist has the freedom to experiment with magic. As long as it does not violate the laws of Ixtar, no one has the right to stop it.

In the eyes of these great elementalists, the progress of magic requires communication. Although Ixtar wants to be independent from the world, this does not mean that they cannot initiate their own communication that has nothing to do with the outside world. People with special talents come to study this kind of thing, and it will not affect Ixtal's attitude towards the outside world.

And don't forget, for Ixtar to be what it is today, and the Tower of Elements to be built, the key stones from other mountains are always indispensable!

Although only one prisoner was captured and returned, Ixtar quickly sprayed each other, and began to exchange opinions with each other fiercely.

Under such circumstances, considering that the captives were still locked in the laboratory of the Great Elementalist, many Yun Tal elders began to move their minds. They took the initiative to find the Ixtal royal family, hoping that the royal family would come forward and propose amendments. The current law of Ixtar prohibits this dangerous communication.

At the same time, the great element envoys also found the royal family, and asked to urge the elders of Yun Tal to fulfill their normal work obligations, and stop the behavior of being stuck with their own experimental funds.

In this way, Tariq himself, as a captive, stirred up the political turmoil in Ixtar.


The attitude towards Tariq is the epitome of Ixtar's current internal political situation.

In this turbulent era of Runeterra, some Ixtar people think that the key to Ixtar lies in Ixtar. The more the era of change, the more Ixtar must stick to its heart and minimize Communication with the outside world, only in this way can Ixtal maintain its own self and avoid being affected by chaos.

In the same way, there are also Ixtar people who regard the turmoil in the outside world as an opportunity, an opportunity for Ixtar to go further.

After all, as early as the Shurima Empire, the Kingdom of Ixtar obtained the status of a dominion and became part of the empire. Even the Elemental Council and the elders of Yun Tal came from the organization at that time.

For ambitious Ixtarians, the "Claim of the Shurima Empire" is also available!

In the eyes of these radicals, the situation that Ixtar is facing now is completely different from the early Rune Wars 1000 years ago and the Darkin War 2000 years ago.

During the Darkin War, the Shurima Empire had just disintegrated, and those darkin who had no goals were just a bunch of lunatics. At that time, Nezuk was gone, and he jumped out and claimed to be Shurima orthodox. The Kingdom of Ixtar is likely to To be attacked by a crowd is the way to death.

During the Rune Wars, although the dark descendants were almost no longer active, and those who controlled the Noxie Empire and the Kamavia Kingdom were mainly mortals, they did indeed hold an astonishingly powerful monster in their hands. The big killer, how powerful the world runes are, just look at the ocean currents that are in different directions now and thousands of years ago.

At that time, the Kingdom of Ixtar had mastered many original axioms, and the overall level of magic had far surpassed the outside world, but there was still no way to counteract the world runes. Nothing wrong.

But it's different now!

In this era, most of the world's runes have disappeared or been sealed. Ixtar is not ignorant of this kind of power, and, more importantly, those new empires are just a group of mountains without tigers and monkeys. It's just something called a king!
Ixtar, who has the two external windows of Kumanggra and Karduga, now has a lot of power in the world!

The Noxus Empire, which inherited the mantle of the Noxian Empire, had disintegrated not long ago, and it was a new country called Demacia that contributed to their disintegration.

It's not that the Ixtars look down on the new country, it's that after learning about Demacia, they really think this country is funny—they actually ban magic!
Is there anything more ridiculous than this in Runeterra, a country that completely bans magic!

The Ixtar people can't imagine what the Ixtar kingdom would look like without magic and using the original axioms!
Although there is no specific contact with Demacia, this does not prevent Ixtar from being full of contempt for Demacia, who has never met. In their view, Demacia, who forbids magic, can only be laughed at. describe.

Can the power of magic be forbidden? !

Since Demacia is such a ridiculous country that prohibits magic, how weak is Noxus that was beaten to disintegration by Demacia?

Previously, because of the name of Noxus and its inheritance relationship with the Noxian Empire, the Kingdom of Ixtar was like a tiger that saw a donkey for the first time. As Noxian explorers attempt to penetrate deeper into the rainforest, actively shrink south to avoid the sight of those madmen who will mess with world runes.

But it turns out that it was just a donkey, and it was even easily defeated by a country that bans magic!

It's so funny. Does a country that bans magic have any potential for war?

This is not finished.

Just last year, Kumanggra and Karduga suddenly increased their imports of monoliths without warning, and wanted to expand the scale of agricultural production—and after Ixtar sent an envoy to understand the situation, the news he got was that It was "Demacia took down Nasslam and declared itself an empire".

When did a backward land without even magic have the right to call itself an empire?
Moreover, Shurima has now declined to such an extent that even the attack of a forbidden kingdom cannot be contained, and even Nashilami has fallen into the enemy's hands?

Because the first-hand information received by Kumanggra and Karduga here comes from the former Nashilam American Harbor Governor Blake, who failed in the war but actively organized the government in exile afterward. Regarding the affairs of the Bright Moon Sect, he focused his condemnation on the Demacians from beginning to end.

Black hopes that he can always hold high the strategy of Greater Shurima, so as to obtain assistance from all sides.

As a result, this behavior directly led to the misjudgment of the Ixtars. They did not know the fate of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect. Internal rebellion.

From the perspective of Ixtar, they seem to have defeated all the opponents who once made them fearful during their long-term independence. Today, there is only one ridiculous country in Valoran that prohibits magic, and a nominally Noxus, which inherited the Noxian Empire but has essentially fallen into division.

On the Shurima continent, the afterglow of the Shurima Empire seems to have completely dissipated, and even the land of Nashram is occupied by the ridiculous Demacia. Although Icacia seems to have become a little angry in recent years, the barren land The earth has no potential at all.

As for the Kamavia continent, it has been in chaos since the Rune Wars, and now there is not a single force that can be the talker, and they are all broken into a piece of scum...

What's even more ridiculous is that the Shurima Empire, where things were treated with caution, was invaded by Noxus not long ago, and was even beaten to the capital!
Folks, as word of Runeterra reached Kumangra over the years and became known to the Ixtarians, they were surprised to find out that during long periods of self-isolation, it was only the Shurima Empire The Ixtar Kingdom in one corner, in the current Runeterra, has the meaning of drawing a sword and looking around and being invincible.

In this case, is it necessary to change the conservative strategy in the past?

Carya's Small Classroom Tourist Attraction Ixtal:
In the Shurima Empire, Ixtar is a very popular tourist destination for the Empire - for the Shurima, the rainforest is quite a rare place.

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