Lux's Farewell

Chapter 787【0775】You will be the queen

Chapter 787【0775】You will be the queen

Qiyana entered the restricted area again.

It seems that every time she enters the restricted area, her identity changes slightly.

Even this time, before entering the restricted area, many great elementalists had expressed their...respect to her, either explicitly or covertly.

Qiyana knew very well what these people's attitudes meant and why they did what they did. She even had high expectations for what would happen next.

After all, she and her father were completely different people.

You can say that Qiyana has a strong desire for power, you can say that she is scheming, but you can never say that she has no responsibility.

Therefore, in Qiyana's view, she is indeed a more suitable successor.

It is precisely because of this self-awareness that when she saw Kalya, she looked quite energetic, as if she was looking forward to Kalya crowning her.

On the other side, Kalya looked at Qiyana's appearance, but secretly wanted to laugh in her heart.

Not ridicule, but a knowing smile.

Kalya actually sees a lot of young people like Qiyana.

In the Shurima Empire, the inheritance of the emperor's throne and the ascendants are two systems, and Setaka and Kalya are the common sources of these two systems. Therefore, before every emperor ascends the throne, he must obtain Setaka and Kalya. Karya agreed.

Although Setaka looks very serious, she is actually a quite gentle person - she has always been very kind to her descendants; on the contrary, Kalya, a person who has always been cheerful, often stands up and sings. The white-faced villain.

Therefore, when the successors to the throne of Shurima meet Kalya, they often subconsciously show their best spirit in an attempt to gain Kalya's approval.

Among these people, many are quite similar to the Qiyana in front of them: young, radical, ambitious, eager for power and change.

Perhaps for other forces, this kind of young leader is immature.

But for the Shurima Empire, this kind of leader is just right - the ascendant is responsible for the prudent part, and the most important thing for the new emperor to ascend the throne is a new atmosphere.

Conservatism and stubbornness will accumulate.

When the throne of Shurima was changing, Kalya was very inclined to young and aggressive princes and princesses. It didn't matter that they were immature after they came to power. It didn't matter that they were restrained and would only follow the old path.

In the Shurima Empire with its Thousand Gods Legion, the conservative power is already strong enough. If the emperor is still unwilling to give in, it will only become more and more lifeless.

Now, in Ixtar, the situation is quite similar.

Today's era is not an era when Ixtal should hide in the rain forest and live his own life.

From the perspective of Kalya, he needs Ixtal to appear in the eyes of the world and provide people with a new model. He also needs Ixtal's legacy of Kalya to make further preparations for the fight against the void.

For Ixtar itself, it seems quite comfortable to continue to be trapped in the rainforest, but considering that Azir is actively active, Demacia is carrying out magic industrialization, and Vazuan in the north is also trying to explore the rainforest, continue Hiding in the rainforest as a unified force, the only result in the future would be to be found at the gate and forced to scramble.

It would be better to take the initiative to leave the rainforest, rely on Ixtal's current advantages and the relatively mature original axiom system, and find a place of his own in the yet-to-be-formed structure of Rune Land.

This is good for everyone.

Looking at Qiyana who was looking forward to her in front of her, Kalya simply got straight to the point and said something astonishing.

"So, they decided that you would be the Queen of the Elements?"

This sentence was so direct that even though her heart was full of expectations, Qiyana was still wrapped in an indescribable joy at this time, so that her brain went blank for a short time.

Your Excellency Kalya... Your Excellency Kalya recognized me?

At this moment, she had completely forgotten her previous doubts about Kalya's identity, and completely ignored the thought that she had once had "If he was Kalya, then she would still be Setaka."

At this moment, she only knew that the dream she had been looking forward to for many years was finally possible.

Queen of the Elements!

Hahaha, I am the Queen of Elements!
As the tenth princess of Ixtar, Qiyana once thought that she was completely unqualified to become the Queen of Elements.

But now with Kalya's approval, under the current situation in Ixtal, no one will object.

The eldest princess or the tenth princess, it doesn't matter anymore!

Suppressing the joy in her heart, Qiyana tried her best to maintain her expression. She just lowered her head and nodded slightly, trying hard to show that there were no surprises and she was not surprised.

However, her slightly trembling body and fingers with nowhere to rest betrayed the excitement in her heart at this moment.


Kalya didn't speak, but looked at her quietly.

After a while, Qiyana finally recovered from her excitement. When she looked up again, facing Kalya's expectant eyes, she quickly gave her answer.

"The great elementalists of Ixtal are gathering." She said firmly, full of obligation, "The void rift must be closed!"


Qiyana's answer was in line with Kalya's expectations.

Kalya has no interest in the strife in Ixtal's political arena, and in the final analysis, he has only three goals.

The first is to activate Malphite's network and take Malphite back to Demacia.

The second is to bridge the void rift and destroy the void nourished by Malzahar.

The third is to guide Ixtal to change his policy and no longer stick to the rain forest.

And once Qiyana actively becomes the Great Elementalist and goes to bridge the void rift with the Malphite Network she controls, then all three of his goals can be said to have been achieved.

Therefore, facing such a wise Qiyana, Kalya also showed his loving side as an ancestor.

He cooperated very seriously with Ixtal, participated in the enthronement ceremony of the Queen of Elements, and also helped as a free etiquette consultant.Of course, during this process, he also successfully transported Murphys No. [-] to [-] out of the restricted area and confirmed the assembly of the Great Elementalist.

In addition, at his insistence, Tariq, a prisoner, also participated in the battle, and he would fight for his freedom.

On the Ixtar side, when Qiyana ascended the throne and the Great Elementalists gathered to prepare for war, on the other side, in Icathia, the Autonomous Council also mobilized.

Even though the interior of Icathia was still devastated at this time, Kiran still insisted on gathering the team and participated in the work of closing the void rift.

Not all Icathians agree with Kieran's decision. In their view, Icathia, which has just gained foreign trade capabilities, needs to seize the current rare development window and accumulate as much strength as possible.

The people of Ikasia who are used to being blocked can be said to be used to being poor. Many people are worried that after changes in the future, the trade routes they finally established will be cut off again.

Kieran was quite dumbfounded by their thoughts.

There is nothing wrong with worrying about trade routes being cut off.

But you also don’t want to think about how this trade route came about.

The situation in Runeterra is now very different from before. Azir has been resurrected and is preparing to build a new Shurima; Ixtar will no longer be isolated in the rainforest; Demacia in the north is Kalya again. A place that operates with all its strength...

It is foreseeable that the future of the entire Runeterra will be an integration that must be separated over time - regardless of whether a unified empire like the Shurima Empire in the past will be born, at least it is certain that it will hide out of sight and engage in glorious isolation. Behavior, the result can only be abandoned by the times!

Moreover, the void rift to be closed this time is just north of Icasia.

For Ixtal, this is the side of the couch.

For Icacia, why not?

In addition, just as Ixtal radicals believe, closing the void rift itself is a matter of diplomatic advantage. Icacia's participation in this kind of thing not only reassures herself, but also pave the way for the future. How is it possible? Giving up because of a little immediate profit?
As a real old monster, Kiran is very clear that compared to other large forces in Runeterra, Icathia's inherent deficiencies are too serious-in the long years of being blocked by everyone in the past, Icathia's general The population has never been able to grow, and now there are only a few tens of 10 people in the country.

If this population wants to gain a firm foothold, it is not enough to rely solely on its own time magic and the inheritance of the Autonomous Committee.

If you want Icacia to remain independent and autonomous in the future, the best way is to be more proactive and let Icacia have a separate identity that cannot be replaced by others. It will never be able to stand on the future international order. within itself.

This identity is difficult to find.

But it's not impossible to find.

Economically, since Icathia used to rely on mages to engage in soilless cultivation to feed its people in the past, the Icathia people have a very rich experience and advantage in small-scale special cultivation.

Icacia can provide some spices and plants that cannot be provided elsewhere, and can take a high-end route - this has already been reflected in the Icacia trade.

In terms of politics, the provider of the eternal flame... is a good identity.

Kiran is now very sure that Icathia is no longer suitable to carry the banner of the successor to the Shurima Empire.

There is Azir, there is Qiyana, there is Lux, no matter which one is more legitimate than Icathia. At this time, claiming to be the orthodoxy of the Shurima Empire is not integrating into the new order, but seeking death.

Therefore, Ikasia's political attitude should be to acknowledge history and show the independent attitude of the Ikasia Autonomous Council.

To do this, the best way is to find an ecological niche that only Icacia can afford, and now it seems that the best way to do this is to be the provider of Eternal Flame.

As the Void's activities become more frequent, Kieran has clearly realized that the Void must be the biggest threat to Runeterra and the common enemy of all forces in Runeterra.

In this case, the significance of the eternal flame is very important. Even if it is not enough to bridge the rift in the void and eliminate the void monitors, it can at least curb the actions of the void creatures and arouse their fear.

Once everyone recognizes the meaning of the eternal flame, Icacia, the only one who can provide the eternal flame, will naturally have a certain degree of initiative.

Therefore, this operation to bridge the gap in the void is not only to clear out the enemies on the side of the bed, but also an advertising operation.

Want to fight the pesky Void?

Then use the Eternal Flame!
Which Eternal Flame brand is better?
Icacia is looking for Kiran!

Although the process was a bit bumpy, under the influence of Kalya, a coalition targeting the Void Rift was finally successfully formed after Qiyana ascended the throne.

Youqiyana from the north personally led the team, and the participants were the great elementalist and high-level elementalist of Yishui - the Ixtal people had spent a lot of money this time, and mobilized a large number of high-end combat forces from various places, preparing to join the battle. One line.

In addition, they have also prepared an amazingly large engineering force. The members of this engineering force are all skilled users of the original axioms of the earth. They can be said to be wizards of dust removal. As long as the battle is over, they will quickly completely clear the void rift. Fill it up without leaving any gaps.

On the Icathia side, the Autonomous Committee formed a team, supplemented by senior spellcasters and dominated by Icathia guards, to participate in the frontal battle.

Yes, this is a team where Master can only play support.

As for why Icacia's senior spellcasters can only serve as auxiliary's not that the education level of Icacia's mages is low and it's difficult for mages to take on big roles.

It's because the identity of this "Ecathia Guards" is really special.

The leader of this team is known as Kaua'ali and is currently held by Jax.

Before the Battle of Icathia, before the Void descended on this land, the name Kauaali represented the elites who protected the Mage King.

Icathia guards should be proficient in the use of a variety of weapons, and can use any weapon under any circumstances to cause the most shocking blow to the enemy - and this martial arts inheritance has a more resounding name.

Weapon Master.

In other words, the members of the Icathia Guard are all weapons master reserves.

Compared with time spells that are extremely challenging for one's talent and cannot be easily passed on, Icacia's weapon master combat skills are undoubtedly a more reliable means of inheritance, although not everyone can master this complexity to the extreme like Jax. Although the fighting methods are completely integrated, this team called the Icathian Guards can be regarded as the most capable military organization in Rune Land.

In terms of personal strength, even the fearless vanguard of Demacia can't compare with them - and what's even more outrageous than the fearless vanguard is that they also have an exclusive mage auxiliary team. With the same establishment size, they can't compete with Icathia. The guards, even the full Moon Army, can only be regarded as chickens and dogs!

Now, in order to close the void rift quickly and well, and to fully demonstrate the restraint of the Eternal Flame on the void creatures, the Icathia Autonomous Council decided to gather the Icathia guards and go north to join the battle.

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Ekasia Guardian:

  This legion, which has inherited the ancient martial arts of Icathia, not only has outstanding martial arts, but also inherited the weapons arsenal of Icathia, and is assisted by a full-time mage group. It is a comprehensive and powerful legion, even in shallow sea operations. They are all very knowledgeable.

(End of this chapter)

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