Lux's Farewell

Chapter 774 [0763] Inaction is something or nothing

Things have developed to this point, even if he is as dull as Galen, he is aware of the subtlety of the attitude between Katerina and Lux.

Then, just when Galen was scratching his stomach and trying to appease him, Lacus and Katerina smiled at the same time, as if nothing had happened before, and changed the subject without warning.

Galen was confused.

In the end, after a family dinner was over and Katerina left, she immediately reported the whole process of her conversation with Lacus to the Noxus mission.

Regarding this "informal meeting", the Noxus mission made a very radical decision after some analysis.

The entire mission came on the spot, and the whole mission was divided into three.

Some simply lived in Xiongdu and applied for a place to build an embassy.

Some continue to maintain a posture of dialogue, but in fact it is just a posture.

Others left Demacia quickly and sent the news back to Noxus to gain the initiative for the next action.

Based on Lux's attitude, the Noxus mission believes that Demacia does not intend to intervene in the war situation, at least not in a short period of time-even if the two sides fail to sign a non-aggression pact on paper, But according to the judgment of the mission, at least in the initial stage of this war, there is no need to consider the movements of the Demacians.

Based on the above judgments, coupled with the observation of the joint mission after coming to Xiongdu City, the Noxus mission believes that in the next "unification war", Noxus should choose the Black Forest Federation as the main attack direction.

In addition to the fact that the Black Forest Federation itself is weak and its location is not sensitive, the most important point is that the Noxus Mission has already inquired clearly, and the Black Forest Federation has sent an envoy over to the Joint Mission.

In this case, as long as Noxus can catch the unlucky messenger, Noxus can launch a surprise war and catch the opponent by surprise!
Although I heard that the United Mission has a rough "common defense plan", the Black Forest Federation is located in the Turkgur region in the northwest of Noxus, which is far away from several other regions with developed economies and good combat effectiveness. thousands of miles.

The only Ironthorn Kingdom that can bring them substantial support, at this time of winter, it is impossible to spare manpower to support them.

After all, no matter how dangerous the terrain of Fort Drever is, some of them must hoard enough manpower to deal with the Freljord who may go south to plunder.

Therefore, when troops are sent to attack the Black Forest Federation at this time, the enemy will not have any support!
Send troops!

When the Noxus mission brought the news back to Noxus, faced with their suggestion of "attacking the Black Forest Federation", the Noxus Supreme Staff, after some deliberations, quickly Highly affirmed.

Compared with the Noxus mission, the Noxus Supreme Staff, which is actually the top military government, undoubtedly has more information.

From their point of view, in addition to the news of the urgent return of the mission, the news from the Brotherhood of Masons also increased the credibility of the battle plan to attack the Black Forest Federation first.

The Brotherhood of Stonemasons is known by its name, it is a spy intelligence organization-due to the defeat in the battle of Tobyssia, Noxus was forced to disband the war stonemason organization according to the treaty, but it is clear that Noxus will not give up willingly "Witty" went around in a circle, and rebuilt the War Mason by means of reorganization and in the form of word games.

The newly formed organization is called the Brotherhood of Stonemasons. In theory, it is a "folk stonemason's guild", but Noxus sometimes pays for this ordinary stonemason's guild to buy some of the "stonemasons" they are interested in. human geography information".

The relationship between the two parties is completely a money transaction, and there is absolutely no subordinate or subordinate, so the Brotherhood of Masons is naturally not an intelligence organization or a spy organization.

Well, in theory, but in practice, as long as anyone with a brain knows, this is just a little trick. In the final analysis, the Brotherhood of Stonemasons is an intelligence organization affiliated to the Supreme Staff, and there is no difference between the war stonemasons of the past .

If this is not the case, then why is the co-chairman of the Brotherhood of Masons Draven?
Did he choose to change his career to become a stonemason?
Do not make jokes!
According to the news of the "high price purchase" from the Stonemasons Brotherhood, the Black Forest Federation is the one with the loosest internal organizational structure among the many forces that broke away from Noxus.

The Black Forest Federation is located in the Turkugul region in the northwest of Noxus, and was once the "pioneering land" of the Noxus Empire.

Although the latitude of the Turkgul region is not high, the climate here is even colder than that of the Iron Thorn Mountains - no way, just north of Turk Gur is the blank area between the Iron Thorn Mountains and the Dragon's Back Mountains. Cold air from the Freljord can once again travel south unhindered.

Therefore, whenever winter arrives, the temperature in the Black Forest in the Turkgul region will plummet.

In such a poor natural environment, the residents of the Black Forest area naturally like to huddle together in small groups for warmth.

In the vast Black Forest, hundreds of large and small settlements are dotted around. All the settlements are parallel, and they are all strongholds where the people of the Black Forest stay together for the winter when winter comes.

Although it is said that the Black Forest has become independent, according to the information provided by the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, their "independence" is more or less like joining in the fun.

It's the meaning of "Although I don't know what independence is, but everyone is usually bored, sit together and discuss it and then be independent."

Even if Noxus sends troops to occupy Qu'gul now, the locals will not have much sense of resistance, and after Noxus takes over, it will not need to spend too much effort on management and maintenance.

What, you ask, what is the point of this occupation?
The significance lies in the fact that it can tear a hole in the mutual defense agreement within the joint mission, and use the method of cutting sausages as the beginning of the reunification of Noxus!
Moreover, after the establishment of New Noxus, the internal purge has been completed. Now the military and civilians are looking forward to a glorious victory to prove the correctness of the previous purge. Where else can it be easier to seize a glorious victory than the Black Forest map? What about the big victory?

On the mainland of Valoran, the curtain of war is about to be drawn again.

As for Kalya, who was far away in the restricted area of ​​Ixtal, he finally researched the operation logic of the rune tower and finally achieved certain results.

In terms of pure theory, Karya has roughly confirmed the operation logic of the Rune Tower, but due to the lack of necessary experimental equipment and worrying about the self-destruct effect of the Rune Tower, he is not good at dismantling it rashly.

If the self-destruct program is activated, then everything will stop.

At this somewhat embarrassing moment, Kiran arrived at Ixtal.

Carya, who learned of Kieran's arrival, was overjoyed—with Kieran's help, maybe he could be bolder and conduct magic experiments!
However, just when Kalya began to design the experimental plan, Malzahar, who had been under surveillance, suddenly took action.

He secretly summoned a lot of people who seemed to have nothing to do with him, and these people left the city directly after leaving the office area of ​​the Inspector of the Forbidden Zone.

Although Karya has prepared a lot of sand eyes for surveillance, if the target leaves Ixaucan, the surveillance will soon lose its position.

At this delicate time, secretly summoned a few guys who seemed to have no connection with him, and after a brief discussion, they went out of the city overnight. The tricks in it must not be simple!
Therefore, regardless of preparing the experimental plan, Kalya told Jax and Shivana to keep an eye on it, and at the same time sneaked out of the city with Kieran, heading straight for the restricted area.

"Icacia's bug swarm is over?" After leaving the city, Karya, who was a little relieved, finally asked, "Looking at you, you should be all right?"

"The bugs in Icacia have disappeared." Kieran nodded slightly. "This bug swarm is very strange. I have to go back and study it carefully after the matter on your side is over."

"Oh?" Carya raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "Do you still have research on those void worms?"

"After a lot of contact and a long time, I will naturally understand a little bit." Kieran nodded again, "If I have to say it, I can see those bugs that have never belonged to this world, and gradually become what they are now. "

"Being more and more accustomed to Runeterra?"

"Yeah, it's getting more and more adapted, and it doesn't even look much different from native animals."

"This is where the void is so powerful."

"It's like those bugs that inject digestive juice into their prey." Zieran narrowed his eyes, "It will always use its own way to inject the digestive juice of the void into Runeterra."

"This digestive juice may be those bugs, or it may be those who are lured by the void." Kalya suddenly stopped, "Zieran, how do you know where the restricted area is?"

Kalya changed the topic without warning, and Kieran stopped stiffly when he heard this.

"You know this restricted area, right?"

"...I know a little bit."

"You really know." Karya ignored the other party's modest words, "There is nothing in Runeterra that can be hidden from you."

"I have seen the power of the Monolith Fortress with my own eyes." Kieran sensed the dissatisfaction in Carya's tone, and could only sigh helplessly, "Since I am the chairman of the Icathian Autonomous Committee, it is impossible Turning a blind eye to this terrible fortress that bridges the rift in the void."

"Not only that." Kalya looked directly at Kieran, "When I was studying the rune tower in the restricted area of ​​Ixtar, I found a lot of interesting things-in terms of absorbing the power of the void, the restricted area Those rune towers in it always give me a familiar feeling."

"Do you call them rune towers?" Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Zilan could only shake his head helplessly, "I did provide Ne'zuk with a little help, but they can function normally, mainly thanks to Ne'zuk. gram."


Karya was silent, just looked at Kieran, as if waiting for him to continue.

"I admit that there are indeed my own considerations in this." Kieran continued, "You should understand that after that war, revenge on Icacia has always been politically correct in Shurima, even if you are still there, Can't hold back either."

Kalya didn't speak, but nodded silently in his heart - Kieran was right. After the Icathian War, the Shurima Empire's hatred for Icathia had reached the extreme. Advocating "Even if Icacia is finished, it should be completely wiped off the map."

For this reason, many people even really started to study how to overturn a continent in the sea.

"Icacia made a fatal mistake, but everything in Icacia should not be completely erased." Kieran's eyes were quite calm, "And, in the battle of Icacia, there were also many Icacia people, even if Charged with 'treason' and fighting for Runeterra."

"So, you chose to cooperate with Ne'Zuk?"

"It should be regarded as mutual use." Kieran said calmly, "Although the Shurima Empire was still very large at that time, after you disappeared, everyone knew in their hearts that the Shurima Empire had reached the brink of division."

Kalya didn't speak, because for him, that short period of his career as a paper poster was not a wonderful memory worth recalling. On the contrary, it was the most exhausting and painful period of his past. Although there are differences between the parties, the work is done in a big way, but the entire empire is still in decline.

When the Shurima Empire was still a small tribe, Kalya's life was also very difficult, but at that time he had ideals, and the Shurima tribe also had a future.

But after Icacia, when he faced the collapse of the building, the papermaker couldn't see the future at all.

"Since splitting is inevitable, why don't I find someone to help Icacia attract attention?"

"So, you chose Nezuk?"

"It should be considered a two-way rush." ​​Kieran's expression was very subtle, "He discovered that the monolith will be activated by the power of the void, so he hopes to get Icacia's research records on the void, so as to turn the monolith fortress into a production tool."

"And the so-called price is that he will promote the independence of Ixtar and attract the attention of the Shurima Empire?"

"By the way, it also exhausted the expansion potential of the empire." Kieran nodded, "You should know that under such circumstances, the Shurima Empire can no longer sustain itself."

"What a bastard." Kalya snorted, "Is it a wild dog who is in such a hurry to demolish the house?"

"This is not about demolishing the house, but following the trend." Kieran corrected, "Also, do you know what those things you call rune towers are called in Nezuk's mouth?"

"what is it call?"

"It's called Carya's Legacy."

Tomorrow there will be another chapter about Nazuk.

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