Lux's Farewell

Chapter 820【0808】 Different Demacia

Chapter 820【0808】 Different Demacia
When the shop owner heard Silas say that he wanted to buy the colorful wand, his expression suddenly froze.

Wait, does anyone really want to buy this thing?

You know, although this colorful wand looks cool, it is still just a toy in essence - and its price is an astonishing three gold coins.

This price... is enough to buy an Enuk cub.

Even in the old district of Fosbello, the most affluent city at present, it is almost impossible for anyone to be willing to pay this price to buy a toy.

Even if someone really had the financial resources, it would be impossible for them to go to the toy store next to the school to buy it!

In fact, for the shop owner, this colorful wand is actually more like a billboard - it will attract students to come and take a look. Although they cannot afford this colorful wand, at least they can afford the low-end versions.

The competition in the toy stores near the school is also fierce!

If this colorful wand is sold and the toy store next to it restocks it at this time, wouldn't it delay business?

Time is money!
Recently, we are catching up with the craze of wand toys. I don’t know where the magic toys are that can help enlighten children’s magical talents. All kinds of magic toys that were not sold in the past because they were relatively expensive are now sold like crazy. ——The colorful wand, which is said to be completely handmade by the Master, is in high demand, and it is even more necessary to prepare to re-open the mold...

The shop owner now put out the colorful wands and set a high price, knowing that no one would buy them for the time being, and other stores didn't have such rare items at all, so he took advantage of this opportunity to attract traffic.

You know, if this wand maintains its glowing state for a long time, it consumes a lot of magic crystals!

But no matter what, he never thought that even though he had raised the price to three gold coins, there would still be people wanting to buy it.

And the guy who wants to buy it... looks like he's a Freljordian!
Good guy, the shop owner calls him a good guy.

The shop owner, who deliberately kept it to attract traffic for a few more days, thought about it and soon came up with a solution.

"Sir, I'm sorry. This colorful wand is a display piece. It has been shining in my place for a long time. The original crystal has been replaced. If you really want it, you can wait a few days and I'll pass it. When the goods arrive in two days, we can help you buy a brand new one from the factory..."

This shop owner has met some rich people. These rich people don't care about money, but they care about their own face. If they spend money to buy a second-hand product, they will probably not be happy.

However, what he never expected was that the guy opposite him seemed to have read through his thoughts. He curled up his lips and casually took out a wad of gold coins from the belt around his waist.

The shop owner had a keen eye and recognized at a glance that it was a foreign trade version of the coin. It was new and bright!

Silas is not short of money. As Lissandra's envoy, he got more than 300 gold coins from the Avarosa tribe when passing through Rakstark - Ashe really supports the Frost Witch. "For the cause of Freljord", even for the Avarosa tribe, this is not a small sum of money.

Ten gold coins were arranged on the counter, and the shopkeeper's last hesitation disappeared completely with the crisp sound of the gold coins.

Shop sign?

The signboard is not as important as the gold coins!
So, with a smile, he took out the colorful wand, handed it to Silas along with the three magic crystals, and showed him the specific method of use very carefully.

After reading it, Silas nodded slightly, and then strode out of the toy store.


That night, Silas, who was staying in the hotel, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He seemed to be a child, fiddling with the colorful wand in his hand.

Although he can't fully understand the magic circuit in the wand yet, now that he wants to light up the wand, he no longer needs the magic crystal.

With Silas's own magic power, he could already light up this colorful wand.

It's just that compared to the magic crystal, Silas's own magic power has natural fluctuations - this is generally the case for mages without professional training - so the light of the colorful wand looks bright and dim, which seems more... Gorgeous.

Silas just played with this toy, feeling quite complicated.

He returned to Demacia successfully, but everything in Demacia was completely different from what he remembered.

Here, magic is no longer a taboo, but has become a power that is envied by everyone. Those mages known as Dharma Protectors are the ideals of many people.

Just like the nobles of the past.

To be honest, when Silas realized this, he really didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

What Silas never expected was that the current emperor of Demacia was Laxana.

When Silas first saw her, she was just a little girl. This little girl from a noble family comforted Ino, whom Silas had once been very optimistic about, and refuted some of Silas's views. At that time, Silas believed that she was just using her origin to cover up her magic power, but that she was a ridiculous vested interest.

However, when Silas learned that she had defeated the Crownguard family, tried the Demacian nobles, and established New Demacia, Silas was almost speechless in surprise.

Silas wanted to tell himself that all this was just a struggle for power between nobles.

But judging from the current situation in Forsbarrow... at least Laxana has completely changed the caster's identity in Demacia.

In addition, as a true young man from a small town born in Biangou Town, Silas also found many things that were different from the past from his own perspective.

When Silas was a child, his daily mission was to hang out with his friends and come home during meal time.

When he gets a little older, Silas will need to work for the family - starting from the simplest delivery of food to his parents who are working in the fields, to picking up wheat after harvest, there are endless things that a child can do. A lot, but you must also contribute to your family.

Then, Silas's magical talent awakened, and he was given to the Demon Searcher by his parents. His parents hoped that the Demon Searcher could use the magic-forbidden potion to remove his "magic disease" and make him a "normal person." ".

Unfortunately, in a remote place like Biangou Town, the concentration of the magic searcher's potion was not high. Although Silas was in pain for a while after drinking it, he did not lose his magic power.

Just when Silas was worried about his future and feared that he and his family would be expelled outside the walls of the Forbidden Stone, the Demon Seekers chose to accept him and hoped that he would use his ability to find out for Demacia. Those mages hiding in the dark with ulterior motives.

These are the stages of Silas's childhood and youth.

But in Forsbarrow, the childhood of a new generation of children was completely different.

There are many schools here to provide education for children, allowing them to read and learn numeracy, allowing them to understand history and politics, and allowing them to appreciate painting and music. When Silas first learned about these, it was in a noble family. Home.The noble family was suspicious and kept seeing ghosts in the middle of the night. Therefore, they suspected that a wizard in the family had used despicable magic, so they invited a demon searcher to investigate. However, it turned out that his son was a romantic and always went out for private meetings at night. lover.

Silas, who was responsible for confirming whether there were traces of magic here, saw the study for the first time, saw the full bookshelves, and met the aristocratic young master who was forced to study by the tutor.

Silas skillfully maintained the face of his young master, thus gaining some rights to borrow books. Coupled with the internal training of the Demon Searcher, he truly learned to write and read, and was no longer an illiterate.

This is a very accidental thing, because in Demacia, even most of the first-generation nobles may not be truly literate - for those first-generation nobles who relied on military merit, after obtaining a fief, one of the most important things was to hire a family teacher and scribe, otherwise he would have little ability to communicate in writing with other nobles.

However, all this is now taken for granted in Forsbarrow.

Not only can children easily get education, parents also support this kind of education incredibly - you know, for a family, even half-grown children are already a barely available labor force. If they stay in Biangou Town, Even if there is a school in the local area that he does not want to go to, Silas does not think that his parents will support him to go to it.

Studying means being out of work, which means that a child does not contribute his own labor to the family.

Are the people of Forsbarrow so rich that anyone can send their children to school?

Silas, who was full of curiosity, spent a lot of time asking people during dinner, and then he was shocked to learn that in Forsbarrow, you can make money by studying.

Reading well will make you money.

If you study, you will receive a meal subsidy.

Studying can even be tax deductible.

In order to enable her children to read, Laxana spent a lot of money, so that in just one generation, the people of Forsbyro completely recognized that "reading changes destiny".

Silas was shocked.

The Forsbarrow he was in now, before the arrival of Lady Laxana, was a remote place in Demacia. There was nothing here, and the original residents could only make a living by gathering and hunting.

But now, Fosbairo has undergone many expansions, and additionally built Xinfucheng and Xinfugang. It has become a trade center located in the north. Within the urban belt composed of the three cities, The artificial water network is densely covered, and various factories form a system that Silas has never seen before. The products produced by the previous one may be the materials needed by the next one.

Magic is no longer a disease of demons, but has become a talent that is envied by everyone. Some of the demons who once tried to escape from prison in the capital with Silas have now become high-ranking local officials. , many people even have grandchildren.

All the beauty of Demacia seemed to be gathered here. Silas even saw a local signature dish of Biangou Town in the restaurant. After asking, he found out that this dish was brought by immigrants from Biangou because it was relatively small. Suitable for northern tastes and left on the menu.

Silas ordered this side ditch pie.

It's a pity that although it looks a lot like how it looks in the memory, when it tastes in the mouth, it doesn't taste like it at all.

Finally, Silas left the hotel in despair and returned to the hotel.

Before entering Forsbarrow, Silas thought he was an avenger, a messenger to end the tyranny of Demacia, a man to expose the hypocrisy of the nobles.

However, when he was lying on the hotel bed, looking at the colorful lights flowing on the ceiling without focus, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of alienation.

Sylas believed that the person he wanted to assassinate was Jarvan III or IV.

But now I find that my target is the person who scolded and offended me, but who did change Demacia.

For a moment, Silas had the idea of ​​giving up the assassination. For him personally, the assassination was meaningless because the Demacia he longed for revenge had already been beaten by Lux. Buried.

In this case, what can Silas do?

Old Demacia has become the current New Demacia. Everything is different. Even the nobles have been tried. For Silas, who has returned, the Demacia he hates is not even a single person. Not a single body was left behind.


Who should he take revenge on?

Does his revenge have any meaning?

However, just when Silas had the idea of ​​giving up, he felt a heartbeat in his chest.

At this moment, he seemed to hear the voice of the Frost Witch!
Silas's hands shook suddenly.

With the subconscious exertion of his fingers, the colorful wand he bought at a great price suddenly exploded due to the overload of magic power, and shattered glass crystals were scattered on the bed.

But Silas couldn't care about this anymore, because his blood seemed to have frozen at this time.

In a daze, Silas even felt the blood in his body carrying thin ice crystals rubbing against the inner walls of his blood vessels.

Under the severe pain, Silas's eyes suddenly popped out, and he began to roll over on the bed with all his strength, letting the broken glass scratch him all over with bruises and blood.

Finally, after hearing a warning, the pain began to slowly dissipate.

After releasing his hands that were clenched into fists, Silas lay on the bed, panting heavily, as if he was a fish out of water.

When his breathing gradually became easier and he gradually gained the strength to stand up and clean his wounds, Silas's brain regained the ability to think - this was the power of the Frost Witch.

After accepting her power, he was completely controlled by her. After agreeing to assassinate the Emperor of Demacia, once he thought of giving up halfway, he would be punished like this!

This is completely a pirate ship!

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Bloodline and Contract:

  The power of blood itself is a kind of contract. Silas accepted Lissandra's power and signed a contract with her - if you want to rebel, you will be counterattacked by the power of blood, which is fatal. .

(End of this chapter)

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