Lux's Farewell

Chapter 792【0780】Comparing size

The destructive power of the ground surge is staggering.

As the unfettered void energy spurted out from the cracks in the void and rushed out of the ground, streaks of lavender, almost substantial light rushed into the sky from the gaps on the surface like lava erupting from a volcano. .

At this moment, time and space seemed to have become "sticky".

When the lavender light erupted, many of the coalition forces who were supposed to turn around and flee were not determined enough. They even stopped sluggishly and stared blankly at the aurora dancing in the sky. lavender light curtain.

It is so elusive, so captivating that these people are completely captivated, lay down their weapons and open their arms.

The eyes of these people gradually became blurred.

An unclear murmur appeared in their minds, and in a daze, they seemed to see a future. In that future, they became some kind of great being and achieved unimaginable immortality.

This "future" is so clear that these people believe in its existence almost immediately, and even actively open their arms to embrace this "great future".

Around them, there were many companions who wanted to stop them from committing suicide, but when these sober people grabbed the arms of their former companions and tried to help them escape, what they got was cruel betrayal.

After coming into contact with the arms of their companions, these people who were completely attracted by the void seemed to have discovered some prey. They wrapped around each other like snakes and sticks, wanting to go to the void together.

It was not until this time that those whose minds had not been infected by the void discovered that the minds of their companions were no longer normal. They were salivating and speaking in voices that were not like living people, and uttered gibberish that was consistent with the void; while they were dragging More people rushed into the void.

People who react quickly will immediately cut off the arms of these madmen in order to escape, while those who react a little slower will only become victims of the void's spewing and become part of the void.

This is the terrifying thing about the earth surge - in addition to the gushing energy, it also has the attribute of spiritual attack. People who are not mentally tough enough can easily be attracted by the whispers of the void and become its slaves.

And that's not the end.

At the end of the spout, the ethereal void energy that looks like an aurora in the sky will enter a substantial stage, turning into a burst of "void rain" and falling back to the ground in the form of void insects.

Although the combat effectiveness of the newly materialized Void Insects is very average, the pollution effect of voiding the environment is first-class. Behind the lines that the coalition forces finally cleared, there are traces of void creature activities in many places.

Fortunately, this spurt came and went quickly. After just a few minutes, the spurt ended, and the sky turned pure blue again, as if it was just an ordinary solar rain.

But on the ground, whether it was a silent half-chitin corpse or a seriously injured person groaning in pain, they all proved the horror of the surge just now.

Many people had lingering fears and sat down on the ground after the ground surge ended, unable to even stand up.

Only those who have truly faced the void can clearly understand the horror of the void - when the lavender light envelopes the world, it is a heart palpitation that cannot be described in words.

In the face of the terrifying power of the void, even extraordinary beings are nothing more than weak ants trying to survive. Rather than saying that the void is a terrible enemy, it is better to say that once the energy of the void is poured out, it will be no different from a natural disaster.

This is the void.

What the murmur of the void tells is not pure madness, but a future possibility.

All those swallowed by the void will become part of the void.

There is no time in the void, so after becoming a part of the void, you can indeed gain "eternal immortality".

However, this eternal immortality may not be what those who embrace the void want to see.


As a large-scale earthquake erupted, the morale of the coalition forces was significantly reduced visibly.

Among them, the Icathians are not bad. They can be regarded as people with "great suffering and deep hatred". They have known the horror of the void since they were young. This time, they have experienced the earth and face the terrifying power of the void, which is just "something on paper". It’s just that I feel shallow in the end”, which can be regarded as being prepared.

But after this battle, Ixtal's elementalists all seemed to have lost their souls, and their morale had completely dropped to the bottom.

The original axioms that once made them extremely proud and proud are meaningless in the face of such a scale of natural disasters. Even the great elementalists who have embarked on the extraordinary path are not much different from ordinary people in the face of large-scale earth surges. , they had no way to protect themselves, they were blasted by the ground and their bodies were gone.

The only thing that can prove that they are more powerful than ordinary mortals is that their corpses are slightly less void-chitinized, that's all.

Since this wave of ground surge lasts very short, the damage caused is actually not too great, but sometimes, the damage is not only reflected in the harvest of life, but also the damage to the mind.

However, amidst the wailing, Qiyana showed amazing calmness and rationality.

"Cheer up, warriors of Ixtal!" Just when the ground surge had just stopped and the elementalists of Ixtal were at a loss, her voice immediately echoed on the battlefield. "The void has nothing to do with us. This is its last fig leaf!"

No one responded to her, even the great elementalists were still in a daze.

"We are getting closer and closer to the rift, and now the earth surge breaks out, which means that the void is afraid of our advance!"

"This is a choice without a choice, a solution without a solution, it's just a fight between trapped beasts when there is no room for resistance!"

"In the old Icacia, facing the empire's army, there was an earth surge in the void rift that lasted for more than three days."

"And here, the earth surge only lasted for a few minutes. I don't believe that the vicious void doesn't want to erupt for three days and three nights like it did in Icacia."

"There is only one reason why the earth surge ended so quickly, and that is that it no longer has the terrifying power it once did!"

"The ground surge is terrible, but it is this ground surge that exposes its weakness."

"We are taking advantage of this weak opportunity to completely close this gap."

"Otherwise, one day, this rift will get bigger and bigger, until the scope of the Void Ground Surge is extended to farther places, even to Ixtal."

"For Ixtal, we must seize this precious period of weakness and destroy the Void Rift itself in one go!"

"The elementalists of Ixtal, the students and disciples of Nezuk!"

"The great Nezuk once controlled the monolithic fortress and bridged the rift in the void that stretched hundreds of miles." "Today, like Nezuk, we will use the power of the elements to face the void and defeat this shameful and evil man head-on. The power of corruption.”

"Don't be afraid, don't worry."

"3000 years ago, Ixtal was built on the corpse of the void; now, Ixtal will test his skills in this fissure and embark on the road to revival!"



Qiyana is not a very good speaker - when it comes to inspiring people, she is far from Lux.

However, she was able to react quickly at this time, and immediately came up with a reason that sounded completely acceptable to boost morale, and used history as an example to use Nezuk to inspire the frustrated Ixtal elementalists. The performance can be considered excellent.

At least...compared to the former elemental king who was deprived of his bloodline, Kalya was very pleasing to the eye.

And it was precisely because of Qiyana's encouragement that the emotions of Ixtal's elementalists gradually recovered.

After getting rid of their fear, they realized that the destructive power of this ground surge... seemed to be just that.

More than 100 elementalists were transformed into void chitin. Although it looked terrible, the casualty ratio of this level could only be said to be meager.

As for the void bugs falling like raindrops, they are more like toads falling on the feet - they will not bite, they will only disgust people.

Void bugs of this level have no decent fighting power at all, and the trouble they can cause is not much different than that of a group of rats. At most, it takes a little effort to clean them up.

If you think about it this way, it seems like a sudden surge...that's all?
After realizing this, the elementalist's morale finally improved a little. Although it couldn't compare with when he was advancing all the way, at least he wouldn't lose control because of fear.

In this case, the original battle plan does not need to be changed much, and it can continue to be implemented.

The plan to pump water from the lake can continue to be implemented, and the battle front can still move forward!


The elements of Ixtal gradually calmed down, and the original combat plan could continue to be implemented. This was a good thing for the coalition forces, but Malzahar gritted his teeth with hatred when he observed this.

He was really angry - why was the tenth princess Qiyana leading the battle? !

In Malzahar's opinion, if the leader of the army is the King of Elements, then a ground surge will be enough to shake the hearts of the elementalists; and if the leader is the eldest princess, then a ground surge will cause the team to collapse.

It just so happened that the person in charge was Qiyana, the only reliable person in the Ixtal royal family.

What bad luck!
Malzahar obviously did not know what happened to Ixtar, nor did he know that the throne of the Elemental King had changed hands and fell on Qiyana, who had no right to inherit.

"Fortunately, the Son of Fear was summoned long ago."

The ground surge just now had average lethality, but it created a large amount of chitin that was transformed into a semi-void.

These chitins have always been Void Fear's favorite food. As long as they are completely swallowed, these ferocious giant void creatures will become taller and stronger.

As long as their height reaches fifty feet, those annoying deformed puppets will lose their current function as sea-fixing needles!

However, there is a small problem. The void chitin transformed by void energy is now within the control of the coalition forces, and if it can be encountered, the coalition forces will treat them harmlessly.

Therefore, Malzahar must get these Void Chitins as soon as possible and feed them to Void Fear!
In other words, Malzahar must launch a counterattack immediately!
Although he felt a little sorry for the Void Worms he had carefully cultivated, Malzahar immediately issued a counterattack order. Countless Void Worms rushed to the battlefield screaming, and began to attack the coalition positions, risking their lives.

Unfortunately, this counterattack was a bit louder than rain. Although the void worms were very large and the overwhelming swarm seemed to annihilate everything and completely engulf the coalition forces, when they arrived in front of the coalition's defense line , the trouble these bugs can really cause is not too big.

Even though many void bugs have the "Anti-Primal Axiom" talent, the lethality of ordinary spells against them is quite limited, but these bugs can only be regarded as cannon fodder, and their combat capabilities in frontal combat are still a bit poor.

That is to say, the numerical advantage and the too long front line caused some trouble to the coalition forces at first. After they began to actively shrink the front line and put all their strength on defense, no matter how many void worms they had, it would be difficult to cause them any damage. What killed.

On the contrary, the morale of the coalition forces was once again boosted by this battle, which was more like a tower defense battle.

The void is nothing more than that. Just like Her Majesty Qiyana said, theirs is just a fight between trapped beasts!

In this way, when the Void Worm army began to be unable to follow up, the coalition forces quickly regained the lost position and even completed the counterattack, further pressing the front towards the Void Fissure.

The only pity is that during the period when they lost their position, the bodies of those who died were eaten by insects. After returning to Ixtal, they can only set up cenotaphs for them.


Facts have proved that this ground surge was indeed somewhat of a comeback, because after that, until the coalition's front reached a place only a few hundred yards away from the fissure, they did not encounter any decent attacks.

After causing huge damage to the void insects, their ability to resist is gradually weakening, and it seems that they will soon follow in the footsteps of the void insects.

Even Kalya couldn't figure out what room Malzahar had for making a comeback at this time - unless he mastered a method that could directly detonate the void rift, his failure would be inevitable at this time.

Next, we only need to gather all the Malphites to open a stable passage to the void rift, and then gather all the extraordinary people, with the assistance and blessing of Kieran, and Kalya to seal the rift, and the battle will be over. Completely over.

No void bug can stop Malphite. Any attack from these calf-sized bugs can only tickle Malphite!
With this idea in mind, Kalya began to prepare the final sealing operation plan.

However, just when the Malphites began to open the way to the rift under his instructions, these stone men who had been invincible in the past encountered a tough opponent for the first time.

Just when they were about to occupy the largest earth hernia exit and gain control of one side of the void rift, five giant void worms, twice the size of Malphite, emerged from the earth hernia crack.

And Malzahar himself stood on the head of the largest void worm, smiling and looking at the stunned coalition forces.

Comparing size, right?
Do you like this surprise from the void?
Kalya’s Little Classroom·Virtual Reality:
Organic matter is energy in the Void Land, and it is matter in the Rune Land.

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