Lux's Farewell

Chapter 795【0783】Cleaning and repair of ground hernia

Chapter 795【0783】Cleaning and repair of ground hernia

Although Malzahar, the slippery man, took the lead in fleeing when he saw that the situation was not good, and all the Void Terrors had fallen, and the ground leading to the rift had been "ploughed" by Kalya controlling the floating fortress, the battle was still far away. It's far from over.

Below the surface, within the complex earth hernia system, a large number of void creatures are still active - originally they acted according to Malzahar's will. Although the individual combat effectiveness is very average, the overall performance is more like an army, tempting , ambush, support, and breakthrough are all presentable.

If it weren't for the overwhelming advantage of the coalition's individual combat power and the presence of Malphite's network, it would be almost impossible to get close to the void rift.

Moreover, even in this advantageous situation, the price paid by the coalition forces was not small at all. Both the elementalists and the Icathian guards suffered varying degrees of casualties.

The unified Void Worms left a deep impression on everyone.

However, as Malzahar abandoned the Void Worm army and fled alone, the originally threatening Void Worm army soon became chaotic.

Without a unified command, the Void Worm army, which had been somewhat cooperative at first, started to tear apart internally before the coalition forces could attack - different types of Void Worms began to group together and fight with each other.

Void worms such as burrowers, which are highly adapted to the Runeterra environment, quickly gave birth to a new queen of burrowers, and under the command of the queen, they began to dig their own "incubators" in the underground area near the rift. base".

However, those void insects that were specially cultivated and specialized by Malzahar, mainly to resist the elemental magic of the original axiom, were in great trouble.

When facing the coalition forces, they are troublesome mage killers who must be dealt with by Malphite and the Icathian Guards.

But after the void worms lost control and internal struggles began, these skewed the evolutionary potential of the void worms, and they soon fell completely at a disadvantage in the internal battles.

For some reason, the monitor's will did not appear. Although void energy still overflowed from the void rift and turned into countless newborn void insects, pouring into the hernia, there was no unified will to control all of them.

Thus, a terrible involution began.


At the beginning, the coalition forces did not realize this.

Even Kalya never expected that this void rift would be abandoned so easily and that these void insects would fall into civil strife so simply.

However, as the clean-up team tentatively arrived at the hernia area, they found that the ground was full of broken limbs and broken legs after killing each other and devouring each other. They quickly realized that something was wrong.

If the Void Insects continue to fight like this, will a "Gu King" be born?

After fighting against the void all the way, the coalition forces have already gained a clearer understanding of these alien beings. Since they are transformed from energy forms, they are more flexible in self-change and evolution. If they are really born after internal struggle and fighting, A group of victors, then this kind of existence would probably be extremely adaptable to the environment of earth hernia!
However, it is more likely that out-of-control void bugs fight each other and then achieve internal harmony. Different types of void bugs occupy different areas and have different responsibilities and habits.

Just like Icacia.

"Although I am very reluctant to admit it." Regarding the reason for this judgment, Kiran said, "But in Icacia, void creatures are already very important wild animals, and they are already part of the environment."

"How is this possible?" Qiyana couldn't accept what Kieran said at all. "These disgusting bugs, bugs that always expect to devour everything, have become part of Icathia?"

"Yes, part of it." Kieran sighed, "To be honest, for today's Icacia, void worms are sometimes no different from wild boars outside. They can eat and are very destructive. They want to be dealt with very easily. Easy, but very difficult to clean up..."

"Is it the same here?" Qiyana frowned, "Without that disgusting traitor's command, they would not have come out to die, and the elementalists would have been like whack-a-mole, entering the hernia and slowly sweeping away ?”

"This is a very necessary process." Kalya replied, "But don't be nervous, the coalition does not need to clear out all the void creatures - as long as they clear out a reliable passage and then seal the rift itself, these void insects will quickly It will become a rootless tree."

Qiyana glanced at Kieran, her eyes quickly filled with distrust.

Under the earth's hernia of Icathia, the void rift has been closed for thousands of years. Isn't the place still looking like a ghost?
"This place is different from Icathia." As if he understood Qiyana's thoughts, Kieran shook his head helplessly, "If you have experienced that battle, then you will understand that the situation in Icathia is actually It’s completely different from here.”

"What's the difference?" Qiyana narrowed her eyes. "Someone betrayed Runeterra, summoned the Void Rift, and formed an army of Void Insects... It was simply an exact replica."

"The infection suffered by Icathia is even more serious." Kieran's expression was serious and bitter. "The coming of the void almost completely destroyed everything in Icathia. Except for a few species that exist inside the mage tower, most of Icathia's Some animals and plants became extinct.”

The word "extinction" made Qiyana blink.

Obviously, she is a little unfamiliar with this term.

"Icasia used to be a place full of flowers." Kieran's voice was slightly deeper. "There were countless unique animals living there. It was a land full of life."


Qiyana looked at Kieran quietly and motioned for him to continue.

"However, when the void came, the continuous, day and night earth surge completely destroyed everything." Kieran continued, "Here, the earth surge only lasted for a few minutes, but in Icacia , the ground surge lasted for a whole year.”

Qiyana, who had never known this history before, finally couldn't help but take a breath after hearing that the ground surge in Icathia had lasted for a year.

This was not because she was making a fuss, but because the situation Kieran described was completely beyond her imagination.

Such a terrifying earth surge actually flooded the land of Icathia for a year - wouldn't it mean that the land of Icathia was riddled with holes, and the interior had long been transformed into a honeycomb by the power of the earth surge?

"Due to the continuous earthquakes, everything in Icacia has been completely destroyed." Kieran sighed softly, "Those tall trees, those vines attached to the trees, those perched on the trees The birds on the ground, the flowers blooming on the vines... were all annihilated in the ground surge." "The forest sank into the earth bit by bit, and all the organic matter in it became the nourishment for the void insect swarm. Once you reach a place, all life there will be destroyed, nothing can fight it, nothing can survive.”

Qiyana stopped talking. She seemed to vaguely understand the meaning of Kieran's words.

"As a result, one after another animals and plants that had completely lost their living environment disappeared completely." Kieran's tone gradually calmed down, as if he were a narrator, and continued, "Instead, another kind of A kind of disgusting, twisted void bugs, they are more accustomed to the land eroded by the void and overturned by the ground. They replaced the animals and plants that once lived there and became the masters of the ruins."

“In the past long years, the Icathia Autonomous Council has been hoping to restore the environment of Icathia and completely drive away the influence of the void, but at least so far, we have not had any substantive results, or in other words, substantive results. Very little."

"The most important reason for this is that in Icathia, except for void creatures, almost nothing can survive. The void insects have completely replaced the animals and plants in Icathia."

"So, is there anything different here?" Seeing that the topic seemed to be getting further and further away, Qiyana finally spoke again, "This place has not been completely destroyed yet?"

"That's right, this place has not been completely destroyed yet." Kieran nodded, "I have been carefully observing this hernia along the way. This place that was targeted by the void has received a relatively good result. Not a bad conclusion.”

"What conclusion?"

"If the cracks can be blocked to prevent more void creatures from entering Runeterra, the void insects may not have any advantage in the subsequent competition for survival."

This conclusion left Qiyana a little confused.

Can it be like this?
Do you mean to say that in the absence of a prophet commander and no void backup, in Kieran's eyes, these terrifying void bugs can't even compete with the local native flora and fauna?
Are you serious?

"I don't mean that after sealing the rift, other secondary problems will cease to exist, but at least the situation here is stronger than that of Icathia by more than 01:30 points. We don't need to clear out all the void insects, we just need to Kill those void bugs that may be the only ones, and everything will naturally be purified later."

Qiyana was thoughtful after hearing this, while Kalya raised an eyebrow at Kieran - he had never noticed before that Kieran had such a side that respected nature.

"The potential of life is great, even on the scale of time." Sensing Kalya's subtle gaze, Kieran lightly shrugged, "Ikasia also tried to transplant all plants and transport some animals from elsewhere. , but unfortunately, it is difficult for them to directly adapt to the environment of Icathia, and the native flora and fauna that were originally adapted to the environment of Icathia were destroyed in that disaster. This is the reason for the predicament of Icathia to this day. the most important reason."

As he spoke, Kieran raised his head and saw everyone again: "But it's different here. The surrounding animals and plants are not extinct. The summoned void bugs have also been specially cultivated - in the subsequent competition, the nasty bugs But I can’t compete with my friends.”


At Kieran's suggestion, Qiyana finally agreed to his main strategy.

The coalition forces will form up carefully and go deep into the depths of the Earth's Hernia in order to have a clearer understanding of the void worms here, and advance the front line to the void rift line.

Then, the coalition forces will mobilize the strongest people to seal this void rift - it is best to introduce void turbulence to completely bridge this rift.

After completing the above two points and completely isolating the possible subsequent support from the void rift, the Ixtar people can start to transform the local area by transplanting plants, migrating animal populations, etc. based on the inspection results along the way.

Such transformation will naturally be very troublesome, but no matter how troublesome it is, it is easier than filling in the soil bit by bit and completely eliminating these hernias.

If everything goes well, the ground is now full of void worms. In the future, there may only be a few highly specialized species like earth worms that can occupy a place in the natural environment of Runeterra. The others will gradually disappear.

After confirming this plan, subsequent combat deployment became much easier.

The water pumping and fishing on the surface can still continue, but it doesn't take much effort anymore. Without Malzahar's organization, these void creatures will fight on their own at every turn - in this case, there is no need for the Malphites to charge into battle, the coalition forces You can organize manpower to clean up the surface bit by bit.

Compared to the steady cleanup on the surface, the situation underground is a bit more troublesome.

People who were better at operating underground were gathered together. They followed the largest ground hernia and went deep underground. They began to open roads while observing and recording the environment they saw and the void worms located underground.

Unlike the steady advancement on the ground, the cautious underground operations team's movements were not exaggerated, so the rappelling speed could not be called very fast at all.

But fortunately, things went smoothly on their side. The Void Worms, who were eager to tear each other apart, didn't seem to want to mess with the guys in front of them at all, so they didn't encounter any terrible battles along the way.

Scholars like Qil'Aza are completely devoted to the research of their own work.

When the underground action team finally arrived in front of the void rift, Qil'Aza had even roughly confirmed the types of void bugs that needed to be cleaned up, as well as the main types of plants and animals to be replanted and released around them.

There is nothing wrong with Kieran's idea. Rather than sending out an army to clear the hernia layer by layer, the best way is to cut off the void rift and leave it to nature!

Well, the problem is coming.

What should the coalition forces do to bridge the void rift?
You know, this void rift is a "plane portal connecting Rune Land and Void Land"!

Compared with it, even the entrances and exits of the elemental sub-planes look very safe!
If this kind of portal is closed, a space crisis will break out if you are not careful!

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Void Pollution:

  The most troublesome aspect of void pollution is that it will completely destroy the local natural environment.

  A very important part of dealing with void pollution is natural restoration.

(End of this chapter)

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