Lux's Farewell

Chapter 786【0774】It’s really Kalya

In Shurima, gold has a special meaning.

Not only because gold represents wealth, but also because in the long history of Shurima, gold products have been deeply bound to the Shurima royal family.

Part of the reason for this inherent impression comes from Kalya's persistence and preference for gold when Shurima was established and weights and measures were unified; part of the reason comes from the fact that the material of the sun disk contains a large amount of gold.

In addition to the above two points, there is another very important point that cannot be ignored: the ascended forms of the ascended Martial Queen and the Prince Regent are closely related to gold.

Both Setaka's eagle feathers and Kalya's eagle feathers are made of gold.

Due to the superposition of various factors, gold has a very special meaning in Shurima. It is not only an important magic-carrying material and coinage material, but also the favorite jewelry material of Shurima people.

Coupled with the line of the Targon Mountains, Shurima's underground contains a huge amount of gold. With the rise of the Shurima tribe, gold has been valued more and more, until it is completely integrated into the life, old age, illness and death of the Shurima people.

According to Shurima tradition, when a child is born, his family will usually make him a small gold ornament; when the child reaches adulthood, the gold ornament will be recast as his personal seal; when the child gets married, the gold ornament will be The most important jewelry materials are often passed down from generation to generation; even at the time of death, the coffin is often plated with a few pieces of gold foil - that is an extradition tip to the God of Death.

This tradition of Shurima not only still exists today, but has also widely affected secondary civilizations.

Whether it is Ixtar, Ikasia or Kamavia, they all attach great importance to gold.

For example, the crown of the King of Elements is made entirely of gold. This means that the people of Runeland are in good physical condition. Otherwise, a five- to six-pound crown that is placed on the head all day long may not last long. You will get cervical spondylosis...

According to Shurima tradition, sand is the least valuable thing, so when fighting Kalya, no one connected him with the legendary regent prince.

The noble Prince Regent's ascending posture is a proud golden-feathered eagle, which is obviously not the same thing as this guy playing in the sand.

But things are different now.

Now that he was determined to show off his cards, Kalya simply showed off his most well-known stance!
In the astonished gaze of everyone, a pair of golden wings spread out from his back. The wings were made of pure gold, and every feather shone with the light of wealth.

This is not finished.

As the golden wings spread out, within the restricted area, the various gold ornaments brought in by the Elemental King to show their identity, except for the crown, seemed to hear a silent call.

These golden utensils and ornaments seemed to come alive, suspended in the mid-air, trembling and hissing, rushing towards Kalya, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, turning into streams of golden light.

Under the wrap of these golden streams of light, Kalya was covered in a robe woven with gold threads, and in his hand was an extremely thin mask made of pure gold.

This golden mask is in the shape of a bird's beak, with ancient patterns and some inconspicuous magic circuits engraved on it.

In addition, on top of his head, a crown dedicated to the Prince Regent also quickly took shape. On the inside of the crown, rows of magic circuits spontaneously formed a complete magic circuit without any additional control.

Kalya, who was holding the golden beak mask, hummed softly and then put the mask on his face.

And as the magic circuit on the mask and the crown merged into one, a bright light lit up above Kalya's head - this special lighting effect was only when Kalya attended certain special ceremonies. will be activated.

Seeing this scene, the Elemental King and the Elemental King's guards were all stunned.

Could it be... could he really be Lord Kalya?

How is this possible?
Lord Kalya is the teacher of His Majesty Nezuk. Is he still alive?

Well, wait, this doesn't seem impossible. After all, Lord Kalya is an ascended person and an immortal person. It is not impossible to live to this day...

But if Lord Kalya is still alive, why did the Shurima Empire collapse?

You know, in the history books of Ixtar, a view widely recognized by all parties is that the death of Kalya marked the collapse and disintegration of the Shurima Empire.

If Lord Kalya had not passed away, would he have chosen to sit back and watch the Shurima Empire fall apart?
For a moment, both the Elemental King himself and the guards who were supposed to protect him were a little confused.

Even the Elemental King no longer considered the issue of his own bloodline, and just looked at Kalya blankly, his eyes blank.

For him, the impact of everything in front of him was really too much.

This scene was so powerful that his mind, which could only be regarded as foolish and wise at best, was on the verge of shutting down, so much so that the Elemental King's whole body entered a state of red temperature overload, and he just stared blankly at Kalya. , unable to make any movement at all.

Seeing the appearance of the Elemental King, Kalya felt even more heartbroken.

Look at Azir!
Although Azir's risky move gave the Shurima Empire the last piece of territory, it is hard for even Kalya to really blame him - the situation in the Shurima Empire is so bad, think about it You know, Azir’s range of choices is really small.

But what about the elemental king in front of me?
Compared with the end of the Shurima Empire, Ixtal's situation is not as good as 01:30, but the Elemental King only knows how to eat and wait to die, and the Elemental Council and Yuntal are fighting endlessly, one of which stands out. Destroy each other.

The legacy of Kalya left by Nezuk to them was so rich that they had no ambition at all!

Even among today's radicals, there are probably only a handful of people who are truly working for a broader world!
Thinking about this, Kalya simply decided to take some more powerful medicine.

He opened his hand, and a cross blade appeared in Kalya's hand.


This cross blade that Kalya had always kept in his own little world, this weapon that once represented Setaka, reappeared in front of the world after many years.

Easily turning Chalikal around in his hands, Kalya grabbed the crown of the Elemental King.

The surrounding guards looked at the scene in front of them blankly.

Although Kalya's movements were not fast, they all had room to block him. we really want to stop it?
His Majesty the King of Elements didn’t even move!
And at the moment when they were hesitating, the Chalikar spinning in Kalya's hand easily crossed the elemental king's crown.

Even the crown of the Elemental King has a protective magic circuit, but in front of Chalikar, everything is meaningless.

A perfect crown was cut off in one fell swoop, split into two pieces, and landed at the feet of the Elemental King with a clang.

"You don't have the responsibilities of a king at all." Kalya lowered his head, looked at the elemental king who was still stunned in front of him, and finally shook his head gently, "You are not worthy of being king."


In the court, conservatives and radicals were still arguing.

Then, just when everyone thought that today would end with the two sides spitting at each other but unable to reach any consensus, someone hurried over and brought back the news of "the return of the Prince Regent."

After hearing the news, the Elemental Council and Yuentar's Great Elemental Envoys almost forked away the messenger who was talking nonsense.The return of the Prince Regent?

Why didn't you say that the ascended Martial Queen was resurrected?

However, after the messenger detailed everything that happened in the restricted area, the two parties who were arguing endlessly fell into a deathly silence at the same time.

In this suffocating silence, a crazy idea gradually appeared in everyone's mind.

Could it be that he is really Kalya?

The person who just has golden feathers on his back may not be Kalya.

The person who can only affect the light and dark of the crown may not be Kalya.

The person who can only produce Chalikal may not be Kalya.

However, if a person not only has Kalya's golden feathers, but also can turn the elemental crown from light to dark, and also takes out Chalikar...

Then he might really be Kalya.

And if the person in the penalty area is Karya...

Is this good news for Ixtal and everyone here?

This is a question worth thinking about.

After realizing this, the first thing that almost everyone present thought of was Lord Kalya's attitude towards Ixtar.

Different positions will affect people's thinking and judgment.

If the person who activates the Legacy of Kalya in the restricted area is an outsider, then this person is Ixtal's enemy.

Even the radicals who want to use Kalya will not have any good impression of Kalya itself - for them, Kalya is just a stepping stone, just like Tariq, to ​​let Ixtar go to the rainforest. tool man outside.

They have no good impressions of Kalya, and if they have the opportunity in the future, they will take revenge on Kalya as soon as possible.

In comparison, the conservatives' direct shouting of beating and killing is a bit low-level.

But if Kalya is really Kalya...

It seems that his various performances in the past should be re-interpreted.

It’s no surprise that Kalja activated the Legacy of Kalja.

Moreover, if it is Kalya, then the reason why he wants to fight against the void is very understandable.

It seems that after recognizing Kalya's identity, many mysteries about him can be solved.

So what is Kalya supposed to mean to Ixtal?

Would he wish to rebuild the great Shurima Empire and make Ixtar a part of it again?
This is a question worth thinking about.

It is not completely unacceptable for the Ixtal people to let them go outside the rainforest.

But it would be unacceptable for them to return to their historical status of being vassal to the Shurima Empire.


When it first became a vassal of the Shurima Empire, Ixtar was still in a state of ignorance. Going to the Shurima Empire meant becoming civilized, and it also shared many benefits.

But now what...

Look at Shurima's shameful appearance!

If being a dog of the Shurima Empire is not a disgrace, then being a dog of Shurima now is a sign of humiliation.

Not to mention being part of Shurima anymore.

Even in the eyes of most Ixtal people, it is very embarrassing to stand side by side with the current Shurima. What the radicals want to go out is to lead Shurima!

So, if Kal'ya wants Ixtar to be a part of Shurima again...sorry, not even if you're Kal'ya.

Of course, if you think on the bright side...

No matter how dissatisfied he is with the Elemental King, he should be the last bloodline of the royal family of the Shurima Empire, right?
After all, it was a certainty that Nezuk married the last princess of the Shurima Empire, and the subsequent bloodline inheritance of Ixtal has not changed.

Therefore, compared to Shuriman, who is full of grass-headed kings, perhaps the Ixtar royal family is the closest blood descendant to Lord Kalya!

In addition, his attitude towards the Elemental King is obviously very angry...

Does that mean that if the King of Elements is reliable, Kalya will be willing to side with Ixtal?
What, you said that Kalya is the founder of Shuriman and a Shuriman?
This is actually no problem. Ixtar can also be renamed Shurima. As long as the regent prince is willing to stand on our side, everyone can completely accept Ixtal becoming the Shurima Empire!
After realizing this, many old men and women who had previously insisted on "preserving tradition" even became a little shaken - they were conservative because expansion would bring a lot of uncertainty, not that they really I don't want Ixtar to be more glorious.

If Kalya is really willing to side with Ixtal and declare that Ixtal is the orthodoxy of the Shurima Empire...then it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to be a little more radical!

However, considering that the crown of the King of Elements has been taken by Karyayan, and considering the records of the Prince Regent in history, it seems that it is not an easy matter to gain his approval.

Just having the blood of the royal family of the Shurima Empire may not be enough!
Thinking of this, many people couldn't help but look at the silent Qiyana.

If there is anyone else in the Ixtar royal family who can catch the eye of Kalya...

I'm afraid it's just Qiyana, right?

Many people even thought that Qiyana had fought against Kalya before, and although they were embarrassed, there was no substantial damage.

Could it be that Your Excellency Kalya has long wanted Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess to become the new Elemental King?
In a very delicate atmosphere, the discussion about the void rift was temporarily put on hold.

Subsequently, all the great elemental envoys of the Elemental Council and the Yuntar Elder Council agreed that Her Highness Qiyana should serve as a special envoy and go to the restricted area to talk.

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