Lux's Farewell

Chapter 821【0809】The person who manipulates the chess pieces

Silas didn't want to accept his fate. Ever since he chose to escape from the Forbidden Prison, he had decided to be an unfettered person.

But it's a pity that under the influence of the blood contract, he doesn't even have the qualification to "don't want to".

Silas, who lacks the necessary understanding of the basic theory of magic, obviously does not know the consequences of being infused with the power of blood. In addition, he has just woken up from the dream, and his head is still in chaos. At this time, Being tricked by Lissandra was not an accident at all.

So, when Silas realized that as long as he thought about breaking Lissandra's agreement, he would suffer painful backlash, he wisely gave up the plan for the time being.

Thinking about it now, it seems that the only advantage is that this contract does not stipulate a time, at least it will not happen due to my own procrastination - wait, I swear I will never procrastinate.

It's terrible.

After cleaning up the glass shards on the bed, giving himself some simple bandaging and treatment, Silas lay on the bed for the second time.

No longer tossing and turning, this time he easily entered the dreamland, and then "saw" Lissandra.

Silas, who was in a dream, seemed to have returned to the cold and dark Frostguard Fortress, and back to the hall where Lissandra met him. The Frost Witch was sitting in the center of the hall, her eyes still filled with the same look. It looked like it was covered in ice, but Silas felt a kind of gaze sensitively.

From the gaze of the Frost Witch.

"Don't forget why you returned to Demacia, Silas." It seemed that he didn't speak at all, but Silas heard these words clearly, "Your destiny has been anchored, unchangeable, and irreversible. "

Silas wanted to say something.

But it's a pity that even in his own dream, he couldn't speak at all.

The night is very long.

In order to escape from the prison, Silas became a prisoner again in his dream.

When Silas woke up the next day, he felt that there was no part of his body that was not sore.

Especially after seeing the bruises on his knees, he even suspected that he had gotten up and knelt in the corner all night just like in his dream last night.

Shaking his head, he tried hard to eliminate all the rude thoughts about Lissandra from his mind. At this moment, Silas was only lucky that he only promised her one thing at Frostguard Fortress. .

As long as Laxana is killed, Lissandra will no longer be able to control herself...right?

After packing his things, Silas left the hotel.

He needed to find out where Laxana was.


Lux is no longer in Forsbarrow.

After Lissandra suddenly cut off contact with Ino, Ioni collapsed soon after - and then even if Ino took the initiative, she could not contact Lissandra.

This result was not unexpected.

And with Lissandra "offline", the alliance she had used as an excuse before was naturally cancelled.

After sending an envoy and confirming from the Avarosa tribe that "there is indeed no news about the alliance," Lux finally left Forsbarrow.

She has been delayed in the northern border for long enough, and there are even people in Xiongdu who can't help but want to make a move.

Time is precious now, and Lux ​​has no intention of even fishing for law enforcement, so she must seize the time to nip all problems in the bud.

Cleaning out those earworms went smoothly.

On the one hand, it's because what they planned is really too reactionary. The transfer of power in Xiongdu is very smooth, and the people in Xiongdu obviously prefer the new order. The people who want to cause trouble are just a small group of people who have lost their aristocratic status. Just trash that is declining day by day.

On the other hand, Jarvan IV, who these rubbish have high hopes for, is completely one of Lux's own. They wait for the stars and the moon until Jarvan IV comes back, trying to impress him with their plans and push him away. Come out and be the flag that gathers people's hearts and attracts firepower.

How can I put's quite cute.

Even at this time, they still wanted to trick Jarvan IV, let Jarvan IV be the main tank, and then reap the benefits of the new order, so much so that when Jarvan IV heard the plan, he even laughed angrily.

These insects don't even want to think clearly about who Jarvan IV's biggest enemy is!

When Jarvan III stumbled and fell, it was because the nobles formed a massive coalition. If the Noxians had not taken the opportunity to invade, Jarvan IV would have fought to the death with the nobles!
After the victory in the subsequent war, in order to stabilize the situation in Demacia, Jarvan IV chose to continue to cooperate with the nobles and supported retired soldiers as missionaries in an attempt to decentralize power from the nobles.

Although Jarvan IV's plan ultimately failed and he was controlled by the Twilight Stars, and although it turned out that Lux had been rebellious in the North for a long time, looking at the series of troubles that Jarvan IV had, behind the scenes There are always noble men who are holding back.

Now you have been abandoned by the times, lost the noble status that you relied on for survival, and are completely in despair, but you have come back to yourself and said that you want to restore the glory of the nobility?

Is it funny?

Jarvan IV did not have even the slightest psychological burden about throwing these scum to Lux - especially after he personally arrived in southern Ixtal and saw the void rift with his own eyes.

Anyone who has ever faced the Void will realize how terrifying it is. After listening to Shyvana talk about the history of the Shurima Empire, he can really understand the reasons for the subsequent alliance between the remaining forces of Icathia and the remaining forces of Shurima. .

Even if the body dies and the country is destroyed, it will just become a part of history.

But if Runeterra is swallowed up by the void...

That's really scarier than death.

So even though Jarvan IV still felt a lot of awkwardness in his heart when he faced Lux ​​again, he still refused Shyvana's help and personally ordered those nobles who didn't know how to be generous.

Due to the "internal response" of Jarvan IV, the purge was concentrated in a small area.

In other words, even though it has only been two years since the founding of New Demacia, the old nobles have long lost the influence they had in the past.

Fortunately, people like the Laurent family, who are flexible and clear-headed, gave up many of the family's tangible assets, fully embraced the order of New Demacia, and relied on their own ability to decorate themselves into the old aristocracy. A reformed representative.

For such discerning nobles, Lux did not kill them all, but allowed them to make a living legally without discrimination. Therefore, the Laurent family, as the first batch of nobles, participated in the revision of Demacia's history.

It's not that Lux gave them the power to revise history, but because they know many secrets that only the nobles know, so they can serve as providers of history and assist in revising history.But obviously not all nobles have such a consciousness.

More nobles cling to their so-called honor and are unwilling to accept the transformation of New Demacia - so, even if their starting point is indeed higher than that of most Demacians, with the tide of the times, After constant washing, they were quickly photographed on the beach.

To maintain their dignity, they sit back and eat nothing.

Refusing to work to maintain dignity.

Continue to work hard to make a comeback.

At the beginning, their "aristocratic style" did attract a lot of people.

But as the "anti-new aristocrats" campaign began, those legal guardians and clerks who had longed for their dignity before quickly chose to draw a clear line with them.

Under this situation, the reason why the old nobles chose to launch the old banner of Jarvan IV and wanted to fight to the death was also very clear. They keenly discovered that Lux seemed to care about the stability of the situation, so their idea was , using "destabilizing the situation" as a threat to gain some "privileges that can maintain dignity" for themselves.

The idea was great, but it failed from the start.

The person who was pushed out to be the flag-bearer took the initiative to rebel, and the garrison in Xiongdu showed no mercy. After many years, Xiongdu held another public trial.

Different from the previous leniency and treatment, Lux was very ruthless this time. More than 200 people were guillotined that day, and the Forbidden Demon Prison in Xiongdu was once again overcrowded.

The common people of Xiongdu who watched the public trial applauded because unlike the last time, this time the old nobles who tried to force Lux to compromise by destabilizing the situation really planned to carry out an indiscriminate attack.

In this way, after the quick trial and quick handling, the Demacia aristocracy was finally almost completely swept into the trash can.

Most of the old nobles were physically extinct, while a small number underwent transformation and became part of New Demacia.

This kind of transformation may be a bit painful, maybe a bit undignified, but in any case, it is better than those guys who were hung on the gallows.

Moreover, Lux has never denied the greatness of Demacia in the past. She has always had a positive attitude towards the establishment of Demacia and the thorny path of Demacia's ancestors - in this case, the old nobles accepted the transformation , becoming a living historical relic is not a decent exit.

As for those who don't want to show respect, Lux has given them respect.


When Silas entered the capital, the storm of the public trial had long passed.

After hearing about this incident, Silas put all the pain behind him for a time. It was a pity that he did not come to Xiongdu earlier and did not see the execution situation earlier.

Tianjie trampled the public to the bone, I actually missed such an exciting thing!

What a pity, what a pity.

In the tavern of Xiongdu, Silas listened to the news and had a hearty drink. For him, there was nothing more joyful than this. Those high-ranking nobles finally ushered in the final victory. Their end!

The only thing that still makes Silas a little unhappy is that the person presiding over this matter is still a noble.

Even though he understood that Laxana seemed different from those nobles, or even different from himself, he still felt a bit uncomfortable.

After getting drunk, Silas rarely had a dreamless night. When he woke up the next day, although he still felt a bit regretful, he took action quickly and began to think of ways to find out about Laxana.

Assassinating an emperor was no simple matter, not to mention that she was said to have defeated Jarvan IV head-on.

After the distortion of Lissandra's will along the way and Silas's self-brainwashing, he is no longer so resistant to assassinating Laxana.

Even vaguely, Silas had a subtle sense of mission.

Laxana ended the rule of the nobility. She was not bad, but she was still a nobility.

He can kill her. Only if she dies can the rule of the nobles be completely ended!
This idea is not very logical, but it is enough to convince Silas himself and offset the remaining guilt in his heart - even though he is Lissandra's de facto prisoner, Silas still subconsciously He hoped to find a reason to explain that he "was not forced to carry out the assassination."

For this reason, he did not hesitate to distort himself, which is not difficult to understand.

However, when he completed his psychological construction and finally started to look for traces of Lax, Silas realized that if he wanted to find Laxana in the capital, he would probably have to find a needle in a haystack.

Because Silas doesn’t even know where Laxana works!

Dawn Castle, a former royal castle, has now been partially transformed into a museum. It is said that Jarvan IV donated his share in exchange for a manor outside the city.

Silas, who originally thought that he could rely on the magic power within the Forbidden Demonic Stone walls of Dawn Castle to drive all the way in, had to give up this plan.

But if Laxana is not in Castle Dawn, where should she be?
Silas, who had no connections in the capital, found it extremely difficult to find out the news. For half a month, he didn't get even the slightest gain.

However, it seems that there is no end to the road. Just when Silas began to think about whether to make some noise, a city-wide notice gave him a big surprise.

Her Majesty Laxana will give a winter lecture soon!

After the speech, there will be a series of research activities, and the public is welcome to participate in an orderly manner at the Grand Plaza.

Winter Speech!

Laxana took the initiative to show her face!
Silas was overjoyed after receiving the news. For him, this may be a God-given opportunity!
Of course, apart from the joy, Silas also needs to make full preparations. After all, Laxana is not a simple person. She is also a great magician and a climber. Even if Silas gets the ice bloodline, Even with his strength, he was not sure that he could take down Laxana in one blow in full view of everyone.

The specific assassination plan still needs to be carefully planned.

Then, after Silas meditated hard and fell into a trance, Lissandra, who was originally silent, finally spoke directly for the first time in his dream.

"Don't worry." Her voice was still cold and ruthless, like the cold winter in Freljord. "A heavy snow will provide you with the best opportunity."

Kalya's Little Classroom Demacia History:
After the establishment of New Demacia, the Demacia Historical Association was also established quickly, and the first task of this organization was to sort out existing documents and prepare a history of Demacia.

From the first step away from the Noxian Empire to the trek across the Silver Mountains, history will begin at the end of the Rune Wars and the departure of the Demacia ancestors.

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