Lux's Farewell

Chapter 805 [0793] Murloc War

Chapter 805 [0793] Murloc War
After realizing that the leader of the Murloc War side was probably Renekton, Azir was quite excited.

There is no need to go into details about the significance of an Ascended One. It not only represents strong personal strength, but also means rich commanding experience. Although Azir's "New Shurima" is still in the farming stage, Nasus's main job is It is still cleaning and transporting the books of the Great Library, but it is foreseeable that the future of this road may not always be peaceful.

Communication with other Shurima organizations will be quite heated when necessary, and a Nasus who can fight is undoubtedly very important.

Therefore, after receiving the news, Nasus immediately put down his work and set off to the west.


It is not difficult to find out the news about the Murloc War, because the scale of this war has become so large that it affects the local situation.

When Nasus came to the Forma Peninsula, traces of war could already be seen everywhere. As long as you find a tavern and order a drink, the waiter behind the bar will be happy to tell you about this increasingly fierce war.

In fact, despite the fact that the merchants running the Mermaid Sea went to Antasil to "ask for help", for the locals, this war was a lot of fun.

According to them, those Bakai seemed to exist in a certain ruin that was once sealed underground, and those sharks never left the sea in the past. Neither of these two forces had anything to do with the locals.

So for the locals, this war is actually quite fun. Even in the boring time after dinner, they will organize groups to watch the battle on the coast to watch Bakai fight the fishmen.

The grotesque Bakai looks very curious, and the wet shark's upper body exposed from the water is quite perfect. This kind of war between beauty and beast is undoubtedly quite interesting, so just find a tavern, and the locals will tell this war Share it as a conversation piece.

Thanks to these gossips, Nasus quickly had a general understanding of this fish-men war.

There are different opinions on the cause of the war, but what sounds more believable is that the two sides seem to be fighting for something.

It seems that this thing originally belonged to the sharks and was later snatched away by the Bakai, but it must be used in the sea, so every time Bakai used it, the sharks would come over to fight for it - and then the two sides were in shallow water. Have a great time fighting.

As for what he was grabbing and why it could only be used in sea water, these were unknown to the onlookers.

After initially understanding the identities and fighting purposes of both parties, Nasus felt a little more confident.

He then began to continue westward, following the traces on the beach to trace the traces of the battle line.

This is a difficult task - although the scale of the fish-man war is not small and even affects local trade routes, there seems to be no pattern in the location of the battles. Even though the Forma Peninsula is the place with the highest frequency of battles, If you want to see the battle in person, you need a lot of luck.

According to onlookers, the sharks in the sea never surfaced at all before they appeared, and it was almost impossible to detect them in advance; and those Bakai would not usually move on the ground, but would walk underground on the ancient Relics, so if you want to see a battle, it's just a matter of chance.

But the problem is, as far as Nasus knows, the Forma Peninsula was a very famous golden beach resort in the Shurima Empire era. There are no large-scale underground ruins here. It only relies on the magic network of the Shurima Empire era. Waterways are not enough to keep the Bakais elusive...

Especially after Nasus tried his best to confirm the locations of large-scale battles that had occurred in the past, the result was even more confusing - he marked these places on the map, but no matter how much he studied, he couldn't find any meaningful patterns.

It seems that this group of Bakai is running around in underground passages that they are completely unaware of, while the sharks on the other side are patrolling near the coast. Once a large group of Bakai is discovered, they mobilize people to interrupt the ceremony. Fight for that treasure.

If you want to encounter a battle, it's all a matter of luck!

And Nasus's luck has never been very good. If he just relied on luck, he didn't know when he would see Renekton.

Since it is not feasible to wait and see, it is necessary to take the initiative.

Considering the positions of both sides, Nasus decided to go to the place where the battle had taken place, to see where the Bakai disappeared, and to see the entrances and exits of the underground passages.

However, when Nasus began to inquire about the places where the Bakai disappeared, the originally well-informed tavern soon became unable to satisfy his request - although he could also learn a few bits and pieces about the places where the Bakai disappeared. , but those words were really outrageous, and they pointed to very different areas.

If you rely on the information in the tavern to find Bakai's secret passage, the efficiency may not be as efficient as waiting for the rabbit.

In this case, Nasus might as well go and investigate for himself.

Large-scale battles will always leave traces, even if they are covered up afterwards, there will definitely be some clues left.

Relying on this information, coupled with the planning drawing of the Forma Peninsula in his hand, Nasus thought that he might be able to find some clues in it.

Even if you really can't find it...

Then just try to wait and see!
Having been separated from Renekton for thousands of years, Nasus was very patient.


The sea water in the Mermaid Sea is very clean. Even on cloudy days, the sea water in the offshore areas shines like sapphire.

However, Nasus, who was stepping on this fine beach, had no desire to look at the sea - from beginning to end, his eyes fell on the gravel, as if he wanted to see every grain of sand clearly, looking for any possible clues. .

There was a large-scale conflict on this beach a month ago. According to locals, Bakai and the sharks fought until the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dark. They watched from the hills in the distance. Cool.

However, according to the results of Nasus' personal survey, the scale of this battle may not be large.

Whether it is the scale of the gravel dug out or the number of shark scales under the beach, they all prove the boasts of the locals.

Nasus was used to this.

Along the way, local people who have seen the conflict between the two sides will almost always choose to use the most exaggerated language to describe the battle - those who have actually seen the battle with their own eyes are lucky, the bloody scenes will make them remember the battle. Awe; but those who did not see the battle with their own eyes, but only saw some traces of it afterwards, are often the best at blowing it with their eyes closed.

These contents caused great disturbance to Nasus. After being misled several times, Nasus finally determined that he could believe the nature of such bragging at the wine table, but he could never believe its extent.

In other words, he could believe what the locals said about "when and where a battle took place", but he really couldn't believe it at all about the situation of the battle.

You'd be a fool if you believed it.

Just like this beach, although the sharks took away their own bodies when they left, judging from the shark scales remaining in the gravel, there were probably no more than ten sharks who died here.

In this case, the scale of the battle between the two sides would probably not be too large, at least it would definitely not be the "ten thousand people team battle" that Nasus heard about in the tavern yesterday.Leaning down, Nasus dug out a piece of shark scale from the gravel, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The scales were still intact, shining slightly even on a cloudy day.

Put it under your nose and smell it. The fishy smell of the sea is already very light.

There are no signs of corrosion or damage by elements or energy on the scales. Instead, there are obvious signs of fracture at the roots. From this point of view, this shark scale was chopped off with a sharp instrument.

Since a shark would quickly secrete a mucus to cover the wound after a wound appeared on the human body, Nasus did not find any shark blood that could directly tell the time.

"I hope the locals didn't take the initiative to come over and plow the beach." Nasus muttered in a low voice, and then began to dig up the gravel with his cane. "It would be great if we could find some Bakai tissue."

Along the way, Nasus also discovered many shark scales. The scales were of different sizes and had different reasons for falling off, but he did not find any tissue or blood from Bakai.

This is very strange.

According to the locals, in almost every battle, Bakai withdrew from the battlefield first, followed by the sharks. It seemed that the sharks were the victors.

As a result, even the victors did not clean up the battlefield. Instead, the side that retreated first left no traces. Nasus had walked through five beaches, but there was no useful information about Bakai. get.

Not to mention following Bakai's traces to find the secret passages where they haunted.

Judging from the traces of the battle, these Bakai simply disappeared out of thin air!
How can this be?

If it weren't for the large number of sightings, the trade routes being blocked by the sharks, and the presence of shark scales on the battlefield, Nasus might have doubted the authenticity of the fish-men war.

After all, there are only traces of the winning side on the battlefield, but no traces of the losing side. This kind of thing is quite outrageous no matter how you look at it!

However, as Nasus searched for clues and became more and more confused, a chance conversation between two drunkards in the tavern gave him an idea.

The topic of these two drunkards was about hiding private money - for middle-aged men, hiding private money seems to be an eternal topic, and sharing the method of hiding private money with drinking friends seems to contain a kind of sharing. The wonderful joy of secrets.

Nasus, who was drinking by himself and trying to collect some useful information with his ears open, found that there was no useful information on other tables, so he simply "learned" how to hide private money without being asked.

One of the main ways an alcoholic hides his personal money is by hook or by crook, that is, by hiding it in places where it seems impossible to hide it.

It is the best choice to carry it with you in the heel. It can be placed under the insole without anyone noticing.

Under the water lilies in the fish pond is a perfect saving spot. As long as you put the silver coins here, they will never be discovered.

Although Nasus had never hidden personal money before, he smiled and listened with interest—and it was quite interesting.

However, when another drunkard talked about his method of hiding private money, Nasus suddenly stopped laughing.

"This trick of yours is not safe at all. If you are really discovered, you will never be able to explain it clearly."

"Then what can you do?" said the drunkard who was hidden in the fish pond and brought out under the shoe insole. "Is there a more secretive way than this?"

"Of course!" When he said this, the drunkard from before chuckled, "Buy a ceramic piggy bank, and then put it in the most conspicuous place at home. Use it to keep change, and then hide your personal money. Just be inside!”

"What kind of private money is this?" the first drunkard said disdainfully, "If your family used money and took away all your private money, wouldn't it be a huge loss?"

"Stupid, don't you think you can buy a bigger can and change a little more change to put it in?" At this point, the drunkard shook his head and poured himself a glass, "As long as your can is big enough, heavy enough, and troublesome enough to carry it, , the opening is small enough, and you can only withdraw money one by one, then no one will know how much money is inside."

The other drunk man was obviously a little drunk. He nodded in confusion, and then shook his head, as if he didn't quite understand.

"It's called hiding a drop of water. The best way to hide it is to hide it in the sea."

"No, that's not right - it's because you have too little private money. If you can exchange it for copper, you can put it in jars..."

"What are you..."


Although this seemed to be just an innocent remark made by two drunkards, Nasus was greatly inspired.

Perhaps hiding private money like this is very likely to disappear if it is hidden, but hiding traces of Bakai like this is very possible.

What if all the tissue Bakay left behind was gravel?

So, on a vast beach, no matter how carefully Nasus searched, he might not be able to find any traces!

Realizing this, Nasus finally couldn't help but squint his eyes - at this moment, he couldn't help but think of Kalya.

Now Kalya's body is completely made of yellow sand. Is this a clue?
If those Bakai have a special shape, have elemental bodies like Kalya, and are made of yellow sand, then they will most likely not leave any traces on the beach.

After all, leaving some sand on the beach is no different than leaving no trace at all.

Thinking of this, Nasus quickly took out a map.

After unfolding the map, his eyes fell on the locations of the marked battlefields - and these locations, without exception, were bathing beaches and golden beaches that were once used by the Shurima Empire.

This also verified his guess from the side. The tissues left by Bakai were probably not flesh and blood!
Narrowing his eyes slightly, Nasus felt as if he had found his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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