Lux's Farewell

Chapter 794 [0782] Suturing Surgery of War Weapons

Compared to the fear of the void that stands like a building on the ground, Kalya and the aggregate he controls don't seem too scary - being suspended in mid-air brings distance, and distance will make the volume smaller. It doesn't seem that oppressive.

However, no one will despise Kalya and the octahedral floating fortress beneath him just because of this.

This emphasis is not because the appearance of "I will form the head" is cool enough. What is really impressive is that this floating fortress transformed into a large number of cannon muzzles without warning and sprayed a large amount of magic. Huangsha completed the clearance in a small area.

During the previous fishing around the lake, the elementalists had clearly realized the resistance of the void bugs to the original axiom spell. It would take more than 01:30 points to crush these nasty bugs.

But in front of Kalya and the floating fortress, these void bugs seemed to be just bugs. A burst of sand blew down, and the battlefield seemed to be cleared away, leaving only the huge void terror, still showing its teeth and claws on the ground, seemingly on the ground. Looking for ways to attack the air.

One after another, the thorns were broken and shot out, but unfortunately, this thing was of no use to Kalya and the floating fortress.

The ear-piercing screams mixed with the spurts of void energy pointed straight into the sky, but Kalya remained unmoved. As long as he didn't cast spells at this time to cause trouble for himself, then this kind of screams would be nothing more than a harsh roar.

While the Void Terrors were helpless, Kalya controlled the floating fortress and began the second round of transformation.

All the densely packed muzzles were closed, leaving only the single vertex of the octahedron below.

In the incompetent rage of the Void Terrors, a torch burning with eternal flames was like a cannonball, and Kalya easily filled the muzzle of the cannon.

Seeing this scene, Malzahar, who thought he was sure of victory a moment ago, suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He knew that kind of flame was the most annoying thing in the void.

But now, this octahedral fortress suspended in mid-air has filled the muzzle of the cannon...

Although Malzahar didn't know what Kalya was going to do next, the dangerous aura had already made the hairs on his body stand up.

At this moment, Malzahar's heartbeat, which had almost stagnated for a long time, suddenly became violent. He seemed to hear the voice of the monitor. The obscure whisper seemed to be urging him to move forward, or hoping that he could leave.

It seems...the Monitor gave the power of the next move to Malzahar himself, simply giving him a power that he never had in the past.

Whether to stop or escape is up to Malzahar to choose.

Not caring about praising the generosity of the monitor, Malzahar quickly levitated.

When the eternal flame began to fill the inside of the muzzle, the breath of void also lingered in his eyes.

At this moment, Malzahar, who originally still had some human characteristics, seemed to have completely entered the void state. The originally violent heartbeat became gentle again at this moment, even almost non-existent, and the huge void energy even disappeared from the sky. His body overflowed and formed a natural barrier, isolating him from everything in Runeterra...

The moment the transformation was completed, Malzahar looked at Kalya at the top of the octahedral fortress.

Wherever he looked, the huge void energy was like a greedy hand, seeming to grab Kalya and crush him completely.

"Witness your death——"

However, just when this terrifying void energy spurted in, Kalya disappeared.

It was as if he had dissolved, his whole body "sinking" into the suspended fortress, as if he had become a part of the fortress.

The huge void energy formed a dangerous negative energy erosion zone around the fortress, but the Grasp of Hades lost its effect because the target disappeared. Malzahar's full blow failed to hit the target!
Just when he lost his ability to suppress the target, the muzzle under the suspended fortress finally completed charging.

The next moment, a ray of light that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth spurted out from this huge muzzle.

It's not the element of light, but the impact of a monolithic element mixed with eternal flames.

Like Vazuan's cutting ray, the suspended fortress rotated in mid-air and left the negative energy erosion zone, and this terrifying light also left a deep mark on the ground, in the ground hernia of the void rift. The "horizontal scar".

Any existence that appeared on this scar was completely destroyed by this light - whether it was a huge void fear or a tiny void flying insect, they were all wiped out when this light swept by, and transformed from the material form back into existence. changed energy form and caused an explosion.

When the roar of the explosion sounded, Malzahar felt his head hurt like needles. He shook his head violently, and the lavender shield that had just been formed on his body also rippled with uneasiness.

When he finally recovered, a feeling of emptiness made his heart, which had stopped beating again, sink to the bottom.

The Watchers cut off contact with Malzahar.

Ignoring the feeling of loss, Malzahar could only grit his teeth and look at the octahedral fortress in front of him.

The light from the main gun muzzle has gradually extinguished.

But the heart-stopping power did not completely dissipate - another eternal flame torch was filled into the muzzle.

Malzahar wanted to do something, but found desperately that he seemed unable to do anything.

So, he watched the fortress fire again, following the wound just caused by the hernia, after turning a [-]-degree bend, it once again guided the indestructible element to impact on the hernia. A new scar was left.

Then the third and fourth items.

Malzahar, who was also suspended in the air, could now fully see that the huge suspended fortress in front of him was using this terrifying clearing light to "operate" on the hernia on the ground.

Every ray of light passing through the hernia will react with the void creatures and void energy wherever it goes, turning the tangible into the intangible, and the intangible into an explosion.

One after another, the light left a trace like a fold line on the ground, as if it were a suture line for wounds on the earth, and also like a disinfection method for debridement. Wherever the light went, all the void creatures on the surface were cleaned up. Completely clean, not a single residue left.

Malzahar looked at everything in front of him blankly, wanting to stop it, but couldn't find any way.

Even though he is a prophet of the void, even though his body is filled with the huge power generously given by the monitor, he still has no way to defeat a huge octahedral fortress.

In other words, if he hadn't obtained this power and could move freely in mid-air, he might have been within the attack range of Kalya at this time.

When things got to this point, even if he didn't want to admit it, Malzahar had to clearly realize that the achievements he had made in the past few decades... may have been completely destroyed.

Not only was Ixtal's vest exposed, but more importantly, the void rift he had been quietly cultivating was no longer possible to protect.Those huge Void Terrors only showed off their power for one round, and then they scurried away one by one under the frequent rays of light, trying to escape from the light that made them seriously uncomfortable.

But unfortunately, the huge size makes the Void Terror very bulky.

Moreover, since all their talents are focused on devouring and expanding, they do not have any digging ability - while other void bugs are trying to dig into the soil and enter the earth for shelter, the Void Fear can only rely on The huge body withstands the bombardment from the fortress's main artillery.

Even if the chitin carapace is a "thickened and strengthened" model, when faced with the double blow of the monolithic elemental impact and the eternal flame, its performance is actually not much different from that of an egg shell.

All Void Terrors swept by this light, without exception, exploded quickly and then exploded violently. These Void Terrors summoned and carefully raised by Malzahar were all thin-skinned after losing the protection of their carapace. As the huge void bombs were blown up one after another, the land around the void became soft from the explosion.

Malzahar, who was watching this scene, felt so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

In this case, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only choose to escape from here.

There is no point in continuing to fight.

Taking a deep look at the gap in the void that looked like a wound after surgery, Malzahar turned his hands away and was about to leave the battlefield while suspended - he needed to think about where he was going next...

No, wait, there is no need to think about this problem anymore!

Because when he decided to leave, he felt the call of the monitor again.

Although it is far away, it is countless times clearer than before.

It's like the Watcher has entered Runeterra!
The silent heart began to beat again. Malzahar no longer hesitated at all, and started to float directly in the direction where the monitor summoned him.

Shyvana, who had been staring at him, immediately carried Jax into the air, but what she never expected was that Malzahar, who was floating away with his hands behind his back, was no slower than herself.

Even because he has void bugs to cover him, Shyvana alone cannot keep up with him!

How could this be?
Just when he was delayed by the void worm, Malzahar's figure had disappeared at the edge of the rain forest. He must have disappeared long ago...

However, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.


After Malzahar went to follow the Watcher, the resistance to this void rift began to weaken rapidly.

However, even though the number of void worms has decreased a lot and the void rifts that have lost maintenance have a natural tendency to heal, Kalya, who has completed the most important task, still cannot relax.

Without a controller, the Void Rift is like an infected pustule that must be carefully cleaned to allow the place to recover.

After confirming Malzahar's departure, Kalya also disbanded the floating fortress and temporarily disconnected the Malphite cluster network.

The ten stone men, who seemed to be one size smaller in size, became visibly silent after being separated, as if their energy was exhausted. After entering the guard position, they became motionless.

If their expressions weren't as innocent as ever, otherwise they would just be like a group of clumsy statues, standing there straight.

Fortunately, there was almost no need for them to take action in the subsequent battle.

Without the interference of fear of the void, the great elementalists, whose morale was boosted, quickly responded.

If you can't defeat the fear of the void, how can you defeat these ordinary void insects?


At the same time, the Icathia guards took the initiative to move forward in the direction of the Earth Hernia and the Void Fissure. They held the Eternal Flame Torch, carefully cleaning out any void worms that might be lurking, and approached the Earth Hernia step by step. On the verge of a hernia.

Here, they temporarily stopped and waited for arrangements in place according to Kieran's previous order.

Kiran, on the other hand, found Kalya.

"Are these Malphites... incapacitated?"

"More or less, it's too difficult to activate the monolithic element." Kalya shrugged, "It was quite fun to explode just now, but the result is that the Malphite network cannot be maintained."

"You don't want to ask me to recharge them, do you?"

"No, no need." Kalya waved his hand with a smile, "The monolith will slowly charge itself. Just put them here. After the cracks are cleared, they should almost recover."

"But I see that their size seems to be one size smaller." Kieran seemed a little curious, "Does the monolithic fortress have to change its size every time it is charged and released?"

"Not the entire monolithic fortress." Kalya shook his head, "but the core power system of the monolithic fortress."

"Isn't this a warhead?" Kieran was a little dazed, "Is this a core power system?"

"Except for the world runes, I can't think of anything that can directly drive the warhead of the Monolithic Fortress to activate." Kalya couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "This is its power core and energy source - 64 The power core constitutes the energy matrix of the monolithic fortress."

"So you were able to bring them together?"

"The core has multiple working modes, individual power supply, combined power supply, energy-saving mode, resonance differential..." Karya raised his eyebrows, "What, you are very interested in it?"

"I always feel that it is much stronger in your hands than in Nezuk's hands." Kieran sighed, not knowing whether he was complimenting or telling the truth, "When he cooperated with me, I didn't I don’t feel that there is anything special about these monoliths, but looking at your control over them, I feel that they may be the key to changing Icathia.”

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Monolith’s System:

The Monolith Fortress has multiple systems, and different systems are responsible for different people. Among them, Kalya is mainly responsible for the core part of power.

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