Lux's Farewell

Chapter 775 Extra chapter Nazuk is more Karya than Karya

When she heard the name "Legacy of Kalya", Kalya was stunned.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, Kalya's forward steps suddenly stagnated, and after a few breaths, he raised his head and looked at Kieran.

Nodding his head, an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Legacy of Carya, what a good name."

Kieran looked at Kalya, and felt that this smile was very familiar - he clearly remembered that when Ne'Zuk settled on the name "Legacy of Kalya", he also showed the same intriguing smile on his face. smile.

At this moment, the two smiling faces seem to have crossed the boundaries of time and space, and they overlap perfectly.

This scene made Kieran quite puzzled. After blinking his eyes, he seemed to finally realize that there was some kind of magical tacit understanding between the master and apprentice that he didn't know about.

And the seemingly ordinary name of Carya's Legacy is the key word that triggers this tacit understanding.

In a sense, Kieran was right in his guess.

According to normal logic, these devices that have protected Ixtar for thousands of years were named by Nezuk after Kalya, which is undoubtedly the greatest recognition of Kalya.

But in fact, when Ne'Zuk decided on this name, the smile on his face did not stem from Kalya's exploits and enlightenment.

But countless years ago, when I was a student, there was a school opening ceremony that no one remembered.

It's like when Kalya heard the name, the first thing he thought of was a certain stupefied young man who was arrogant after entering the research institute for the first time.


In the Shurima Empire, all Ascendants believe that Ne'zuk is the one who most resembles Kalya.

Although at first glance, Kalya is a smiling and elegant nobleman who always makes people feel close to him; while Nezuk is a black man who is used to frowning and has an unattractive appearance. The thin guy, you can tell at a glance that he is not an easy person to get along with.

But after actual contact and working together for a long time, no matter who they are, they have to admit that in many cases, Nezuk is really more Kalya than Kalya.

Even the person who has the most frequent contact with Karya on a daily basis is Azhi.

Even the person who is the closest to Karya is Aatrox.

Even if the person who accompanied Karya from the beginning to the end was Setaka.

Anyone who knows Karya and Nezuk at the same time will clearly find that there is something exactly the same between these two people hidden in their bones.

It was a kind of indescribable rationality and alienation, a kind of indifference and ruthlessness that seemed to be immersed in the bone marrow.

It seems that the whole of Shurima, and even the whole of Runeterra, is just a game and a game of war chess for them; it seems that no matter how many people, no matter how glorious the city is, they are just a chip and a pawn for them .

It's normal for Kalya, who is in a high position, to have this kind of temperament—everyone who knows history knows that since the time of the Shurima tribe, Kalya has been used to carrying the fate of countless people on his shoulders. Every decision you make will affect the future fate of countless people.

But Nezuk, a guy from a poor background, can always think about problems from a macro perspective, and it seems that reason is always the driving force guiding him forward.

Regarding the doubts in other people's minds, Na'Zuk has always been able to see clearly, but he doesn't bother to answer them.

Even though many people speculated about him maliciously, thinking that he was so ruthless, it was essentially because he was carefree, because he valued power because of his humble background, and because he was chasing fame and wealth.

The finches know their ambitions!

Ne'zuk, who came from Ixtar, was completely different from most of his classmates in his bones.

The sun disc gave the Shurima Empire almost endless energy, but this precious energy was rarely part of the Ixtar. Compared with the Shurima, the Ixtar had political power It is not complete, and the level of urban construction in Ixtar is not comparable to the large cities of the Shurima Empire.

Therefore, even in theory, Ixtar is part of the Shurima Empire. It was called the [Ixtar Special Zone] at the time, but in the Shurima Empire, the Ixtar people are out-and-out second-class citizens. .

Only in terms of studying, under Karya's insistence, can Ixtar students enjoy the unified examination qualifications of other regions of the Shurima Empire.

Qualifications, of course, belong to qualifications.

Even if Ixtar and other parts of the Shurima Empire are admitted to Shurima University by the same exam and the same content, but considering the poor educational resources of Ixtar and the results of the fair exam, It's not that fair.

However, even among a group of second-class citizens, Ne'Zuk's background is the worst kind-he was found by fishermen in a wooden basin floating on the Python River when he was just full moon. Ne'zuk's cry was already weak, as if he was going to die in the next moment.

The fisherman who discovered Nezuk already had a pair of sons and daughters and had no energy to support another boy, so he was sent to a local orphanage after being fed a bowl of fish soup.

Orphans whose parents have both died have a very difficult start.

The orphanage in Ixtar can only ensure that the children will not starve to death. Even if in theory, Ixtar should promote compulsory education in accordance with Shurima's policy, compulsory education will not fall on Ne'Zuk's head .

It was in such an environment that Nezuk awakened his magical talent at the age of three, and kept it from everyone for ten years.

Ne'Zuk's childhood was happy and unhappy.

The so-called happiness comes from the fairness and love of the nanny. She treats all the children as her own and treats everyone as fairly as possible. Under her discipline, although conflicts occasionally break out in the entire orphanage, But overall the atmosphere is still very cozy.

The so-called unhappiness is because the only income of the orphanage is the donations from the nearby villagers. When everyone's life is not very good, the funds that the nanny can raise are really pitiful.

A smart woman can’t live without rice, no matter how frugal the mother is and how sensible the children are, hunger still runs through Nazuk’s childhood. In order to fill his stomach, Nazuk’s recipes often contain some things that ordinary people can’t see.

From big, fat worms to noisy moorfrogs.

Sometimes, Ne'Zuk would share his "harvest" with others, but for this point, Mammy has always maintained a tacit attitude.

She seemed to have discovered something, but chose to remain silent.

At the age of 13, Nezuk, who gradually began to have the ability to master "special power", had the idea of ​​leaving the orphanage for the first time.

Because the Python River was flooded this year, the orphanage hadn't received any donations for almost a whole year. Even if Nezuk went out every night to be busy, the newly sent children would still be hungry and cry loudly.

This was the first time Ne'zuk realized that it seemed that if he stayed in the orphanage, he would never be able to solve the problem.

So, he left everything he could, climbed over the broken wooden fence, and walked along the direction of the Mang River Basin, bid farewell to his childhood, and walked into the world.


Traveling from east to west, Ne'zuk observed the world while doing odd jobs and hard labor to make a living.

Many people were amazed that the thin Ne'zuk could carry heavy goods so easily. They never imagined that Ne'zuk did not rely on his own body to carry the goods, but magic power.

Yes, Ne'Zuk's gift lies in manipulating gravity.

Impressed by some reckless attempts as a child, Ne'Zuk did not directly reveal his talent, but instead sought ways to further control this power.

And along the way, Nezuk saw a broader and more prosperous world.

Although the Python River was flooded, the prosperity of the cities along the river was not compromised at all. Various consumer goods that Ne'Zuk had never seen before made him dizzy.

At the very beginning, Ne'Zuk was extremely confused. Compared with this bustling bustle, his childhood was so pale and barren.

The difference from the orphanage is that if you want to get everything in this prosperity, you have to pay a price.

Perhaps because of his extraordinary talent, Nazuk soon had his own understanding of human nature, but even if he understood some things, people would be at a loss. In this bustling environment, Nazuk suddenly couldn't see the road ahead of him clearly. up.

He would send the money he saved back to the orphanage, but he was worried that he couldn't save much money.

It seemed that Mammy had told him not to do anything he knew of to save a lot of money quickly.

Until by chance, he saw the Demon Swamp Frog again.

It was a restaurant where Ne'zuk couldn't afford to move for a month, and they launched a brand new dish - the magic marsh frog.

On the signboard, Nezuk once again saw the "old friend" who comforted his internal organs during countless sleepless nights. This time, its value is not what it used to be.

Staring blankly at the demon marsh frog on the signboard, Ne'zuk only thought it was ridiculous at first, but besides the absurdity, he also had some understanding.

The Frog has always been the Frog.

But in the pond behind the orphanage, it can only be a snack for children to fill their bellies; but in this big hotel, its value has doubled, and it is a delicacy worth spending a lot of money on.

At this moment, the sign fluttering in the wind seemed to have become a mirror. Nezuk looked at the Demon Swamp Frog as if he saw himself.

So, Nazuk, who had been wandering in the world for many years, decided to find his own higher platform.

The first platform Nezuk found was the dragon training conference held in Ixtal.

Although Kalya had already signed the Covenant of the Giant Dragon at that time, if he wanted to make the dragon work for him, he still couldn't skip the step of taming the dragon.

Therefore, in every dragon training meeting, the Ixtar people will choose the strongest warriors to participate in the competition of taming the dragon.

Ixtar will prepare a large number of different types of elemental dragons and elemental sub-dragons for them, and let the contestants tame them from the beginning, and then complete a series of tasks with the dragons, and finally the winner will be the champion of the Dragon Training Conference.

And once they become the champions of the Dragon Training Conference, the winners will get a chance to go to Shurima City and study at Shurima University.

What Nezuk wanted was this opportunity.

In that Dragon Training Conference, with the appearance of Nezuk, countless bets who took the opportunity to bet all lost their fortunes.

Until they jumped into the Mang River one after another to seek relief, they couldn't understand why a thin and ordinary player could win the final championship of the entire competition with an ordinary mountain dragon.

Countless seed players who invested a lot of money and prepared a large number of magic items were defeated in the follow-up games, and even when someone wanted to use the opportunity outside the field to erase the unstable factors that had been killed halfway, they participated in the competition. Those who moved also quietly disappeared into the gentle night wind on the banks of the Mang River.

Ne'Zuk had no trouble keeping diaries.

Nor is there a habit of bragging.

Therefore, no one knows what kind of method he used in the series of competitions that were first called "the most unexpected dragon training conference" and later called "the greatest dragon training conference". What kind of open guns and hidden arrows were used.

People only know that in the past 16 years, Nezuq, whose life seemed to be a blank, controlled the mountain dragon, and defeated all the people and dragons who challenged him in the final championship challenge.

Amid the cheers and wailing of the people, Nezuk got the bonus he wanted, the honor he needed, and the admission qualification he longed for, and temporarily left the bustling world to enter his university.


Ne'Zuk met Kalya for the first time during the opening ceremony of Shurima University.

When all the freshmen stood neatly under the scorching sun, waiting for the principal to speak, Kalya did not give a long and stinky speech, but expressed his sincerity for the students in the shortest possible language. expect.

"I hope you will not let down your past efforts and don't give up on your future possibilities."

Then, amidst the relieved applause of the students, he announced the end of the opening ceremony on his own behalf, and told the students with a smile that they could disband.

The other students were cheering, but Nezuk chewed these two sentences from Kalya carefully.

Past efforts and future possibilities...

Ne'Zuk is well aware of what he has been through.

But Ne'Zuk didn't know what his future might hold.

At this moment, he just felt that he still knew too little.

As a result, Nezuk, who had experienced a long period of social practice, plunged into the library of Shurima University after the start of school, and began to eagerly read all the "infinite possibilities" that he could understand.

In the history of the Shurima Empire, Nezuk saw what he wanted. In the story, he saw a past that was more difficult and difficult than his own childhood and his own life in the world.

And what this hardship brought about is the impressive glory of the Shurima Empire!

Nezuk, who had wandered all this way, finally found his dream and the direction of his struggle for the first time at Shurima University.

After the final exams of the first semester, Kalya treats all the new students to dinner.

During the banquet, Ne'zuk was drunk for the only time in his life. While drunk, he raised his glass high and made his oath.

"I, Nezuk, will definitely allow everyone to become a spellcaster!"

"I want this Runeterra, everyone is like a dragon!"

Amidst the booing laughter of the students, Karya also raised his cup to congratulate, and then applauded gently.

Nezuk Trilogy: Childhood · On Earth · My University.

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