Lux's Farewell

Chapter 816【0804】The Wind of Destiny in the North

Destiny is always unpredictable.

No one could have imagined that Lissandra's testing of Forsbarrow and Demacia would lead to so many unexpected consequences.

The ancient Yodels woke up from the ice, the snowman felt the call of his tribe in his dream, and the little hero embarked on the road to find Anivia...

If we take a longer-term view, this may also mean a change in Demacia's attitude towards the Freljord, Kalya's self-transformation of the small world, or even a change in Noxus' northern strategy, etc. .

As the initiator of everything, at this moment, Lissandra had to huddle deep in her Frostguard Fortress and quietly lick the wounds severely wounded by the demon.

Even though she had withdrawn her will in time, her soul was still severely damaged. It felt like her whole body was being torn apart. She would not try it again no matter what.

I originally thought that I would take advantage of Anivia's nirvana and the suppression of the scheming monitors to free up my hands to deal with the growing Avarosa tribe and cut off the warm-blooded allies behind them, but I did not expect this move. , but the result is that he no longer has the ability to directly intervene in the situation in Freljord in a short period of time, which can be said to be a waste of money.

Considering that Ashe has gained another wave of reputation during this crisis of the Howling Abyss, I am afraid that she will soon be born from the idea of ​​​​Rakstak presiding over the Freljord Guild.

Compared with other war mothers, Ashe's biggest advantage is that the tribe she commands is called Avarosa, which is the orthodox inheritance of the three sisters - this orthodoxy is useless when Avarosa is weak, but when Avarosa is weak, As the tribe becomes stronger and stronger with Ashe's management and the blood transfusion of northern trade, Avarosa's name will bring endless benefits to Ashe.

There is no doubt that Lissandra does not want to see a tribe named Avarosa host a large-scale alliance in the former Holy City of Freljord, Rakstark, considering Ashe's consistent attitude, which may shake the authority of the Frostguard tribe in Freljord.

Once the authority of the Frostguard tribe is shaken, the history hidden under the ice may one day surface. And along with that history, there may be something that makes Lissandra extremely fearful and worried. Watcher.

In the Freljord, everyone believes that the three sisters are the origin of everything. They nurtured civilization, led the Freljord people out of ignorance, and passed down their power in the form of blood. From then on, Han Ice blood has become a power passed down from generation to generation to the Freljord people.

However, Lissandra herself knows that the source of the ice bloodline's power is not her. If it comes down to it, this power may be traced back to someone hidden under the abyss who is currently immersed in a dream. The ancient watcher who satisfies his hunger with illusory dreams.

This power was a gift given to the three sisters. However, at the last moment, the three sisters chose to fight back in order to prevent the Freljord from being completely devoured. After paying a huge sacrifice, the three sisters chose to fight back. It was firmly sealed under the Howling Abyss with dreams and perfect ice.

It was a history intertwined with fearlessness, sacrifice, courage, wisdom, deceit and betrayal. In that history that no longer has any written records, only she knows what role Lissandra played.

Therefore, she could not let the situation in Freljord get out of control under any circumstances. She could not allow a successor of Avarosa to become the co-owner of the Rakstark Plains, and she could not allow her to take the approach of being close to warm-blooded people. The way leads the Freljord down a different path.

The Watcher is never satisfied. Without absolute control over the Freljord, Lissandra would not be able to drive those Frostguard warriors towards the abyss and sacrifice like their predecessors.

Unfortunately, at this time, Lissandra no longer has the ability to take action herself.

All she could do was to arrange everything to suppress Ai Xi before freezing herself into the mausoleum to heal herself.

So, the question is, who and what can suppress Ashe and prevent her from holding an alliance in Larkstuck?

After thinking for a long time, Lissandra finally decided to summon a special guest.



Silas spent more than half of his 40-year life in prison.

When he was a young man, he was thrown into a magic prison due to an accident where magic was out of control.

Those were dark years. He had reflected on his past and the choices he and his parents had made countless times, until he realized that as a spellcaster, he was naturally on the opposite side of Demacia.

He was thrown into a forbidden magic prison because his magic was out of control, but the nobles were able to use various items that shone with magical auras in their manors without having to pay any price. In addition to magic, there is another magic in Demacia. An unbridgeable division.

Silas, who realized this, began to hate this country, a country that seemed to respect justice, but naturally divided people into three, six or nine grades through talent and origin.

In Silas's view, since Demacia cannot be as fair as what he advocates, why should he hypocritically regard magic as evil?

In the final analysis, everything is just the fear of the nobles!

In the dark Forbidden Prison, Silas was absorbing the Forbidden Stone while looking for a way to leave until he met the little girl named Ino.

Silas originally thought that she was a person who had the same problem as him. She had a good talent and was used by the nobles. Then she was thrown into the forbidden magic prison like garbage. As her "neighbor", Silas I immediately wanted to recruit her into his group.

But what Silas never expected was that Ino had a noble friend, and that noble friend once again broke Demacia's justice and rescued Ino from prison.

The noble even refuted his remarks righteously and admitted his identity as a mage without any shame.

Ridiculous, how ridiculous!
And later...that will be three years later, right?

Seizing the only opportunity available, Silas broke through the city walls of the capital, freed countless imprisoned mages, and led them toward freedom—until Galio fell from the sky.

When the Colossus of Justice fell on the grand square, Silas was almost devastated.

When Galio's heavy punch fell, he used up his last strength, absorbed the magic power of a comrade beside him, called on the power of the wind, and led himself out of the encirclement. For that man's final shock and disbelief, Se Lars's heart was full of apologies, but he had no choice.

Only you can truly save the mages of Demacia, and this is a necessary sacrifice.The journey is full of ups and downs, and the road is full of twists and turns.

Chased by blue-robed hyenas, Silas finally passed through a glacial crevasse in the Dragonspine Mountains, entered the Freljord, and became a member of the Winter's Claw. Here, he put on the Freljord. The clothing of Freljord began to use the language of Freljordians.

Even though the people of the North had always hated the Freljord's satisfying plundering, Silas still insisted on choosing to cooperate with Sejuani and led the Winter's Claw army to raid Mithril City.

The Lost who cooperated with Winter's Claw destroyed the Demacian dam, and the rolling water flooded the farmland that had been cultivated with hard work. Silas, who was born in Biangou Town, knew exactly what happened. destruction, but he also knew very well that all these were necessary sacrifices to change Demacia.

The raging water protected Mithril City, and Galen, who was known as the power of Demacia, was vulnerable in front of him. Silas almost realized his revenge against Demacia, and it was at this critical moment that At the critical moment, a beam of light shone on Mithril City.

The Colossus of Justice soared into the sky again, and the unprepared Freljord army was caught on both sides and completely collapsed.

Sejuani faced the dazzling light in the air, but was cut down by a sword and fell into the cold lake water.

Silas, who realized that the Northern Army would intercept them on their way back, followed Sejuani's direction and dived into the water.

But he didn't find Sejuani.

Silas didn't know where Sejuani had gone, he only knew that his revenge had completely failed.

The lost Silas wandered for a long time, and finally chose to embark on the road to the Freljord again - perhaps, his dream of revenge can only be realized by the snow in the Freljord.

Silas, who came to the Freljord again, once searched for the power of the lost ones, but after trying to contact the lost ones, he found that he seemed completely unable to carry the wild power within them.

Rather than saying that the Lost Ones used thunder magic, it would be better to say that they borrowed the power of fearless thunder. Even Silas had little ability to control this power.

Compared to the power of the Lost One, Silas felt that the magic of the Ice Bloodline was more efficient to control.

So, he began to look for traces of the Frostguard priests.

It's not that difficult to find the Frostguard Priests and steal their power.

The Frostguard Priests, who were accustomed to being the only spellcasters in the Freljord, had never had any sense of caution, especially when Silas's hair gradually turned silver-white, and his appearance became more and more similar to that of the Frostguard Priests. As he got closer and closer, those Frostguard priests who met him for the first time would never have thought that this compatriot with a strange accent was actually a Demacian who coveted his own magic power.

By stealing magic power along the way, Silas's use of frost magic began to become more and more mature. Under the temper of the difficult environment, his own magic power became stronger and stronger. In this vast white world of ice and snow, he had already stepped into Entering the extraordinary realm, you truly have the qualifications to drive the gears of destiny!
However, before Silas could start planning his revenge again, Lissandra's eyes fell on him.

There are many Frostguard priests in the Freljord. They either wander the plains or are stationed within the tribe at the foot of the mountains. They follow Lissandra's will and fulfill their responsibilities as members of the ice bloodline.

Although Sylas attacked many Frostguard Priests, in Freljord, accidents could happen at any time. Even a Frostguard Priest could die in a funny disaster. So at the beginning, he Didn't attract any attention.

But when he became a transcendent, everything was different.

As a frost witch, Lissandra immediately noticed this different "ice bloodline", so she sent an envoy to bring Silas to the Frostguard Fortress.

She wanted to "meet" Silas in person.

However, what no one expected was that after meeting Lissandra, the audacious Silas planned to steal Lissandra's terrifying magic power.

In Silas's view, he has stolen the magic power of many Frostguard priests along the way. Although their magic power and bloodline are special, it is not too difficult to control. So as their leader, Lissandra's magic power is not Completely impossible to steal!

Moreover, Silas had inquired beforehand. "This generation of Lissandra" had just inherited the position of Frost Witch. At this time, the frightening magic power in her body must have been inherited from the previous generation through some means. Come.

Isn't this a gift given to me by God?
So, when meeting Lissandra alone, Silas took the initiative to approach, pretending to kneel on the ground and salute, and touched Lissandra's skirt like flowing ice.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Silas activated his talent and began to frantically absorb Lissandra's magic!

The next moment, a force even wilder than that of the lost one poured into Silas's body unreasonably. He didn't even have time to have any thoughts of joy before he was completely frozen from the inside out.

This is not finished.

In a daze, Silas felt that although his body was still frozen, his consciousness was gradually waking up.

But before he could feel lucky, the Frost Witch came like a dream. She used an irresistible and irresistible attitude to get everything about his past from Silas, and then threw him into a world of disdain. In a prison like a garbage dump - the last scene Silas saw was the countless living dead ice sculptures with weird postures around him that looked like himself.

After that, Silas lost consciousness. He seemed to be always awake, but not fully awake. He was always half asleep and half awake, as if he was dreaming, but there seemed to be no dream at all.

He could feel the passage and changes of time, and he could always see the ice sculptures around him, but none of this was recorded in his memory.

Or perhaps, his memory was already eagerly devoured when it was created.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Silas woke up with a blank mind, and a young Frost Guard priest stood in front of him.

"Follow me." The other party's voice was extremely cold, as if it were ice that would never melt. "The witch wants to see you." (End of this chapter)

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