Lux's Farewell

Chapter 815 [0803] Will the reborn dark descendants dream of mutated radiant sheep?

Chapter 815 [0803] Will the reborn dark descendants dream of mutated radiant sheep?

Can Kalya dream?
The answer is... no.

On Mount Targon, when Kalya gave up immortality and chose self-purification, he became a mortal - but because his ascended body was also destroyed, he could only exist in the form of an elemental body. So although he is already a mortal, he is still a life in the form of elements.

Elemental beings do not need to eat, drink, or defecate. Even when they are very tired, Kalya will rest in the small world, but this rest will not bring sleep.

For Kalya, sleep - or dreams - is a very dangerous thing.

He has lived for too long, experienced too much, and knows too many secrets. Undefended dreams are likely to be a way for someone to take advantage of him. In fact, as early as the Shurima Empire, Kalya While trying his best to avoid falling into sleep, at that time, he relied on the ascendant's control over his body to squeeze his energy to the end before falling into a deep sleep, and then having a dreamless night.

In this case, Lissandra would not have been able to find Kalya through Ino's transit.

The dream world is a reflection of the real world.

In Runeterra, everyone's dreams are like weeds rooted in the spiritual world - weeds wither and flourish every year, while dreams wither and die every night.

The reason why Lissandra can communicate with dreams is largely due to her psychic talent that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

The world only knows that among the three sisters, Serelda is good at melee combat, Avarosa is good at shooting, and Lissandra is good at casting spells. But in fact, in addition, Serelda is also good at taming beasts, and Avarosa is good at taming beasts. Also good at making herbal medicine, Lissandra is also good at dream magic.

Especially after fighting Volibear and being blinded, Lissandra, who was blind, put more of her perception into the reflection of the world. She could sneak into someone's mind silently, especially In the dream of a certain ice bloodline, he knew everything he wanted to know.

Moreover, in addition, she is also good at weaving dreams. The dreams she weaves are often more real than reality, and can easily attract people into them forever, making them unable to extricate themselves.

Legend has it that outside the Frostguard Fortress, there are countless living dead who have been frozen forever because of their disrespect for the Frost Witch. They are not completely dead, but they have been like lifeless ice sculptures for thousands of years. That is Lissandra's last life. Terrible sealing magic.

But few people know that the essence of this sealing magic is actually a double seal of the soul and the body - on the soul level, they are bound by dreams and will forever be in a dream weaved for them by a frost witch; on the physical level, They were wrapped in Zhenbing and completed the "quick freezing" in an instant.

What’s even more frightening is that the dreams that are born in the spiritual world are themselves fragmented. These dreams are sub-planes that grow and die quickly. Under normal circumstances, when you locate these dreams, they will naturally disappear. Broken.

When people wake up, dreams naturally disappear!
However, as the source of the Ice Bloodline and the leader of the Frostguard Tribe, Lissandra can expand the scope of her dreams through the Frostguard Priests under her command.

Those who have contact with the Frost Guard Priests, especially those of the Ice Bloodline who have contact with the Frost Guard Priests, Lissandra can easily enter their dreams. This is how Ino was unprepared. , received a visit from Lissandra in her sleep.

Through this kind of visit, Lissandra can further mark the dreams of more people in the dream world, using these ice bloodline dreams as anchor points to mark the dreams of those people they have come into contact with.

This gives Lissandra the possibility to visit the dreams of many people at will. As long as she is willing, she can easily enter the dreams of many people after several transfers.

Even if this kind of dream cannot directly determine a person's life or death due to the distance, instability of the dream, and lack of close contact, she has many ways to pass it by blurring the dream and reality and leaving hints in the dream. Dreams to influence the target.

Few people know that Lissandra has this ability.

Few people would be wary of Lissandra's ability.

Those who have truly come into contact with her power are either her die-hard priests or have fallen into an eternal dream.

This time, Lissandra sent Ione, a stupid and arrogant Frostguard Priest, to Forsbarrow to inform the Guild Alliance. The fundamental purpose was not to serve as an envoy or to deliver the message itself. These were just to send Ione Just an excuse to send it.

Lissandra, who knew very well what kind of person Ione was, just wanted to send Ione to Forsbarrow. She believed that Ione would definitely live up to her expectations and attract dissatisfaction from the Demacia people. .

At that time, as long as Ione reveals her information and existence to the Demacians, she can use this to enter the dream of the insider.

Facts have proved that Lissandra was not wrong about the person at all. Ione did mess up the matter very quickly. This extremely stupid guy misjudged the situation of both parties. At the beginning, he was arrogant and did not understand at all. The warm-blooded people saw it; they were panicked and helpless afterwards, and even revealed a lot of information about Lissandra.

Through Ione, Ino was marked by Lissandra and received a dream visit that day.

For Lissandra, this was a huge surprise, because she never expected that what Ioni was marked by that trash was actually a "wild genius ice bloodline".

With Ino's strength and will, she should have quickly realized Lissandra's methods and quickly escaped from this uncontrolled nightmare, but who told her that she was of ice blood?

As the source of power of the Ice Bloodline, Lissandra's suppression of the Ice Bloodline is natural - especially the casters in the Ice Bloodline. No joke, Lissandra is the ancestor of Ino!
Kalya can easily deprive Sivir of her bloodline power, and can easily prevent the Elemental King from getting bloodline certification.

Lissandra can also control Ino through dreams in minutes.

In the dream, the more Ino resisted, Lissandra was pleasantly surprised. She was pleasantly surprised by Ino's strength and will, and by her control of magic. Lissandra really wanted to know how Ino became what she is now. Appearance - You know, even if she personally taught them, only a few dozen Frost Guard Priests could enter the extraordinary realm. This was accumulated bit by bit over the long years.

And Ino is only thirty years old now. Not only has she entered the extraordinary realm early, but she also has unlimited possibilities in the future!
If we could figure out how Ino reached this state, wouldn't it mean that the Frost Guard Priests under his command would make a qualitative leap?
That's why Lissandra lovingly tolerated all of Enoch's offenses against her in her dreams, answered all of Enoch's doubts, and used the most friendly attitude to ask about all of Enoch's experiences in detail.

Childhood was warm, but meaningless.

The boy was coerced because of his talent and met Laxana, and the gears of fate began to turn.

Then he met Kalya and began to systematically learn magic and guide the power of blood in a more mature way.


Wait, is this also possible?
Can the power of ice blood be transformed into common elemental magic talents?

After getting this piece of news, Lissandra couldn't wait to anchor Kalya through Ino's dream, and immediately jumped to his dream.

She has a lot to talk about with Kalya, and dreams are her best negotiating ground!

Then, Lissandra, who was full of confidence and thought she was invincible in the dream, bumped into Nocturne's hand.

…………… Encountering Nocturne in a dream is a very scary thing.

Although Lux and Ino can suppress Nocturne in the Shadow Realm, if they enter the dreamland, the ten Luxes are no match for Nocturne - for Nocturne, the biggest problem has always been "how to suppress Nocturne" The enemy is drawn into an eternal dream.”

As for killing enemies in dreams?
As an eternal nightmare, Nocturne is invincible in his dreams.

He is the nightmare itself!
In fact, if you look back at Kalya's method of controlling these demons, without exception, he avoids the demon's strongest point and then uses the demon's own weakness to restrict it.

Although the Shadow Realm where Nocturne was fighting was considered half of his home field, from the beginning to the end, Lux and Ino, who were reminded by Kalya, could not enter the dreamland, nor would they directly fall prey to the nightmare.

In contrast, Lissandra's behavior of rashly jumping to Kalya's dream was to use what she had done well to directly face a demon's professional field.

When she tried to visit Kalya's dream, the nightmare was already excited - he was going crazy after being imprisoned in his own little world for so long!
Now suddenly someone who is not afraid of death suddenly comes and wants to visit Kalya's dream. Isn't this a delivery to his door?

So, the moment Lissandra jumped, her spirit stepped directly into an endless nightmare.

In the nightmare, she saw the ending she feared most, saw the world coming to an end, and saw everything about herself being made public. In this terrible nightmare, she became hysterical, and her spirit and will were horribly damaged. heavy damage.

If it weren't for the fact that she still had a certain ability to control dreams, gained some clarity after being injured, endured the pain and cut off the jump, and was tortured by nightmares for a while, she would have directly become Nocturne's food.

And once that happens...

Kalya's seal will expire, and Nocturne will see the light of day again through Lissandra's body.

By then, relying on the power of the source of the Ice Bloodline, Nocturne may easily pull all the Ice Bloodline into the eternal nightmare. By then, the leader of the Ten Demons in Runeterra may have to be replaced.

Fortunately, this didn't happen after all.

The warrior Lissandra cut off her wrist, fighting to cut off this dream visit despite her severe mental shock, and finally prevented further erosion of the nightmare.

Under such circumstances, she was naturally unable to maintain control over Ino's dream, and Ino escaped.

The consequences of this contact with Nocturne didn't end there.

As Lissandra's spirit was severely damaged, the seals of those beings she sealed through dreams and ice were all weakened.

Although the terrifying Watcher seal is still stable, and Lissandra immediately dispatched reliable Frostguard Priests for reinforcement, in the past long years, she has sealed more than just the Watchers under the Howling Abyss. Just minions.

For example, on a mountain not far from the Howling Abyss, in an ancient cave, a huge ancient Yodel escaped from the seal because of this mental vibration.

The little guy woke up from the dream and his body suddenly grew in size, easily shattering the ice that bound it. As if going crazy, he roared and waved his huge fists and smashed the surroundings wildly, smashing the ancient The ice accumulated in the cave was completely shattered, and then it suddenly shrank due to exhaustion of power, turning into a furry little cutie that was closer to the current Yodel.

The little guy blinked his eyes, let out a milky roar of "Nar Gaga", picked up the skull boomerang beside him, and walked out ignorantly along the passage he had just opened. This cave.

At the same time, on another mountain not far away, a little boy was working hard to push a huge snowball with a big furry man.

The little boy shouted "I want to build the biggest snowball in the world", and together with the big man, carefully adjusted the rolling direction of the snowball, trying to get more snow to be rolled on the snowball.

As the mental vibration came, the big man who had been waving his four arms and carefully controlling the direction of the snowball suddenly stopped. At this moment, there was an indescribable throbbing in his heart. The throbbing made him stop all movements and subconsciously looked in the direction of the Howling Abyss.

"Go on, Willump, why did you stop?" Without Willump's control, Nunu could not fully control the direction of the snowball's rolling. The out-of-control snowball quickly hit a rock. Rolling to the side, "Why are you looking there?"


"Didn't you say before that it was dangerous and wouldn't let me get close? Why do you want to go there this time?"


"You also want to see what the giant ice crystal phoenix will look like when it lands, right?"


"Yes, Nirvana. Mom said that the ice crystal phoenix will reach Nirvana. Nirvana is rebirth, but what is rebirth?"

"Ah hmm!"

"I think so. The swift crab that has burrowed underground has come out of the soil again. That's a new life. Come on, Willump, let's go see the Ice Phoenix Nirvana!"


"I have seen phoenixes flying in the sky, but I have never seen phoenixes emerge from the earth!"

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Dream Connection:
  As a sub-plane, Kalya's small world is almost completely isolated from the outside world. It is impossible to bypass Kalya and enter this world by ordinary means.

  However, the connection in dreams is different.

  If there are no living people in the small world and no people with dreams, then no one can connect to Kalya's small world through dreams.

  But because Renekton is still studying here and has not yet become an elemental creature, there are also dreams in the small world, because Lissandra can jump in through dreams.

  Then give it for free.

(End of this chapter)

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