Lux's Farewell

Chapter 843【0830】 Freljord Subsidy Plan

For any organization to survive for a long time, its core must be common interests.

Just like during the period of Avarosa Tribe control, for many tribes in the West Foreljord subcontinent, Ashe brought them relatively fair arbitration, secondary sales of many hobby goods, and comparative Promotion of advanced livestock technology.

When the Winter's Claw tribe was at its most prosperous, Sejuani would take other tribes to fight the autumn wind in other places from time to time. By plundering the disobedient tribes, she would bring revenge to all the tribes who followed her to plunder. Welfare.

So if Lux wants to establish her own order in the West Freljord subcontinent, and even allow it to become a part of Demacia, then the core content is to form a community of interests with the local tribes in some aspects. .

So, at this point, what plan does Lux have?

To this end, Lux prepared a complete plan: the Freljord Subsidy Plan.


Although the magic industry in the north can only be considered to be in its infancy, the comparison object of "just in its infancy" here is the former Shurima Empire.

If we compare it horizontally with the current Runeterra, the only one that can compare its production efficiency with the North is Vazuan.

The Northern Territory Integration Strategy truly integrates the originally dispersed development of Forsbarrow's resources, bringing Forsbarrow's overall production level to a new level. After the establishment of New Demacia, how to integrate the Northern Territory Transforming the huge military magic industry into civilian industry under the conditions of integrated strategy has become one of the main problems that Lux needs to face.

Splitting some suitable industries and building factories in the south is part of the response. This is not only to improve the industrial level of southern Demacia and promote production reform in the south, but also to dismantle the integrated northern industry. .

Although Demacia's magic industry has just started, Lux, who knows how the Shurima Empire was kidnapped by the Sun Disk, knows very well that once the magic industry forms an unbreakable ceremonial group, they are likely to do it for themselves. interests without considering the development of the country.

Magic industrialization needs to be promoted, but magic industrialization groups cannot be united!

Splitting some northern industrial factories to the south is an important measure to prevent them from forming interest groups.

In addition, Lux also needs to work hard to grasp the upstream and downstream of the magic industrial enterprise, control it from the direction of raw materials and sales channels, and put a reliable halter on it.

The Freljord subsidy plan is such a link.

Along the way from Fosbello to Nueskara, in addition to hunting, Lux has been repeatedly considering and verifying this plan. After many discussions and research, she finally confirmed the implementation of this plan in the form of special subsidies. A plan was formally proposed during the alliance meeting.

The core content of the so-called Freljord subsidy plan is actually very simple: once a year, the Freljord tribes can propose their own special subsidy projects to the Demacia envoy, and the needs of all tribes will be comprehensively considered. Finally, through the tribal assembly, a special subsidy was established every year.

In the next year, Demacia will subsidize exports, allowing the Freljord tribe to purchase these subsidized goods in bulk at low prices.

There is no doubt that this subsidy plan is of practical benefit to the tribes of Freljord - although the subsidy project needs to be confirmed through the tribal assembly, and each tribe needs to assign a dedicated envoy to be responsible for this part. content, but compared to the benefits they received from the subsidy plan, this part of the work is simply not worth mentioning.

Of course, if you feel that the content of the Freljord subsidy plan is too narrow to meet the needs of the tribe, then you can also choose to join Demacia - Demacia very much welcomes people with lofty ideals in the Freljord If the Freljord tribe is willing to join Demacia and become a member of Demacia, Demacia will provide additional subsidies and help build a new city on the coast of the western Freljord.

If you don’t want to stay in Freljord and want to settle in Demacia, Demacia will welcome you with both hands. Any tribe willing to move to Demacia will receive further additional subsidies and follow-up plans. Education and employment subsidies are even greater than any wave of Forsbarrow immigrants.

Overall, the Freljord subsidy plan divides subsidies into three tiers.

The lowest level is those who are willing to abide by the order of the West Frieljord subcontinent of Demacia. The specific requirements include prohibiting civil war and plunder, protecting Demacia caravans, and assisting the Law Controllers in related actions, etc., which are relatively routine.

In return, the Freljord tribes at this level will be eligible to send envoys to participate in the content negotiation of the Freljord subsidy plan, and the tribes can also use relative comparisons through the Freljord subsidy plan. Buy subsidized specialty items from Demacia at low prices.

As far as this level is concerned, the results of the alliance are better than most situations.

You know, when the Avarosa tribe was in power, other tribes could only obtain some second-hand resources from them. Most of the northern trade was eaten by the Avarosa tribe, let alone subsidies. , everything they want to buy has to increase the price.

Now you can "directly connect to manufacturers". Even if the special subsidy project is released, it may not be what each tribe needs most, at least the prices of other products will be further reduced!

The second level of the subsidy plan is to change the family and join Demacia.

Tribes at this level need to give up their status as independent tribes, negotiate autonomous laws with Demacia, and migrate to the coast of the West Freljord in the form of an autonomous domain. As a reward, in addition to enjoying the Freljord subsidy plan In addition, there are also special minimum purchase policies for bulk commodities and subsidies for coastal city construction.

For the tribes in the second tier, they will legally become part of Demacia from now on. However, considering the unique living habits of the Freljord people, they will settle in the form of an autonomous territory far away from Demacia. Marcia is relatively close to the west coast, so we should first strengthen the connection between the two sides.

As for the highest level of the plan, it is to be fully relocated inland - just check the Walrus Tusk for details.

These three levels of subsidy policies undoubtedly look very attractive. Even the lowest level can be said to be quite attractive. For most Freljord tribes, this level of subsidies is enough. Let the tribe's living conditions rise to a higher level.

Of all the Freljord tribes, only those that specialized in raiding would reject this plan.

And this tribe... was not the tribe that Lux hoped to win over.Because in addition to these three subsidy plans, she also has an additional plan specifically designed to combat tribes that do not participate in the plan, but this part of the plan is relatively obscure and is included in the "participants of the asylum plan."

Under this situation, the tribes in the West Freljord subcontinent were naturally divided into two parts: those who were "willing to accept Demacia subsidies" and those who were "unwilling to accept Demacia subsidies."

Those who are willing to accept it will get actual benefits. The more they take, the deeper they will be controlled by Demacia. Tribes that only want to receive special subsidies will need to engage in internal intrigue.

Anyone who is unwilling to accept the plan is a potential target of attack - Demacia does not need to prepare excuses or make provocations. Lux is very sure that those who are unwilling to accept the plan are potential targets. Once potential robbers start trying to do business without capital, Lux can attack them on the grounds of "protecting subsidized trade."

When the time comes, all Freljordians will side with Demacia.


Demacia's name is still very important in the West Freljord subcontinent.

This weight mainly comes from Demacia's northern caravans - the northern trade that has lasted for an entire generation has long made the view that "Demacia merchants are reliable" a consensus among many tribes.

As the "War Mother of Demacia", the credibility of Demacian merchants is the credibility of Lux in the eyes of the Freljord tribe.

Therefore, when Lux explained the entire subsidy plan in Freljord in front of all the tribal representatives with examples, the war mothers and representatives of the various tribes present were stunned.

They never expected that the Demacians could spend so much money!
Although this plan sounds a little complicated, through the example given by Lux, they can be absolutely sure that it is more than 01:30 better than they expected!
In the process of giving examples, Lux also specifically talked about the northern trade part about the Avarosa tribe - when the tribes heard about the price of oats and tobacco purchased by the Avarosa tribe, Many people's eyes were red.

Good guy, the price doubled as soon as the Avarosa tribe changed hands!

No wonder the Avarosa tribe is getting bigger and bigger, and even went to Larkstark to establish a foothold... It turns out that it was earned by being a second-tier dealer!
This step back made many tribes who still thought about the benefits of the Avarosa Tribe feel slightly dissatisfied. Even if they could understand that Ashe did this for the benefit of the tribe, when they thought of the price of the Avarosa Tribe's resale, They would all feel that something was wrong.

Of course, many people are aware of one of the problems: Avarosa resells these goods at very high prices, but Demacia merchants come to sell these goods at prices that are not cheap either!
Although the goods sold by Demacian merchants are a little lower than those sold by the Avarosan people, they still can't compare to the prices Lux just mentioned for their trade with Avarosan!

In this regard, Lux's explanation is that "only when the quantity of goods increases, can the price be subsidized or reduced. Moreover, the transportation conditions in Freljord are poor and transportation costs are relatively high. In terms of subsidizing goods, Dema There is no profit in West Asia.”

Lux wasn't lying about this, because in the Freljord subsidy plan, she really didn't intend to make money from the subsidized goods - the real money was from the non-subsidized goods.

Although many Freljord tribes have become accustomed to Demacian merchants, their dependence on Demacian goods is far from enough. The Freljord market is far from being fully developed. Through special subsidies, , different commodities will flow into the Freljord on a large scale every year in the future, and the tribes of the Freljord will gradually become familiar with, accept, and become accustomed to Demacia's commodities through cheap subsidies time and time again. .

Once this habit is formed, it is destined to be impossible to break away from. In the absence of alternative trade, they first become a part of the Demacia order, and sooner or later they will become part of Demacia in the future.

For the Freljord, which is short of supplies, no one has ever provided subsidies on this scale in the past.

Even if a few wise people were vaguely aware of the subtleties behind this subsidy plan, and she really refused, she would still have to consider the needs and voices within her own tribe.

If this subsidy plan appears in Luxtak, Lux might have to fight a real battle to get the tribes to sit down and accept it.

But this is the West Freljord subcontinent. The last speaker here was Ashe, who advocates peace. This place has been affected by the northern trade for a generation. All the tribes here have heard the story of the Walrus Tusk.

In addition, the people participating in the Newskala Alliance this time were all tribes that were relatively close to Demacia, so when the plan was proposed, it didn't take long for it to gain unanimous support and approval from most of the tribes.

Then, amidst the excitement and anticipation of the representatives of each tribe, Lux cut her palm and made her promise in the name of the War Mother of Demacia.

After Lacus, the tribes participating in this alliance came forward one by one in the same order as in the previous competition, swearing to obey Laxana's will, and also cut their palms and cut their hands with Lacus's. He clenched his hands, let the blood mingle, and made a blood oath.

One tribe after another accepted the first tranche of Freljord's subsidies in their own name. After the Blood Oath was established, they couldn't wait to get together and start discussing this year's subsidy project.

Some people think oats should be subsidized, some think steel should be subsidized, and still others think textiles should be subsidized.

Amid their excited chatter, it was finally Owoli's turn to take the stage.

Although he is the most experienced hunter in the Fuxue tribe, Owoli's performance in the competition is not ideal. Even in the shooting field where he is best at, his performance is not as good as those of the big tribes.

However, unlike those large tribes who were only willing to accept the first-tier subsidy, when Ovoli came to Lux, the oath he took the initiative to make made the whole audience fall silent.

"The Floating Snow Tribe is willing to become a part of Demacia. Her Majesty Laxana's will is the will of the Floating Snow Tribe!"

What he wants to accept is the third gear! (End of chapter)

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