Lux's Farewell

Chapter 798【0786】 Active Economy

Calculating the time, in fact, it has only been a year since Lux took control of the capital.

For the vast southern region of Demacia, this year has only allowed them to have a more direct and clear impression of the new emperor.

Although a large amount of land that once belonged to the nobility was distributed to the common people, which made the people identify with the new emperor, other than that, the life of the farmers in the south did not seem to be much different from the past.

Aside from farming harder, their lives don't seem to have changed much.

However, in contrast, the magic industrial industry that has gradually taken shape in the north is undergoing rapid transformation amid the decrease in military orders.

The production capacity that suddenly exploded due to the military industry quickly flooded into the civilian industry after finding new markets.

The first to open up the market was the textile industry.

After the sail factory transformed into a textile factory and made a lot of money, many related factories in the north began to learn to transform.

Those who make sails, woolen fabrics, and military uniforms all start to rely on civilian fiber textiles.

Among them, like the Sail Factory, the use of sail net technology to incorporate magic production into the normal production process, combined with the high organizational advantages of the North, to crush the original handicraft textiles, is only the most rudimentary method.

The more high-end ones belong to the silk fabric industry and woolen industry.

As we all know, there have always been two main origins of silk fabrics in Runeterra: Ionia and Nasheramai. Both Ionia silk and Nasheramai silk are "competent products" in international trade. It is a very important luxury product.

Although raw silk is sold in both Ionia and Nasramea, and the price of raw silk is not too expensive compared to silk, the raw silk textile industry has always relied heavily on skilled workers. Silk woven elsewhere and tailoring are less expensive than silk. The products of Ionia and Nashilami are often inferior in terms of appearance and quality.

Therefore, except for the above two places, silk products elsewhere can often only be regarded as miscellaneous brands, belonging to others in the silk market, and have no market recognition at all.

However, when a large number of factories in the north responsible for military orders began to seek transformation, the silk industry was soon targeted.

The one eyeing this industry is the Yufa Textile Factory in Xinfu City. The main job of this textile factory in the past was to provide various clothing, shoes and hats for the Yufa.

Does the Royal Textile Factory have silk processing technology and silk fabric skilled workers?

However, after the sail factory was successfully transformed into a cotton textile factory, the Royal Textile Factory soon realized that the greatest competitiveness of the North was not in the original technical track, but in the application of magic to production. Special technologies that are not available in the old production model.

The sail factory used the sail netting technology used to reinforce sails in cotton textiles. It relied on mages to help with sail net manufacturing to improve the quality of cotton cloth. It also lowered prices through the mature industrial environment in the north, directly crushing the industry. Cotton textile factory.

So why can't we also use our own strengths?

What are the advantages of Archon Textile Factory?
That must be the magic pattern jacquard!
You know, the robes of the Dharma Master...are all required to be enchanted!
In handicraft production, enchanting is usually a step after the finished garment is completed. The enchanting master either embroiders with special silk threads or traces it with dyes, leaving channels on the surface of the garment for magic to flow to achieve the purpose of enchantment. .

However, in Xinfu City, with the implementation of the northern integration strategy, the Royal Textile Factory has directly integrated this work into the silk textile process.

In order to improve the enchanting efficiency of the robe, a technical team of mages studied in the textile factory for more than five months, and finally developed a plan to pre-process the magic pattern with jacquard directly during the silk weaving process. .

As long as the silk obtained through this jacquard weaving method is cut according to the prescribed method, the finished product will have an enchanting effect directly, without the need for manual processing by an enchanter afterwards.

Although the enchantment quality of the robe obtained in this way is slightly inferior to that of manual enchantment, the price of the enchanted robe has dropped significantly, and an enchanter is only needed for the jacquard design, and the production efficiency has even improved. pressure.

In the past, this technology was only used in the production of clothing related to the Archon. The customers of the Archon Textile Factory were only the Archon and Northern Walkers, and others did not have such demand.

However, as ideas opened up, silk jacquard enchanted textile technology soon found a new market.


As we all know, the climate in Shurima is very hot. Even in the coastal cities of northern Shurima, the climate is mainly dry and hot, and the summer heat is even unbearable.

In the past, this place has always been a large consumer of silk in Runeterra. People with wealthy families would send silk robes to enchanters for enchantment to achieve the effect of micro-air conditioning, making them cool and comfortable after wearing them.

Now, when the Master Textile Factory focused on this market, they quickly relied on the silk jacquard enchanted textile technology to tentatively produce a batch of Shurima style enchanted robes.

Although these robes are definitely not as close-fitting as the Shuriman custom-made ones, and the enchanted patterns are not as harmonious as the Shuriman custom-made ones, but compared with the handmade products of the Shuriman people, their prices are cheap!
In North Shurima, except for raw silk producing areas like Nashrame, cool silk robes from other places, no matter how cheap they are, cost more than two gold hexes - and they have to be second-hand goods. After all, asking an enchanter to enchant a robe requires him to patiently spend a long time embroidering on a robe slowly.

In the entire embroidery process, if any step goes wrong, the overall enchanting effect will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, things like enchanted robes are pure luxuries in Northern Shurima. It is already a big deal for ordinary people to have plain woven silk robes. More Shurimans often wear solid-color cotton robes. !
However, the jacquard enchanted cool robes produced in the North have directly set the price straight to the bone.

Yes, you can say that it is a bit ugly, the weaving level is not as good as that of local craftsmen, and the tailoring is far less suitable than the customized version.

But it’s cheap!

The price of the cool robe of the Northern Territory is as low as one gold hex. This bone-breaking price directly and fundamentally increases the number of consumers!Although their raw silk processing technology is far inferior to that of the Ionians who have a long history of silk production, they can directly "enchant" silk garments through magic pattern jacquard, directly integrate silk reeling and tailoring, and use high-end The magic pattern jacquard silk crushes ordinary unenchanted robes, directly achieving the purpose of expanding the market and dislocating competition.

A new product with one gold hex and a second-hand product with two gold hex have completely different audiences. In the past, many people who could only afford to wear ordinary plain woven silk robes now only need to grit their teeth. , you can buy a cool robe for three to five times the price of a plain woven robe...

So why not buy it?

Even if it's not close-fitting or pretty enough, it's cool!
One of the most important features of silk jacquard enchantment technology, which was first used in the production of military uniforms, is reliability!

As a result, the cool robes produced in the north, called "Northern Clothes" by the locals, were quickly recognized by the Shuriman people and began to enter the Shuriman market on a large scale.

Since Forsbarrow itself does not produce silk, raw silk is completely dependent on imports. Therefore, with the emergence of Beiyi, the scale of raw silk trade has also begun to increase. Large-scale raw silk exports have even squeezed the local textile industry, forcing The local silk fabric manufacturing industry and enchantment industry began to develop in a high-end direction.

But the problem is... in terms of high-end products, silk fabrics are also being targeted by the North.

Eyeing them was the Forsbarrow Special Enchantment Factory, which was also facing the pressure of "converting the army into civilians".

Most of the workers in this factory are skilled workers, and their main job is to perform special enchantments on the equipment of the Regulators and Northern Walkers.

Different from the Royal Textile Factory, during the Northern Integration Strategy, they were mainly responsible for high-end enchanting work, such as the mask of the Dragon Bird Knight. They needed professional enchanting work, which they were responsible for.

After the successful transformation of the Master Textile Factory, the Special Enchantment Factory also started thinking about it.

When it comes to mass production and affordable products, they are indeed not good at it.

But when it comes to high-end enchantments... their advantages can be said to be huge!

Relying on a group of skilled enchanting workers in the factory, coupled with the rich variety of commodity resources brought by the northern trade, this imaginative enchanting factory has specially launched a kind of magic for the Shuriman people. A product that makes people feel crazy.

Chilly robe.

Cold, as the name suggests, means cooler than cool.

So what’s with the cold robe?
It's very simple. It probably relies on the Zhenbing processing technology that Xinfucheng has explored during the coin minting process, and uses Zhenbing pigments to enchant the robes.

Perfect ice enchantment, absolutely cold!
Due to the characteristics of Zhenbing, cold robes do not need lightweight silk as a carrier. The special enchantment factory directly chose the relatively mature woolen industry in the north to use wool to make the robes that Shuriman people like, and then used it mixed with The dye of Zhenbing powder is used for enchantment printing.

After the North's Zhenbing gold coins were issued, the processing of Zhenbing waste has become a very important task. Enchanting with pigments made from Zhenbing and blue ocher powder is the specialty of the special enchantment factory.

Now apply it to woolen robes, changing the enchantment content from protection, windproof, etc., to cooling, which is even easier.

When Beiyi gradually opened up the market in Shurima, the special enchantment factory took advantage of this trend and launched its own cold robe. Once it was unveiled, it quickly shocked the jaws of the Shurima people.

To be honest, even during the Shurima Empire, no one had done this - who the hell would use Zhenbing to enchant?

If it were not for Zhenbing pigments, the cooling effect of the cold robes would soon disappear, but because of Zhenbing, these robes will be able to maintain low temperatures for at least 50 years!
Although due to the characteristics of woolen products, these robes cannot be as loose as the local Shuriman robes, and the style is also very different from Shuriman tradition, and many relatively conservative Shuriman people cannot accept it.

But similarly, in the eyes of other Shuriman people, these slim-fitting robes are very "cool"!

Don’t forget, Shurima is now in an era where conservatism and innovation converge.

The glory of the Shurima Empire in the past has not completely dissipated. There are still people waiting for the return of the emperor. The orthodoxy of the Shurima Empire is still the strongest claim in this land.

But the recent Battle of Nashrame also proved that the now divided Shurima is no longer the glorious empire. Today's Shurima needs to change and rise again.

Under this situation, the Shurima people's ability to accept foreign things has been significantly improved compared to before. This is reflected in daily life. "Rebellious" clothing such as cold robes are used in many people. There is recognition among the young Shurima people. They believe that now is the time for Shurima to change. If there is no change, Shurima may really lag behind Runeterra.

There are more than one or two military-to-civilian projects such as silk textiles and woolen textiles in the northern border.

After the establishment of New Demacia and the Northern Territory Integration Strategy turned into the Demacia Integration Strategy, many factories that had expanded their production scale by relying on military orders in the past were in urgent need of new markets to satisfy their appetites. Digest your own production capacity.

After having the winners, their eyes quickly followed the artery-like northern trade network to other places in Runeterra. Based on the various civilian products that were urgently needed in various places, they relied on the northern trade network. The unique production model that integrates magic and production, as well as the relatively mature industrial system, began to try various overtaking in various corners from various novel and imaginative angles.

In this overtaking, the industrial models existing in many places in Runeterra are suffering from huge competitive pressure. Although the conversion of military to civilians in the north has objectively expanded the market size, it is also squeezing many other people. The production space, industrial production, especially magic industrial production, compared with traditional handicraft production, the contrast is terrifying and crushing.

However, even more exaggerated than this is that as the factory began to make profits, a new trend began to brew.

After these factories were successfully converted to civilian use, they soon became dissatisfied with the current production conditions and instinctively began to seek a broader market and cheaper raw materials!

A sleeping monster finally opened its eyes slightly.

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