Lux's Farewell

Chapter 788【0776】 Debridement Surgery

Although both have come up with quite sincere lineups, neither Ixtar nor Icacia have much experience fighting against the void, so the issue of formulating the battle plan must be left to Kalya.

In this regard, Kalya also did his part and immediately gave a three-step battle plan.

The first step is to perform debridement surgery on the cracks and clean up the void creatures that are active near the void cracks. It is not necessary to eliminate them all, but at least control them within a certain density range.

The second step is to perform a decapitation attack on the rift body to close it. The specific method of operation will be determined based on the investigation results of the void rift body after the debridement surgery is completed.

The third step is to close the fissure and debridement a second time, and mobilize manpower to fill the gully and ground hernia. Only by allowing the ground's wound to heal completely can the possibility of recurrence of the void fissure be minimized.

This is an overview of the three-step battle plan.

Based on this, Kalya, Kiran, and Qiyana began to make military arrangements for each specific step.

During the clearing session, Qiyana's first reaction was to "let the advanced elemental legion take action." After all, facing the void creatures with a numerical advantage, using elements of large-scale AOE spells made the obvious professionalism more relevant.

Kieran didn't have much objection to this.

However, Kalya believes that this step must be explored by the Great Elementalist and the Icathia Guards first, and even if the high-level Elementalist is dispatched on a large scale, they must take turns with the Malphite Network, and the clearing mission must not be Give it to a certain legion.

"The void is very adaptable." Facing the confused Qiyana, Kalya explained helplessly, "Except for a very small number of existences that fundamentally restrain the void, there is no method that can repeatedly attack void creatures. As long as they are used, they will still be effective. They are the physical form of the void plane in Runeterra, and it is extremely simple to change themselves."

Qiyana was still confused.

"The void creatures you saw at first were probably just a group of insects that seemed to have nothing but numerical advantages." Kalya continued to explain, "You only need to move your feet to crush them, but crushing them If you crush them, you will find that it has quickly evolved the spines on its back and the carapace to support its body, making it impossible to crush them."

Qiyana was quite surprised when she heard this. For her, the void and void creatures are just the background board that exists in history. In the historical records of Ixtal, the main content about the void war is It focused on the "Shurima pattern established by the Void War". As for the specific content of the Void War, it was just that "the Shurima Empire devoted its entire country to building a monolithic fortress after paying a heavy price, thereby crushing It's just a crack in the void."

This is not an error, but it is somewhat inappropriate.

As for the specific characteristics of the void creatures, she only knew some second-hand records-the Shurima Empire's paintings and sculptures about the void creatures, which were reproduced by historical researchers in Ixtar.

After the Void War, the "main potential enemy" faced by Ixtal was no longer the Void. They were more concerned about the Kingdom of Shurima than the Void.

Among the historical contents that Qiyana studied, apart from the history of Ixtal, the most important was the history of the Kingdom of Shurima. As for other contents, except for the Rune War, most of them only knew a little bit.

Therefore, she doesn't understand void creatures at all, but she naturally has an unknown sense of superiority towards those things that look like bugs.

Isn't it just a void creature? It was just a thing that was crushed by the monolithic fortress.

Kalya realizes this very clearly, so he must make Qiyana give up this dangerous idea. If he despises the void so much, I'm afraid Ixtal will suffer a big blow!
Even if it is a debridement surgery, you still have to be mentally alert!
In this way, at Kalya's insistence, Qiyana formed a large elementalist observation group. Together with Malphite, they arrived at the location of the void rift first to test the water.


Qil'Aza, who was asked to lead the delegation, did not quite understand the thoughts of Her Majesty the Queen of Elements.

After receiving Qiyana's order, the rotating chairman of the Elemental Parliament and the main leader of the Ixtar radical faction, his first reaction was, "You don't need to go out to take credit for the debridement surgery, right?"

Yes, even though Kalya had tried hard to make the Ixtal people realize what the void was, when he learned that he was going to lead a group to test the water first, Zil'Aza still subconsciously thought that this was a strange thing. Yana is seeking credit for the radicals, and she is doing it for the eyes of Ixtar's country.

"You see, it's not that difficult to expand your influence externally, and it's very rewarding!"

Therefore, even if Qiyana passed on Kalya's words to him intact, he still believed that the main goal of his trip was to "create a weighty victory that can convince the public."

Objectively speaking, Qil'Aza's abilities are quite outstanding.

As a talented great elementalist of a generation, he can be regarded as the "national idol" of the Ixtal people in their prime.

Zil'Aza is not only superb in the application of the original axioms, but he is also one of the rare researchers of the original axioms theory in Ixtal. He has greatly expanded the application scope of the original axioms in plant magic and successfully solved the problem. The magic plant's rapid sprouting puzzle.

The reason why the radical faction has such a strong momentum is largely related to Qil'Aza - he naturally has a reputation in Ixtal that most other great elementalists do not have.

The reason is also very simple. After he proposed and verified the 23 twelve cases of the original axiom, the cost of Ixtar's magic plant seedlings was directly cut in half.

According to his method, although the amount of dragon dung used in the seedling raising process has increased, the germination rate of seeds has changed from less than [-]% depending on the sky to more than [-]% now.

This kind of thing that benefited all Ixtar people brought Zil'aza amazing political reputation, and also made him a strong contender to be the next permanent chairman of the Elemental Council.

It is precisely because the seedling cultivation method called [Qil Azafa] is widely used that the scale of the black stone trade between Ixtar, Kalduga, and Kumangla will expand, and there will be more news from the outside world. Brought back to Ixtal.

By the way, among the great elementalists who participated in capturing Tariq before, there was one who caused the plant to be violent. That person was Qil'Aza's student...

Because of such a legendary experience, Qil'Aza could become the leader of the Great Elementalist.

It is precisely because of such a special identity that he is even called a "living legend". Even though Zil'Aza admires Kalya as a magic theorist and breeding master, even if Qiyana repeats Kalya's words, he I still think the main purpose of testing the waters is to produce some results.

Phased results, he was very familiar with this kind of thing.

Kalya also has a clear understanding of Qil'Aza's thoughts.

However, he didn't say much.

At this time... it is useless to talk too much, and may even have the opposite effect.Qiyana simply sent a small team, and their individual strength was good. Even if they were defeated, the coalition could completely withstand it.

It can even be said that if you fail here, the result will always be better than losing the main force due to underestimating the enemy later.

Since Qil'Aza thinks this is just a staged results display, let him show it off.

If that doesn't work, at least the Malphites will be able to tell the truth!

Kalya was extremely relaxed.

On the other side, when the Ixtar Pioneer expedition team arrived at the area around the rift, Malzahar immediately became excited.

As a lurker of Ixtal, he knew the identity of Zil'Aza very well.

Good guy, isn’t this the front man of the radical faction?

Did you come directly?

Although Malzahar is a prophet of the void, in a sense, he is not very worthy of the title of prophet - at least his knowledge of the past battle of Icathia is very limited.

Therefore, Malzahar does not know the identities of Jax and Shyvana.

In addition, since I have never met Kiran and I don't know the methods of this time guardian, Malzahar now thinks that his enemy is Ixtar.

From his point of view, it should be that he acted impatiently, so he showed his flaws, which caused the Ixtar people to discover something was wrong, which caused some turmoil.

He didn’t even know that Kalya had taken action!
Since Malzahar had been involved in the political circles of Ixtal, he boasted that he knew the Ixtal people very well. In his opinion, even if he was exposed to be involved with the void, the two sides of Ixtal The relationship between factions cannot be completely healed.

Those Ixtal people are used to fighting for power. Even those who are called radicals have a very conservative way of thinking. You ask them to work together to solve problems... Isn't this funny?
It is based on the above understanding that Malzahar has a very clear idea when dealing with possible attacks.

Just specialize the original axioms and that’s it!
Previous experience in sending void insects into restricted areas has proven that, with targeted specialization, void creatures can completely challenge elementalists.

In addition, there are always different voices within Ixtar. If Malzahar can trick the radicals and then adopt a strong attitude of guarding the Void Rift, the conservatives may slowly shrink back.

And now the appearance of Qil'Aza seems to have verified Malzaha's judgment from the side.

If the internal pressure wasn't too great, why would Qil'Aza personally lead a team to explore the void rift?

They definitely want to produce some results and gain greater momentum in the political arena!
What's even better is that after Qil'Aza came to the edge of the rift and came into contact with the void creatures, his performance seemed to be about to produce some staged results.

To kill void creatures, you have to choose different types, and there are people who specialize in making specimens...

Who would believe this attitude that you are not just here to show off?

Malzahar understands the way of thinking of these great elementalists very well!
The only thing that the Void Prophet didn't know was what the stone men behind Qil'Aza were - he had never seen these stone men in Ixtar for so long, could this be some great trump card?

Since Kalya was happy to see Zil'Aza suffer some losses, when Malzahar was observing the situation, although the Malphite Network was started, it was always in low-power mode. Most of these stupid stone people At that time, they were just following the great elementalist, as if they were just a group of large logistics puppets.

Therefore, after observing them for a while, Malzahar finally concluded that they were "no threat at all, just big puppets at most."

That's easy to do!

Don’t you want phased results?

Then I will give you phased results!
It's just that behind this initial achievement, there is a trap for the original axiom caster!

Having found a way, Malzahar began to follow the Ixtar people's way of thinking and set traps for Zil'Aza's team.

Well, first of all, this kind of team usually doesn't go too deep, so the traps have to go to the outside.

Secondly, Qil'Aza is not stupid, the trap cannot be too obvious, and the way to lure him into the trap cannot be too abrupt.

In the end, the best way to lure him is "a void worm that is enough to arouse his interest, but not strong enough to worry him." Malzahar will control it accurately and lead Zil'Aza's team into a desperate situation!
In addition, considering that the previous "Qiyana Messenger" has a kind of flame that is restrained against void creatures, this desperate situation must be able to avoid that kind of flame that can be easily used to prevent Qil'Aza and others from coming to support or escape. Born in heaven.

As long as he can capture Qil'Aza and withstand the subsequent wave of radicals in Ixtal, then this void rift will be completely saved!
After confirming the above points, Malzahar quickly found a special terrain that could be used as a trap.

North of the Palm Coast, at the mouth of the Palm River.

This is the southernmost end of the Void Fissure, considered the edge of the Void Fissure. The terrain here is complex and ground hernias are everywhere. There are many ground hernias that can be opened to introduce seawater.

Malzahar carefully observed Qil'Aza's team, and there were not among them the few great elementalists from Ixtar who were good at water element magic.

Therefore, as long as they find a way to introduce Qil'Aza to the area near the Palm River, after they track a "special void creature" and enter the ground hernia that looks no different from anywhere else, the seawater will immediately fill it. When it enters the ground, the aquatic void worm will give it a fatal blow in the water!
As if he were a skillful magician, Malzahar began to accurately and elegantly mobilize the cute little void creatures that he had carefully nurtured and cultivated around the void rift that he had carefully nourished, making them appear as if they were welcoming guests. It was displayed in front of Qil'Aza sequentially and unobtrusively.

Zil'Aza, who had no idea about this, followed the footsteps of "different void bugs" and headed south step by step, approaching the coast of Perm.

August has come and gone and hopefully next month will be different!

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