Lux's Farewell

Chapter 849【0836】Misunderstanding and Countermeasures

Nunu played a tune to welcome friends.

The minor tune is melodious, and even people who don't understand music can hear the joyful meaning of having friends coming from afar.

Unfortunately, because of Lissandra's previous criminal record, both Kalya and Lux ​​regarded this melodious music as a threat - especially after the archers of the intelligence team gradually fell asleep and fell into dreams, the two of them were fully prepared. Preparation for battle.

As Lux stood up with her sword in hand, Kalya activated the Malphite Network. Nunu, who was still playing the flute, was completely unaware that he had reached an extremely dangerous situation.

As each Malphite took the initiative to shed his ice shell and began to transform into weapons, several eyes of yellow sand quietly flew into the air.

Kalya is already looking for a target!
In the vision of Huangshayan, Kalya immediately saw Nunu and Willump - to be precise, he immediately discovered Willump, the "dream collection".

Within the elemental field of vision, Willump looks quite ferocious - as the last guardian of the Yeti clan, Willump looks so cute now. That is because of Nunu. Before Nunu, many people had tried After "killing the ancient snowman monster", when Willump faced them at that time, he was not what he is now!

Within the elemental vision of the Eye of Yellow Sand, Willump looks just like those who overestimate their abilities to challenge the Yeti monster. They are both ferocious and terrifying dream monsters.

As for little Nunu playing the flute next to Willump...

It is more like a "flute sound transmitter". It does not seem to be very dangerous in itself. It is mainly responsible for pulling people into sleep.

So, after a brief communication, Kalya and Lux ​​quickly made a targeted battle plan - they must kill with one blow and capture the dangerous dream collective first!


Outside the courtyard, Willump was unaware of the danger.

He was still happily clapping his hands to Nunu's playing, high-fiving his limbs and arms together, as if it was a casual and easy dance.

At this moment, Malphite, who looked like a statue in the courtyard, suddenly jumped up from high and then landed heavily around Willump.

A long-lost sense of crisis lingered in Willump's heart. He seemed to have returned to the time before he met Nunu, when he was living in the mountains and being attacked by many people. At that time, he had encountered many similar attacks.

But what is different from that time is that almost everyone will be noticed by Willump before attacking him, but Kalya controls Nocturne's demonic power, so his murderous intention is not leaked at all. Willump There is no preparation beforehand!

As Malphite landed and formed a siege, Willump could no longer maintain his current gentle and lovely posture.

His body began to twist and swell.

The soft and warm white fur turned into cold and sharp scaly spikes.

The face that was always smiling turned into a ferocious look due to rage.

The dangerous canine teeth in the corners of the upward-turned mouth were exposed in a smile.

Beast-like claws sprouted from the fingertips of the hands that were used to holding snowballs.

As the four arms become stronger, their muscles bulge, making them look powerful.

If the previous Willump was still a cute snowman, he was Nunu's best friend.

After the transformation, Willump looked like a strong, crazy... snow monster!
That’s right, a snow monster!
The furious Willump seems to be moving closer to the beasts of Freljord - in many legends, snow monsters and snow monsters are confused concepts, and judging from Willump's current state, this confusion I'm afraid it may not be groundless.

Under Nunu's stunned eyes, Willump roared and rushed towards Malphite who surrounded him. He waved his arms wildly, as if he wanted to compete with these monolithic puppets to see who had greater strength.

Although his size has expanded a lot, compared with the Malphites, Willump is still an out-and-out little guy. But what is shocking enough is that this figure is not proportional to the size of the Malphites. The violent snow monster was as good at wrestling as the monolithic puppet he faced!
That's right, with the blessing of the power of dreams, the violent Willump can even rival Malphite in strength!

Kalya, who controlled Malphite's network, saw all this very clearly through the Eye of Yellow Sand - because the Willump he saw through the Eye of Yellow Sand was a twisted dream monster, he couldn't help but frown.

Do you want to use Nocturne's power further?

This idea only appeared for a moment, and Kalya completely rejected it.

There is no need for this.

The dream monster does look extraordinary, even stronger than any dream aggregation Kalya has ever seen, but his brain seems to be not very good - if he uses the power of dreams and continues to try to pull himself and Lux ​​into the dream, Nakarya would also find it difficult, but now he chooses to realize the dream and then wrestle with Malphite. This is simply using his own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths, getting twice the result with half the effort.

In this case, it wouldn't be necessary to use Nocturne's power.

Thinking of this, Kalya winked at Lax.

"It's your turn."

Lux, who had long been prepared for the battle, had been waiting for Kalya's next instructions - this enemy's methods were too weird, and she couldn't act rashly for a while, but now Kalya gave the attack With such a look in her eyes, she naturally wouldn't flinch.

So, Lux opened a pair of light-cast wings, then knocked open the window and rushed out of the courtyard.

Then she saw the anxious Nunu and Willump who was competing with Malphite.

"Your Majesty Laxana!" At this time, Nunu no longer cared about whether Lux understood the Freljordian language. He used his slingshot to tickle the Malphites while shouting to Lux, "The stone statues you brought are crazy!"

"How is this going?"

The scene in front of her made Lux a little confused, and even made her suspect that she had been hypnotized into a dream. It was not until she leaned on the back of Malphite No. [-] and confirmed that her condition was okay that she responded.

"Who are you?" Lux saw the flute on Nunu's waist, "Did you play the flute just now?"

"I only knew that the sound of the flute would attract stone beetles, but I didn't expect that it could also make the statue go crazy!" Nunu felt aggrieved and helpless, "I just want to say hello to you..."

"What about him?" Lux remained alert, then pointed at Willump, "Who is this dream monster?"

"Willump is not a monster!" Nunu shook his head crazily. "He became like this because he wanted to protect me after the statue went crazy!"


Lux narrowed her eyes.

Something seems a little wrong?
Is this little guy telling the truth, or lying?

"Blow a little more, little guy." In just a moment, Lux thought of a way, "These statues won't attack you, right away!" Nunu didn't know why Lux said that, but as Lux spoke, several people around him Malphite, who was besieging Willump, did stop. In this case, Nunu could only pick up the flute and play the welcome song again.

The familiar dream fluctuations came again. While Lux rubbed her temples and fought against the sleepiness, she squinted her eyes and observed Nunu carefully - this time, she finally saw the flute being extended by Zhen Bing. One piece.

"Okay, okay, okay." He waved his hand and signaled Nunu to stop playing, "I can make these statues stop, can you make him regain his senses?"

"Of course, Willump is Nunu's best friend!" Nunu put down his flute, "Willump, Willump! The war is over!"


As Kalya stopped Malphite's offensive, Willump began to shrink and finally turned back into a snowman. Lux couldn't help but marveled at this scene.

"So why are you here playing the flute?"

"I...I just want to see you!" Nunu was quite embarrassed. "I didn't know if you could understand us, so I just thought of playing the flute. Music can always be understood."

Lux blinked, seeming to understand the logic.

This little guy named Nunu wants to see him, but he is worried that he does not understand Freljord, so he hopes to play a tune and communicate through music; but there is something wrong with his flute, and it will cause strong dream fluctuations when he plays it. , so the guardians of the intelligence team were hypnotized, and he and Kalya were also on guard. Malphite was activated, and a conflict broke out.

And this snow monster named Willump is Nunu's partner, and it seems to contain quite amazing dream power.

"Your name is Nunu, right?" Lux sighed, "Maybe you need to introduce yourself."


Fortunately for Nunu, Kalya remembered the name, and the intelligence team had recorded information about the Notai, so he was not ultimately considered an enemy.

Although Willump's eyes always looked at Kalya with an unbreakable wariness, the relationship between the two parties had at least eased.

And as Nunu formally introduced himself, Lux and Kalya finally figured out the reason for his visit - it turned out that he wanted to see Ashe through him!
"Can I take the liberty to ask, why do you want to see Ashe?" Lux was a little confused, "If it is really necessary, I can indeed help."

When Nunu heard this, he wanted to speak, but Willump beside him suddenly stretched out his arm and covered his mouth.


Nunu's eyes widened.

"You think I can't be trusted?" Although Nunu said nothing, and Willump just groaned with unclear meaning, Kalya, who had been silent before, seemed to understand what the snowman meant, "Or, do you think I very dangerous?"

"Uh-huh!" Willump nodded directly, and then began to wave his four arms again, "Ah uh-huh!"

"If I have to say it, I think you are more dangerous, Mr. Willump." Although Kalya smiled when he spoke, Nunu couldn't even laugh when he opened his mouth. "I just suffered An attack, no matter how you explain it was a misunderstanding, but judging from the actual result, it was my people who fell into a deep sleep."

Nunu was speechless in embarrassment.

Willump waved his arms again.

"Ah huh!"

"Being dragged into a dream artificially is not a peaceful dream!" Kalya snorted, "Don't try to confuse the difference between the two. Can I call you a snow monster instead of a snowman? Anyway, you all have white ones. Hair.”


Willump was obviously irritated by Kalya, but in this situation he was not easy to get angry.

"Or did Mr. Willump actually know what playing the flute would cause?" Kalja continued, "But he still let Nunu do it?"

"Willump will not take advantage of me!" Before Willump could say anything, Nunu stood up first, "We are best partners, not bastards who take advantage of each other!"


Kalya narrowed his eyes and looked at Nunu and Willump as if examining them - after a long while, a sincere smile finally appeared on his face.

"It seems that this is indeed an accident. I'm very sorry, little guy." Kalya put away his strange anger, "I was attacked in a dream not long ago, and I am a bit sensitive to it."

"Huh?" Willump seemed to have thought of something, and he hummed suspiciously, then made a scary gesture, "Uh-huh?"

"Contrary to what you guessed, it was that dangerous power that protected me." Kalya seemed to have mastered the means of communicating with the snowman, and Lux ​​next to her was stunned for a moment, "The devil's power is very dangerous. But sometimes it works well, and you should actually know the person who attacked me, her name is Lissandra."

Nunu's eyes widened along with Willump's.

Is it such a coincidence?
"It seems that you also have some unpleasantness with the Frost Witch." Kalya picked up the teapot with a smile, "If I guessed correctly, your search for Ashe should also have something to do with Lissandra, right? "

Nunu nodded almost subconsciously.

After Willump took the tea handed over by Kalya, he no longer seemed so afraid of Kalya.

After bumping fists, the two sides seemed to have some kind of silent communication.

So, when Kalya guessed part of the plan, Nunu poured beans through the bamboo tube and told the whole thing.

Anivia, Lissandra and the Bet, and Ashe's Trials.

After listening to Nunu's story, Kalya and Lux ​​looked at each other, and their eyes became playful.

Although the only information Nunu provided related to Ashe was that Anivia wanted her to go to the Great Glacier to undergo a trial, this incident itself was enough to provide them with a lot of key information that could prove that Avarosa is now Tribe status information.

Kalya and Lux ​​were suspicious of Ashe's attitude before and wondered why she seemed so easy to talk to.

Now, they can almost confirm that Ashe's attitude has nothing to do with Lissandra.

Kalya's Little Class·Willump before meeting Nunu:
Before meeting Nunu, Willump, as the guardian of the snowman, had suffered many attacks - perhaps because he coveted the power of dreams, perhaps because he wanted to challenge powerful opponents. Many people had found a way to live in seclusion in the mountains. Willump, trying to hunt him.

Of course, these people all failed until a little guy named Nunu found Willump and threw a snowball representing friendship.

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