Lux's Farewell

Chapter 822【0810】The upcoming winter speech

Silas had no idea what Lissandra was preparing.

But along the way, he no longer had any doubts about the abilities of this frost witch.

If Lissandra says yes, then it really is.

This is not to say that Silas has become a bitch. The main reason is that the abilities Lissandra has shown along the way and the control of Silas through the blood contract have completely convinced Silas of her strength. , even if Silas is still unconvinced, it does not prevent him from trusting Lissandra's methods.

Therefore, if Lissandra said it would snow during her speech in winter, it would definitely happen - even here in Xiongdu, it rarely snows in winter.

For the Ice Bloodline, the snowy weather is undoubtedly a big improvement, but as far as Silas knows, there seems to be a considerable proportion of Ice Bloodline among Demacia's mages. Although this part of the data They are all top secret, and Silas has no way of finding out, but all signs prove that Laxana does have a team of warriors who use ice magic.

Once it snows, their strength will also be strengthened, which may be a big trouble for Silas.

In response, Lissandra said "they will be your help" and then cut off contact with Silas.

Silas's dream ended here. When he woke up, the sun was already rising outside the window.

Silas, who rolled over and got up, slowly recalled his dream, and soon understood what Lissandra meant - obviously, she planned to directly curb the abilities of those law-controllers from the perspective of bloodline, and strengthen her own abilities. , coupled with the heavy snow weather, I will have unrivaled power when giving a speech in Lux's winter!

Thinking of this, Silas was somewhat excited. After brainwashing himself and believing that the assassination of Laxana was "the last influence of eliminating the nobles", he was already full of expectations for this assassination.


For Lux's part, it was obvious that she would not know that someone was preparing to blow her mind.

To her, Lissandra's threat was still there, but considering that Kalya was about to come back, this threat would soon cease to be a threat.

When Jarvan IV came back before, Shyvana came back with him and brought back news about Kalya - Kalya said that he would speed up as much as possible and briefly talked about Lissandra being severely injured by the devil's will. thing.

Although this is not enough to completely reassure Lux, according to Kalya, as long as she does not take the initiative to contact Ione, without the relay station, even if the Frost Witch wants to do something, she will have no chance.

In fact, what Silas didn't know was that for the sake of caution, Lux actually strengthened the entry inspection against Freljord, but because Silas walked through Avarosa, he was She was considered to be a non-dangerous person, so she was able to enter Demacia smoothly - if the assassin Lissandra sent later was a Frostguard priest, then she might not be able to enter Demacia at all.

Under precautions from various angles, although Lux was still wary of Lissandra, it was just fear. She was more worried about the void of the Howling Abyss and the battle of the Howling Abyss planned by Kalya. , is the attitude of the Avarosa tribe when the time comes, as for their own personal safety...

To put it bluntly, in the entire Demacia, Lux is almost the best at fighting, so she has nothing to worry about.

Instead of worrying about her personal safety, she might as well worry about the manuscript of her winter speech this year - this year's annual summary is not easy to write. Demacia, which has been accustomed to rapid development, is now entering a period of transformation. The huge rural areas in the south are still It has not fully entered the new order, and the North has ended various productions of the integration strategy, and is competing in the field of military-to-civilian conversion.

As the helmsman of this large ship, Lux is holding the rudder steadily, trying to make it turn slowly and steadily.

In front of you is the vast sea, reflecting the bright stars, but if you are not careful here, the big ship may rest on the shoal.

Managing a big country is like cooking a small dish, and it is difficult for Lux to explain to others the precautions involved.

Perhaps in the eyes of many Demacia people, the current situation in Demacia is very good, and even if there are some problems, they are not worth mentioning.

But Lux, who grew up next to Kalya and knew the many reasons for the destruction of the Shurima Empire, has always been in awe of the so-called general trend.

The seeds of the Shurima Empire's destruction were buried at its peak of glory.

Lux dared not say that Demacia could definitely do better, but she had to ensure that she could avoid making known mistakes as much as possible.

It's like she knows very well that human greed is unstoppable. No matter what kind of regime, people within the system will long for progress.

But this does not prevent her from repeatedly cleaning up the house and opposing the new aristocracy, even if it means slowing down her pace.

For Lux, her greatest luck at this time is that the external situation in Demacia is relatively stable, and she does not need to face some forced choices of the lesser of two evils.

It is for this reason that she carefully controls Demacia's forward momentum, firmly controls the direction of the rudder, and is never willing to move forward with full sail.

But for Demacians, they obviously will not be satisfied.

Even though history education is becoming more popular, it is well known that the only lesson humans learn from history is that they will not learn any lessons. There are very few people who can truly understand Lux.

Therefore, Lux now needs a wonderful winter speech that will not imply too much conservatism and at the same time pour cold water on the excited Demacians.

It just makes people lose their hair.


At this time, in the capital city of Demacia, in addition to Lux and Silas, there were also some guests that no one expected.

For example, there was a guest with long silver-white hair who stayed next door to Silas - after Silas met her occasionally, he also doubted whether she was the helper prepared by Lissandra for him, but soon He soon gave up the idea.

The reason is also very simple. Although she has long silver-white hair, her appearance is not Freljord at all.

In comparison, she looks quite similar to Sona, the current Minister of Culture of Demacia, and she looks like an Ionian.

On this point, Silas was not wrong, because his "neighbor" was indeed a person from Ionia.

And the name of this Ionian is Irelia.

Irelia left Ionian politics shortly after the breakup of the Noxian Empire.

As a hero of Ionia and a flag bearer against Noxus, Irelia's departure was not dignified, because although she "voluntarily left the field", this could not cover up the fact that she was constantly being harassed when she was on stage. The fact that the conservatives are running on the government does not hold much real power.Although Irelia, who was pushed to the position of leader of Ionia by fate, is full of enthusiasm and love for the birthplace, her love alone is not enough to truly unify Ionia.

After the Battle of Presidence, she restrained her hatred very rationally and did not choose to completely liquidate Noxus, but took the initiative to stop the war - in her view, the war itself was a kind of destruction. Once the war starts, there will be no winner, so she would rather suppress the wishes of the Shadow Stream Sect and the Navori Brotherhood internally, and bring peace to Ionia.

But what about the results?

Peace does come.

But the unification of Ionia and the excitement of the new land that she expected did not appear.

Monks and elders once again held all power, and the various provinces of Ionia once again returned to their own homes.

In addition, her expectation of a complete end to the war through negotiation has not been realized. Even if the Noxus Empire is torn apart, they still cling to Weili and are unwilling to return this portal to Ioni. Ya.

When Irelia realized this was a fraud and wanted to mobilize the Ionians to regain the last territory, she found that she could no longer mobilize any troops.

Everyone respects Irelia.

But they prefer to listen to the orders of local elders or monks.

Irelia is like a shameful clown. Although she charged into battle and won the Battle of Preidion, the final result was that Ionia returned to its past appearance, and the unity during the war did not continue. Go down.

She couldn't even take back the last piece of territory held by Noxus...

On the battlefield, Irelia can ride as many as a thousand, killing enemies in and out.

But outside the battlefield, her skills were much immature compared to those of the elders and monks.

In the end, a frustrated Irelia chose to leave the field.

Making this decision is both a form of self-criticism and a form of self-abandonment.

As for Irelia's departure, both the Navoli Brotherhood and Shadow Stream expressed their undisguised contempt. It seemed that in the hearts of these people, the great Irelia had died on the battlefield of Preidion. , Irelia, who ultimately ruined Ionia's great situation, was just a clown.

In contrast, the conservative elders and monks gave Irelia high praise and described her departure as a "great retreat", putting her on a high altar. But it also completely cut off her possibility of making a comeback.

In this case, Irelia simply left the Land of the First Born for the first time. She wanted to go outside and see the world she didn't know.

In the past few years, Irelia first arrived in Bilgewater by boat, and after relaxing a little in the Blue Flame Islands, she set off to Vazuan.

Everything in Vazuan is new to Irelia. She stands from the perspective of a bystander. After learning about the past of the Twin Cities, she is full of thoughts of "this can still be like this".

The harmony but difference between Piltover and Zaun inspired her a lot. For the first time, she realized that in fact, a clear "right" was not necessarily needed. Sometimes people with different views could reach a balance. Also a very good result.

In Ionia, it is because "peace" has become the only right, and for the sake of peace, Shadow Stream, the Brotherhood of Navoli, and Irelia themselves, who were unwilling to give up, became victims, and the First Land was also destroyed because of peace. Started reversing.

In addition, she also saw many novel inventions in Wazuan that she had never thought of. At the Wazuan expo, she visited the Hex universal modules with great interest, and inadvertently time, witnessing history.

After leaving Vazuan, Irelia entered the Shurima zone.

Unlike Lux who traveled [-] miles across the yellow sand, Irelia chose to head west along the coastline of Shurima.

Compared with the prosperous Vazuan, the city of Northern Shurima is obviously far behind, but it still gave Irelia a lot of valuable inspiration.

Especially the local people's longing for the Shurima Empire gave Irelia a whole new possibility.

Perhaps there is another way to have a clear "right" if this "right" is far enough away.

In Irelia's eyes, the "revival of the Shurima Empire" that these northern Shurima cities are looking forward to is as far away as the stars in the sky.

Although both Nasramei and Uzeris are quite prosperous cities, compared with the great Shurima Empire recorded in the books, the gap is not 01:30 points.

Irelia is not allowed to doubt history rashly, but at least in her view, this revival seems more like an expectation, a distant ideal.

But it is undeniable that this seemingly unattainable ideal seems to have really given the Shuriman people a strong motivation, allowing them to always adhere to their pride. From this perspective, perhaps that period of history did not Adulteration.

After walking through the long sands, Irelia finally arrived in Demacia, almost three years after leaving her first land.

After landing in Whitecliff City, the first attraction Irelia visited in Demacia after crossing the Silver Mountains was the Gate of Sorrow.

This is a majestic pass. It is also the place where Emperor Jarvan once died in battle. It is the site of the past war between Demacia and Noxus. For Irelia, even if it is only her first time here, it is still... Looking at the fortress of the Gate of Sorrow, she still felt a different kind of... intimacy.

Perhaps because they have the same enemies, Irelia's first impression of Demacia was very good - even considering that the current split of the Noxus Empire is directly related to Demacia, Irelia's inner feelings towards Demacia Demacia was filled with envy.

After crossing the Gate of Sorrow, Irelia headed west along the Tobitsia River, going down the river. What she saw along the bank were flat wheat fields and farmers working hard in the wheat fields.

For Irelia, this was all too familiar.

Ionia is also an agricultural country. From this perspective, compared to Vazuan and Northern Shurima, which are more mercantile, everything about Demacia is obviously more familiar to her.

However, just as Irelia slowed down her pace, learning Demacian and exploring the country, a piece of news that stunned her came from the northwest.

Laxana rebelled. (End of chapter)

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