Lux's Farewell

Chapter 793【0781】I will form the head

Chapter 793【0781】I will form the head
What is the concept of being over fifty feet tall?

To put it in the most direct description, the height of these void fears is close to the height of a five-story residential building.

It is no exaggeration to say that when these behemoths emerged from the ground and appeared in front of the coalition forces for the first time, many people even stopped breathing subconsciously.

This feeling that if you want to see the whole person, you have to raise your head until your whole face is looking at the sky, it will always give people an indescribable sense of dizziness, coupled with the ferocious appearance and flickering of the Void Terrors Chitinous carapace with glazed luster, body surface thorns sharper than razors...

The combination of various elements that are quite scary to humans makes these big guys inspire fear deep in people's hearts at a glance.

Fear is the most primitive human emotion. Some fears come from the unknown, and some fears come from the known, and these huge void fears seem to be the perfect combination between the two.

The elementalists began to feel fear.

In comparison, the performance of the Icathia guards was obviously much better. They tried to launch a wave of attacks, but the results were not optimistic - the force attacks they were good at were ineffective in the face of such giant weapons. unit, the effect is appallingly poor.

A move that could easily kill the enemy could hit these big guys with ease, but the result was almost the same as tickling.

A penetrating wound of three to five inches is fatal to ordinary people.

But for Void Fear... it's barely even a pimple.

What's even worse is that Void Fear, like most advanced void creatures, has no clear "vital points" of its own.

If you can really break its legs, you can really prevent it from moving freely.

However, most of the tissues in their bodies are in a state of "energy materialization". Unless the flowing void energy can be annihilated, it is almost impossible to completely kill them before completely destroying their bodies.

And this characteristic destined ordinary people's attack methods to be extremely ineffective against these big guys.

Even though the Icathia guards took turns to attack, and under the cover of the mage auxiliary team, they quickly penetrated the Void Horror Army and swung the weapons in their hands as if they were flying. But if you look carefully at the results of the battle, they spent more than thirty years. The human cost was that each of the two Void Fears lost a leg.

Considering the large number of these big legs, the result of this kind of battle is definitely unacceptable to the coalition forces.

Fortunately, when the Icacia guards risked their lives to attack, the elementalists who were originally in shock gradually came back to their senses - after a short period of sluggishness, they began to prepare their own spells.

The first wave of tentative spells quickly hit the leading Void Terror.

Then, the elementalists discovered with excitement that although this thing was big, its resistance to the original axiom was obviously not as good as those troublesome bugs before.

In other words, although Void Terror is large in size, it does not have an anti-primordial axiom module for elementalists.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Ability evolution and size growth cannot be achieved at the same time. In addition, the coalition forces arrived too fast, and the appearance of the Malphites was too unexpected and abrupt, so that Malzahar There is no time to cultivate a "perfect" void insect.

Then the colorful elements shone brightly.

Led by Qiyana, the group of elementalists were finally able to cast spells unscrupulously after holding back for a long time.

Finally he is no longer that annoying bug that he can’t do anything about!

Hahaha, these big silver-like pewter gun heads, let them die!
However, just when the light of the elemental spells lit up and seemed to drown the Void Terrors, these behemoths suddenly raised their heads.

The next moment, a piercing scream echoed across the land infected by the void.

At the same time as the ear-piercing scream, there was also an unstable flow of void.

The moment the screams sounded, almost all the elementalists' vision went dark.

It was as if an invisible big hand pinched their necks, and then another hand poured a wet, sticky stuff into their throats. The elementalists who were excitedly preparing spells before, The closer you get to the fear of the void, the more you will suffer.

This is an interruption with a double effect.

The harsh sound stimulates the brain, and the gushing void current blocks the flow of elements.

With the two-pronged approach, almost all the elementalists suffered from the poisonous effects of this "spell counterattack". Even after the screaming stopped, they still suffered from severe dizziness and dizziness, and it was difficult to concentrate for a while.

Moreover, it was not only the elementalists of Ixtal who suffered.

The Icathian mages who cooperated with the Icathian guards and provided them with spell buffs also endured a wave of wild screams. They were dizzy and had their spells interrupted.

This wave of interruptions directly caused the BUFF of the Icathian guards to be interrupted. As the Void Terrors used their ferocious sharp thorns to sweep across the ground, more than a dozen Icathian guards were swept to the ground and killed in the blink of an eye. The void insects swarmed up and were completely submerged.

Seeing this scene, Kieran, who originally had no intention of taking action, had no choice but to show up and try to restrict it with time magic.

If he continues to let it wreak havoc, the coalition forces are likely to experience panic and chaos. At this time, he must take action to buy time for the coalition forces to reorganize their teams!
But the problem is... time magic is not very effective against void creatures.

There is no time in the void.

When void creatures come to Runeterra, they essentially transform from a lump of energy with organized relationships into an organism with a self-image.

As "alien creatures", these Void Fears born in the Void Land and growing up in the Rune Land naturally possess extremely high time resistance.

In addition, they were so big that Kiran couldn't control them for long without calling for other time clones. At most, he could only help a few of the Icathian guards who had not yet withdrawn from the battle to escape from danger.

"Kalya, stop watching the show." Kieran, who knew that he was not good at directly fighting void creatures, urged loudly while maintaining the spell of time stasis, "These big guys are not easy to deal with!"

Of course it's not easy to handle.

At this time, Kalya could not resist their identities. He never expected that such behemoths, which had never appeared in the Battle of Icacia, would actually appear on the battlefield at this time.

Just when the Icathian guards began to charge, Kalya ordered a Malphite to attack.

But it is a pity that Malphite - or the main body of the monolithic fortress - does not have any magic circle such as power increase. When two behemoths are wrestling, the one with larger volume and higher tonnage is obviously more powerful. Advantage, the Malphites who had crushed the Void Worms all the way like a bedbug finally met their opponents here.

As the organizer of the Malphite Network, Kalya clearly felt the complex emotions of many Murphys. They hated these big guys and wanted to completely disappear them, but there was no good way at the moment.

The advantages of size and tonnage mean that the Malphites have no good means to deal with it.

If the monolithic fortress is still there, it only takes a simple bombardment to completely tear the thing in front of it to pieces.

(This is one of the reasons why Void Terror never appeared during the Battle of Icathia.)
But although the Malphites who were broken into pieces inherited many of the characteristics of the monolith, and their defensive power was terrifying, when it came to their attack methods... they could only be described as horrific. No, we can't go on like this!
Looking at the retreating front, Kalya finally narrowed his eyes slightly and began to intervene in Malphite's network with all his strength.


The appearance of the Void Terrors reversed the situation of the battle in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Malzahar, who was standing on top of a head of void fear, felt nothing but excitement and excitement in his heart.

Right, that is it!

Invincible fear of the void, show your fame and power of the void in front of these mortals who know nothing about true greatness!
Tremble, mortals!

Be horrified by the power of the void!
Then, be swallowed up in fear and become part of the void!

For you, this is the greatest evolution!
Then, just when Malzahar was commanding the Void Terror Army, and leading the coordinated Void Worms behind, he began to push back the front, opposite him, the Malphites suddenly began to gather.

Judging from their posture, they seemed to be launching a counterattack.

But to be honest, the effect of this countercharge is probably not very good, at least Malzahar himself doesn't care at all.

In his opinion, the various abilities of Void Fear are completely transcendent to these "activated puppets".

Even on local battlefields, they can hinder the advancement of the Void Terrors through a moment of lag.

But unfortunately, that is just a tactic to delay time.


No, it should be said that for Malzahar, the battle seemed to go more smoothly - because as the Malphites began to assemble in accordance with the requirements of the Malphites network, the coalition forces that lost the front row tanks performed better when facing the fear of the void. Got even more embarrassed.

Except for extraordinary beings like the Great Elementalist, most members of the coalition did not have very good means to deal with the fear of the void. As a result, the fear of the void began to gallop forward, but they just carried out a wave of whole teams, which could stifle the chaos in the air. The budding coalition forces finally came to the edge of chaos again.

Under the double blow caused by the fear of facing the giant and the helplessness of being helpless, the morale of the coalition forces, which was originally good, was not only frustrated, but also rapidly reduced visibly to the naked eye. Moreover, the Void Terrors began to break into the formation and try to divide When the coalition forces were in position, the coalition command gradually began to have problems.

A rout seems to be about to happen here!

Standing above Void Fear, Malzahar could hardly suppress the smile on his lips.

Stupid mortals, what you think is a great struggle is, in the final analysis, nothing more than a cricket shaking a tree. You know nothing about the potential, the power, and the greatness of the void!
You are just resisting foolishly, seeming to want to defend your stupid freedom and ridiculous form, but unfortunately, the fangs and mouths of Void Fear and the screams of terror will tell you with facts that this is just you short-sighted people. Just a ridiculous fantasy!

Void is the future.

The void will inevitably end everything in Runeterra!
Come on, embrace the void!

Wait, *Shurima expletive*, what is this?


Malzahar, who was so proud a moment ago and seemed to have a chance to win, realized something was obviously wrong before he could even look up to the sky and laugh.

Why are those deformed puppets still gathered together?

And even if they get together, why are they still clinging to each other?

You know, this is a "hug" in the physical sense. Large stone puppets with a height of more than [-] feet are gathered together in a very twisted posture. They twist their bodies and seem to be quite uncomfortable with this. Adapt and constantly adjust your posture.

In this case, the pile of big rocks they huddled together was constantly changing its shape, as if they were trying to find the most comfortable appearance.

To be honest, this scene is very funny at first glance.

But Malzahar, who originally wanted to laugh out loud, couldn't laugh at all after seeing this funny scene.

Especially when the shape of these huddled stone men finally stabilized.

They aggregated themselves into a giant octahedron with one corner missing.

Although he had never seen this thing before, when Malzahar saw it for the first time, he felt a throbbing in his heart - after becoming the Prophet of the Void, he would only have it when he was summoned by the Watcher. This throbbing.

Moreover, unlike before, this time, Malzahar could clearly sense that the monitor was telling him to retreat!


This... retreating here, doesn't that mean giving away the Void Rift?

How is that possible?

This crack is the result of Malzahar's decades of hard work!

However, at this moment of slight hesitation, facing the assembled Malphite, Kalya spread his wings with a smile.

In order to boost morale, Kalya flew a circle in the sky in front of the battle line, and then landed on the missing corner of the Malphite aggregate.

Kalya, who fell into the predetermined position, retracted her wings, and then sat inside Malphite.

The next moment, the octahedron first landed on one corner and stood up diagonally.

Then, it levitated further.

On the originally flat octahedral surface, multiple holes appeared like cannon muzzles, and a large amount of yellow sand spurted out from them. Like pesticides, it easily cleared away the small void bugs moving around.

After cleaning up the fleas that were in the way, Kalya sat on the Malphite aggregate with a subtle and complicated expression on her face.

"How did you come up with that sentence?" He raised his eyebrows, "I will form the head?"

 Today's recheck showed that the dizziness has disappeared, but the vestibular function is still a bit weak. I need to continue taking medicine and avoid mental stimulation. I can't drink it with tea, coffee, or even happy water.

(End of this chapter)

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