Lux's Farewell

Chapter 760 [0749] Ace spy Carya

Chapter 760 [0749] Ace spy Carya

What do nations do when they find themselves invincible with swords drawn?

This question is not difficult to answer. In most cases, territorial expansion should be a good choice.

Of course, Ixtar is quite special. As the former autonomous dominion of the Shurima Empire, many Ixtar people who are familiar with history have further concerns about the future of Ixtar that are more exciting than conventional territorial expansion. Excited expectations.

Perhaps, when the afterglow of the Shurima Empire has dissipated, it is a good choice to raise the flag of the Shurima Empire and restore the glory of Shurima.

Although the status of the dominion is somewhat embarrassing, the banner of the Shurima Empire is really easy to use.

Shurima orthodoxy means the existence of a legal claim to the entire continent of Shurima, the right to receive the entire legacy of the Shurima Empire, a crown with an illustrious history, and the nation having a clear goals and future.

It seems that no matter how you look at it, Ixtar has no reason to give up this precious claim.

However, with the lessons learned from the Darkin Wars and Rune Wars, many Ixtarians believe that while accepting the political legacy of the Shurima Empire, they will also accept many difficult troubles at the same time. Honorable independence is incompatible.

Conservatives and radicals seem to be arguing over what seems to be a captive solution, but in essence it is the future line of Ixtar.

Radicals believe that Ixtar is invincible in the world. In the past, isolation was for self-protection. Now Ixtar has no need for self-protection. It is the other city-states on the Shurima continent that need to protect themselves.

Conservatives believe that isolation is the glorious tradition of Ixtar, and it once sheltered Ixtar from disaster. Although everything seems to be calm now, isn't that what it looks like? How can you not make a rash decision!
Throughout Ixtar, the contradictions between the radicals and the conservatives have filled every place, and it seems to be developing into a party struggle.

Didn't Ixtar, then, have an arbitrator?


The Royal House of Ixtar, specifically, the Elemental Kings of Ixtar.

But the problem is that the current Ixtar royal family is being reduced to a mascot.

Although both the elders of the Yun Tal and the Great Elementalists of the Element Council maintain a respect for the royal family, the royal family has a very high status in theory, but the royal family itself is useless!
In fact, it can be seen from the title of Elemental King that the identity of the Ixtar royal family is very special. In theory, they are political leaders and kings of strength.

After the Shurima Empire fell into a substantive split, Ne'zuk, one of the main designers of the Monolith, finally chose Korrun - and when Korrun, he not only took away the remains of the Monolith Fortress , and took away a Shurima princess, and the current elemental king is the descendant of him and this little princess.

According to the records of Ixtar, although Nazuk is an out-and-out old cow gnawing young grass, there is true love between him and this princess.

However, for the Shurima Empire at that time, it was fine for Nezuk to sneak away. His behavior of taking away the princess and the Monolith Fortress was obviously intolerable. The oily Shurima Empire mobilized the remaining Ascended Legion and issued an order to the Darkin who no longer fully loyal to the Empire to crusade against Ixtar.

In that war, Nezuk finally fought to the death, but at the last moment he used his life to activate the Monolith Fortress, the originally disunited crusade coalition finally stopped outside Ixaocan , Since then, Ixtar has simply closed itself off, and they have no plans outside the rainforest, and the Shurima Empire has no spare power to organize a rainforest expedition, and Ixtar has gained independence in fact.

As a descendant of Nezuk and the Shurima royal family, the identity of the Ixtar royal family is naturally extremely noble. However, because the blood of a certain sand sculpture is really bad, so that after three generations, the Ixtar royal family, The talent for magic is getting worse from generation to generation.

At the beginning, the royal family still maintained a good strength relying on the original axioms. The princes and princesses have good learning conditions, and if they are not talented enough, they work hard to make up.

The succession of the Elemental King also adheres to the principle that those who are able come first, and the virtuous are not established for the long.

However, with years of development, more and more original axioms became more and more complicated, and the children of the royal family gradually couldn't hold back the situation.

Moreover, with the gradual isolation from the world, the internal competition in Ixtal also gradually disappeared. When the best prince and princess could not get the elements and recognized by the Yuntar organization, the royal family finally chose to lie flat.


Learn shit!
Who wants to study hard if you can get a high status by lying down?
Anyway, without the approval of the Elemental Parliament and the Yun Tal organization, the royal family's words don't count...

It's better to lie down together.

In this way, the Ixtar royal family quickly "degenerated". They degenerated from the political, academic and military leaders in the past hundreds of years into a group of out-and-out mascots, almost only retaining theoretical military command.

Looks like holding military power is not bad, right?
But don't forget that Ixtar is isolated and there are few internal rebellions. In this case, the main function of the army is to deal with mad dragons and serve as a guard of honor.

Moreover, with the loss of the power of the royal family and the overall lay flat, the previous tradition of the capable going up and the mediocre going down has completely disappeared, and the system of heir succession has been completely stabilized. Since competition is meaningless, everyone should develop their own. I like it.

As a result, Ixtar transitioned smoothly from the model of "two hands of the royal family, Yun Tal is in charge of administration, and the elemental council is in charge of academics" in the Nezuk era to the current "royal family is bad, and Yun Tal and the elemental council are in charge of disputes". rights" model.

In the absence of external threats, the elders of Yun Tal and the members of the Element Council competed for various powers in this isolated country based on their respective bases.

Until the juncture of the Rune Wars that passed a thousand years ago, the external situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just at this time when all kinds of contradictions were intertwined and gathered, a different kind appeared in the Ixtar royal family, which had been completely laid down.

That's right, this alien is... Qiyana.

According to the current order of succession of the royal family, the tenth princess is still far away from the king of elements—ranking tenth means that she is the tenth heir, and it can basically be determined that she has no chance of being on the throne.

But the problem is, this princess is different from those princes and princesses who lie flat, she has ideals.

Therefore, in this era of change, when others were lying flat, Qiyana began to actively strengthen herself, and used her identity to win over the radicals, hoping that Ixtar could actively participate in the world of Runeterra. in business.

Once the isolation of Ixtar is over, that strong elemental king will be very meaningful. Qiyana has completely regarded Setaka as her idol at this time, and considering that she does not have her own Karya, she is playing with her mind. She also needs to go into battle by herself...

Just like this salon, although it seems to be just a little personal hobby of Qiyana, the actual situation is that Qiyana is using this occasion to contact different people and use them to weave a big web.

Although in Qiyana's eyes, these people may not be useful, but it is still an idle move. As the tenth princess, she must seize the resources and use any means to grow herself up.


Karya did not know the above information. Although he had vaguely discovered that there were internal contradictions in the political situation of Ixtar, he was not completely clear about the specifics.

Since the overall situation in Ixtar is still relatively stable, and the internal conflicts in the political situation have not yet affected the people, so Karya has not been exposed to that level. The idea of ​​hooking up a relationship.

But what he never expected was that in this salon, he actually met Tarek!

Moreover, unlike the "threatened" people like Kalya, although it was covered up, Tariq still had shackles on his body.

In other words, Tariq is a prisoner!

This is very interesting.

Combined with Qiyana's attitude towards her before, it is not difficult for Kalya to judge the purpose of the ten princesses in meeting Tariq in the salon. If there is no accident, she should also have some kind of intention to take advantage of her.

Well, the problem is coming.

What can Qiyana use?

From the previous exchanges, Kalya already knew that Qiyana had a very strong curiosity and desire for the existence outside the rainforest, otherwise a princess would not have seized such an excuse and let herself be such an "ordinary girl". people who are familiar" into her information network.

And now, for Qiyana, a imprisoned Tariq, like Kalya herself, also means an opportunity for foreign exchanges?
Can Karya take advantage of this?

Use this to get close to Qiyana, and even intervene in the political situation of Ixtal...

This is a rather risky choice.

But... maybe worth a shot.

Sitting in his seat, Kalya stuffed all kinds of food into his mouth like a duck, and stared at Tariq undisguisedly, even arousing the idea of ​​the uniformed party wearing Vidalian fabric.

So, when Tariq entered Qiyana's room, facing Karya's "seemingly concealed, but actually very direct gaze", the person who had brought Karya to meet before finally took the initiative to find him.

"Mr. Yaka." On the other side, he seemed to be just an ordinary waiter with a polite look, but his tone had nothing to do with gentleness. "Could it be that the dessert doesn't suit your taste?"

Listening to the gnashing of teeth, it seemed that as long as Kalya dared to express his dissatisfaction, he would dare to take off Kalya's mask and press his head into the cake.

"No, very good." Kalya snorted, "It's just that I was dazzled. I saw Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess invited a despicable Demacian to participate in this salon..."

Karya's words made the waiter's expression change slightly.

As Qiyana's confidant, he knows the identity of Tariq - the statement given by the Elemental Council is that this is a "very cunning external spy with a strict mouth, unless special experiments are allowed on him, Otherwise, it is very likely that no valid information will be obtained."

The Council of Elements was willing to hand over Tarek to Qiyana because it had the idea that "His Royal Highness the Tenth Princess has some means of her own", and wanted to use Qiyana to dig out Tarek's identity as much as possible, and use this to compete for this position. person's follow-up disposal rights.

This is a tentative cooperation between the Element Council and Qiyana, which is of great significance to Qiyana.

It can even be said that Qiyana's most important target in holding this salon is Tarek, and Karya's are pure additions.

However, now this extra head said that the other party was a "despicable Demacian"? !

Hiss, does this guy named Yaka really know something?
Although he didn't fully believe Kalya's statement in his heart, the other party still smiled and said "it's impossible", then turned his head and knocked on Qiyana's door lightly.

Soon, the door was opened.

Karya was invited to enter the palace for the second time.


Tariq had never met Karya.

He obviously didn't know this masked man who deliberately hid his face.

Of course, it didn't matter to him, because in Tariq's view, as long as he kept his mouth shut, the Ixtarians would not get any news.

It's true that he was caught accidentally, but it doesn't matter, at least he won't be a drag.

However, what puzzled Tariq was that the masked man looked at him with more or less personal grievances, and the other party seemed to know him!

How can this be?

Just when Tarik was puzzled, Qiyana looked at Karya.

"Mr. Yaka, do you know this Mr. Kalayan?"

"Karayan?" Karya was stunned for a moment, and then snorted disdainfully, "He's not some kind of Kalayan, I've seen him before, his name is Tariq, and he's an important figure in Demacia!"

As soon as the words were spoken, both Qiyana and Tariq's expressions changed subtly.

Tariq panicked a little.

And Qiyana showed a genuinely interested expression for the first time - if Jax was here, he would have noticed that Qiyana's expression at this time was exactly the same as when he saw him trying a small knife.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Tariq was an important driving force behind the fall of Nasramami, and he stood in the front row at the ceremony." Carya took a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of the two, and continued to reveal the changes in Tariq. Ke's old man, "Why, have the despicable Demacians already set their minds on Ixtar?"

 Going back to my hometown these days, the update may be unstable.

(End of this chapter)

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