Lux's Farewell

Chapter 790【0778】 Pesticides and tonic pills

Chapter 790【0778】 Pesticides and tonic pills
Qil'Aza and the accompanying great elementalists, under the cover of Malphite, finally succeeded in breaking out of the siege.

During this process, two unlucky ones were hit by the ground surge and were infected by the void on the spot. Finally, Qil'Aza put an end to their pain. The others suffered more or less magic overdrafts after escaping. In such a state, they all looked pale and looked like tuberculosis ghosts.

There are less than a hundred Great Elementalists in the entire Ixtar. Losing two here can be considered a very heavy price - and all the Great Elementalists who were lucky enough to escape actually knew in their hearts that if not If Malphite takes action, the entire team may not be able to come back completely.

In this way, when the expedition team returned to the Ixtal camp and recounted their experiences in detail, the Ixtal people, who had suffered from the pain, finally became completely serious.

The experiences of the Great Elementalists finally made them realize that closing the void rift is not a political issue, but a real war. The void rift, like the original axiom, is objective and not based on the Ixtal people. It is foolish to adopt political means, to think of superiority before the rift is healed, or to consider the outcome of the battle if the will is not the same.

Of course, it’s not that there are no fools who think that “Qil’Aza is too weak” that led to the collapse of this team, but these fools are the very few who can become a major element and have the right to speak. That insignificant opinion was no longer enough to change the direction of Ixtal.

Don't rush in!

We must start from the periphery steadily and clean up the void creatures bit by bit until the void rift is completely closed!
The Ixtar people, who had corrected their attitude, quickly came up with a battle plan that was completely prudent even in the eyes of Kalya.

In the battle plan, the Ixtar people will start cleaning up the void insects from both the air and the ground.

Obtaining air superiority is a prerequisite for cleanup.

Although the void bugs may metamorphose into wings at any time and transform from free-range chickens into flying mantises, this requires a process, so the void bugs that can already fly must be suppressed first to prevent them from further evolution.

In the battle plan, the aerial part is mainly responsible for the elemental dragons and elemental dragons gathered by the Ixtal people - although Ixtal failed to fully inherit the dragon covenant from the Shuriman Empire, The elemental dragon can only be controlled by raising it to a limited extent, but even according to the incomplete dragon covenant, if the enemy is Void, they can still mobilize the elemental dragon even if there is no breeding relationship.

Once the void bugs in the air are suppressed, the cleanup on the ground can begin.

According to the previous experience of Qil'Aza and his team, the effect of the directly effective original axioms will be greatly reduced when facing void insects, so the fighting methods that the elementalists were used to must be changed.

There is no need to cast spells directly on the Void Worms. It is better to deal with the elemental creations first, and then cast spells on these elemental creations to cause indirect damage to the Void Worms.

Moreover, because the number of void bugs is so astonishing and the types are countless, if you want to clean them up more efficiently, you have to use a wide range of AOE spells.

The void worms themselves have long legs and can run. If you want to achieve better results with large-scale spells, it is best to surround and divide the void worms.

Therefore, following this idea, the ground attack plan proposed by Ixtal was to first send elites, cooperate with the Malphite network, to break into the void insect gathering place, build an encirclement position, and then send elemental envoys to attack them. The dense void insects carried out spell bombardment.

It is a very stable and reliable plan. When implemented, it even sounds like pumping water to a fish pond - first build a dam in the fish pond, divide the fish pond into small pieces, and then release water one by one for fishing.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that it can prevent the void bugs from running everywhere during the battle, and except for the early elites and Malphite who broke into the formation and the final spell bombing, most of the time the Ixtar people They are all taking a defensive stance, and the pressure of fighting is less.

Of course, this plan is not without its problems.

The size of the encirclement must be carefully controlled, not too big or too small, and ways must be found to avoid the destructive damage caused by the ground surge, lest the newly constructed circle be completely destroyed by the ground surge and lose the money. The lady lost her troops again.

Therefore, on the basis of this plan, Kalya also added a little bit of luring the enemy. He first pretended to send people to raid the core of the void rift, "cheating" all the ground surges out, and then encircled, divided, and subsequently annihilated them.

In addition, the Icathian Guards will also take action when building an encirclement position and withdraw from the battle in time to prevent the void creatures from producing targeted evolutionary results. Although the eternal flames in their hands may be the natural enemies of the void creatures, the Icathian Guards 's fighting style is far from impeccable.

In this way, with the unanimous consent of Qiyana and Kiran, the [Insecticide Plan] for the debridement surgery was finally officially launched. As Qiyana, as Queen Ixtar, activated the ancient giant After the Dragon Covenant, in the next two days, elemental dragons and elemental dragons were summoned by the covenant one after another and arrived at the outer areas of the void rift.

At the beginning, these elemental dragons and elemental sub-dragons were still a little restless, but after Kalya took action, summoned an ancient dragon to appear, and simply controlled him, the originally noisy elemental dragons and elemental sub-dragons Long soon became completely at ease.

This is also a surprise.

Originally, Kalya hoped to call an unlucky ancient dragon to take care of it himself - although dragons are strong, they are still beasts. Unless they reach the stage of the ancient dragon, they will only succumb to power.

But what I didn't expect was that the ancient dragon called by Kalya... knew Kalya.

Even if Kalya doesn't know him, even if he was not an ancient dragon the last time he saw Kalya, just an ordinary mountain dragon, as a "young talent" of the dragon clan, he was lucky enough to meet Kalya. Afterwards, he was quite impressed by the Ascended One.

Although Kalya is completely different from the past, because his past image was a bit special, after it was confirmed that the caller of the covenant was Kalya, this ancient dragon cooperated quite well with the work, and other elemental dragons and elementals Whoever Yalong dared to rant, he would directly summon Stone Claw to lock him or her in a cage. The originally noisy group of dragons soon became orderly.

Qiyana was so envious after seeing this scene.

Qiyana, who has her own private dragon farm, also likes these big babies with elemental bloodlines, but obviously, let alone ancient dragons, even elemental dragons will not buy her account. Only those who are Only the elemental dragons that always live in her dragon farm are so "close" to her.

Sure enough, Ixtar's Elemental Queen is not enough!


At the coalition camp, elemental dragons began to gather in large numbers, so much so that Qiyana had to arrange for a separate manpower to deal with the dragon dung.

And in the void rift, Malzahar did not stop.

In his opinion, although the number of coalition forces is large, but with the Anti-Primal Axiom Void Insects, their frontal combat effectiveness is only so much - my insect swarm is endless, and it will consume you to death!

The real trouble is those large deformed puppets. Since void creatures have very obvious "weak inorganic" characteristics, such large puppets can only be solved by brute force.

It just so happens that the void worms that Malzahar has specially bred have always been against the direction of the original axioms. He has not paid any attention to the aspect of enlargement. Now he has to make do with it temporarily. The only way is to directly summon those large void worms. .However, when summoning void insects from the land of the void, the larger the void insect is and the more void energy it contains, the more laborious it is to summon it. In addition, the void rift is not that big. If you want to summon a large void insect once and for all, Volumetric void worms are not simple either.

After thinking about it, Malzahar's only solution was to take a roundabout way - is there a void insect that is average in strength and not too big, but can grow rapidly as long as the environment is suitable?

Hey, what a coincidence, there really is!

As far as Malzahar knew, there was a void worm that could grow rapidly by devouring it.

The ignorant people of Runeterra call it the Terror of the Void.

And their unlimited growth ability does indeed live up to the name of fear!

As long as he summons a group of void fears, and then lets them devour them without restraint, he will soon have the means to deal with those deformed puppets!
The only problem is that at this critical juncture, after Malzahar is successfully summoned, it is difficult to take them out to eat in a short period of time. If they are allowed to evolve by devouring void creatures, they may suffer from malnutrition... …

Just when Malzahar was struggling, the elemental dragon and elemental dragon began to gather together.

After getting the news, Malzahar was not surprised but overjoyed.

Elemental dragon and elemental dragon, those are great things!
Great supplement!

As long as a few elemental dragons are swallowed, these void terrors will quickly grow into giants that are unmatched on the frontal battlefield!
Therefore, without any further hesitation, he summoned a group of Void Terrors on the spot and began to mobilize a large number of troops, preparing to deal a ruthless blow to the elemental dragons and elemental dragons.

Are you the only one who is a semi-elemental creature?

According to the combat plan, when the number of elemental dragons and elemental dragons reached the basic requirements, the air battle officially began.

As the dragon officially took off to join the battle, the army of void flying insects that originally covered the sky like black mist soon suffered heavy losses.

Air combat has always been the weak link of void creatures - for these void bugs who came from another world and only got their bodies in Runeterra, flying is a very difficult thing.

As we all know, the evolution of void worms requires devouring. Compared with creatures that move on land, it is undoubtedly much more difficult to devour flying creatures. Without sufficient samples, the flight evolution path of void worms can only be determined by To describe it as crooked.

To sum it up, it can fly, but that's all.

In front of the dragon clan that can use elements to assist flight, the void insects, whose flying ability is similar to that of a pheasant, really have no good countermeasures. At most, they rely on their absolute advantage in numbers to swarm forward and hang themselves on the gaps in the dragon scales. Or simply self-destruct to achieve that pitiful lethality.

Even though there was an absolute advantage of at least four orders of magnitude in terms of numbers, the situation in the air battle was one-sided in the opposite direction. The elemental dragons and elemental dragons that swooped down after spreading their wings were no longer a simple tiger among the sheep— -If I had to use a metaphor, it was more like a group of whales with their huge mouths open, filtering and feeding on insignificant plankton without restraint.

After almost every elemental dragon swoops by, a bright gap will open in the dark sky that was originally obscured by the void bugs.

In just one day, the "insect cover" covering the air around the void rift has become much sparser visibly to the naked eye.

If this continues, within a few days, the void insects with the ability to fly will turn into stragglers. The ground troops can not only advance smoothly, but can even call for air support from their own side!
Of course, after achieving such brilliant results, the Dragon Legion did not suffer any losses.

Relying on the method of ants killing elephants, three unlucky elemental dragons and one elemental dragon fell on the spot, with no bones left - compared with the results of the battle, this loss can only be regarded as minimal.

It's a pity that this extremely smooth battle only lasted for one day.

Starting from the second day, the void bugs on the ground began to take the initiative to attack the air - they would take advantage of the elemental dragon to dive and spray venom or corrosive void plasma into the sky, even if they accidentally injure friendly forces.

Caught off guard, seven or eight giant dragons flying close to the ground fell out of balance in the air in one encounter.

After discovering something was wrong, the dragons chose to increase the "safe height" of their dive to avoid being attacked by ground fire.

Facts have proved that raising the flying altitude is a good self-protection measure, but the price of doing so is that the speed at which the dragons clean up the flying insects in the void is visibly reduced.

When unable to dive close to the ground, they even need to breathe to increase their damage. The originally easy battle quickly became difficult.

Fortunately, even if the efficiency has decreased, the number and density of void flying insects are still declining steadily. Apart from spraying venom and plasma on the ground, void insects have no more countermeasures.

Therefore, after six days, the density of the insect cover covering the void rift finally dropped to the point where it no longer affected the troops' ability to penetrate deeper.

After flying around in the air on the elemental dragon and confirming that the information was correct, Qiyana and Kieran finally began to mobilize their elites to start building a protrusion in the northeast corner of the void rift.

The operation to pump water around the lake has officially begun.

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·The Evolutionary Direction of the Void Worm:

  Relying on devouring, void worms have many different evolutionary directions.

  They can grow in size, acquire the tissue structure and even special skills of the devoured person, digest the devoured person into void energy, learn to control and infect the devoured person, and so on.

  However, these evolutions cannot be achieved at the same time. The Void Worm's devouring technology tree seems omnipotent, but it is extremely difficult to light it up.

(End of this chapter)

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