Lux's Farewell

769 [0758] Insect infestation

Karya also knows something about Icacia's situation - when he went to borrow fire last time, he briefly visited the territory of the Icacia Autonomous Committee behind the fan lock.

Overall... not very optimistic.

During the Icathian War, in order to ensure the victory of the war, the Icathian Mage King used the power of the void to almost build a complete "underground world" underground in Icathia as a means of resisting the Shurima Empire. secret base.

After all, not everyone in Icacia agrees to use force to resist the Shurima Empire. People like Kieran, who have a good relationship with Kalya and understand the situation in Shurima, have been advocating a settlement through negotiation. question.

For the Mage King, Kieran's doves are his tools to confuse Karya and hold back the Shurima Empire. He dare not let this tool know that he is already preparing to use the power of the void Strike back!

Therefore, when the Shurima Empire and Icacia were negotiating on the relationship between the two parties, a small crack was torn open in the underground of Icacia. But they sprang out quickly and began to dig and build nests underground.

The result is that, without the vast majority of Icathian people even knowing it, the underground areas of several important cities in Icathia have been reduced to frontiers of the void.

Under the relentless excavation of the Dungeon beasts, a huge labyrinth criss-crossed, the deepest of which can reach a thousand meters underground - the Mage King sharpened his sword in ten years, and the Dungeon beasts dug underground for a full ten years.

When this secret base finally took shape, and when the Icathian Mage-King thought he was ready to attack Shurima, he ignited the Eternal Flame and tried to close that small void, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

But it's a pity that when the matter developed to this point, everything was beyond his control.

Not to mention that the small flames of Eternal Flame can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket for the tearing apart of the void fissure. What's more terrible is that the Icacias who implemented this plan, with the mentality of using the void from the beginning, eventually gradually became For the servants of the void.

Ajax, who was ordered to use the eternal flame to close the gap in the void, went deep underground after untold hardships, but found that it was useless, and when he returned in a hurry, the Mage King, who seemed to be sure of everything before, finally lost his last sanity.

So far, Icacia has been completely reduced to the kingdom of the void. The Mage King declared war on the Shurima Empire, intending to kill Zilan and others who were still negotiating with the Shurima Empire. Then the Icacia War broke out...

The void rift on the battle front is closed by Monolith Fortress.

But the void rift hidden deep in the ground of Icacia has not been completely closed so far—the rift a thousand meters deep, even if it is a monolithic fortress, there is nothing to do about it, and in the end, Kieran can only take Ai The Cassia Autonomous Committee sealed it.

The people of Shurima are actually happy to see this void rift hidden deep in the ground.

With this rift in place, Icathians will continue to bleed, and these Icathians will have to stay forever in this land they have fought for for many years, wary of the void coming again.

Today, most of Icacia is barren, and only a few cities can be regarded as "safe areas", because these cities with reinforced bases will not drill out without warning. A deadly void creature.

Only in these cities, there is a thick base that isolates the excavation of the burrowing beasts, coupled with the time lock carefully constructed by Kieran, this allows the Icathian Autonomous Committee and the remaining Icathian people to stay here forever piece of land.

When borrowing the kindling, Carya once walked around the city of Icacia, where the residents are densely populated, and the per capita living area is pitifully small.

Since there is no land to develop agriculture, a large area of ​​Icacia City has been specially designated for the cultivation of crops - the Autonomous Committee has a special [Food Overall Planning Section], and many of them, like Fuquelin, are useful for the growth of plants. Talented people specialize in being farmers here and engage in large-scale three-dimensional soilless cultivation.

But even though the Icathian Autonomous Committee has tried its best to cultivate the land, the local food supply in Icathia is still in short supply, so every once in a while, Kieran will open the time lock and let some Icathian people leave here, Go to Shurima to start a new life.

For the Icathian people, this means exile. After all, even if life is crowded under the rule of the Icathian Autonomous Committee, they can eat and drink well. As long as they are willing to work, life will not be too difficult.

But once in the desert of is not easy for the Icathians to fend for themselves.

More than 3000 years have passed since the Battle of Icacia and the establishment of the Icacia Autonomous Committee.

During these long years, due to lack of resources, the Autonomous Committee only restored the normal operation of twelve cities, and barely cleaned up the void creatures around these cities.

If Icacia wants to return to the former "land of fragrance of flowers and spices", at this rate, even 1 years may not be possible.

It is precisely because of this special environment that Kalya's prince Lingyu and the route connecting Vazuan to Icacia are so important-for Icacia, only with external supplies and more Only by devoting precious human resources to more important tasks can the pace of rebuilding the country be accelerated.

If there is no food inflow, a large number of spellcasters in Icacia will need to engage in the simplest production in the least economical form, exchanging magic power for food, and losing blood.

It was precisely because Kalya knew the situation in Ikasia that when he learned that there was a large-scale insect tide in Ikasia, his heart suddenly rose.

Don't forget, there is also a small void rift underground in Icacia!
If this wave of worms is really caused by the expansion of void rifts, I am afraid that before going north to Freljord, Kalya needs to consider a small test in Icacia first.

Fortunately, the second line of Kieran's letter made Kalya feel relieved.

"I confirmed the situation of the underground rift through the time lock, and the state of this rift has not changed."

As long as there is no change!
After taking a long breath, Kalya continued reading.

"The bug swarm this time is very abnormal. It seems that all the void bugs have been mobilized and irritated by certain reasons. Even many species that usually don't get close to the ground will crawl to the ground and threaten us. city ​​of."

"The Self-Government Committee built a simple port on the Cape before, but due to the riots of the void insects, a large amount of food was piled up there and could not be transported to Icacia. The Self-Government Committee was already working at full capacity, and it could barely Just maintain the situation."

"In the past long years, this kind of void worm swarm has happened several times, and every time there is a void worm swarm, it means that someone has some kind of connection with the void."

"As long as the traitors inside Icacia are caught, the bug swarm can be quickly subsided."

"However, the situation this time is a bit strange, because after the internal review by the review committee, we did not find any traces of Void believers."

"This may be because the traitors who believe in the void have learned more savvy, and even the review committee has been infiltrated; it may also mean that some dangerous elements outside of Cassia, who believe in the void, and the void under Icacia The worms made some sort of connection."

"No matter which result it is, it is not good news for you, me, or the entire Runeterra."

"Although it can be seen from your wish that I go to Ixtar, the latter is more likely."

"But the cunning Void is never easy to guess. If I take it lightly, the result is likely to be two-pronged. Therefore, before I leave, I must personally clear the review committee."

"For so many years, I have been paying attention to the void as an observer, it devours and digests everything hungrily, and the types of void creatures are becoming more and more diverse, but I am sure that the void is not omnipotent, it still has its own fatal flaw."

"And this flaw, I'm about to find it."

"So, Jax will replace me and go to your place first. If there is anything, you can leave it to him."

"I believe you should also know that Jax is quite reliable in order to get back his title."


As Kalya finished reading the last line, a magic power quietly dissipated, and the whole letter seemed to be fast forwarded in time, quickly turning yellow, wrinkled, and then weathered into fly ash all over the floor.

Burn after reading.

"So, what was written in Kieran's letter?" Jax looked at Kalya, "Does he want to come?"

"I'll come when it's time to come." A big smile appeared on Kalya's mask, "Okay, don't worry about this, since you're here, come over and do more work, I'm almost out of control gone."

"Surveillance?" After hearing his specific mission, Jax was a little surprised. "I'm fine in frontal combat, but things like lurking surveillance... It's really not what I'm good at."

"No, I didn't ask you to lurk to watch closely." Kalya shook his head, "And Shyvana is also here, you don't need to maintain the dragon form, come over and watch for me!"


In a small temporarily rented courtyard in Ixtal City, Jax and Shivana finally knew what the "surveillance" Karya was talking about.

Good guy, it turned out to be staring at these sand paintings!

"That's not an ordinary sand painting." Seeing the confusion of the two, Kalya couldn't help snorting, "These are the eyes of an eagle!"

Hearing about [Eagle's Eyes], Jax suddenly realized, while Shivana was still confused: "What eagle's eyes? Where are the eagle's eyes?"

"What you see is what the eagle's eyes see." Kalya pointed to the sand painting on the table, "Specifically, its name should be called Yellow Sand Words, but the name of the eagle's eyes is more It has momentum, so it has been passed down.”

"You monitor the battlefield through this?" Shyvana was still a little puzzled, but Jax still sat at the table, "It turned out to be sand, no wonder we couldn't find your scouts anyway."

"For me it is sand, for others it can be other mediums, this involves the resonance wave of elements... Forget it, you don't understand, in short, these sand paintings will show a few yellow sands What you have seen, the task of the two of you is to stare at these people."

Jax and Shyvana looked at the nine sand paintings in front of them with delicate expressions.

"I have specially marked some people, and these people need to focus on." Kalya took out a glass plate and sprinkled a handful of sand on it. After a while, several figures appeared on the glass plate, "Sand The accuracy of the drawing is limited, so you need to pay attention to their physical characteristics as much as possible, if anyone behaves abnormally and leaves Ixtar, please contact me as soon as possible."

Both Jax and Shyvana nodded.

"Especially Malzahar, you must keep an eye on him!"

"Malzahar, is he?" Jax looked at the sand painting, "He doesn't look like a dangerous person."

"The dangerous elements don't seem to be dangerous." Kalya shrugged. "If nothing else happens, he is the key person who caused the Icacia swarm."

Under the mask, Jax's eyes widened.

"If that's the case, why not just take him down?"

"Calm down, this is Ixtar!" Seeing that Jax reached out and grabbed his weapon, Karya pressed his shoulder, "His current official identity is Ixtar's An important official, and an out-and-out elemental envoy—you should understand what this concept is."


Jax didn't speak.

But judging from the way he lowered his weapon, he understood Karya's meaning.

"So, what is the Great Elementalist?" Shyvana was a little curious, "I have heard of this name in Ixtar."

"It's very simple." Kalya shrugged. "If Lux's theoretical knowledge is a little bit more solid, and then she has some pioneering results, then she will be a great elementalist."

Hearing what Kalya said, Shivana's eyes widened in disbelief: "Ixtar has dozens of great elementalists!"

"That's right, there used to be thousands of Ascenders in the Shurima Empire!" Kalya pouted, as if dissatisfied with his students' short-sightedness, "And, looking at the current situation in Ixtar, their The Great Elementalist seems to have lost a lot of water, and the requirements for theoretical knowledge may be different from the past... But no matter what, he is an extraordinary existence that is qualified to become an Ascendant!"

"What about you?" Seeming to have remembered Malzahar's appearance, Jax finally raised his head and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to focus on a more critical position." Kalya spread his hands, "I hope that Malzaha's actions are not too hasty during your absence, and I hope everything can be done in time."

The elderly at home are not in good health, so the author Zha has been staying in his hometown recently.

Although I came back with a computer keyboard and something, and I can code words, but the desks and chairs in my hometown are really uncomfortable everywhere. The table can’t put my legs down, and the chair can’t support my waist. I have a sore back and ache when I sit...

Or because I am too fat, lose weight!

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