Lux's Farewell

Chapter 848【0835】 The melodious sound of the flute

In Freljord, oaths are usually regarded as things that cannot be broken. Even the wild gods of Freljord will abide by the oaths they have made - of course, just like Anivia. Just like playing word games by turning into Egg Nevia, the way gods keep their oaths can sometimes be quite unexpected.

There once was a cunning troll who made a drinking bet with Ornn. Although he cheated and won the bet by adding Zhenbing, and successfully asked Ornn to build a "treasure door that no one can open" for him, but Unfortunately, even the trolls themselves cannot open this door.

As a result, the cunning troll lost the ability to open his treasure house forever. Until his death, he could not see the treasures hidden in his treasure house again.

Well, by the way, this door with the ram's head carved on it is the one in Braun's hand. Although Braun can't open the door forged by Orn, he can dig through the mountain from other directions. Remove the door from its frame.

In the Freljord, bets are related to oaths and dignity. Using various tricks and even word games to bypass the oath itself is regarded as a symbol of wisdom, while directly violating the oath is a shameful self-destruction.

Although it seems that it is very simple to use Eggnivia to use Nirvana to bypass the oath, in fact, Eggnivia's problem is also within the scope of Lissandra's consideration.

The request made by Lissandra requires Anivia to take the initiative to reach nirvana. And every time Anivia reaches nirvana, she must fall into the Howling Abyss. However, Danivia cannot move on her own.

As a result, a closed loop was formed: Anivia could not disclose information related to the bet, and Danivia would always appear in the Howling Abyss. Even if he wanted to tell others, no one would come to listen. .

When Danivea completes Nirvana and becomes Anivia again, then he must abide by his oath and keep his mouth shut.

If Nunu hadn't captured the song in the Breath of Anivia and Willump bypassed the entanglement of dreams, no one would have ever been able to see Eggnivia in this place close to the deepest part of the Howling Abyss. No one will know about this.

"So, what can I do?" Nunu clenched her fists after understanding the whole process. "Maybe I can try to compose a new song?"

"Silly boy, although Shangge records all the yesterdays and todays of Freljord, not every Shangge can be passed down."

"How could it be!" Nunu was a little unconvinced, "Mom said, no one can stop the Nuotai people from passing on Shangge!"

"Maybe Shang Ge can be passed down, but the Nuotai people are not immortal." Dannivia's voice rarely had a gentle tone, "Little guy, if you really want this Shang Ge to be passed down, then at least You have to find a stage for yourself that can accommodate it.”

"Stage?" Nunu blinked, "Mom said, as big as the heart is, the stage is as big; as many places as one has traveled, one's heart is as broad as it is. Willump and I have been walking for several winters. The stage has already been very big!”

"...That's true." Hearing what Nunu said, Danivia was speechless for a moment, "But if you want Shangge to be sung, you need at least a place for people to listen, like Just like your Notai caravan."

"The caravan is too expensive, I can't afford it now." Hearing Dannivia say this, Nunu finally felt a little frustrated, "A caravan must have at least eight Erniuk or Jukar, and It requires a high hood and curtains, and Willump and I alone are not enough to complete the caravan performance..."

In fact, just half a year ago, Nunu had an opportunity to own his own caravan. Together with Willump, he saved a tribe from the hands of wolves. This tribe learned about his Nuotai tribe. After taking on the identity of Nunu, he was willing to use his clan's Jukar to build a caravan for Nunu, but Nunu refused.

Although he also wanted a caravan, if he accepted this gift, I was afraid that all the children of this tribe who were born this year would not survive. In the end, he and Willump chose to leave without saying goodbye and refused this gift. gift.

"You just need to do me a small favor, and I guarantee that you will have your own caravan." Eggnivia promised cheerfully, "Take my feathers, and then bring this story to Avarosa." Ai Xi, the war mother of the tribe, give Fei Yu to her and ask her to come to the Great Glacier to meet me. Then you will have a caravan of your own, and you must hand it over to her in person!"

"Your feathers?" Nunu circled around Egg Nevia, "Where is it? I didn't see it!"

"Just wait for a day." Nivia's voice was a little more tired, "Nirvana will be over soon, and it will be there by then!"

The next day, when the midday sun shone on the earth, and when the bottomless Howling Abyss was no longer eerie and terrifying, Egg Nivea's shell began to peel off piece by piece.

"This is Nirvana." As Anivia's breath gradually turned from gentle to violent, Danivia's voice gradually became louder, and soon turned into another voice, "Ice Phoenix spreads its wings!"

Nunu and Willump sat side by side, looking at the scene in front of them with their mouths open. They saw the eggshells peeling off with their own eyes, saw the eggshells falling on the ground turning into ferocious ice spikes, and saw the eggshells peeling off. The transparent ice crystal inside appears in the form of a phoenix. When you see the transparent phoenix spreading its wings, it turns into a deep ice blue.

An indescribable vitality spurted out, giving the dark and gloomy Howling Abyss a bit of vitality. Although their faces were sore from the Breath of Anivia, both Nunu and Willump felt their hearts A burst of heat.

I always feel like I can’t wait to do something.

Then, before Nunu and Willump could make any move, Anivia spread out her wings. Under her wings, a strong wind surged up. Nunu and Willump, who were sitting side by side, finally appeared again. Unable to maintain their balance, they all rolled sideways.

There was a cloud and mist.

When they came back to their senses, Nunu and Willump were surprised to find that they had left the Howling Abyss and returned to the ground.

Looking up, at the edge of the northern sky, a shining ice-blue phoenix is ​​spreading its wings and swinging straight up to the north. On its back, the ice-blue space is also warmed by the warm sun. of golden color.

Nunu and Willump looked at each other.

Perhaps because they had just left the influence of the dream, their eyes were a little dazed, as if everything that happened before was just a dream.

Until Nunu found a crystal clear phoenix feather in his arms.

Only this cold feather can prove that everything before was not a dream.

Nunu looked at it carefully for a long time, and finally carefully put away Lingyu and his flute.

"Is it difficult, for our caravan!" He raised his right hand, "Let's set off to find Avarosa!"



Finding the Avarosa tribe is not too difficult.

After all, the Avarosa tribe is the talker of the Larkstack Plains, so it's not difficult to find them just by asking around.

For Nunu and Willump, the difficulty is how to meet Ashe who is busy with everything - especially at this time when the Alliance is about to be held. Ashe almost has no free time. At this time, an ice traveler Wanting to see her is not easy!

Nunu also thought about whether he could contact Ashe through other members of the Avarosa tribe.

But unfortunately, this is not feasible. Although the people of the Avarosa tribe respect Nunu, a child from the Notai tribe, it is absolutely impossible for him to disturb Ai Xi.The result was that although Nunu had been in Rakstark City for several days, she still had no chance to notify Ashe.

Until Lux arrived at Luxtak City.

This grand welcome ceremony made Nunu realize the importance of "Her Majesty Laxana" to Ashe.

Although Ash is very busy, Her Majesty Laxana as a guest should not be so busy, right?

Maybe this is a good opportunity to contact Ashe!
So, he chose to ask Willump where Lux left just now.

Then, in the opposite direction, he successfully found the headquarters of the Demacia mission.

This was a separate courtyard, and Nunu was sure at a glance that he was looking for the right place - because even without entering the courtyard, he could see the Malphite network in the courtyard that was higher than the wall.

"That's it, that's right." Nunu nodded and stretched out his hand, "Good job, Willump."


Willump gave him a weak high-five—if he could, he really wished he'd been the wrong choice in the process of elimination.

"So, how do you think we are going to visit Her Majesty Laxana?" Nunu jumped up and held Willump's face with his hands, making him smile. "I promise not to do the opposite!"


"Singing performance?" Nunu touched his chin, "But those Demacians seem to have a language barrier with us. Can they understand my Shange?"

Willump scratched his head - this is a problem, Shangge's melody is not complicated, the important thing is the story. If the other party can't understand Freljordian, then Shangge is really playing the piano to a cow.


"Is playing the flute really useful?" Nunu hesitantly touched the flute on his waist, "Last time we played the flute and attracted a group of stone beetles... although there shouldn't be that many stone beetles in Rakstark City. ."


"You mean, since I can attract stone beetles, I can naturally attract people?" Nunu pursed her lips and finally picked up the flute, "Then, let's try it!"

Taking a deep breath, Nunu put the flute to her mouth.

This flute was made for him by his mother many years ago. Although it broke when he first saw Willump, Willump later repaired the flute with ice - although after that, the flute grew longer. It's only a short section, but the sound it plays becomes more high-pitched and melodious.

But after that, every time Nunu played the flute, it would cause some accidents.

Either the stone beetles were out in force, or the razorbills were traveling with their families, or the direwolf started roaring. In short, every time he played his flute, it would cause the surrounding animals to move.

So as time went by, Nunu stopped playing the flute. In addition, he and Willump's cooperation became more and more tacit. More often, he would choose to sing Shange alone, and beside him, Willump's The limbs and arms will beat the rhythm for him.

Now, in order to attract the attention of Her Majesty Laxana, Nunu started playing the flute again.

The flute of the Freljord minor tune is melodious.

After being extended and transformed by the Ice of Dreams, this flute has already possessed the property of dreaming, and Willump is the last guardian of the snowman.

Even Nunu didn't realize that the ice Willump used to repair the flute was Perfect Ice.

Many important characteristics of this special pure element, which has not yet been artificially synthesized by the Dharma Masters, come from the power of dreams.

The flute modified by Zhen Bing and the music played naturally have a hypnotic effect that helps people fall into dreams - the stone beetles and sharp-beaked birds that Nunu attracted before are all manifestations of this power.

As the melodious flute sounded, the intelligence team members who were gathering to report to Lacus couldn't help but yawned, and even Lacus felt a little tired.

No, not right!

Just when she was about to yawn, Lux's eyes suddenly widened - this sleepiness was probably not normal!
Rubbing her eyes, she and Kalya looked at each other, and instantly realized that the problem came from the melodious flute sound!
Lux had heard this kind of Freljordian tune when she was in the Newskala Guild. At the Guild's bonfire party, the unhappy Freljordians would hum similar tunes. This is A very common folk song form in the Freljord.

But at this time, something was obviously wrong with the flute sound outside the window. Although the flute sound was melodious, it always gave people a drowsy feeling, and this feeling was familiar to both Lacus and Kalya.

When facing Nocturne, Nocturne once tried to pull people into a nightmare. This piece of music has a bit of a prelude to a nightmare...

For a moment, both Lux and Kalya simultaneously remembered that Lissandra used Ino to jump to Kalya's dream.

Although Lissandra was attacked by Nocturne at that time, Kalja could not confirm the specific effect of the counterattack - now they came to Freljord, and just after entering Rakstak City, there was a sound outside the window. The hypnotic sound of the flute...

Coupled with Ashe's obviously inappropriate concession before, could it be that Lissandra has used some means to control Avarosa, or is this alliance a trap?
Without any communication, Kalya and Lux ​​acted independently in a tacit understanding.

Lux stood up with her sword in hand and leaned carefully against the window.

Kalya quietly awakened the Malphite Network and activated the combat state.

As the guardians of the intelligence team fell down one by one and began to talk in sleep, Kalya and Lux ​​were fully prepared for battle.

The update comes a little late.

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