Lux's Farewell

762 [0751] Good and bad

With the blessing of acting skills, Karya's work is on the right track at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the Tarek incident as the basis for cooperation, Qiyana and the radicals are trying to expand the scope of cooperation little by little, trying to form an alliance that is not strong but effective enough.

During this period, Kalya got on the line with Qiyana. The other party seemed to value Kalya's ability to "be a spy" outside of Ixtar, not only for Kalya who "loves elemental dragons". She provided a visit permit to her private dragon farm, and also vaguely wanted to promote Kalya to enter the Ixtal dragon administration system.

For this enthusiasm, Kalya naturally accepted everything he ordered. In this way, as a "dragon lover", he frequently visited Qiyana's private dragon farm, and Shivana also took the opportunity to move in.

In this case, although Carya did not enter the core of Ixtar's power, a channel to enter the core of power and allow him to get in touch with Ixtar's top-secret information has been opened to him.

Compared with Karya, Lux, who is far away in the Xiongdu of Demacia, has not progressed so smoothly.


The political situation in Demacia is stable.

But it can only be said to be stable.

Although Ino and the Northwalker are still slowly pushing the front line going south, although the distribution of land and the public trial of the nobles are still in order, as the de facto supreme leader of Demacia today, Lux has gradually become a little bit stronger. A sense of powerlessness.

Demacia is huge.

There are many people in Demacia.

Although the northern territory is not small, the population is actually not dense, and the industry is relatively concentrated. Most people live in the city and the farms and mines around the city. Although there are relatively remote natural villages, the overall It is not difficult to manage.

However, when the northerners went south, when Lux occupied Xiongdu City, and when more and more southern cities were invincible, the administrative pressure that the clerks had to face suddenly began to increase exponentially.

At the end of the 14-year clerk recruitment in the Forsbarrow calendar, there were more than 10 clerks per 300 population in the entire Forsbarrow area, and the proportion of clerks to the total population was about 2.3%.

Such a scale of clerks ensures the efficient operation of all aspects of Forsbarrow, allowing the government's grassroots administrative capabilities to reach the community level.

With the development of Fossbarrow's integration strategy, a large number of new clerks have been transferred from specific production positions to temporary management and administrative positions. The size of Fossbarrow's clerks has doubled in two years. After the war nearly one-tenth of the population worked directly for Forsbarrow's government.

The purpose of doing this is naturally not to create redundant officials for the benefit of the whole people, but to prepare for the transformation of Demacia after the unification of Demacia.

Following the victory of the war and the army of northern border walkers going southward, most of these people who had transferred from other positions to become clerks went south in batches and took over the administrative work of the newly occupied areas in a planned way.

When the nobles thought that Lux could not rule the huge Demacia without him, Fossbarrow used such a way that he had never seen before, and severely smashed all their small thoughts to pieces.

However, even though the size of the clerk team is consciously expanding, and the clerks have replaced the former nobles and aristocratic henchmen, as the front goes further and further south, there is still a serious shortage of clerks at the grassroots level.

With the start of the census, for the first time Lux has population data for each city and region in Demacia.

Then, she found helplessly that although most of the maps of Demacia do not have that kind of large cities, due to the development of agriculture, natural villages and towns can be said to be blooming everywhere-according to statistics, only the south of the northern border, To the north of Tobysia, the population of Demacia has reached 4000 million people.

Counting the population in the north and the area south of Tobysia, the total population of Demacia is probably close to 5000 million.

What concept is this!

This means that even if all the people of the right age in Forsbarrow are working as clerks, the proportion of clerks in the entire Demacia can barely reach 2.5%, which is the same as the proportion of clerks under normal conditions in Forsbarrow.

In other words, if the administrative level of the entire Demacia is to reach the level of Fossbarrow, the size of the existing clerks must be expanded by ten times.

But it is a pity that the previous integration policy of Fossbarrow has almost drained all the potential of Fossbarrow City, Xinfucheng and Xinfugang. In order to hold the professional skills competition in Xiongdu, Lux even had to Not signing a special internship order, and sending all the students who are about to graduate over as interns, this is the link to the serious shortage of manpower!
Although in the eyes of the nobles of Xiongdu, Lux has used organizations they have never seen before, realized the rule of Demacia, and really left them behind, but in Lux's own opinion, everything is still a long way to go .

The proportion of clerks on this scale can only maintain the most basic administrative requirements, and many villages and towns have to turn to local respected people for help—on this point, there seems to be no difference between New Demacia and Old Demacia It's big.

Unfortunately, this kind of "enough" in the eyes of the old nobles can only be said to be "not enough" in the eyes of Lux, and even in the eyes of most clerks, it is also "not enough".

Compared with the old nobles, although the respected people in these villages and towns seem to be more reliable, they still need to be formalized. People who used to be associated with the nobility are now transformed into local respected people.

If the power at the grassroots level is really handed over to them with confidence, the result will inevitably be the birth of a group of new nobles.

You know, even if Carya is merciless when leading the internal purge of the clerks, even if the clerks have to accept the education of clean government, there will still be black sheep in this team, and even after taking down the city of Xiongdu, the atmosphere of the new aristocracy has also faintly fermented meaning.

That's the case with clerks, let alone those "persons with high morals and high prestige"?
It is no exaggeration to say that when Ino and the Northwalker occupied the entire territory of Demacia, it was also the time when New Demacia was at its most vulnerable—as long as there is a little carelessness, this emerging Demacia will become A replica of the old Demacia of yesteryear!
And this kind of situation is undoubtedly what Lacus does not want to see anyway.

However, just when Lux was worried about the future of this country, a brand new trend quietly blew up in Xiongdu.

And the name of this trend is... persuasion.


In the north, many people hope that Lux will become the new emperor of Demacia.

And as the entire territory of old Demacia was occupied, those who hoped that Lux would become the new emperor of Demacia also expanded to the entire Demacia.

For the northerners, Laxana is their leader and the current ruler of the entire Demacia, and becoming the emperor of Demacia is a natural thing.

Although Lux has repeatedly emphasized that no new nobles should be created, even if the clerks' goal is not to become new nobles, and they are completely out of public interest, then Lux's becoming emperor will be of great benefit to New Demacia.

After all, only when Lux becomes the emperor of Demacia can many things be carried out in a legitimate manner, the power in the hands of many clerks can be confirmed, and they can feel more at ease when working.

Needless to say, the Archons, they are the direct descendants of Lacus and also her students, their loyalty to Lacus is unquestionable, and they desperately hope that Lacus can sit in the position of emperor and lead the entire Demacia .

Also loyal is the North Walker. Lux has an amazing reputation and influence in the army that is not inferior to that of the Archons. The North Walker also very much hopes that Your Excellency the Lord can become His Majesty the Emperor as soon as possible.

Even with the intensification of this trend, not only the people in the north, but even the Demacians in the south are looking forward to Lux becoming the emperor.

For the farmers in the Demacia Plain, only when Her Excellency Laxana Crown Guard becomes the emperor, can they completely relax about the land deed in their hands, and they don't have to worry about it becoming a waste of paper one day.

For the new technology backbones in Xiongdu, they also prefer the current ethos of being capable. Everyone is better than professional skills, not who has a better relationship with the nobles.



As if overnight, tens of millions of people in the entire Demacia were looking forward to it, expecting Lux to move to that supreme position and become the new emperor of Demacia.

And the only ones who are anxious about this are the remnants of the old era who have been washed away by the waves in this wave.

However, in the face of this trend, Lux herself, who has been expected by everyone, is actually not very interested in "becoming an emperor".

In other words, in Lux's heart, the position of emperor itself is dangerous, its power is too great, and the corresponding responsibility is too great, it is simply impossible for one person to bear it alone.

But even if she didn't like the emperor, Lux didn't stop this wave of persuasion like she did when she stopped the "new aristocratic wave".

Because she knows very well that Demacia...does need an emperor.

Although there are thousands of bad things about sitting on that throne, it is also good for Demacia.

Especially when there are void creatures in the Freljord, Demacia must speak out - and from the history of Shurima, it is not difficult to see that power politics has various problems, but in the face of a severe environment When , the efficiency is quite astonishing.

Moreover, the emperor and the emperor... may not be the same thing.

If done properly, the emperor of Demacia can also be a leader bearing the title of emperor.


When the news that Ino and the northern traveler crossed the Sorrow Gate was sent back to Xiongdu, there was an intangible wave of persuasion before, and finally formed a de facto storm.

As far as Fossbarrow in the north, Whitecliff City in the south, Greentooth Peak in the east, and Dornhold in the west, the voices of countless Demacians finally merged into a storm, urging Lux to climb up the long distance. step, sit on that throne of storm.

And in this storm, Lux, who had been ignoring Jinfeng in the past, finally responded for the first time.

She will ascend the throne and become emperor of Demacia.

As soon as the news came out, the whole country of Demacia was boiling.

No matter how many people shook their heads in secret and lamented that the royal family had usurped the royal power, but anyone with a discerning eye could clearly see that it was the general trend for Lacus to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

She has mastered all the armed forces of the country.

Her administrators reached into every corner of the empire.

Peasants, who made up the highest percentage of the empire's population, received land because of her.

The birth and development of other industries in Demacia are also closely related to her.

When Lux was about to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor, some people woke up like a dream. They were surprised to find that the empress had already prepared everything before ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor, sweeping away all the people and things that could hinder them. In the trash.

Moreover, compared to the past, there is no noble council around Laxana Crownguard, and the Illuminati has also been incorporated into the religious management system. The entire political situation in Demacia seems to have completely become her one word!
This has never happened before, even the emperor of Noxus next door has to share his power with nobles and military leaders.

But after Lux became the emperor, she has truly achieved what she says in Demacia, and no one can control her!
Many old aristocrats who have lost all their wealth and can only rely on ordinary people's jobs that they despised in the past to make ends meet, and have completely lost the dignity of the aristocrats, can finally express "concern for the country and the people" that they have lost the restraint. Power is a wild horse that runs wild. Her Majesty Laksanna completely abandoned the noble council, leaving the emperor's power completely unrestricted, which is very likely to cause problems.

When everyone is rejoicing, someone must stand up and raise objections!
However, no matter whether they are clerks, law-enforcers, or ordinary people in Xiongdu, no one is willing to take a second look at them-although not everyone has heard that they "hope to be the one who opposes for the sake of opposing, and His Majesty The voice-over of "The Opposition of the Double Reed", but this does not prevent them from casting contemptuous glances at these guys who have been swept into the dustbin of history.

In this way, in the spring of the 17th year of the Fossbyro calendar, Laxana Crownguard gave up her surname and became emperor in Xiongdu under the name of Laxana. The first year of the new Demacian calendar, referred to as the first year of the new calendar.

When Lux spoke about her rights and responsibilities in the form of a spring speech, and made a promise of prosperity to the people, countless people from Xiongdu and people from the north who came all the way cheered in the grand square. stand up.

But amidst the roaring and tsunami-like celebrations, Lux glanced at the south without any trace.

For some reason, she always felt that Kalya wasn't here at this time... Maybe it was on purpose.

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