Lux's Farewell

Chapter 847【0834】 The secret mission of Nunu and Willump

Chapter 847【0834】 The secret mission of Nunu and Willump

Why are Nunu and Willump in Rakstark?

This starts with Lissandra's mental turmoil at the beginning - because she wanted to connect to Kalya's dream through Ino's dream, Lissandra suffered from the erosion of dreams from nightmares, and suffered serious mental turmoil. Willump felt something, and decided to go with Nunu to visit the place where Anivia achieved nirvana.

According to Nunu, he has never seen Nirvana. His mother said that Nirvana is rebirth, and rebirth is when stone beetles secretly emerge from the ground again, so he also wants to see Anivia emerge from the ground. The way it came out.

Of course, it is impossible for Anivia to emerge from the ground.

When Willump took Nunu to the edge of the Howling Abyss and followed a winding path into the abyss, they heard a strange singing voice halfway.

If Nunu was not a member of the Nuotai tribe and had been exposed to music since he was a child, it would be difficult for him to hear any actual content from the ethereal singing.

But Nunu, who is rich in emotion and good at empathy, keenly grasped the voice hidden in the wind.

"Someone is calling me!"

Willump didn't hear the voice clearly that Nunu was talking about, but he believed Nunu so much that they changed their direction into the Howling Abyss and instead ran towards the source of the voice.

What Nunu and Willump don't know is that if they follow Willump's previous route and take the passage in the Yeti's memory, they will fall into Lissandra's trap and eventually be extracted along with countless others. Like the snowmen with the power of dreams, they are trapped in the dream specially woven for them and can no longer escape.

Instead, it was the voice that Nunu heard, hidden in Anivia's Breath, that could truly guide them safely deep into the Howling Abyss.

The lower you go, the colder it becomes within the Howling Abyss.

At the beginning, Nunu could still walk on his own, but as the temperature dropped further, he gradually had to be carried forward by Willump in his arms - Willump's thick hair was very effective in keeping warm, even if it was Only the Frost Guard Warrior was able to enter the center of the Howling Abyss, and his arms were still warm.

Nunu, who was held in Willump's arms, stuck out his head, rubbing his red ears while carefully listening to the intermittent singing in Breath of Anivia, guiding Willump in the way forward.

Although his ears hurt, the warm feeling in his body still made Nunu feel a subtle sense of comfort - it even reminded him of the time when he was with his mother.

Speaking of which, Nunu has never been to the Howling Abyss before. He has never been able to find his mother. Did his mother go to the Howling Abyss first for more stories?

Nunu's thinking began to become more active, and his logical thinking ability declined, but his imagination became more and more abundant. The appearance of such fantastic thoughts meant that he was approaching the dream step by step.

In the cold wind of the Howling Abyss, dreams and reality are being distorted and blended.

This is also the reason why every time the warriors of the Frostguard tribe enter the Howling Abyss to explore the unspeakable things under the abyss, they have to move along a specific route - it is not only the nine visible seals that seal the monitors, but also the Howling Abyss. The Weeping Abyss itself is also part of the seal.

Fortunately, there was guidance from the song, and Willump himself was a snowman, and he was very resistant to the power of dreams when he didn't go astray. In the end, Nunu successfully found the source of the song before he fell into a deep sleep. .

A giant...egg.

It is hard to imagine that beneath the Howling Abyss, in a place where the sun is not visible, there would actually be a huge, crystal clear egg that seems to glow on its own.

And this egg is Anivia in her Nirvana state.

Or you can call her Egg Nevia.

There is no sun or sunlight below the Howling Abyss. Nunu and Willump's ability to climb all the way down mainly relied on Willump's vision in the darkness and Nunu's hearing to identify their position.

But in fact, Nunu, who fell into a half-dream state due to the power of dreams and almost fell into a dream, had already closed her eyes because of the darkness around her.

However, now, the egg in front of Nunu is glowing faintly in the darkness. The light blue light is not dazzling. Even in the darkness, it gives people a subtle and gentle feeling. .

"Are you singing?" Nunu rubbed her eyes and jumped out of Willump's arms. "I heard the singing in the wind... Hey, it doesn't seem so cold here anymore."

"It's me who's singing." Eggnivia quickly responded to Nunu, "Knowing little guy, what you hear is my singing."

"Then have you seen Anivia?" Nunu's eyes lit up, "Mom said that the Nirvana of the ice crystal phoenix will usher in a new life. I saw Anivia rushing into the abyss with my own eyes. Did you see it? "

"Anivia, ha, there is no Anivia here, but there is Eggnivia." Eggnivia did not conceal her identity, "Then didn't your mother tell you that after Anivia's nirvana, It will return to the form at the beginning and end of life, turning into an egg until it breaks out of the shell again."

"Mom just told me that nirvana is rebirth - I thought it was like a stone beetle, poking its head out of the soil!" Nunu shook her head, "We dispersed before she could finish telling the rest of the story. ”

"That's it." Danivia did not continue on this topic, "If you can understand my singing, then you must be from the Nuotai tribe, right?"

"Hey, do you know this too?" Nunu was a little surprised, "No wonder mother said Anivia is a symbol of wisdom."

If someone else said this, Danivia would only feel that the other person was being flattering, but if such words came from a little boy's mouth, then she would only feel happy.

"Of course I know. If it's not the Notai people who like music and stories, who would listen to Anivia's Breath?" Danyvia's voice had a somewhat complicated meaning, "Anivia The breath is never just the breath of Anivia."

Danivea's words made Nunu a little confused.

Although he had listened to his mother singing since he was a child and had learned a lot about the ancient history of the Freljord intentionally or unintentionally, Nunu still half understood the meaning behind these stories - stories are the carrier of history, but history is not only It's a story. Just understanding the story does not mean understanding the history.

The Breath of Anivia is not only the cold breath of Anivia, but also the ancient sigh of Anivia. Although it is called the god of wisdom in Freljord, a few people know that Anivia Vea, the god of wisdom, has been trapped in an endless reincarnation since thousands of years ago?
"So, little one, would you like to hear a story?"

"Of course!" Nunu, who was still full of doubts one moment, quickly became excited after hearing about the story. "That's great. I haven't listened to a story for a long time! As the god of wisdom, Ani Via, you must be able to bring a new story, right?”

"Haha, that is of course a new story." Dannevia seemed to be laughing, but the laughter was not cheerful. "This is a story from a long, long time ago. The story begins with three little girls pursuing power."

Three is a magical number for the Freljord. When Nunu heard this, she immediately thought of the three sisters.

"There are three little girls who grew up together. Although they are from different tribes and have different interests, they are as close to each other as sisters. They have always been inseparable. They have identified each other since they were 12 years old. They are the best companions." As if triggering the key word of companionship, Willump took out a hard potato from his arms and gave it to Nunu. After Nunu took the potato, he quietly said to him He showed his thumbs up, seeming to silently affirm that Willump was his "best partner."

"But the three little girls come from three different tribes. Although they are very close, their tribes always have disputes. Different tribes are fighting and robbing each other forever. Even if they help to mediate, there is still no peace. Ways to prevent wars between tribes.”

Nunu nodded slightly.

During his journey, Nunu also witnessed many battles between tribes. At the beginning, Nunu would also try to stop them, hoping to stop the plunderers - but on this ice sheet, they were robbed. The tribes will be in distress because they have no supplies, and the plunderers will also die of cold and starvation if they have no harvest.

As a Nuotai who has no position, it is not wrong for Nunu to block it or not to block it. This incident undoubtedly makes him very sad.

Although the songs of the Nuotai people can move people's hearts, moving them cannot fill their stomachs or ward off the cold wind.

"So, the three little girls began to ask different gods for help, hoping to get help and bridge the conflicts between them so that all the tribes could be like one family."

Nunu nodded again - this was what he wanted to see happen.

"The first little girl found the powerful white bear. She believed that as long as the white bear gave her strength, she could unify all the tribes, so that everyone would truly be like one family."

"The second little girl found the exquisite goat. She believed that as long as the goat provided enough food, there would be no shortage of food and everyone would not need to fight with each other."

"The third little girl found the wise Phoenix. She believed that the Phoenix's wisdom can solve problems. With enough wisdom, there will always be a way, so she chose to follow Phoenix and learn slowly."

This is a story that Nunu has never heard of - although the images of white bears, goats and phoenixes all feel familiar to him, and the configuration of the three little girls is everywhere in Freljord legends. But he had never heard of this story.

"Later, the three little girls all succeeded, but they all failed."

"The little girl who pursued the power of the white bear gained great power, but was also counterattacked by this power. She hoped to unify all the tribes, but other tribes were unwilling to join her. She spent ten years running on the battlefield However, it has never been able to completely eliminate all tribes.”

"The little girl who pursued the goat's help moved the goat with her sincerity, and finally got a big bucket that could feed everyone. As long as she picked up the shovel and stirred in the bucket, it would be filled with hot soup. She thought This can fill everyone’s stomach, but as the tribe grows larger and larger, just relying on this big fight is far from being able to fill everyone’s stomach.”

"Even because of such a bucket, the tribe's furnace households are no longer willing to go to livestock farming. Compared with hard work, grabbing a position closer to the bucket seems to be more important."

"As for the little girl who pursued the wisdom of the Phoenix, she followed the footsteps of the Phoenix throughout the land of Freljord, but was gradually eroded by pessimism. She discovered that the seeds of internal fighting seemed to be rooted in everyone's souls. , even if they are full of food and drink, they will still not stop, they will still continue to fight for various reasons, and even develop into a war without mercy."

"For this reason, she was quite disappointed and took the initiative to bid farewell to the Phoenix of Wisdom. She seemed to have decided that wisdom was not enough to solve the problem."

Speaking of this, Danevia paused his story for a moment, as if to give Nunu some time to think.

Then, when a look of realization appeared on Nunu's face, she finally continued the story.

"The three exhausted girls gathered together again at the age of 30 to share their experiences - however, they did not intend to give up. Instead, they swore an alliance and decided to unite the three of them and try again. once."

"And this time, they are infinitely close to success."

“The problems that the white bear’s power could not solve were solved with the help of the goat.”

"The problems that goats cannot solve are solved by blood and oaths."

"Only the problem discovered by the third little girl has not been solved from beginning to end - even through power conquest, through material control, and through blood and oaths, people will still fight endlessly, and the war still cannot completely leave Frey. Erjord."

"It was at this time that Phoenix discovered that his former student seemed to be looking for some dangerous power."

"He found his former student and asked her why she did this. His student calmly responded that this was the only way to solve the problem. She used her wisdom to find a way out."

"Phoenix naturally wouldn't believe such rhetoric, but she said it was because Phoenix didn't understand humans and made a bet with Phoenix."

"She said that wisdom is not easy to prove, but strength can be. People who seem very weak can be stronger than the most powerful gods. If she can prove this, then Phoenix will help complete her plan."

"Phoenix doesn't believe what she said, because Phoenix knows that the more powerful humans are, the gods they believe in will be equally powerful."

"The proud phoenix made an oath with his former student - and then, without the help of other gods, humans defeated the arrogant white bear."

"Phoenix could only admit defeat and agreed to his student's conditions."

At this point, Nunu had realized the identities of the protagonists in the story, and his eyes widened in surprise, because no story had ever told that the first generation Lissandra was once a student of Anivia!

"So, Anivia made an oath that he would not reveal this bet to anyone, and would contribute his divine power to Lissandra when she needed it." After Nunu guessed everything, Egg Nivia no longer concealed it, "and Lissandra finally revealed her plan - in order to unite the Freljordians, she found a powerful and exploitable enemy."

"Wait a minute, didn't you make an oath not to reveal it?" Nunu was shocked. "You can't reveal the bet to anyone...Am I already dead?"

"Of course not." A burst of joyful laughter came from Dan, "I told you, I am Dan Nivia!"

 Kalya’s Little Classroom Egg Nevia:

  The egg after Anivia's nirvana is another unit, called Eggnivia - if the ice crystal phoenix is ​​typing after its nirvana, the person speaking will be called Eggnivia, not Anivia.

  PS. I should have uploaded this chapter earlier, but I watched a game before I finished it and it made me sick...

  The LNG game made me dream back to my college days - S4567's World Championship was like this.

(End of this chapter)

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