Lux's Farewell

Chapter 799【0787】 Halter

When Shyvana returned to the capital of Demacia and wanted to tell Lux what happened in Ixtal, she unexpectedly failed.

His Majesty the new emperor, who was supposed to stay in the capital, is now in Forsbarrow - Lux has gone to the north!
This was not because she was not used to staying in Xiongdu, but because the snowball speed of Northern Capital had completely exceeded Lux's expectations, and it was necessary for her to apply the brakes quickly.

In fact, Lacus had some expectations about the possible results of the military-to-civilian transition after the military industry was spread.

She had discussed this issue with Kalya long before New Demacia was established. After her trip to Vazuan, Lux was fully aware of the negative impacts of large-scale industrial production.

When the desire for profit turns into an abyss that swallows everything, even human nature will be distorted. According to Kalja's words, "This thing is much greedier than Tam."

However, even though she was mentally prepared, when the military-to-civilian industry in the north began to develop at an alarming rate, and her political leanings were vaguely revealed, she couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

It is hard to imagine that when Demacia had just been unified, New Demacia had just been established, and southern Demacia was still dominated by agriculture, many factories in the north were already trying to use money to leverage industry associations and related clerks. , hoping to influence Demacia's national strategy.

Specifically, many northerners hope to use redemption or contracting to establish large-scale state-owned farms in the vast plains of southern Demacia.

It is true that the land was divided.

But you might as well not plant the land you have allocated, but contract it out to the state-owned farms for unified farming and management. You don’t need so many people to farm the land. Wouldn’t it be nice if you all came to work in the factories in the north to get extra jobs?
According to them, doing so would, on the one hand, improve the efficiency of food production and at the same time incubate Demacia's somewhat weak agricultural machinery processing sector; on the other hand, it would also liberate a large number of people who were dependent on the land.


What future is there? Come and join the factory!

Considering that in terms of living standards, workers in the north are indeed better than farmers in the south, so this idea seems to have no problems and is completely a feasible development direction.

But Lux knew very well that if she really did this, the result would definitely not be what it "seems" to be.

First of all, the support of southern farmers for New Demacia comes almost entirely from the land they have just been allocated. If we do this now, even if we adopt the most moderate method of uniformly contracting the farmland in the hands of farmers to establish farms, it will inevitably Caused massive dissatisfaction.

Unlike the north, the southern part of Demacia, especially the Demacia Plains, has a long agricultural tradition.

The Demacians living here have been farming for generations, and they have saved their savings to build armor and buy war horses for the most talented children, and then send them to the military camp to kill a nobleman with one sword and one shot.

This is the most typical Demacia-style class jump.

The rapid fall of Jarvan IV and the collapse of the rule in the southern region were indeed mainly due to military failure, but the later propaganda was also closely related to the blocking of this channel.

Tradition cannot be changed simply.

Lux can achieve reform in the North through relatively radical means. The subjective reason is that she has a group of law-enforcers who are willing to devote themselves to construction, and the objective factor is that Forsbarrow and the North are the poorest places in Demacia. , the life of the local people is not good, so once there are results, everyone is more willing to follow Lux.

If the policy promotion efforts in the north are rashly extended directly to the south, the result will inevitably be a large-scale resistance. If the clerks are unable to penetrate into various parts of the south, the result will only be that the government orders will not be passed and other grassroots forces will take the opportunity to expand.

Did those who came up with this idea really not think of this?

possibly is.

But it's also possible that even if they think about it, they actually don't care that much.

In fact, after the establishment of New Demacia, the northerners who completely turned over had a sense of arrogance in their hearts.

Even though Lux repeatedly issued orders to ban new nobles and unite Demacia, in reality, many people in the north still had the mentality of "following the dragon" and looked down on the south from the bottom of their hearts.


What does a group of farmers have to unite with? Their ideas are already out of date!

Moreover, the previous battle has proven that they are no match for the northerners at all, so even if doing this may cause some trouble in the south... so what does it matter?

Even darker, many clerks in the south have begun to add fuel to the fire. After all, if state-owned farms are really established, the power in the hands of the clerks in the south will be greatly increased. By then, they can treat the farmers in the south as a Transport the "resources" to the north and become the controller of these resources.

After hearing this voice, Lux became alert almost immediately.

Lux, who had witnessed the split between Piltover and Zaun, instantly realized that this was a very dangerous signal.

Because the essence of this plan is to systematically exploit the farmers in southern Demacia.

Lux herself understands the need for more labor in northern factories.

I also sincerely believe that Demacia should not maintain its current agricultural population, and that southern Demacia needs an economic reform.

However, this economic reform should not be carried out in this way.

In fact, compared to the north, many areas in the south are also very suitable for establishing large-scale magic industrial production.Rather than absorbing labor on a large scale and using the southern region as a labor export destination, Lux prefers to split up some northern industries and move those industries suitable for the south to the south.

For industries such as the fur industry, shipbuilding, mining, and metallurgy, the north is relatively close to the origin of raw materials. If the environment is suitable for local production and the cost is controllable, it is naturally better to be in the north.

But there are also many industries that are more suitable to be placed in the south.

In fields such as the agricultural product processing industry, oil processing industry, commodity textile industry, and civil construction industry, it is entirely possible to split some northern factories and industries and start new ones in the south.

This is the only way to think from the overall perspective of Demacia.

In Lux's view, although the situation in Freljord is a bit bad now and the threat of the void is gradually emerging, overall, Demacia's external environment is very relaxed.

Therefore, I should plan the overall situation from the perspective of Demacia as a whole. I don't need to let the northern industry run at full capacity, but let the magic industry fully bloom throughout Demacia.

Although the short-term effect of this may not be as good as the "preliminary environment in the north + abundant working population in the south" model, from a long-term perspective, it can help Demacia as a whole get rid of the old economic order. Fully enter the magic industry system.

State farms will indeed promote the development of agricultural machinery in Demacia.

But apart from that, if the southern labor force is mobilized on a large scale, the southern plains that occupy most of Demacia will hardly provide any formed market in other aspects.

The working population has been transferred to work in the north, and the remaining elderly and children cannot support a large consumer market.

Agricultural production, with state farms as the main form, will not bring much good infrastructure to the south.

If some northern factories are split and moved to the south, farmers in the south may not understand or understand the benefits of this at first, but as time goes by, related infrastructure construction will gradually be rolled out. The old economic system in the South will also collapse on its own.

Moreover, compared to hastily contracting away the land that southern farmers have just received, it is obviously more effective to actively attract them to embrace the new economic model through industrial pilots.

Carrots and sticks, maybe the direct effect of the stick is better, but the carrot will not destroy the horse, but will make it fatter and stronger!
If there are any disadvantages to doing this, I am afraid that only some industries in the North will be split up - the relevant practitioners in the North will definitely not be happy to see this.

In fact, they should also know very well that if another "Xinfu City" is built near Xiongdu Bay, the cost of many imported processing industries will be reduced a lot, and the northern border will lose many advantages by then.

Lux also needs to consider this.

Just as she could not completely ignore the ideas and traditions of Southern farmers, she could not ignore the demands of Northerners.

Therefore, regarding industrial splitting and competition in the South, Lux's solution is very simple.

Don't be anxious, let's take it step by step.

Let’s set up a pilot project in Xiongdu first.

You can look down on the south, but you won’t even look down on the capital, right?

First, move the textile industry, which is most sensitive to shipping distance, to Xiongdu. Relevant practitioners will also be issued Xiongdu household registration. Will you come?
As long as you are here, will the expansion of Xiongdu Port and the prosperity of Xiongdu trade be quickly put on the agenda?
Can the oil, pigment, and clothing industries that are closely related to the textile industry also develop in Xiongdu?
When the expansion of Xiongdu Port is completed and the trade routes of Xiongdu are gradually formed, the Royal Research Team should have produced some results in the agricultural product processing industry in the south, right?
Do these achievements also need a chance to be implemented?
The water transportation conditions of the Tobitsia River are much better than the canals in the north. Once the southerners' acceptance of magic increases and the number of magic industrial projects suitable for the south increases, I am afraid that the south will be willing to provide human resources and capital in the past. Are you opening a new factory in the south?
Having been with Kalya for so long, and being promoted by Kalya for so long, Lux is no longer the impulsive little girl she was before.

After discovering the contradictions and differences between the north and the south, she quickly found a relatively gentle and persuasive path.

According to this development path, the magic industry will take root in the south of Demacia within 20 years. In 50 years, even without policies, agricultural production on the Demacia plains will inevitably move towards large-scale production.

During this period, the social and economic environment in the south will undergo earth-shaking changes. Such changes will completely wipe out the backward traditional system of old Demacia, bring a new direction to the Demacians, and completely change the country's face.

Compared with drawing blood directly from the south, although this method is slower and the initial effect may not be good enough, if you continue slowly, the result will definitely be better than the former.

For Lux, the rise and collapse of the Shurima Empire that Kalya experienced was obviously a weighty lesson. When Kalya raised the sun disk, it was a last resort due to internal and external troubles, and this As a last resort, the entire Shurima Empire was highly dependent on the Sun Disk, so much so that the Sun Disk became the energy lifeline of the entire empire.

The Shurima Empire prospered because of the rise of the sun disk, and also declined because of the setting of the sun disk. The many glories that were once built on the energy of the sun disk were completely reduced to rootlessness after the collapse of the sun disk. The water has disappeared, leaving only a few things that do not depend on the sun's disk, and at this time still tell the story of the empire's past glory.

In comparison, Lux is undoubtedly lucky.

After defeating the intervention of the protoss, Demacia's internal and external environment is now extremely stable, so she must try her best to lay a solid foundation, avoid laying minefields, pave the way for future development, and eliminate all factors that may cause problems. nipped in the bud.

Therefore, as the differences between the north and the south gradually became clear, Lux did not choose to absorb manpower from the south. Instead, she started to develop industry in the south with half the effort to consolidate Demacia's magic industry foundation.

Therefore, she chose to personally inspect the northern border, using reason and emotion. While splitting up some of the northern border industries and mobilizing northern workers to go south, she also once again carried out internal purges to crack down on the north and south of Demacia. The signs of opposition.

In addition, although there has been no news from Kalya, Lux is also concerned about the situation of the army. This inspection to the north also has a military purpose. Although New Demacia has been established, the weapons and guns have not yet been stored in the warehouse and the horses have been released to the south. When the time comes, the strings of the Northern Walkers still need to be tightened!
With these three important goals in mind, Lux chose to leave Xiongdu temporarily, and returned to Forsbarrow again after a few years to give the Northern Spring Speech - Lux believed that the vast majority of northerners would eventually stand by themselves. This side.

Because of the above reasons, when Shyvana returned to the capital of Demacia from Ixtar, she did not see Lux, but only Sona who stayed here.

Those who do not plan for eternity cannot plan for one life.

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