Lux's Farewell

Chapter 796 [0784] Raving

With the Void army leaderless, a small team that assembled the top casters of Ixtal and Icathia entered the Hernia of the Earth, passed through numerous obstacles, and reached the Void Rift itself. forward.

Thousands of years after the Battle of Icathia, this is what the people of Runeterra have seen again. It can be called a "living" void rift.

The situation is different from what Kalya remembered. This rift does not look very active. Although it is still spitting out void energy and converting it into void insects, this transformation is more or less There's something so "natural" about it.

If it hadn't been confirmed by Kalya himself, it would have been hard to imagine that a seemingly ordinary, rhythmically moving lavender light curtain in the huge earth herniation cavity was the void crack that made everyone's eyes change after hearing it.

It is simply like a dormant volcano that has not erupted. Although it looks calm, no one would really think that it is safe.

It's simply "unsettling just by looking at it".

Therefore, when everyone saw the void rift from a distance, they stopped and stopped moving forward - no reckless guy would have undue curiosity at this time.

Only Kalya walked towards the crack calmly and observed it very carefully.

It was as if what he was facing was not a terrifying void rift, but an ordinary space portal.

Of course, for Kalya, who had witnessed a large-scale eruption of void rifts, he was fully qualified to do so.

Compared to the terrifying rift that caused him to lose his identity as an ascended person, the void rift in front of him... was actually very mini and safe.

So, everyone stood at a distance, watching Kalya look around and around the void rift, and even raised a handful of yellow sand from time to time, completely not taking the void energy still surging in it as anything. Something happened.

It wasn't until many people secretly began to wonder if something would go wrong with Kalya that he ended the observation with a smile and returned to everyone.

"The good news is that the size of this rift is smaller than I thought, and it is not very active."

Hearing what Kalya said, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although this crack seemed to be only the size of a security door, and there were no dense void creatures pouring out of it, no one dared to take it lightly before Kalya spoke.

In the previous series of battles, they had fully felt the insidiousness and cunning of the Void. Even things that seemed very obvious might be traps set by the Void to lure those unlucky ones who took it lightly.

Now that Mr. Kalya says it is too small and inactive, everyone can really put their hearts back in their stomachs.

"However, it is not a simple matter to completely close a void rift no matter how small it is." Kalya continued, "After confirming the situation of the rift, we still need a reliable closing plan."

No one spoke, everyone's eyes fell on Kalya, waiting for him to continue talking.

"I have two ideas about the closure plan." Kalya continued, "One is to gently impose a seal on this rift and introduce spatial isolation and spatial turbulence, ultimately forming three layers of protection; the other is to It is more direct and devastating destruction, completely breaking this rift."

"Open the rift?" Qiyana never expected that Kalya's second plan would be this. She couldn't help but ask, "Wouldn't this directly lead to the invasion of the void?"

"That's not true." Kalya shook his head, "You can think of different planes as different islands, and the barrier between the planes is the vast sea, and the void rift is the cross-sea bridge - destroyed One side of the void rift is equivalent to destroying the support on one side of the cross-sea bridge, and it will not connect the two worlds."

"Sounds good." Qiyana blinked, "What if this is the first plan you mentioned? According to this example, what does imposing a seal and introducing space turbulence mean?"

"It means closing the one-sided entrance and exit of this bridge and letting the sea water submerge the bridge deck." Kalya replied, "Of course, this example is just for ease of understanding. The theory of space magic is actually quite complicated."

"So this method seems to work." Qiyana nodded, "But, can we completely destroy the entire bridge?"

"There is no way." After hearing this question, Kalya's expression finally became serious, "But that requires you to go to the other side of the bridge and destroy the bridge on that side as well."

Qiyana closed her mouth.

Obviously, after some "unexpected learning", she now has a clearer understanding of the problem of the void. Although it sounds like this is a solution that can completely solve the problem, considering the energy of the void, In order to change the law, she decisively chose to shut up.

Just kidding, according to the speculation of the Shurima Empire, the void plane is an energy plane. Any organic matter that enters it will turn into pure energy, and then stir up with the local void energy that is surging like a tide. If you want to be in The Void Land closes the rift... This is simply a foolish dream.

"Among the two options, I actually prefer the first one." Seeing that Qiyana no longer had any doubts, Kalya continued, "To be honest, before I saw and inspected this crack with my own eyes, I We would prefer to destroy it completely, but now it seems that we are more likely to activate it directly before destroying it completely.”

Activate it?

Hearing what Kalya said, everyone was a little confused.

"Directly destroying the void rift is essentially the complete destruction of the spatial coordinates and single-sided portal." Kalya explained, "Doing so will render it useless as a whole, making it very difficult to repair - but after combining its spatial coordinates with the single-sided portal, Before the side portal is completely destroyed, it will be activated by absorbing enough energy. The guy who escaped has made a lot of modifications to it before, and its energy absorption effect is far beyond what I have seen before."

Kalya has never seen such a "eating" void rift in the past. In his impression, the void rift is a very pure portal. It requires a lot of energy and clear coordinates to open. When the Icathians summoned The rift came at a heavy price.

However, the portal that Malzahar had worked so hard to "raise" was different. It seemed to have an attitude of accepting all materials and energy. Whether it was gravel, magic or elements, it could not swallow it. error.

Although this kind of devouring definitely has a speed limit and cannot be infinite, it also means directly attacking it and destroying it, which is very likely to activate this silent portal again.

In this case, the space seal is more reliable.

Before coming to Ixtar, Kalya had no confidence in "sealing a void rift".

However, after seeing the space shielding barrier in Ixtar's restricted area, he now has some clues.Leaving a Malphite here to provide energy and supervision for the barrier, sealing this rift and letting it slowly shrink, may be a better way to deal with it!
Next, Kalya will tell the people present the differences between the two solutions in detail, and after some discussion, both Qiyana and Kiran finally agree on the sealing method.

Moreover, based on Kalya, Kiran can also apply a time mystery lock to this rift, and then add a layer of time protection to it.

"That couldn't be better." Kalya nodded, "That's it."


After finalizing the treatment plan for the void rift, the next step is to design the sealing barrier.

Space shielding, space isolation, time mystery lock.

If these three barriers want to coexist without interfering with each other and be supervised by a Malphite, the design of the entire sealing system is no small project.

Even with the information about the space shielding barrier provided by Ixtar, and even with the assistance of Kieran, the inventor of the time mystery, more than two years had passed by the time the first draft of the triple sealing plan was completed. moon.

During this period, the ground hernia on the surface near the fissure has been almost eliminated.

Although the underground cavity is still very large, and the hernia that leads directly to the fissure is still grinning like a scar on the earth, this area no longer looks so scary compared to the previous situation where void worms were raging. .

Of course, due to the severe damage caused by the void to the natural environment, this coast that was once lush with vegetation is still barren. I am afraid it will take several years or even dozens of years for Ixtar's great elementalists to follow. It took years to modify it and introduce suitable plant fungi to barely restore it.

But anyway, the situation nearby is much better now.

With the cleaning on the ground basically completed, the Malphites can finally take a rest.

Although these monolithic puppets will not be tired, just like Galio needs to be repaired from time to time, the Malphites also need to rest - clean up the body surface, peel off the incapacitating elements, and replenish them with monolithic elements. The set of procedures must be done by Kalya himself.

There is no way. Although Ixtal's great elementalists have good spellcasting abilities, their basic magic theory is really a mess. If they are expected to maintain Malphite, Kalya must come up with a "fool's maintenance plan" "That's it. If we have this time, it's better for Kalya to do it himself.

After maintaining the Malphites, Kalya's preliminary seal plan also took shape.

Assistance staff from Ixtal and Icacia were in place. In addition, Qiyana and Kiran also tacitly sent out some learners who were not in need of those who were in need. The idea of ​​​​learning knowledge and exploding gold coins from this old guy Kalya.

In this regard, Kalya is even somewhat happy to see it happen.

It can only be said that Ixtar and Ikasia are indeed existences that "used to claim to be Shurima orthodoxy". They know very well what is most precious about Kalya.

In this way, after the formation of the void rift sealing team, Kalya seemed to have regained the feeling of being a teacher again.

Although Kalya knows nothing about teleportation, he has his own unique methods for connecting and isolating different planes. In addition, he has his own small world, so when teaching the seal team how to build a seal, He also taught a lot of basic theories of space magic.

This part of the story is something that both Ixtal and Icathia need very much.

Even though Ixtar's space shielding barrier is very strong, even Kalya can barely bypass it in a way that is close to "caching a bug", but this part of the knowledge has been lost to the Ixtar people long ago - in Before Nezuk's death, he failed to unify his space magic into the original axiom. As a result, the original axiom was ultimately limited to the scope of elemental magic.

Although Karya's research on the original axioms is not very in-depth, by sealing the void rift, he at least made a beginning to expand the field of the original axioms.

If the Ixtal people are willing to pay more attention to magic theory and start research based on it, maybe they will have the opportunity to expand the original axioms to energy magic and space-time magic in the future.

As for Icacia...

Due to the original Icathia War, all space magic research in Icathia was completely destroyed by the Shurima Empire, and the space casters were even recorded in the Death Note by the Ascended Legion. Not a single person Survived.

In addition, the founders of the Autonomous Committee were also people who were unwilling to summon the void in the first place, so the Icathians knew almost nothing about space magic.

Now there is a safe opportunity to learn the theory of space magic without causing trouble later. Even if Kalya's space magic attainments are somewhat partial, the Icathia Autonomous Council still attaches great importance to it and directly transferred the theoretical learning ability. The strongest group of young people hope to learn from Karya.

In this way, a large-scale temporary training class was held next to the largest ground hernia that had not yet been closed.

While teaching the methods of space sealing, Kalya also expanded their basic knowledge about space and planes.

As an observer and seal participant, after listening to the class for more than ten days, Kieran finally discovered something interesting.

"Karya, what are you thinking about?" As the class ended, he took the initiative to find Karya who was packing up the lesson plans. "Tell me, when did you become interested in the astral world?"

"Huh? Star realm?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid, Kalya." Kiran narrowed his eyes, "I'm not one of those easy-to-fool little guys - you take the star world as an example so you think I'm a fool?"

Karya’s Little Classroom Space Theory:
Space theory is roughly divided into three directions:
The first is the study of spatial coordinates, specifically spatial transmission, spatial marking, spatial anchoring, etc.

The second is the plane theory of space, which specifically includes plane research, space isolation, space turbulence, and space destruction theory.

The third one is the integration of space-time energy. There are currently no results in this direction.

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