Lux's Farewell

Chapter 825【0813】 Speech in the Snow

Chapter 825【0813】 Speech in the Snow

Heavy snow fell.

At the beginning, the snowflakes had just fallen to the ground and had already melted rapidly. Even though the temperature had dropped for several days, the current Xiongdu City was still far from being able to retain snow.

But as the snow fell heavier and the temperature became lower and lower, the falling snow finally had no time to turn into a puddle of mud, and was frozen again, turning into turbid and dim ice crystals.

Then, the white snowflakes that continued to fall covered up the filth, and the capital city seemed to become peaceful and quiet.

The next morning, when Lux made all preparations and planned to start this year's winter speech, the Grand Plaza was completely covered in white. As far as the eye could see, there were wax figures of the Mountain Dancing Silver Snake and Yuan Chi, and the Grand Plaza The huge statues on the top are all wearing a thick white shawl.

But even so, the grand square was quickly filled with listeners after getting up in the morning. They stepped on the slippery ground and joined the queue one after another when the heavy snowfall had not completely stopped.

However, although for Xiongdu people, walking in the snow to listen to a winter speech is indeed a novel experience, for Lux, giving a winter speech in the wind and snow is a new experience in Fosbairo. - When she was the Lord of Forsbarrow, the spring and winter speeches were the most likely to snow. Although she tried to avoid giving speeches in the snow as much as possible, the weather in the north was Obviously he won't give face easily.

Therefore, both Lux herself and the clerks who maintain order are quite adaptable to this kind of wind and snow environment, and they have proven plans in their hands. Even though the people of Xiongdu are not very used to this kind of heavy snow, there is no such thing around the grand square. What a big mess.

Silas and Irelia, who had queued up early, entered the auditorium smoothly after receiving a bowl of hot porridge.

Unlike most of the trembling audience, Silas was in good spirits and in high spirits - unknowingly, he had already adapted to the cold climate.

He's looking more and more like a Freljordian.

After a night of meditation, Irelia was in good condition, but even so, she still couldn't compare with Silas.


Lux has always disliked too much red tape, so even though the wind and snow continued, she still started this year's winter speech on time. After briefly testing the amplification effect, she officially started her speech.

The style of her speech was still based on her consistent down-to-earth style. She did not seek to be precise in every word, but only wanted to be easy to understand. The first half of the speech was her preliminary summary of Demacia's reforms in the past year.

In order to make people understand the content and purpose of the reform, she chose to use a farmer family, a businessman family and a craftsman family as examples to describe in detail the impact of the reforms in the past year on them.

For farmer families, although agricultural taxes have not been reduced, because they are willing to cultivate several locally recommended crops, they will receive additional subsidies when purchasing seeds. During this period, this family encountered a seed merchant The issue of price increases was rewarded with a partial fine after being reported.

This family did not choose to try the new fertilizers from the north, so the growth of their crops was a little worse than that of their neighbors; because the children of the family went to school, no one went to pick the fields after the harvest. Once again, overall grain output is slightly lower than in the past.

However, considering that the edible bastard no longer has to eat at home at noon and in the morning, when calculating the balance in winter, it seems that the family has made some money.

It's a pity that the extra money is not enough to meet all the needs of the family. This year, the merchants in the town have a lot of new gadgets, and there are many things that the family desires. But in the end, after much selection, the family decided Choose some cheap outdated fabrics to make this year's new clothes, and use the remaining money to buy books - if you study and become a clerk, you will be a new generation of noble master!

It has to be said that Lux actually has some acting talent. She told this part like a stand-up comedy, and there was even a faint burst of laughter in the crowd.

But soon, these people could no longer laugh, because after finishing the stand-up comedy, Lux severely criticized this new aristocratic idea, and once again emphasized that clerks and mages are not new aristocrats.

Then she began to talk about the changes in the merchant family and the craftsman family in the past year.

As for merchants, the market in South Demacia is gradually opening up, but just like the previous situation where peasant families lacked surplus wealth, the problem faced by merchants is that the market is not developed enough and the purchasing power of the people is seriously insufficient.

Small businessmen had little ability to get involved in the bulk commodity (mainly grain) trade. They came to South Demacia, which had just opened its market, with high hopes of bringing products from the north, but found that this place accounted for an overwhelming majority of the population. Most farmers don't have much money at all.

The previous confidence and hope of flexing their muscles in the new market did not appear at all. Instead, the various goods they purchased were unsalable. For this reason, the merchants had to visit more villages and towns to clear out inventory as much as possible.

For merchants, the market in New Demacia is being fully opened, but the market potential has not yet been fully realized. They can vaguely see a big pie, but it will take some time for this pie to be baked.

As for the last handicraftsmen, their characteristics of the times are more obvious. Compared with farmers who are vaguely aware of social changes and businessmen who are looking forward to social changes, these handicraftsmen have been pushed to the crossroads of choice by the times.

Therefore, in Lux's story, the craftsmen were set as a family of two brothers. They are both relatively reliable blacksmiths in the town. As a result, this year, the clerk said that the town planned to open a metallurgical factory because the Archon was there. Special minerals were discovered in a mountain range not far from the town, which are helpful for metal smelting.

The elder brother thought that his skills were so good that he didn’t need to get involved at all, so he decided to stick to his blacksmith shop and work day and night to save up a sum of money and prepare to get married.

The younger brother's mind was more flexible. He took the initiative to join the construction of the metallurgical factory, and used his existing experience to help the emperor solve some problems in the use of rune stone slag in smelting, thus becoming a member of the metallurgical factory. technical personnel received special subsidies.

After the factory was built, my brother's business was severely squeezed. The quality of the products of the newly established metallurgical factory was not very good, but the price was [-]% cheaper than his hand-forged products. This directly led to his Business suddenly became deserted. If it weren't for the support of a large number of regular customers, not to mention continuing to save money, even daily livelihood would become a problem.

After winter came, the younger brother took the initiative to find his elder brother, hoping that he could come to the factory to work together.

But his brother had other ideas. He opened up his mind, and after briefly understanding the factory's production methods, he decided to change the blacksmith shop, which focused on forging products, to one focusing on maintenance.

The story ended abruptly here. Many people who listened to the speech were still a little unfinished and wanted to know the subsequent story of the brothers.

For those who are not only here to listen to the story, these three types of families can be regarded as representatives of the common families in Demacia, and at the same time, they can also be regarded as the different situations faced by Demacians in the new situation. Selected examples.

As Lux has always emphasized, Demacia is facing a huge change. This change is diverse, multi-dimensional, and multi-faceted, and it involves everyone.

This is not a simple change of dynasty, but a complete change. The result of missing this wave is to fall behind others.

As for Silas, after hearing these stories, his first reaction was that Laxana was talking nonsense.

How can there be so many good things?
Silas has always been willing to speculate on the worst-case scenario. In his opinion, the majority of businessmen are those who increase their selling prices after receiving seed subsidies. Businessmen who come from the north to open up the market should face what they have to face when they come to the south. It is a joint fraud by local people, and it is normal for small craftsmen to be abandoned after contributing their own secret recipes.The wave of the times?
Maybe, but ordinary people are not worthy of being trendy!
Everything Laxana does is just painting a pie. She is the emperor of Demacia and the biggest rentier in this country. How can she really share everything about New Demacia with everyone? ?

What do you mean by saying that clerks and magistrates are not new nobles? If they are not, do you have to emphasize it again and again?

It's clearly a guilty conscience!

As for the cheaper food prices, more abundant commodities, and more popular education she mentioned, they are just means to appease people's hearts, like carrots fed to donkeys, which can do countless things!
Thinking like this, Silas suppressed the flutter in his heart, and soon became cold again.

Taking advantage of this gap, he turned towards Irelia and asked her in a low voice to do a favor and help him occupy a position first.

He said he needed to get away for a while to sort out some personal issues.


Irelia, who was suddenly asked for help by Silas, was a little stunned.

To Silas, the stories Lux told were nonsense, but to Irelia, these stories were quite familiar.

Just this year, before she arrived in the Imperial City, she had indeed seen many similar things in Demacia!

It's just that at that time, Irelia still had prejudices against New Demacia and didn't quite understand what reform was, so she felt as confused as the people involved in these changes.

However, when Lux used these stories as speech materials like her stand-up comedy and added "annotations" to them, many of Irelia's doubts were solved.

Especially when Lux started to talk about how the country's overall strategy was to solve these problems, her eyes lit up.

The crop yield is high but the price is not high, and you end up with no money?
Then carry out planting industry suitable for local conditions and open a primary agricultural product processing plant locally!
Farmers' children go to school, is there a gap in the family's labor force?
Then improve the level of agricultural production, use agricultural machinery and puppets, and reduce the labor required per unit of land!
In response to the typical problems in these typical stories, Lux came up with her own solutions from an overall strategic perspective, and put forward an obviously planned plan for the solution time. Through this method, she brought New Demacia to the national goals, linking them to the individual needs of families, and proposing solutions that at least appear to be effective.

This is something Irelia has never seen before. Although she is not a very traditional Ionian, it is undeniable that she always subconsciously follows the tradition when facing problems. path to walk.

But now, Lux's speech has given her great inspiration. Maybe she should try to look at the problem from a different angle. There may be many unexpected gains!

Then, just when Irelia started to think, Silas asked her to help her look at the seats, and Irelia subconsciously nodded in agreement.

However, at this moment, Irelia is not in the mood to think about the seat problem. She is trying to think about the problems faced by the Ionians according to Lux's ideas.

Can you come up with a similar plan yourself?

Silas obviously doesn't care about Irelia's thoughts.

After getting a positive answer, he quickly left his seat, walked towards the direction in his memory, and began to try to destroy the defensive formation.

Soon, he found the location of the first defensive circle, which was separated by a belt with a very conspicuous sign on it.

"Stay away, danger!"

Outside the line, several people who looked like they were dressed as legal guardians were guarding here. However, they looked quite relaxed and had no vigilance as security personnel. They were even standing on tiptoes looking in the direction of the podium.

In this case, Silas pretended to be passing by, and after approaching them, he quickly reached out his hand - when his hands brushed over these people, an extremely cold breath instantly enveloped them. in it.

Lissandra's power was so overbearing that after coming into contact with this power, several mages suffered from obvious symptoms of stiffness.

Their faces looked pale, as if they were frozen due to the low temperature.

At the same time, as Silas took action, the wind and snow that had been gradually decreasing suddenly began to increase in size. The howling cold wind and flying snowflakes made people subconsciously squint their eyes, and no one noticed. In this wind and snow, Silas ducked down and nimbly got into the cordon.

Taking a deep breath, Silas pressed his hands on the defensive array on the ground. Frost spread from his palms and covered the array in the blink of an eye.

Then, just when Silas stood up and planned to rush to the second magic circle, many people around him looked at the location of the magic circle, and a pair of doubtful eyes quickly locked on Silas.

Damn it, are these people so alert?
Could such a heavy wind and snow not block their perception?

Silas stiffened and stood up quickly, planning to leave.

However, before he could leave the scene, a group of mages surrounded him.

"Who are you?" The leader of the Dharma Protector looked at him with an evil look, "Why did you destroy the amplification circle?"

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Amplification Array:

  The array is outlined with special ink to achieve the effect of sound transmission with fidelity. This is the amplification array.

  However, to Silas, who knew nothing about magic theory, these very important-looking magic circles drawn on the ground and guarded by dedicated personnel looked like defensive magic circles.

(End of this chapter)

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