Lux's Farewell

Chapter 770 [0759]

Chapter 770 [0759]
With Kalya's departure, Jax and Shivana began to watch the monitoring work boringly. The sand paintings are erratic. within their field of vision.

As for Karya himself, he left the city of Ixaucan and once again came to the restricted area of ​​Ixtal.

The anchor point he left in the restricted area last time is still valid at this time. For him, this place, which is strictly guarded by the Ixtars, is already a public toilet, and he can come and go whenever he wants.

On the one hand, this is very convenient for Karya, but on the other hand, it also means that for other people, the defense of the restricted area is actually not very reliable. Karya can treat this place as a public toilet, which makes no sense for others no.

Although it is said that the space barrier can isolate the perception of space, and its secrecy is second only to the opening of a personal sub-plane, but if you really have bad intentions and want to bypass this barrier, as far as Karya knows, there are at least three or five ways .

So this restricted area may not be as reliable as it seems.

When he was monitoring Malzahar alone, Kalya was too weak to keep an eye on the restricted area all the time. Now that Jax and Shivana are helping to watch the monitoring, he can finally enter the restricted area again and wait for work!

And Malzaha, who was under surveillance, didn't know that he was being targeted.

In fact, the Prophet of the Void not only seems to be very honest recently, but he is also very honest in fact-when Kalya was worried about him making some small moves, he actually didn't make any small moves.

Since becoming the inspector of the restricted area, he has been carefully studying the many documents and information about the restricted area that he has access to, trying to figure out the operating rules of the restricted area.

However, even if he is already a real great elementalist, Malzaha still has quite a headache when reading the information about the restricted area.

This seemingly simple enchantment is actually quite complicated. From energy supply to operation, it involves many professional fields such as element concentration, element transformation, and element insulation, just in terms of elemental magic theory.

In addition to the elemental theory, the application of the original axiom of modularization can be found everywhere.

If Malzaha couldn't decipher the core principle of its operation, but used violent means to destroy it, the result would be that the self-destruct system of the restricted area would be activated, and the entire restricted area would be erased by the monolith.

That's right, although Ixtar, who dared to use the void to "activate" the monolith, had great hearts, they did not expect a space barrier to completely stop possible dangers. In order to avoid another Icathian war In addition to protecting the enchantment of the restricted area, they also designed a complete self-destruction system.

There is only one core of this self-destruct system, which is "Once an uncorrectable error occurs in the operation of the restricted area, the entire restricted area will be completely wiped out. Even if there are monitors who take the opportunity to enter Runeterra, they will be strangled."

After learning about these secret files, Malzaha realized that the original choice to use the space barrier was not only for safety, but also for the purpose of stripping the entire forbidden space from Runeterra when the self-destruct procedure was activated. Into the turbulent flow of space.

According to the designer's calculations, in the chaotic space, even if a void army of the scale of the Icathian battle descends, it will not have any substantial impact on Ixtar!

To be honest, when he read this paragraph, Malzaha was really scared into a cold sweat. He thought that he could act freely as a monitor of the restricted area and cultivate a group of void troops based on the restricted area, but he never expected , The restricted area actually has such a self-destruct system!
If Malzahar's previous plan is followed...then the entire restricted area will really self-destruct in minutes, and it will really be self-defeating by then!
From this point of view, the person who designed the restricted area was really ruthless. As long as the situation exceeds expectations, the entire restricted area will be completely destroyed. In any case, Ixtar cannot be allowed to become the second Icacia.

After realizing this, Malzaha calmed down on the spot.

He secretly made up his mind that he must not act rashly until he has figured out everything about the restricted area!


Since Malzahar didn't act rashly, the question is, what caused the large-scale bug swarm in Icacia?

Could it be that high-level traitors really appeared in the review committee of the Icacia Autonomous Committee?

However, even if Kieran went off in person, and even performed a "limited time-space retrospective", the results still showed that everyone was innocent—in other words, in Icacia, no one actively contacted the void.

Moreover, completely different from the previous worm swarms, in this time the void worm swarm, Zilan saw a large number of void worms that he had never seen before, and these void worms looked quite fragile and had just left the void rift Soon, he died quickly.

Self-death in the true sense, the kind that dies as soon as you kick your legs.

Kieran, who was at a loss, tried to figure out the details of these void worms. Could it be that their corpses are some great nourishment that can nourish the void army?

However, after researching and researching, the only thing Kieran found was that these suddenly dead void worms looked like they died of heat stroke, which was a strange thing.

In Kieran's impression, void creatures are very adaptable, and the appearance of such heat-dead void worms can only be described as unimaginable.

This discovery had to make him have some doubts, wondering if there was some huge conspiracy brewing in the void.

It was precisely because of this discovery that Kieran chose to sit in Icacia temporarily, so as not to be caught off guard if something went wrong.

After all, unlike the previous bug swarms, this bug swarm seemed somewhat unreasonable. From its appearance to its development, it seemed that every place revealed something strange, and people had to be careful.

But in fact, what the bewildered Kieran didn't know was that it wasn't just Ionia who had the abnormal void worm swarm.

At the same time that there was an abnormal swarm of insects in Ionia, in the Howling Abyss of the Freljord, more and more void creatures were obviously mixed with many creatures that were not suitable for the Freljord. Types of snowfields.

Like the void creatures who were killed by heat in Icacia, in the Howling Abyss, many void worms were frozen to slag in the severe cold after rushing out of the void cracks. Then it was crushed by the friendly troops rushing past.

If Kieran had seen this scene, he would have realized that Icacia's swarm of void worms this time was actually a completely unwarranted disaster.

The culprit that caused this bug swarm was neither the traitor inside nor Malzahar who was still concentrating on researching the space barrier and the restricted circulation system, but the Freljord tens of thousands of miles away.

That's right, the main reason for the Icathian swarm this time is actually the loosening of the seal of the Freljord's Howling Abyss—although the sealed watcher has not escaped from the trap, as the true ice is continuously transformed into dark ice, , more and more void creatures have emerged from the cracks beneath the Howling Abyss.

Although Icacia and the Howling Abyss are one south and one north, they can almost be regarded as the two poles of Runeterra, but for Void, they are all Runeterra.

Now that the Watcher is waking up, and since Runeterra is waiting for the void, a large number of void creatures will naturally set off one after another. Under the will of the Watcher, they will enter the void cracks and rush to the unknown Runeterra.

It’s just that in the process of rushing, some void worms took the wrong exit. Some void worms adapted to the wasteland environment of the Icathian desert entered the cracks of the Freljord and were frozen into ice sculptures; The voidworms of the Eljordian Icefield entered a rift in Icathia and died of heat stroke.

Even in unnoticed corners, some void creatures entered the small cracks hidden in the sea of ​​Runeterra, and then drowned themselves on the spot, becoming a delicious meal for sea creatures.

The root cause of all this confusion is that the monitors who had just issued the "conscription order" hurriedly went offline when the void creatures rushed in - without the command of the monitors, a large number of void creatures can only follow Following the previous orders and acting on instinct, this led to organizational chaos in the Void Army.

So, here comes the question, why did the dignified watcher go offline in a hurry when the seal was already loose?
The reason is also very simple.

In the Freljord, a great demigod, upon discovering the loosening of the seal, plunged headlong into the Howling Abyss, smashing himself to pieces.

After that, the polar storm blew day and night on the Howling Abyss. The seal of the watcher was temporarily strengthened, and the order of the watcher was cut off for a short time. confusion.

The demigod who fell in the Howling Abyss was Anivia, revered by all Freljords.

In the ancient ballads, Anivia is an immortal existence. No matter where she dies, no matter when she dies, a phoenix egg purely made of pure ice will appear in Freire To the north of Zhuode, in the phoenix nest in the extreme north called the Great Glacier.

And this is the main reason why Ashe returned to Raxstark City with the remaining warriors and said that "the evil has been stopped"-during that tragic battle, the Avarosans The main task is to hold the position and wait for the arrival of Anivia's support.

After Anivia arrived, they withdrew from the battle with the approval of the ice crystal phoenix, completely handing over the subsequent battle to this demigod who had sheltered the Freljord countless times.

As for Anivia, this nirvana is the same as the countless times before, not only for these little people whom she favors, but also for protecting the Freljord.

As a demigod of nature born in this wild land, the connection between Anivia and the Freljord is closer than people think-he is to the Freljord, just like The spirit of the dragon is the same as that of the spirit world, the two sides are completely one.

Therefore, whenever the seal in the Howling Abyss weakens, or powerful void creatures sneak in, when mortal power can no longer solve these problems, Anivia will sacrifice herself without hesitation, Enter Nirvana.

Every time he dies, a terrible polar storm will be summoned. Under such extreme conditions, Lissandra will take action to strengthen the seal.

This is Anivia's mission, and it is also the oldest contract between him and the three sisters.

Even among the three sisters, Anivia is most optimistic about Avarosa, but if only Lissandra can execute the contract, she will not refuse for the sake of the Freljord.

That's how Anivia protected the Freljord during the Nirvana time and time again, making the void under this frozen soil unable to escape, and strengthening the ancient seal again and again.

Unfortunately, Anivia didn't know that on the great glacier, every time he returned from nirvana, the color of the newly born phoenix eggs would be somewhat dimmed.

Even though Anivia, who was reborn from a broken egg, was still the pure and flawless ice crystal phoenix, her phoenix egg was polluted time and time again by forces that did not belong to Runeterra.

Perhaps after this pollution reaches a certain limit, the ice crystal phoenix will completely turn into a dark crystal phoenix—by then, once the seal is loosened again, the entire Freljord will completely collapse.

Of course, no one is aware of this yet, because the place where Anivia's Nirvana is top secret, no one can see his phoenix egg, and no one will find out that the respected Anivia is suffering a terrible death... pollute.

Now the Freljord is in the joy of the rest of his life, because according to the law of history, within a hundred years of Anivia's nirvana, the Freljord doesn't need to worry about the situation of the Howling Abyss, As long as the "overflow" void creatures are eliminated, there will be no problems at all.

It was only because Anivia's Nirvana came a little later this time that Icacia also suffered an unwarranted disaster.

Of course, in addition to the unforeseen disaster, this time the accident also revealed some problems at a deeper level.

Now in the entire Runeterra, except for Kalya, I am afraid that no one has realized that fighting against the void is not the responsibility of a certain force or a few forces, but the obligation of everyone.

And the penetration of the void into Runeterra is not limited to a certain void crack, but exists in every possible opportunity.

The seemingly menacing swarm of insects may be just the aftermath of an indiscriminate disaster; the seemingly calm after the sacrifice may also be just a temporary quenching of thirst by drinking poison.

Even those giant gods who have just experienced a tragic failure and are preparing to regain their strength have not realized that the giant god peak under their feet may not be as safe and reliable as it seems.

 Karya's Little Classroom: The First Invasion of the Void:
  In fact, before human civilization, the claws of the Void had reached out to Runeterra—but at that time, the gap in the Void was closed by Aurelion under the control of the giant god, and the terrifying power displayed by Aurelion , which also made the giant choose to completely banish it to the astral world.

  For human beings, that terrible battle only exists in a few words of myths and legends. No one knows that there used to be a deadly gap in the void under the Giant God Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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