Lux's Farewell

Chapter 819【0807】Flying into the ordinary family

Walking through the wind and snow, Silas had a different understanding of the "unity" that the Freljord people often talk about.

Although many times, in order to compete for pastures, water sources, and valleys, tribes will beat people's heads into dogs' heads, but it is undeniable that after receiving the will of the Frost Witch, even if it is a feud in the past, they will often press the button to fight. desire.

Even if it was only a temporary truce, in the eyes of Silas, it was at least better than the nobles of Demacia.

When he went all the way west and arrived at the Laxtak Wasteland, the War Mother of the Avarosa tribe even took the initiative to meet him. Silas seemed to have heard of this War Mother named Ashe before arriving here. He had some prejudice against the Frostguard tribe, but what he never expected was that Ashe provided him with material support and promised to conceal the news about Silas.

Only then did Silas know that there were actually a few Demacians living in the Avarosa tribe!
Unfortunately, when Silas wanted to ask Ashe for information about these Demacians, Ashe also rejected him.

"I won't betray my friends."


Silas was a little confused as to what this had to do with betraying his friends.

However, in the end, he took the supplies, left Lakstaq, and continued westward. Then he only had to pass through the Nyuskara Pass, and then turn south. He could go to Forsbarrow via Frost Harbor. , back to Demacia!

As soon as he thought about his return to Demacia, Silas felt an indescribable emotion begin to surge in his heart. He was eagerly waiting for his revenge, even if the cost was a heavy blow to Demacia.


Ashe doesn't like Silas, just like she doesn't like the Frost Witch.

As the Freljord may be the only tribe that refuses the entry of Frostguard priests, Ashe's disgust did not arise out of thin air - her mother's death came from the betrayal of the Frostguard priests in the Avarosa tribe at that time. .

Therefore, after the establishment of the new Avarosa tribe, Ashe has always hoped to take a different path, a path that does not follow the ancient guidance of the Frostguard priests.

She doesn't believe in those ancient legends, she only believes that the future of the Freljord people must be fought for by themselves!
It was based on this understanding that she chose to boldly start trade with the Demacians. Through trade, she exchanged many special products from the south that were not available in the Freljord, thus making up for the lack of resources in the Avarosa tribe. The function of Frostguard Priest is vacant.

Use herbs, tea, and tobacco instead of Frostguard Priests.

Judging from the results, Ashe's plan was successful. Although it had to pay a price, the profits from trade were far richer than robbery, especially after Sejuani disappeared after the Mithril Battle, Freir Zodiac and Demacia have not been at war for over ten years.

Relying on the wealth brought by trade and distributing goods bought from Demacia, the Avarosa tribe grew rapidly. During this period, Ashe showed an amazing mind and she faced it with an inclusive attitude. All tribesmen have established a decent administrative team.

Although this administrative system is almost on the same level as the system of the Demacia noble fiefdom in the past, with a considerable degree of nepotism and no complete promotion system, for the Freljord people, this is already It's a huge leap.

Under the leadership of Ashe, the prosperous Avarosa tribe walked out of the West Freljord subcontinent, entered the Rakstak Wasteland, and established a foothold in Rakstak City, as if it had already established a certain Restore the glory of the Avarosa tribe in the past.

In Rakstar City, Ashe finally had a chance to breathe a little - she planned to have a child here and pass on everything in Avarosa.

Ashe believes that her child will become the new generation leader of Avarosa. She will continue on her own path and completely break the strange cycle of war and plunder in Freljord!

However, just as she was preparing to give birth to the Ice Bloodline, the ancient terror began to stir under the Howling Abyss of Severjord. Contemporary Lissandra issued an edict, requiring all Freljords to The German tribe organized warriors to suppress the ancient darkness.

Ashe doesn't like Lissandra.

But after she confirmed the authenticity of the news from other tribes, she still postponed her original plan, and as the leader of the alliance, she took Rakstark's "coalition army" and brought her own dry food to participate in the ancient During the war.

Ashe's task is to clean up the escaping bugs on the edge of the battlefield. Lissandra asked her to strictly restrain her subordinates, "Warriors who are not strong enough in their hearts should not wander around."

Faced with Lissandra's request, Ashe cautiously chose to obey, but there were still several Avarosan warriors who took the initiative to approach the abyss for reconnaissance when there was little pressure on the battlefield - and then fell into madness.

Ashe went in search and saw many ancient images on the edge of the Howling Abyss that only existed in myths in the past.

The cracked earth, the surging insect tide, the vague gaze, Anivia falling from the sky, and Lissandra's self-sacrifice.

Ashe saw all this with her own eyes. She saw the shadows of endless darkness, saw contemporary Lissandra and Anivia entering the abyss together after handing the ice crown to her students, and saw the ice crystal phoenix enter Nirvana after a long cry. I saw the previous Frost Witch turned into an eternal ice mausoleum.

All of this left a deep mark on Ashe's mind, and the Avarosan warriors she was looking for were completely driven crazy because they could not face this experience.

Since then, Ashe's impression of Lissandra has obviously changed.

The Frost Witch is indeed trying to control the Freljord.

But at the same time, she is not afraid to give up her own life and defend the Freljord at the highest sacrifice.

Although Ashe still believes that her path is the right one, although the Avarosa tribe still refuses the entry of Frostguard priests.

But if it comes to the affairs of the Frost Witch, she will still choose to follow the witch's will - because the previous Frost Witch gave her life for Freljord in front of her.

Just like Silas this time.

Lissandra's last emissary said that Ashe should provide all support to Sylas, but ensure that his whereabouts are unknown to anyone.

Although Ashe had no idea of ​​Silas's identity or the goals of his actions, she still strictly complied with Lissandra's request, personally handled Silas's supply issues, and implemented all his plans. Strict confidentiality.

As a result, the intelligence team stationed in Rakstak received no intelligence at all. Silas successfully passed through the Rakstak Wasteland, passed the Nyuskara Pass, and entered the West Freljord subcontinent. .

From Ashe's point of view, she was just assisting in performing some tasks in order to protect the Freljord at Lissandra's request.

But she obviously wouldn't know that Silas, whom she thought was "guarding the Freljord", was actually here to assassinate Lux.In other words, Ashe assisted in the assassination.

Ashe obviously doesn't know anything about this - she, like Avarosa, is a person who is truly willing to unite and sacrifice, even if she has a blood feud with the "previous" Frost Witch, but in order to protect Freir Zhuo De, she is still willing to work together with "this" Frost Witch.

And Lissandra... was obviously very aware of this trait of hers, so she cleverly used Ashe just like she used her former sister, and completely dragged her down through a despicable assassination.

Ash knew nothing about it.

After sending Silas away, she now has a bigger problem - since experiencing the battle of the Howling Abyss, she has been a little out of shape. Her minor injuries have long since healed, but the ice blood in her body But it's not very stable.

The stability of the bloodline is one of the most important prerequisites for giving birth to the Ice Bloodline.

Out of caution, Ash had to postpone her plans, but given her age, things were becoming increasingly urgent.

This is really... an eventful time!


As the knife that borrowed the knife to kill people, Silas obviously didn't know his identity yet.

Traveling all the way west, when he arrived in Severjord and planned to enter Demacia, he even felt a little happy and expectant.

In a sense, Silas now looks no different from a real ice bloodline. The power from Lissandra has completely changed him!

Before entering Forsbarrow, in order to better carry out the assassination mission, he even took the initiative to remove the chain from his wrist and stored it in the package.

This also means that he temporarily gave up his talent and chose the power of ice blood.

Since his appearance was very different from before, and he had put away his iconic chains, Silas in Forsbarrow did not encounter many obstacles, and his entry into the city could be said to be very smooth.

The only problem was that there were too many people coming in and out. When he passed the checkpoint, deposited Ernuk, and officially entered the city, it was already evening.

Standing in front of Fosbello Street at dusk, looking at the bustling crowd, Silas, who originally planned to go to eat first, suddenly felt a little confused.

Did you make a mistake?

Why... why is this city completely different from the Demacia city in my impression?

Even though the ice blood suppressed Silas's original talent, in his field of vision, even ordinary pedestrians on the street often shone with astonishing magical auras.

Without having to fully activate his talents or give up his ice bloodline, Silas could faintly feel the surge of magic power!
Damn it, what is going on?
Aren't there any demon hunters to take care of this?
What Silas couldn't understand the most was the children chasing each other not far away, each carrying a small stick. The small sticks in their hands could light up as long as they were pressed... They were definitely magic items. ah!

It is already outrageous to use a delicate magic circuit to create a stick that glows. What is even more outrageous is that it was handed over to a group of children, who were still playing and playing with the sticks and making loud noises. He shouted about "Great Flame Hell" and "Absolute Zero", which sounded like fancy names for spells.

This is completely different from the Demacia that Silas remembered!

When did magic items become toys and appear openly in the hands of children?
Full of doubts, Silas stopped the children and wanted to ask them about the origin of these short sticks.

However, when he took out the candy, he was greeted with disdainful and even somewhat sympathetic looks from the children.

Silas didn't know what was going on, but what was certain was that these children had no regard for their candy.

This discovery made Silas completely messy, and it seemed a little pitiful to see him helpless. A kind-hearted little girl told him where the magic wand was sold.

"You are not allowed to buy that pink one, it is reserved for me!" The little girl's tone was full of expectation, "Dad said that if I can get into the top ten in the class, he will buy it for me!"

Silas nodded in confusion, and then followed the direction pointed by the little girl and found the place where these "magic items" were sold.

There were indeed colorful wands on the counter.

However, judging from the age range of the surrounding customers, these wands are indeed being sold as toys.

Many children looked eagerly at the transparent display cabinet and the colorful toy wands inside - most of the children's eyes fell on the colorful toy wand that looked the coolest and best made, but It's a bit expensive, and it's more of a drawcard for kids than a best-selling toy.

Among the many children, Silas, who is tall and powerful, somewhat stands out from the crowd, but considering his age, this standing out makes him look like the child's parent.

Silas's eyes were fixed on the colorful wand. Unlike those children who thought it was cool, Silas' talent allowed him to sense the exquisite flow and circuit of magic power behind this toy wand. design.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Silas was still a magic hunter, the magic items he had seen in the homes of many nobles in Xiongdu were not as sophisticated as this toy.

Although in the eyes of the children, this toy wand is extremely expensive, and even in Forsbarrow, there are not many families with spare money to buy it, but it can be placed here, in the longing eyes of the children, This was enough to completely shatter Silas' past knowledge.

When he came to his senses and looked away from the toy wand, most of the children around him had already left - if he continued to linger, he would be punished when he got home.

As the toy store gradually emptied out, Silas, who was already standing out from the crowd, became even more conspicuous.

Then, just when the shop owner wanted to ask the big man strangely why he was staring at the newly launched colorful magic wand, Silas took out a handful of gold coins.

"I want it." (End of chapter)

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