Lux's Farewell

Chapter 818【0806】1 Everything is under control

Chapter 818【0806】Everything is under control

After simply eating some bear meat, Silas leaned against the ice wall in a daze and finally fell into a deep sleep.

He had a long nightmare, dreaming that he was being chased, captured, imprisoned, and entered the palace three times.

This kind of dream is undoubtedly quite painful for Silas.

But after waking up from the dream, looking at the frozen hard bear meat around him and feeling the cold air of Freljord, Silas only felt very relaxed.

It's good to be able to dream after falling asleep - it's better than not having any dreams at all and everything being blank.

After taking a long breath, Silas finally stood up.

There is still a long way to go.

Today he finally recovered from the numb state before, and his brain seemed to have finally regained the ability to think. Then he finally discovered that he seemed to have to rely on his legs to walk from here to the capital of Demacia. A few years ago.

Although the Frost Guard Tribe provided themselves with the Perfect Ice Dagger, they didn’t even intend to reimburse the ticket!
Silas was a little numb when he realized this.

So, this is a journey that spans several years?

But looking at Lissandra, she seems to be looking forward to killing the emperor of Demacia?
Just when Silas packed up his things, walked out of the bear cave, and planned to continue heading west to see if he could find a village and exchange a Yukar or Ernuk as a mount, a group of Ernuk knights had already surrounded him. Woke up.

"You are Silas, right?" the leader of the Erniuk knight shouted loudly, "Take out your Perfect Ice Sword!"

Silas was confused and had no idea what was going on. However, seeing that the number of Enuk knights around him had an absolute advantage, he still showed the Zhenbing dagger.

"As expected, it's you, that's right!"

The leader of the Enuk knight nodded, and then waved behind him.

The crowd parted to the left and right, and Ernuk, who looked particularly strong, was led out. The knight came to Silas, took a deep look at the Zhenbing dagger in his hand, and then snorted almost unnoticeably. , handed Erniuk the reins over.

"Take good care of it."

Silas blinked, still a little confused.

"This is the witch's will." Seeing Silas not taking the reins, the leader of the Enuk knights finally frowned, "Take it, for the sake of Your Excellency Lissandra."

Silas took the reins.

When the Enuk knights saw this, they cheered and turned around and left the narrow valley with a rumble.

Silas was the only one left, still looking at the reins of Enuk in his hand in a daze.

This is an extremely tall Elnuk, but judging from the way it blinks at Silas and wants to stick out its tongue to lick him from time to time, although this Elnuk is strong, it is not violent.

On Ernuk's back, the bulging backpack contained a lot of supplies. A brief look showed that all the most commonly used items for traveling on the ice sheet were complete - Silas even found a few pieces of blue coal. This fossil fuel, a specialty of the Freljord, is very resistant to burning. A fist-sized piece can often burn for an entire night, making it a very valuable fuel.

The Enuk knights come and go quickly. Judging from their intentions, it seems that this Enuk and these supplies are all theirs now?

Silas never expected that Lissandra would use this method to provide herself with supplies. did she know where she was?

Shaking his head gently, Silas mounted Enuk with a heavy heart, drove it forward, and headed towards the exit of the valley to the west.


The rest of Silas' journey was smooth sailing.No matter what supplies he lacks, the nearby tribes will send out a team that is almost the size of a pilgrimage to select the best from the tribe and send it to him.

Although the environment of the Freljord Icefield was extremely harsh, Silas lacked nothing along the way, including food and drink.

But unfortunately, this experience did not make Silas feel any joy or honor, and even the experiences along the way gave him a vague feeling of creepiness.

There seems to be a pair of invisible eyes on the vast ice field, patrolling everything in Freljord with their majestic gaze.

Hush, don't talk.

The ice witch is watching you!

And, what's terrible is that it seems that all of the Freljord is happy for the Frost Witch's gaze.

For example, the tribes close to the Howling Abyss of East Freljord are okay. Although they will respect Silas's identity and provide him with help, at least they also have their own pride. It is enough to give the best in the tribe. .

But after gradually moving away from the Frostguard Fortress, the Freljordians who came to find Silas were more respectful than the others, which made Silas quite uncomfortable.

It's not that he isn't used to being respected.

It's because they respect the Frost Witch Lissandra who stands behind them but cannot be seen by them.

What's even worse is that in Freljord, he saw a control that Demacia did not have.

You know, after causing havoc in the capital and escaping, Sylas was forcibly driven all the way to Freljord.

Along the way, he also passed through many noble fiefdoms, large and small, but as long as he didn't look for trouble, the local sheriff would not take the initiative to cause trouble for him.

Why was Silas, a criminal wanted across the country, able to escape Demacia without any supporting forces?

This is partly due to his quick mind and small goals.

Another reason was that only the demon seekers were pursuing them, and even though the lords in various places were notified, they did not take the roundup to heart.

Under the influence of two factors, Silas successfully escaped from Demacia.

In the Freljord, however, things seem to be completely different.

Although different tribes have greater autonomy, they even attack each other and fight endlessly, but when facing Lissandra's will, these Freljordians are far more submissive and loyal than the nobles of Demacia.

This is undoubtedly a bit unacceptable to Silas.

Even though Silas hates the Demacian nobles and is even dissatisfied with Demacia, his motherland, as a Demacian, when he looks at the Freljord, he still naturally regards them as barbarians and treats them as barbarians. It is a wild land outside of civilization.

Even if he led the Freljord army to plunder Demacia cities, it would only be an use of the barbarians.

However, the frost witches of the barbarians have now shown better grassroots control capabilities than the "civilized countries". Those tribes that are broken into pieces and often fight each other for pasture and water can use their best for the will of the witches. everything of……

This undoubtedly shocked Silas deeply, and for the first time he felt the meaning of "unity" in the Freljordian language.

This discovery made Silas feel disappointed and relieved - I'm afraid he won't be able to see this kind of situation in Demacia, right?

 There are still one or two volumes to come to an end, and I’m already working on the ending, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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