Lux's Farewell

Chapter 789【0777】Cheating Malphite

Qil'Aza obviously didn't know Malzahar's plan.

He also had no idea that while he was collecting specimens of void creatures along the way, these seemingly "live" void creatures were actually leading him into a dangerous trap.

He also had no idea that Malzahar was hiding behind the void creature, watching him quietly, waiting for him to fall into the trap he had carefully prepared.

From Qil'Aza's point of view, his activities were very cautious - he was only collecting specimens and recording the habits of void creatures in the peripheral areas of the rift, and he should not have attracted any special attention at all now.

In this way, without realizing his situation at all, Qil'Aza quickly came to the edge of the trap.

On the morning of the third day after he started to explore the situation of void creatures, he saw a very special void creature. Its state did not look like a common bug, but more like a plant!
This is a situation that Qil'Aza has never seen before. Not only has he never seen it before, but there has never been any similar record. There has never been a precedent for a void creature to take the form of a plant!
Qil'Aza's original axiom research direction was in the field of plants, so when he discovered this "plant with chitinous tissue", he immediately became interested.

Of course, this was a trap carefully prepared for him by Malzahar.

When Qil'Aza dispersed the surrounding void creatures and carefully tried to collect this specimen, he bent down and discovered that this plant was a bit "wilted", and the shape of the plant seemed Not very good.

Plant form is not suitable for the void?

Or is the environment here not entirely suitable for it?
Instinctively, Qil'Aza began to study the surrounding environment, and then he discovered that this exposed plant-like void seemed to be a wandering plant - not far from it, there was a seemingly The cave is not very deep, and there are many plant-like void creatures with similar shapes inside. There is no sunlight there, but their bodies are shining with a faint light, and they look very similar to the mushrooms growing in many underground caves.

This is an incredible discovery!

Along the way, Qil'Aza had fully seen the diversity of void creatures, but even so, the forms of the plants in front of him still surprised him, so he simply called out to the other great elementalists and planned to go to the cave to see. look.

Malphite who was accompanying him was too big to enter, but the other great elementalists all chose to follow in the footsteps of Qil'Aza. So, without thinking twice, the group stepped into the room carefully prepared by Malzahar for them. In the trap.

Just after their front feet entered the cave, the next moment behind them, the ground quickly began to rise upwards and the entire cave was instantly sealed.

At the same time, water began to seep inside the cave. As a group of void lurkers began to dig in under Malzahar's order, seawater began to pour in.

What's worse is that inside the cave, those seemingly harmless, plant-like void creatures suddenly came to life. They were not "plant forms" at all. They looked like the above-ground parts of plants, but It's a carefully designed disguise, but it's actually just their tentacles!

After receiving Malzahar's order, these void mimic beasts, which were comparable in size to camels, finally broke out of the ground while shaking their bodies, and launched an attack on Qil'Aza and other great elementalists.

Seeing this scene, Qil'Aza didn't know that he was ambushed. He never expected that the void was different from all the animals and plants he had seen in the past. They were more cunning, more cunning, and even more cunning. He would resort to such despicable means to seduce himself.

Not to mention an ordinary beast.

When the cave was sealed and water began to seep, Zil'Aza even felt that the vastayas in the northern part of the jungle were not as cunning as these void creatures!

Of course, the most important thing now is to find a way to escape.

Several great elementalists who are good at the original axioms of the earth have begun to try to dig, but what makes them feel very bad is that the land here seems to have been specially treated, and the efficiency of digging using the original axioms is horribly low.

Of course it's lower.

Just like the void bugs that invaded the restricted area before and targeted the Primal Axiom of the Elementalist, the environment here has been similarly "debuffed" by Malzahar. The modular casting of the Primordial Axiom is indeed convenient, but it is still too easy to counter it. Got it!

The land infected by the void is not high-quality soil with a uniform concentration of elements that is convenient for the application of the original axioms.

Even the Great Elementalist, in this environment, can't use even [-]% or [-]% of their [-]% success. Even if they can dig through the land, seawater will inevitably pour in first!

And once the sea water pours back, the void fish that has been ambushed in the sea will come into close combat with the great elements. Without the water elemental envoys, even if you are all powerful people... I am afraid you will not be able to escape death!
Malzahar's plan went very smoothly.

But just when the great elementalists were trapped, Kalya, who had been connected to Malphite's network, also received the news at the same time.

Good guy, although I was very dissatisfied with Qil'Aza's attitude and expected that they might stumble, Kalya really didn't expect to enter the trap so straight and see someone taking the blame.

Although the Malphites were left outside and had no idea what was going on in the underground cave, Kalya could guess with his toes that there must be very targeted traps inside. Those big elementalists rely on If you look at yourself, you will most likely be in bad luck.

Considering that he just wanted these bastards to suffer a little, rather than be completely destroyed, Kalya immediately activated Malphite and started an external rescue.

The effect is outstanding.

It is difficult for the original axiom to drive the land eroded by the void, and it is also effective for void creatures that are resistant to the original axiom.

But Malphite's fists were not.

Although it's a bit embarrassing that the great elementalist can't even dig the earth, it doesn't matter, at least Malphite can dig the earth.

With only a small deformation, Malphite's hands can turn into two shovels and realize rapid and automated excavation work. Monolith has excellent adaptability in deformation. This problem is very important to Malphites. It's just a piece of cake.

Malzahar, who had been paying close attention to the trap situation remotely, saw this scene through the eyes of the void worm.

Wait, these big puppets are not just responsible for logistics?

Can it also transform and dig?
Obviously no one controls it!
The actions of the Malphites were completely beyond Malzahar's expectations. If they are allowed to continue digging, I am afraid that the traps carefully laid by Malzahar will soon be dug through. By then, wouldn't those great elementalists be able to do so easily? Escaped?
No, absolutely not!
The great elementalists headed by Qil'Aza must be buried here!

Although it was temporarily inconvenient for the main body to appear, Malzahar quickly mobilized a large number of void creatures and began to surround the incident site and attack Malphite.

At the same time, the number of void fish underwater also increased rapidly, and the surrounding ground began to vibrate violently, in order to quickly kill the trapped great elementalists and interfere with Malphite's excavation and rescue.

However, although Malzahar's idea was good, in his haste, in front of the two Malphites, the void worms that were specialized for the original axioms could not actually cause any effective interference.Even though these void insects have their own "erosion field" that can silence the surrounding elements and directly reduce the spellcasting effect of the Original Axiom, their chitinous carapace cannot withstand Malphite's fist at all.

Even Malphite didn't need to turn the shovels on his arms into fists. He just swung the shovels and smashed them at the Void Worms, which were at most the size of wild dogs. Got Void Worm Sauce.

The sudden appearance of Cheng Yaojin caused trouble for Malzaha, who originally thought that everything was under his control.

Before this, he had not been specially prepared to deal with this kind of giant puppet void bug - as far as he knew, Ixtal did not have such a thing.

Now suddenly facing Malphite, he was naturally caught off guard.

However, after counting the cards in his hand, it seems that there are almost no void insects targeting such large puppets.

This is troublesome.

After thinking about it, Malzahar decided that since there are no void insects that can target these big guys, he might as well start transforming the environment!
Although the Malphites have a hard surface and are extremely powerful, crushing ordinary void bugs is like stepping on bugs, but they are still somewhat cumbersome in action.

Within the radiation range of the Void Fissure, as long as the hernia is torn around them, they will easily sink in and be unable to get out.

Although Malzahar had never seen the puppets of Ixtal, he had seen the ancient puppets of Shurima - those large puppets driven by magic circuits and were driven by the energy of the sun disk in the past. Although It is indestructible, but its movement is not very flexible. It is best to use terrain restrictions!

As a result, under the control of Malzahar, the void energy under the earth began to surge and spurt out, turning into irregular hernias, causing the earth under the feet of the Malphites to become devastated.

In this case, let alone the huge Malphite, even if someone comes, he will still suffer from sprained ankles if he is not careful.

Malzahar's reaction was quick.

But on the other side, Kalya, who remotely controlled Malphite through the Golden Wheel Stone, reacted faster.

Changing the terrain to slow down one's own actions was a tactic that the Monitor had used as early as the Battle of Icathia!
This method was named Earth Surge at the time, which means the earth is churning. The huge void energy does not turn into a physical entity, but in the form of the purest energy, it erupts from the underground void cracks and reaches the surface. In this During the process, the soil and gravel that come into contact with the void energy will become organic and turn into glorious void chitin, and the outlet from which this energy spurts out is the earth hernia.

If during the Icathian War, the geohernias caused by large-scale earthquakes were scars that disembowelled the earth, then the current geosurges caused by Malzahar cannot even be considered geohernias. , at best, they are pores.

Even if the Malphites' movements would be delayed, it would not be enough to affect their work efficiency just by relying on this scale of ground hernia.

After a simple transformation, Malphite's legs turned into five pairs of wheels and tracks, completely ignoring the potholes on the ground and continuing to dig.

The Malzahar people who saw this scene through the vision of the void flies flying in the sky were stunned.

What kind of puppet is this? How can it transform at will?
Before, the fist turned into a shovel, which was considered a very conventional transformation. Many ancient Shurima puppets also had similar configurations.

But now the legs have been turned into five pairs of wheels and tracks...are you serious?

Could it be that this puppet is made of clay? Change it if you want!

However, in the void fly's field of vision, Malzahar clearly saw many void insects gnawing on these puppets with their sharp claws and fangs, but in the end, no traces were left at all!
The outcome of the battle was completely beyond Malzahar's expectations.

Even though void creatures kept coming like a swarm of insects, the two huge puppets still completed the excavation work calmly. Before the sea water poured back, they opened the lid of the trap and trapped the big people who thought they had little hope. The elementalists rescued him.

Then, without any hesitation, they charged all the way and quickly broke out of the encirclement. With Malphite's protection, the battle suddenly became a simple mode. The great elementalists only needed to stand on Malphite's back and fight as hard as they could. Just increase the damage range of your spells as much as possible.

Unwilling to give up, Malzahar mobilized a large number of void insects targeting the Primeval Axiom to besiege them.

But their resistance to the original axioms is not enough to withstand the damage of the great elementalists.

Moreover, after getting rid of the panic, the great elementalists gradually came to their senses.

After realizing that direct Primordial Axiom spells had limited effects, they quickly began to use indirect Primordial Axiom spells. Just like when the Archon bypassed the defense of the Forbidden Magic Stone, direct attack magic would be greatly reduced. But you can be more tactful!

The original axiom effect of directly detonating the void bug is almost the same as farting.

But if a rock or something is detonated above the heads of the void worms, the fragmentation damage will not be discounted!

The same is true for fire and frost. Direct bombardment with spells has only the same effect, but the environment created by spells can still affect the void insects.

Although the number of void insects seemed to be a bit too much, the great elementalists still focused on escaping, but after gradually figuring out the way, their escape gradually became somewhat leisurely.

Malzahar, who was always paying attention to the battle situation, saw everything.

Although the great elementalists seem to have discovered something, it doesn't matter. In terms of the original axiom, he has prepared a bigger surprise for these people - more importantly, Malzahar must find a way to target them. Malphite's method.

Want to deal with large deformed puppets...

Perhaps, he should try to summon the incarnation of fear and devouring.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·The lethality of the ground surge:

The void energy that spurts out directly is very dangerous. Not only can it create void terrain that is beneficial to void creatures, but if it is directly hit by the gush, even the ascended ones will die suddenly on the spot - but the ground energy Even for the monitor, the surge is completely uncontrollable, and the "occupancy rate" of the void rift is very high, so it is generally not used as a direct killing method.

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