Lux's Farewell

Chapter 804【0792】The Forgotten Kamavia

When he learned that Antahir's merchants were from Kamavia, Kalya's brows had already risen.

He didn't know Kamaviya well.

In fact, in Kalya's impression, Kamavia is a remote area - in the era when the Shurima Empire flourished, although Kamavia had been discovered, the people living there at that time were still primitive. Even the Shurima Empire, which is eager to conquer, has no special desire for this area.

After all, the civilization of Shurima at that time was completely dependent on the sun disk. The first issue to consider when building a city on the Shurima continent was whether it was convenient to connect to the sun disk. Therefore, for the continent of Kamavia, Shurima The Mar Empire really has no appetite.

Therefore, what Kalya knew about Kamavia was, at best, "Ah, there is such a continent to the east of Shurima continent, beyond the Sea of ​​Watch."

Although the Shurima Empire has also sent some inspection teams to conduct some inspections after landing in Kamavia, and brought some of the special animals and plants of Kamavia back to Shurima for breeding and planting, but for On the continent of Kamavia itself, the attitude of the Shurima Empire is consistent.

No need to pay attention.

However, things changed dramatically as the Shurima Empire was divided.

As far as Kalya knows, after he sealed himself, the Shurima Empire lost its "greatest common denominator". The royal family, the Ascended Ones, and the Darkspawn quickly split due to ideological discord. Many people He left the empire and began to use his own methods to try to restore the glory of the Shurima Empire.

Some of them believed that too much competition for power had caused the empire to lose its former glory, so they chose to return to the people and heal the scars on the Shurima continent down-to-earth.

Some people believe that the protoss is the driving force of everything, and they must learn from the barbarians to learn skills to defeat the barbarians, so they simply formed the Sun God Cult and directly played religious victory.

Others believe that public dissatisfaction is mainly because the empire's welfare is too good and it pays too much attention to the rights of civilians. At this time, history should be reversed and slavery should be dug out of the trash can.

Some people think that instead of struggling internally, it is better to seek outside. They simply left the Shurima continent with their directly affiliated legions and went to a wider world to find answers.

As for the last part of the people who left the continent of Shurima, some went to the continent of Valoran, some went to Ionia, and some finally chose Kamavia as their final destination.

Take Aatrox as an example. When Kalya sealed himself and the Shurima Empire could not find a way forward, Aatrox, who realized that he was gradually losing control, simply took his elite direct descendants to "open up the frontier". On the grounds of "expanding the land", he left the Shurima continent and crossed the sea to the east.

After he and his legions arrived in Kamavia, they dealt a downright blow to the local tribes who were still in their primitive state.

The local indigenous people, who were still in a primitive tribal state, had no ability to resist when faced with the Darkspawn and the Darkspawn legions. It didn't take long for Aatrox to easily defeat Kamavia. The mainland has gained a territory.

But after that, Aatrox discovered to his embarrassment that he knew nothing about governance at all. Although he and his legions were very good at fighting, if he wanted to make the territory he conquered abide by Aatrox's will, he could only rely on being able to fight. Totally not enough.

The locals are not willing to change the way of life they have been familiar with for thousands of years because of a group of foreign conquerors, even if this way of life seems primitive and ignorant to Aatrox, and the integration process is hopelessly slow.

Therefore, Aatrox, who had no political skills at all, simply adopted the most direct high-pressure policy. He formulated strict laws, used his legions to implement comprehensive military control, and struck hard at anyone who violated the laws.

But the result of the matter was not that the local people changed their customs as Aatrox hoped. Instead, a large number of people began to flee. Many small tribes even crossed mountains and swamps, unwilling to stay in Aatrox. under the rule of

To make matters worse, since Aatrox's warband was very capable and had no supervision after leaving Shurima, they quickly became small local lords, even against Aatrox's orders. He also began to obey the law and contradict it, not taking it seriously—after more than twenty years of chaotic rule, Aatrox finally despaired of his new territory where the livelihood of the people was dying.

In addition, Aatrox was stimulated by the Void to the edge of dementia. When he summoned the Legion and wanted to carry out another change, but there were very few responders, Aatrox finally went berserk.

The enraged Aatrox killed the warriors who did not follow his orders. During the battle, he found sadly that these brave and invincible warriors who used to fight with him had turned into the fat-headed appearance he hated the most.

Feeling that he could no longer control his emotions, Aatrox left the new territory he had conquered in frustration and began wandering aimlessly, starting a series of wanderings that followed.

However, not all darkin are as ignorant of territorial governance as Aatrox.

In fact, according to Aatrox, on the continent of Kamavia, there are still some Darkin legions that have successfully taken root there and successfully formed a "large-scale federation", which is called Kamavia. The country of the United Kingdom of Via is actually a country ruled by dark descendants and the Kamavians controlled by the dark descendants, who rule most of the land on the Kamavian continent.

Kalya heard this from Aatrox.

In Aatrox's words, the United Kingdom of Kamavia can be regarded as a place where "rats unite". He originally didn't think highly of his colleagues, but for those who came to Kamavia and quickly became friends with him. He was even more disdainful of the dark descendants who mingled with the backward tribes in the area.

Even after hearing that they were sealed by the Twilight Stars and that the Earth Emperor could not do it and turned into weapons, Aatrox even clapped his hands and cheered.

The above is everything Kalya learned about Kamavia from Aatrox.

And this part of the content has some interesting follow-ups - after the dark descendants slowly withdrew, mortals gradually became the leaders of Runeterra. During this period, Aatrox occupied Blessed Light Island, and the original residents of Blessed Light Island were They were forced to be displaced, and in the process, they discovered the original runes of the world.

Then, as world runes were discovered one after another, the largest war to date broke out between the Noxian Empire and the Kingdom of Kamavia - the Rune War.

The war led to the disintegration of the Noxian Empire and the disunion of the United Kingdom of Kamavia, and completely sunk a piece of the Valoran continent and a corner of the Kamavian continent, disrupting the ocean currents throughout Runeterra and promoting The birth of Demacia has profoundly affected the current layout of Runeterra...

After that, there was no news from the divided kingdom of Kamavian, although occasionally merchants from Kamavian sailed across the Sea of ​​Watch, either trading in Bilgewater, or arriving at Vazu Ann sells goods, but here in Valoran, Kamavia has gradually become an unreachable legend.

That distant continent seemed to have lost contact with Valoran since the Rune War. The two sides occasionally had small-scale commercial exchanges, but there had never been formal, large-scale political and economic activities.But now, Shyvana brought back the news that Kamavia sent a mission to Antasil to find Shurima to jointly carve up Noxus, which made Kalya have to think carefully.

Shyvana thinks this news is ridiculous, because in her opinion, both South Shurima and Kamavia are thousands of miles away from Noxus. If they want to carve up Noxus, they can only use To describe it as nonsense.

But this is not an excuse. Does that mean that Kamavia has mastered some incredible technology and can even do what they want to do regardless of spatial distance?

But if the Kamavians really mastered this technology... why would they go to Antasil to join forces with Azir? In the current state of fragmentation in Noxus, as long as they are willing to slowly figure it out, then A country with large-scale teleportation capabilities would simply crush them!
Since there is a gap of thousands of years in the understanding of Kamavia, it is difficult for even Kalya to judge whether the other party's trip is just for fun, or whether he really has something he doesn't know and really wants. Annex Noxus.

In this case, Kalya felt that he should go to Antahir.

Shyvana didn't quite understand Kalya's thoughts.

But it didn't matter if he didn't understand. Seeing Shyvana and Jarvan IV staying together all day long, Kalya simply didn't bother them, and went directly to Qiyana to borrow an elemental dragon, and went on his way alone. .

In this way, as the void rift south of Ixtal was completely sealed, Kalya rode the elemental dragon alone and set off towards Antasil.

He wanted to see what the Kamavians were planning.


Kalya was flying to Antasil, wanting to see what medicine the Kamavians were selling in their gourds.

Azir, who was in Antasil, had no interest in these boastful Kamavians.

Unlike Shyvana, who only knew roughly, Azir had a "cordial meeting" with the Kamavian envoy.

It's just a pity that although the two sides fully exchanged opinions during the meeting, they did not reach any substantive consensus - Azir and Xerath unanimously determined that the Kamavians did not show any What sincerity comes.

Although the Kamavian envoys vowed that they "can send the assembled army directly into the heart of the Noxians," they have always remained silent on how to do this, not even a single message. Don't want to mention it.

It is understandable for Azir to keep this strategic approach secret.

But at least you have to provide something convincing, right?
You Kamavian envoys are going to take a boat to Antasil. Now when your upper lip touches your lower lip, you say that you can send the army to the hinterland of Noxus. Isn't this? Are you kidding me?

Teleportation that completely ignores spatial distance is a serious violation of known magic theories!

In addition, the enthusiasm of these Kamavians for this alliance seemed to be only superficial. After Azir expressed his doubts, they pretended to believe it or not, and then directly started to turn to the market. Kamavi's specialties were being hawked online, which had to make Azir wonder whether these guys who claimed to be envoys were really envoys, or a group of Kamavi who pretended to be envoys but were actually trying to defraud Kamavi's tax exemptions. Asian businessman.

In addition to the fact that these "Kamavia Envoys" themselves seemed unreliable, the other reason why Azir was unwilling to spend more time on them was that he had more important things to do.

This "more important thing" is Renekton.

Not long ago, Azir accidentally got some news about Renekton - it was said that a war was taking place on the coast of the Mer Sea at the southern foot of Mount Targon.

According to the legends of the merchants, the two sides fighting are a group of sharks living in the sea and a group of twisted monsters. These twisted monsters seem to be similar to the legendary Bakai. They all have half-human and half-animal bodies. , flesh and blood twisted and ugly.

Among these twisted monsters, only the crazy leader who commands them has a specific form that "allows people to see what this thing is."

And this specific form is a crocodile.

Since the leader of one side of the twisted monster is a crocodile and the shark on the other side is also a mermaid, this war is called the fish-man war by the locals.

The Murloc War blocked the already fragile western trade of South Shurima. The merchant ships that used to sail through the Mermaid Sea had to make a large circle to the deep sea or had to give up trade. For a while, public resentment boiled, and many people were listening. After saying that someone on Antasil's side wanted to restore the glory of the Shurima Empire, he came directly to ask Azir to quell the war.

Azir, who heard the news, immediately noticed the crux of the problem.

The leader in crocodile form.

Using an exaggerated half-moon-shaped giant blade, he led the Bakais to rampage among the sharks...

Why does it sound more and more like Renekton?
And considering that Renekton has some mental problems, this kind of behavior is probably something Renekton can do!
When he got this piece of news, if it weren't for the high-profile arrival of a group of people claiming to be Kamavian envoys, Nasus would have immediately set off westward to the scene of the Murloc War.

Now that he had initially judged that the Kamavian envoy was not sincere, Nasus finally couldn't wait any longer - after getting Azir's permission, he set off without hesitation and headed straight for the Mermaid Coast.

The angle of view is getting higher and higher...

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