Lux's Farewell

Chapter 791【0779】 The ground surge that was caused but not caused

Chapter 791【0779】 The ground surge that was caused but not caused
As the number of the void flying insect army plummeted and it no longer became an actual threat, the advancement on the ground also officially began.

The essence of this combat plan, which Karya nicknamed "Pumping Water from the Lake", is to use an elite team to break into the enemy's formation, create a protrusion, and based on this, create a small area where magic can be used unscrupulously. Indiscriminate bombing area.

In this process, pumping water is not difficult, but the difficulty is enclosing the lake - it is not an easy task to stably create a fire pouring area.

Fortunately, the elites responsible for breaking into the siege have an absolute advantage over the void bugs in strength. Even though those bugs completely obeyed the command and cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding, when facing the great elementalist and Icathia guards who were protected by Malphite, There is still almost no decent resistance ability.

Void bugs, which were at most the size of wild dogs, were really beaten into dogs under the impact of the great elementalists and Icathian guards. Although their chitin shells could wrap their bodies well and provide them with relatively cheap protection. Defense, but this level of defense is not bad for dealing with wild animals in the desert. When it comes to facing the great elementalist and the Icathian guards, it can only be described as thin-skinned but big-bodied.

Among these void insects, there are occasionally a few relatively large guys. Some of them mix in the insect swarm, and some rush out from the ground, trying to form a surprise attack and destroy the outstanding progress of the coalition forces, but in some cases In the case of Malphite's response, this impact is really limited.

It can only be said that Monolith is indeed the pinnacle of the Shurima Empire.

After using the Golden Wheel Stone to realize a unified network, Malphite has a crushing advantage over the Void Worms - they are large, corrosion-resistant, deformable, and work well together. They are also purely inorganic elemental creatures. Almost every characteristic points to the most unappetizing aspect of void creatures.

Unless a giant void insect appears and launches a crushing attack on Malphite, making a fuss about the fact that the hardness and strength of the monolith are not top-notch, the only way to paralyze or even eliminate Malphite is to gamble. The ground surge hit Malphite head-on.

With Malphite as a guarantee and a solid front, even though the number of void worms put great pressure on all participants, the outcome of the battle was smooth.

The elite troops quickly wedged themselves into the void bug activity area around the void rift and established a relatively stable position. After the two troops, one on the left and one on the right, moved in parallel, they quickly merged under the guidance of Malphite and successfully An area of ​​about five miles in radius was gathered and surrounded.

Then the bombing plowing began.

The effect of directly using the original axioms is poor, then elementalize the original axioms and then use them with the eternal flame attached!
Even though the eternal flame looks like fire, it is actually difficult to ignite and the fuel needs to be specially prepared, but at least after it is ignited, as long as the fuel is not exhausted, it will not go out, and the void worms burned by it will not go out. There will also be obvious energyization and degradation characteristics.

After being attached to the Eternal Flame, the spells of the elementalists seem to have additional "spell penetration", and the effect against void insects is more than 01:30 better!
Malzahar, who had been paying attention to the battle situation, was literally bleeding from his heart.

After trying to resist, but the resistance was ineffective, he had no choice but to give the void worm an order to dig in. If he couldn't defeat it, he would dig a tunnel and escape.

Not ashamed.

But digging tunnels takes time.

Even though the burrowers dig very quickly, this is not the desert of Shurima!

The place Malzahar chose to summon the Void Fissure was based on confidentiality considerations, so he finally chose it at the junction of Icathia and Ixtal. Usually no one comes here, and there are plenty of creatures for void worms. It is a very suitable place to serve as a base for expansion.

But this also means that the Void Worm's model elsewhere cannot be easily replicated here.

Here, the void lurker can indeed dig underground space.

However, due to the tight soil and the presence of a lot of bedrock underground, its excavation efficiency cannot be compared with that of Ikasia, which is full of hernias, or Koharise, which is full of gravel.

Previously, Malzahar was able to set up traps to lure Qil'Aza in, but in the end he was not annihilated. This was largely due to the lack of digging speed of the burrowing beast at that time.

But now, when the void bugs are planning to retreat, the tight soil and scattered rocks have once again brought huge trouble to the void escape beasts.

In desperation, Malzahar could only order the team of evaders to dig in, use these guys as shield machines, and ordered some void worms to execute the rearguard order, trying to withdraw from the battle in this way.

By doing this, the efficiency of excavation has indeed improved, but with the expansion of underground space, elementalists who are good at the original axioms of the earth also have a wider space to play.

An underground pursuit begins.

They controlled the stone balls with eternal flames burning on the surface, and ran them all the way along the caves dug by the earth-hiding beasts. Wherever they went, the void worms had almost no room to fight back or resist.

Under the roasting of eternal flames, their chitinous carapace becomes extremely crispy, and their bodies become almost liquid, which can be said to be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

As these stone balls rolled over, the void worms were crushed into a paste, and the cleaning speed was even faster than on the surface.

And if the evaders give up digging large tunnels and instead flee in all directions, the retreat efficiency of other void worms will be greatly reduced. Moreover, due to Malzahar's limited control, the tunnels dug by the evasive beasts will also intersect with each other. , interference, and ultimately cause overall collapse.

In the end, after spending a whole morning, the void worms in this area were finally completely eliminated, and even the ground became much softer with the excavation of the escaping beasts.

The results of this battle were remarkable. The battle was difficult, but the casualties were not large. Facing the peaceful and empty land after the battle, the elementalists and Icathian guards who participated in the battle all cheered, and came to watch. The afternoon was about to begin. Representatives of other troops observing the battle were also gearing up, as if they were eager to give it a try.

However, amidst all the joy, the face under Kalya's mask was frowning.

Not right, so wrong.

Until the area where the first void worms were annihilated was encircled and cleared, the ground surge he was most worried about did not appear.

The lack of ground surge seems to be a good thing.

But considering the cunning shown by the void worms before, this "good thing" contains a lingering and strong flavor of conspiracy no matter how you look at it.

The previous experience of Qil'Aza has proven that Malzahar has the authority and ability to create earth surges.

However, now he is sitting back and watching the void creatures in this area being cleared away, and has not tried to activate the earth surge...

This may of course be because this area is relatively peripheral and far away from the void rift, making it difficult to directly use ground surge attacks.

But the greater possibility is that Malzahar is holding back some bad water at this time.

Kalya has always been not afraid to speculate on the void with the greatest malice.

Those who have taken refuge in the void can only be said to be completely anti-human - this kind of people have no bottom line at all, and they can do anything!
However, after thinking about it, Kalya couldn't think of any way Malzahar could come back, because even if Kalja himself stepped in, he couldn't think of any way to deal with the Malphite Network.According to Kalya's experience during the Icathia War, the only way to fight against a monolithic puppet—or, in other words, a monolithic elemental creature—is to summon a super-large void creature and then crush it with physical force. .

(Of course, if I have to say it, if Malzahar has a relatively deep foundation in magic theory and his achievements in advanced element theory can surpass Kalja, then he may be able to find a method specifically for the monolithic element through analysis. But it’s okay if you ask Malzahar to learn the so-called primitive axioms, but asking him to learn from the basics of elements is really too much.)
Other than that, there are no void creatures that can stop the Malphites from rampaging across the battlefield!

According to Kalya's knowledge, the size of the void creatures that can be summoned is directly proportional to the size and development of the void rift.

The void rift controlled by Malzahar can summon void insects the size of calves, which is almost the upper limit!

There was nothing wrong with Karya's judgment.

Even his judgment on the ability of this void rift can be regarded as absolutely correct - Malzahar indeed cannot summon larger void insects.

But what he didn't expect was that there was also Void Fear, which swallowed up void insects that did not evolve and only grew in size.

Although the size of the void worm is indeed directly proportional to the organic matter it devours, overall, this "proportional" efficiency is not very high.

During the Icathia War, Kalya also saw some bugs that could grow by devouring them, and some of them were similar in shape to Chogas in his impression, but their growth was never just reflected in their size.

But he didn't know that those void insects were not void fears.

In other words, in the view of the monitor who was commanding the battle at the time, summoning Void Fear was not a good choice.

This result caused a lot of disturbance to Kalya, so much so that he misjudged bugs like Void Fear and miscalculated the coefficient of body expansion after they were devoured.

As the coalition forces advanced in triumph, clearing away the void worms one by one and pushing the front towards the void rift itself, at the hernia of the rift, the first batch of void terrors summoned by Malzahar finally completed their attack on the elemental giant. Devouring and digestion of dragon and elemental drake corpses.

At this time, these ferocious-looking void bugs with irregular barbs all over their chitinous carapace finally opened their mouths again.

In their terrifying faces that looked like they were haunted by nightmares, Malzahar once again read the feeling of hunger.

"Very good, very good." Looking at these big bugs that were over thirty feet tall, Malzahar was quite satisfied. "This size is almost the same as those puppets!"

However, since Void Fear is a type that grows flesh as soon as it is eaten, Malzahar, while excited, also knew very clearly that just relying on these Void Fear, he could not confront Malphite head-on for the time being.

These "big cuties" still need to continue to grow and grow bigger!
The dragons that were acquired at a heavy price have been eaten clean. In order for these "big cuties" to continue to grow, Malzahar must prepare food for them.

So, where does food come from?
Malzahar already had a plan in mind for this.

"One piece after another, stupid mortals, do you think that by fighting steadily and step by step, you can push the front to the crack?"

"Or are you worried about the flooding of the earth surge and want to reduce the power of the earth surge as much as possible by advancing it in batches?"

"Presumably these mortal commanders must have been worried over the past few days, wondering why the earth surge that almost killed Qil'Aza did not appear again?"

"Now, I will give you this opportunity... The great void will always fulfill the humble wish of every lost person. Since the ground surge is an unresolved danger, then I will let this big stone fall to the ground... "

"Great void, unfathomable seer, I hereby pray for your power..."



Under the ground, Malzahar's voice turned from clear to vague, and finally gradually turned into a sleep-like whisper, occasionally mixed with a heart-breaking neighing.

And as he prayed, a full, substantial power began to gather on the other side of the rift, ready to wait for his further call.

It seems that in the land of void, the supreme being is very optimistic about Malzahar and gave him quite astonishing authority.


On the fifth day after the battle began, the intensity of the battle finally increased significantly as the coalition's front advanced beyond half the distance between its initial position and the void rift.

Some ground hernias have appeared on the nearby ground, and with the help of ground hernias, even if the assault and division on the ground is still smooth, the difficulty of subsequent clearing has suddenly risen to a higher level.

Moreover, in order to clear the hernia, the casualties of the coalition forces also began to increase suddenly - inside the complex hernia, it was easier for the void worms to carry out sneak attacks. Even if the hernia was filled, the earth-hiding beasts could still be in the filled area. Excavation at a faster speed forced the coalition forces to perform surface pressing work while filling the ground hernia.

This is not finished.

That afternoon, when the ground cleaning was basically completed and most of the ground hernia filling work was done, an unexpected vibration came from under everyone's feet.

Before they could react, the ground was torn open with several large cracks that could swallow a living person.

At the same time, streams of energy that looked lavender to the naked eye poured out from the cracks. Any organism touched by this energy turned into a liquid state in an instant, and then solidified into a strange void. Chitin.

The ground surge... broke out!

 I did a lot of tests, and the names were all English abbreviations, and I couldn't understand any of them. I looked at pictures and blew air, and it was confirmed that it was otolithiasis and weakened vestibular function.

  I performed otolith repositioning treatment, prescribed Jinardol and Betahistine, and prescribed a lying position...

  The treatment and medication are not expensive, but a series of functional tests are very expensive!

(End of this chapter)

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