Lux's Farewell

Chapter 761 [0750] Carya's Artistic Life

Chapter 761 [0750] Carya's Artistic Life

No matter what kind of communication occasion it is, when everyone knows nothing about each other, the communication is bound to be biased.

Tariq didn't know what these powerful countries hidden in the rainforest were, and he didn't know why these people would arrest him, so he chose to remain silent while upholding his loyalty to the empire and the emperor.

And Qiyana doesn't even know who Tariq is, she only knows that this is an outsider with magical power, who is a bridge between herself and the radicals, but she can't find a way to pry Tariq's mouth open Method.

In this case, the communication between the two parties is doomed to be invalid. Even if one party is a prisoner and the other party is a guest, it will be difficult for them to get the news they want from each other.

Therefore, the kind-hearted Karya decided to help out, and by breaking the communication barrier between the two parties, he also "was involved" in this storm.

In this way, under Tariq's astonished eyes, Kalya started a cool performance with the attitude of an old artist.

A performance first requires a character.

So, in order to be able to get close to Qiyana, gain some of her trust, and not arouse excessive suspicion, what kind of processing does Carya need on the basis of the current character design?
this is very simple.

The longer you live, the more you experience and the more you see.

Karya doesn't need to make up any stories, just piece together some of the history he has experienced, which is enough to create a "new character" who is usually silent but essentially stunned.

And Tariq is the key that reveals Leng Touqing's true colors.

"Have the despicable Demacians already set their sights on Ixtar?"

Tariq, who was suddenly exposed, couldn't help but widen his eyes - he is not very good at lying, and silence is his best response, but when his identity is suddenly exposed by others, he is reflexively surprised , but somewhat self-deprecating.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes became a little...surprised.

She tried her best to hide her surprise, as if she didn't really believe in Karya, her eyes were a bit scrutinized, but when it came to acting skills, she was still a little too young - Karya saw her surprise , and decided to add weight here.

"Why, you dare to come but dare not admit it?" The words were full of anger, and Kalya showed off her acting skills to the fullest, "You brutally destroyed Nashilami, and those long-haired birds dare not fight the dragon In a head-to-head confrontation, you only know how to sneak around and do some shady things, now, are you going to repeat the old tricks in Ixtar?"

Seeing that the other party mentioned Dragon Bird, Tariq didn't know that his identity was indeed exposed.

Although he had expected this, but in the face of aggressive questioning, he finally shook his head slightly.

"Everything is fine with Nasslam."

"Very well?" Karya's voice raised an octave. "You banned magic, slayed dragons, promoted your inferior writing, supported those fanatical Rakkor, and trampled civilization underfoot. Now Still have the face to say that Nashilami is good?"

"Whether the Nasirami is good or not, only the Nasirami knows." Seeing that the other party seemed to be a little out of his wits, Tariq slipped into his words without any trace, "And you, obviously, are not Nasirami. The Slammers..."

"It's not Nashiramis who have witnessed your atrocities!" Carya gritted his teeth, "You killed my dragon! That's the dragon species I've been looking for!"

Compared with the long speeches before, this sentence "You killed my dragon" sounds much more sincere, falling into Qiyana's ears, it can be regarded as slightly dispelling the doubts of the ten princesses.

After all, it is not normal for an Ixtar man to be full of resentment towards a Demacian, just because the other party "may be spying on the rainforest", he ran out and shouted and killed, which is also the same as this guy named Yaka The previous attitude was completely different.

This kind of righteous accusation sounds a little exaggerated, and the jingle-mouthed posture is also somewhat fake.

And it is against this "somewhat false" background that the final accusation becomes extremely true. The elemental dragon has a special status in Ixtar, and Karya has indeed domesticated a very special elemental dragon. Judging from the baptism of the elemental dragons, even among the Ixtalians, he loves the dragons more.

If such a person who loves dragons is resentful towards this Demacian named Tarek because of the carefully prepared dragon species being killed, and even wants to use himself to take revenge, that is a very normal situation.

"Demacia never kills innocent people indiscriminately."

"Heh, it's a good one not to kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Carya seemed to be annoyed by this sentence, "When the city of Nashilami was broken, you kept saying to protect everyone's safety, but in the end you sent elites into the dragon's lair and killed My fire song—isn't it because your long-haired birds can't handle the elemental dragon!"

"He said that he was just trying to catch thieves, but he colluded with those Rakkor people and did things like stealing chickens and dogs. Now he is still talking about not killing innocent people indiscriminately... You said yes, what happened to Huoge?"

"...I don't know which dragon is Fire Song." Even as a prisoner, he was pointed at his nose and scolded for hypocrisy and meanness inexplicably, Tariq finally couldn't keep calm, "If you are talking about those sneak attacks The evil dragons of the Dragon Bird Knight, then they are doomed to die!"

"If you can't win in the sky, you should lay your hands on the ground, right?" Kalya firmly grasped that after Demacia entered the city, he sent elites to the dragon's lair to kill the elemental dragons who participated in the battle. Air combat is also a sneak attack, so after breaking the city wall, you will make a big claim to ensure safety, and then turn your head and go to slaughter the dragon's nest, not even a single dragon is spared, what is this?"



Under Karya's nonsense, Qiyana, who had been silently eating melons, quickly summed up his past "experience".

Yaka, who loves elemental dragons and has a bit of an adventurous spirit, found a dragon lair in the barren hills after leaving Ixtar, and found a special elemental dragon inside.

He took a lot of painstaking efforts to tame the dragon, and then when he was about to bring the dragon back to Ixtar, he encountered the siege of the Demacians in Nashramme.

Due to the control of Nashilami, the elemental dragon of Yaka was temporarily placed in the dragon's lair.

During the siege battle, some elemental dragons were recruited as the "defensive army" to participate in the battle, and achieved brilliant results. Although we don't know the specific results, but since this guy named Tarik has been actively avoiding this topic, It can be seen that the elemental dragons seem to have really hurt their air force.

So, after breaking through the city wall, Demacia dispatched elites to enter the dragon's lair, killing all the elemental dragons in it, including Yaka's one.

Yaka held a grudge against this, but there was no good way, so he could only turn his head and leave Nashlame. After some twists and turns, he found and tamed his current dragon, and returned to Ixtar.

In this kind of debate between you and me, Karya outlined the trajectory of "Yaka" very clearly, with heels everywhere, and generally quite reliable-you know, this is not his self-narration , but the information exposed when quarreling with others, this kind of information is quite difficult to fake.

Since Tariq's interrogation was conducted in secret, and Yaka was also summoned by Qiyana on a temporary basis, and there was no possibility of the two parties singing a double reed, so after narrowing their eyes and thinking about it, Qiyana's past Yana already believed eight points.


Qiyana, who was secretly speculating about the intelligence and truth department in her heart, was completely unaware that her own thinking and speculation had actually been falling into Karya's eyes.

Houhouhou hurriedly came out to trouble Tarek, and even adopted this form of quarrel, not only to make himself more credible, but more importantly, he was also taking the opportunity to look for Qiyana things of interest.

Karya wanted to know which aspect of this Miss Qiyana was more interested in, whether it was the elemental dragon, or Demacia, or Shurima, or Nashilami.

During this quarrel with guns and sticks, Carya has been observing Qiyana, observing her expressions and movements, and according to Carya's observation results, among the topics related to this quarrel, Qiyana What Yana is most interested the country of Demacia.

When Kalya's topic fell on the elemental dragon, Qiyana was interested on the surface, but in fact her eyes were blank; But it was obvious that his eyes were shining.

And, while Taric was trying to clear up some rumors about Demacia, Qiyana clearly took it to heart.

This result is not normal for an Ixtar princess - because an isolated Ixtar should not focus on places thousands of miles away.

However, considering Qiyana's previous performances, this result was indeed within Kalya's expectations—this time, he finally confirmed that the Ten Princesses are indeed different from the general Ixtarians , she doesn't seem to be interested in traditional isolated thinking, and it can even be said to be deviant.

Compared with the corner of Ixtar, what she thought of in her heart was probably a more vast and boundless land.

So far, after the superb performance, Kalya found the entry point he was looking forward to, allowing him to go deep into the Tower of Elements and even the restricted area of ​​Ixtar.

Ten Princess Qiyana.

Of course, the meal should be eaten bite by bite.

Although he has identified this princess as his opportunity to enter the political arena of Ixtar, Kalya has not shown any eagerness in this regard. He has been targeting Tarik from beginning to end, and tried to hold the hat. Let Qiyana kill this annoying Demacian directly.

Of course Qiyana would not agree with this.

After all, she has no right to dispose of Tariq.

However, Kalya's appearance did help her a lot - this time Sharon brought Tarek here, because the radical element envoys hoped to use Qiyana's network to see if they could get out of this prisoner. Get something everywhere, and now with the help of Karya's "mistakes", Qiyana has achieved her desired goal.

This means that her cooperation with the radicals has entered the next stage.

For Qiyana, who aspires to assume the throne of Ixtar and turn the throne into reality, this is undoubtedly a matter of great significance.

Therefore, Qiyana sent Kalya away very politely, and said, "I also like all kinds of elemental dragons and elemental dragons very much. There is also a dragon farm in the south, which is rare. Variety, welcome Yaka to visit Yunyun".

This is not a polite one or two, Qiyana is now very fancy about Yaka's experience in activities outside, so she really gave Kalya an invitation letter, inviting him to visit the dragon farm.

Karya is not really interested in the dragon farm.

However, after seeing the address of the invitation letter, he was overjoyed suddenly, and then happily agreed.

After all... the address of the dragon farm is very close to the restricted area, and may even intersect with the restricted area. In this case, visiting the dragon farm may be a good opportunity to observe the restricted area in the southern part of Ixoken.


After receiving the invitation letter, Karya left the salon contentedly.

After the salon ended, Qiyana welcomed a new group of guests in that room.

If Tariq hadn't been taken down, then he would have recognized these guys who were dressed in Vidalian fabrics and dressed up brilliantly—yes, after Qiyana's salon was over, the great elementalists Can't wait to find Qiyana.

On the one hand, in order to bring back Tariq and avoid long nights and dreams.

On the other hand, they hope to learn the news they want from Qiyana.

Don't hold out much hope though.

However, what these great elementalists never expected was that Qiyana actually got the news that they had been unable to interrogate.

She not only confirmed the identity of the outsider with strange magic, but also provided some of his past experiences—for the great elementalists, this was obviously not a small surprise.

What's even more surprising is that Tariq's identity will be a sharp sword for them to pierce the conservatives. After confirming that Tariq is an important figure in Demacia's capture of Naslam, they can use this To make a fuss, describe Taric as a spy and Demacia as a conspiracy.

If territorial expansion and the legacy of the Shurima Empire weren't reason enough to end isolation, wouldn't our sense of being coveted be more powerful?

And in the communication with Qiyana, these great elementalists found that it seems that Her Royal Highness Princess Ten also has very similar thoughts with her side, and she has been emphasizing "the danger from outside the forest" in her words.

Maybe... we can collaborate a little bit?
 Carya's Small Classroom·Dragon Farm:
  Ixtal's dragon farm is different from ordinary farms. The elemental giant dragon and elemental sub-dragon have a considerable degree of "dragon power" in the formal dragon farm. This power comes from the ancient, The Dragon Covenant dating back to the time of the Shurima Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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