Lux's Farewell

763 [0752] The secret hidden in the restricted area

Kalya did do it on purpose for not showing up at Lux's enthronement ceremony.

Kalya knew that Lux was about to become emperor.

He knew better than anyone else that no matter how unwilling Lux was to become emperor, she would eventually become emperor—because Demacia needed a strong emperor to deal with the coming reforms and crises.

Only the position of the emperor can maximize Lux's prestige advantage, and use the huge prestige she has accumulated in the political situation of Demacia.

Although it was a bit of a pity not to attend the enthronement ceremony, for Carya, it was also a preparation for the future.

For the past 25 years, ever since she came into contact with that magic rod, everything about Lux has been firmly bound to Kalya.

Karya taught everything she knew, whether it was magical theory or political theory.

And Lux ​​also accepted everything from him and inherited everything from him.

However, this binding is not forever.

Today, Kalya has long since lost her immortality.

When he became an Ascendant, Karya embraced eternity, and his age was forever fixed at 42 years old.

After losing his immortality, the 42-year-old whose watch was stopped finally moved forward again.

Even if Karya doesn't have the power to ascend, he is still considered an extraordinary person.

But unless there are some special adventures, the lifespan of a transcendent is very limited—maybe a little longer than ordinary people, but it is only a hundred years.

Lacus is used to having Karya.

But in the future, she will experience a long, long time without Karya.

Life is full of life.

With the power of eternal ascension gone, Karya's mentality is getting closer and closer to that of an old man.

In his spare time, he is more and more used to remembering.

The extraordinary memory allows him to clearly remember the bits and pieces of what he has experienced in the past thousands of years. These past events in his memory are like gratings carved with exquisite patterns, and they are like gratings that have long since disappeared. Light and shadow refracted in Karya's heart like a revolving lantern.

In Lux's view, Kalya is a very hardworking person. Whether in Vazuan or Fossbarrow, he can always handle the government affairs in an orderly manner, leaving only the problems that Lux and Ino can handle. As their study and trial.

But only Kalya knew that he was so busy mainly because he didn't want to be idle.

Kalya himself is actually not hardworking.

Once she is free, Carya is prone to indulge in the memories of the past - the memory of ordinary people is only a hundred years old, but people still miss them when they are old, but Carya's memory spans thousands of years. This heavy memory It was always on his mind.

And in that heavy memory, although there are countless sweetnesses, those sweetnesses turned into bitterness in the end.

In this case, Karya can only keep himself from being immersed in it through continuous work, so that he will not suffer from spiritual pain.

Just like now, in Ixocan, Kalya goes to and from Qiyana's private dragon farm all day long, as if she is really a dragon lover, carefully observing and studying Qiyana of those "private collections".

Obviously it was the pusher who caused Qiyana to cooperate with the radicals, but it seemed that he was just a person who stayed out of the matter.

However, what is interesting is that it is precisely because of his "staying out of the way" that Kalya is taken seriously-Qiana has always maintained courtesy to Kalya, because after she cooperated with the radicals, both parties found that I don't know much about things other than Ixtar. Although Kalya showed an attitude of staying out of it, his importance has not diminished but increased.

However, the current Ixtar is still in the stage of party struggle. Kalya, the "Shurima Tong", is useful, but it has not yet come into play, so he is only being treated politely.

And being treated courteously is enough for Karya.

Because of this courtesy, he got the right to go deep into Qiyana's private dragon farm, and he got close to the south wall of this dragon farm.

Further south of the south wall is the restricted area!

Now that things have come to this point, it is much less difficult to enter the restricted area.

In the previous investigation of the enchantment of the restricted zone, Carya had long confirmed the properties of this enchantment—as a space shielding enchantment, it can not only detect people and objects passing through the enchantment, but also isolate the inside and outside. The spatial connection is an artificial spatial barrier.

If the physical body passes through the barrier, it will be discovered immediately, and the space of the barrier must be torn apart; and if you want to teleport over... Sorry, people outside the barrier cannot determine the internal space coordinates.

The transfer destination cannot be selected!

It seems that this enchantment cannot be penetrated no matter what.

But in fact, Runeterra has never been foolproof. As for how to pass through this enchantment, Carya already has a way in his heart at this time.

Unbeknownst to him, he crafts a spatial coordinate that serves as an anchor for teleportation.

Then, the next day, Karya, who had been "studying the elemental dragon", became interested in the acid dragon at the southernmost point of the dragon farm.

Curious about the dragon species he had never seen before, he "slightly" teased these elemental dragons closest to the southern wall, causing this acid-spitting dragon to spit in the direction of the barrier outside the restricted area. saliva.

Taking advantage of fluctuations in the barrier, Karl threw the forbidden magic stone engraved with the space coordinates across the barrier.

Under the erosion of acid, the boundary of the restricted area fluctuated, which attracted the attention of the guarding soldiers.

But obviously, this was just an accident—things like elemental dragons spitting at the barrier had occasionally happened in the past.

So, after the barrier guard rushed to the scene quickly, he briefly checked the situation in the barrier, confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, and then turned and left.

It looks like nothing happened.

It was night, and Kalya sneaked into the dragon farm quietly.

He is already familiar with the dragons along the way. These sensitive elemental dragons did not make a single movement during the process of Kalya passing by—you know, the reason why this dragon farm can rely on Apart from Qiyana's owner being the barrier placed in the restricted area, another important reason is that the dragon's nose is far more sensitive than the dog's nose.

Raising dragons outside the barrier is strengthening security!

But it's a pity that these violent elemental dragons and elemental dragons have become fully acquainted with Karya in the past few days, and the acid dragon who was teased by him today to spray the dragon's breath has also benefited. bowed down.

Therefore, these elemental dragons turned a blind eye to Kalya's infiltration, allowing Kalya to reach the southern wall very smoothly.

Very good, this step is also successfully completed.

Next, what Carya has to do is to teleport herself to the space coordinates!

It's not too difficult.

Although Karya is not like Ryze, who can directly use arcane magic to realize zigzagging, but he has a lot of research on space accommodation, at least he can designate his own small world exit within a short distance.

After confirming that the coordinates he left in the barrier were still intact, Kalya first left the coordinates in the south wall, and then entered his own small world.

And when he came out again, the exit coordinates had been changed to the preset position within the enchantment!

In this way, Kalya successfully passed the barrier in a way that was almost "bug stuck".


The first thing to do after entering the enchantment is to explore the surrounding environment first.

But at this moment, it was pitch black inside the barrier, and everything Karya could see was full of chaos—to see the surrounding environment clearly, he needed a light source.

Considering that the use of magic may cause detection, Carya chose to light up a prepared hexminer's lamp.

When the miner's lamp was lit for a quarter of an hour and there was no movement around, Kalya finally breathed a sigh of relief, then put the miner's lamp on his head, looked around, and began to move forward into the depths of the restricted area.

It's very empty here.

Where the light reaches, there seems to be nothing, and the miner's lamp sweeps around, and Karya only sees a piece of bare ground.

On the ground, there are some ordinary sandy soils that are most common in Shurima, and there is nothing special that deserves attention.

For the sake of caution, Karya will conduct an environmental test every five hundred steps—mainly tests related to element concentrations.

The test results showed that the closer Carya was to the depths of the restricted area, the higher the activity of the elements. It seemed that there was indeed something amazing in this secret place.

And after walking for almost two hours, when Kalya tested again, he felt the energy erosion unique to monolithic elements for the first time.

Could it be that the ruins of the Monolith Fortress are hidden here? !
Then, when Kalya continued to move forward and continued to penetrate into the restricted area, at the place where the energy erosion of the monolithic fortress was the most intense, within the range illuminated by the miner's lamp, many shadowy figures finally appeared, as if they were towers head, quietly standing on the ground.

What the hell is this?

Even if he is well-informed, Kalya is a little dazed at first glance, because he doesn't understand why Ixtar builds so many things that look like defensive towers in these restricted areas...

Then, when Karya approached these "defense towers" full of doubts, he found that there were many familiar and unfamiliar inscriptions on these towers, and these inscriptions clearly explained The origin of these towers.

All the towers are made of the monoliths that were removed from the monolithic fortress!

So the Ixtar people demolished the Monolith Fortress and made this thing?
Why are they doing this?

Arriving at the nearest tower, Kalya studied it carefully from top to bottom.

The tower is solid and made entirely of the building materials of the monolithic fortress. On the surface of the tower, there is a new layer of inscriptions, which suppresses the previous inscriptions when the monolithic fortress was built.

Judging from the old inscriptions on the ground floor, the building materials of this tower should come from the base of the monolithic fortress.

Then, Karya studied the newly engraved inscription, and he was surprised to find that although he knew almost all the magic circuits and symbols above, when they were combined together, Karya was completely confused.

According to Carya's existing knowledge, these inscriptions are completely contradictory!
Absorbing mana and releasing mana are in the same circuit.

The flow of mana at high element concentrations is reversed from that at low element concentrations.

And "growth" and "stagnation" connected in parallel...

Paradoxes are everywhere on the entire tower!
What are you doing, performance art?
For a moment, Kalya even wondered if there was something wrong with Ne'zuk's mind.

Shaking his head, Karya followed the direction of the magic power circuit and looked at the top of the tower - many paradox symbols and circuits that should not be connected in parallel are all here, and perhaps these towers are hidden inside real secret?
At the end of the magic circuit, Kalya saw an ordinary black stone.

This stone is a bit like a monolith, but it is completely different from a monolith. Perceiving the elemental fluctuations and erosion of the monolith, Kalya finally narrowed his eyes.

Familiar, too familiar - in those towers of elements, what Kalya perceives is this thing!
Are these black stones the core of the Tower of Elements?
And these strange towers are special devices used to make these black stones?
It looks very similar, but the joints in it, Carya can't figure it out no matter how much he thinks. With his level, he can't understand why these symbols and magic circuits that he can clearly understand and have contradictory meanings can create a tower of elements. core!
There must be something wrong here!
Just as Kalya continued to observe the tower, while thinking about whether there were any omissions in the whole observation process, in front of him, the tower suddenly... moved slightly.

Carya, who confirmed that she was not mistaken, finally narrowed her eyes slightly.

Wait, it moved?

Is there some kind of driving mechanism?

Or is it because... it's actually alive?
When this thought appeared in Kalya's head, he finally couldn't help but widened his eyes instantly.


As we all know, the magic power circuit engraved on the body of a creature and the magic power circuit engraved on the forbidden magic stone are completely different things. If self-regulation can be carried out, then the contradictory circuit will not be a problem!
As for the towers made of the building materials of Monolith Fortress, why might they be living things...

There is actually precedent for this.

Galio is alive.

If there is no Karya, a living Malphite will also be born in the monolith.

These monoliths piled up together, engraved with magical circuits and inscriptions, if there are certain specific stimuli... maybe they can also be "alive".

At this moment, Carya finally suddenly realized!

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