Lux's Farewell

Chapter 852【0849】 Hooking up

As Tryndamere's serious eyes swept across Ashe's personal followers, these personal followers who were usually trusted by Ashe and played an important role in the daily management of the Avarosa tribe closed their mouths one by one.

It can be seen that many people have opinions on Ashe's choice, but now they respect War Mother's choice.

When Tryndamere withdrew his gaze and silently placed his right hand on Ashe's back, it seemed that all the war mothers were already thinking about how to adjust their subsequent relationships with the Frost Guard priests in accordance with Ashe's request.

Lux looked calmly at what was happening in front of her.

Ashe's decision did not surprise her. Although she could not completely rule out the possibility that Ashe was just stabilizing herself, Lux believed in her own judgment and believed that Ashe would make a wise choice - in the future, as long as Ashe was Xi chose to go north to the Great Glacier to participate in Anivia's trial, so she was probably destined to be different from Lissandra.

But Lacus didn't think that these mothers who seemed to be hesitant to speak could understand everything at all.

After all, according to the information from the intelligence team, the war mothers around Ai Xi were not all the people who followed her to rebuild Avarosa at the beginning. As the Avarosa tribe expanded and moved eastward, many members of other tribes They defected to Avarosa and became part of Avarosa. Among the war mothers and blood alliances of these tribes, several of them became war mothers' followers.

This is the process of Ashe uniting and absorbing other tribes and sharing some power. The subsequent prosperity of the Avarosa tribe is also inseparable from these war mothers.

But again, since these tribes are not the "old men" of Avarosa, their attitudes towards some of Ashe's decisions are different - especially regarding the Frostguard tribe, there are many tribes He believes that Avarosa should have a good relationship with the Frostguard tribe and eliminate conflicts. Only in this way can he truly gain a foothold in Larkstack.

According to the information from the intelligence team, although the Frost Guard priests have almost never formally met with Ashe, they have maintained a certain degree of contact with many war mothers, although the intelligence team has not yet been able to find out the specific content of their contacts. , but it is not difficult for Lux to make a judgment on the casual attitude of these Zhan mothers.

You know, even though Lux is the teacher of the mages and the chief architect of the northern strategy, she has proven herself to be an excellent commander during the war, and she has maintained her astonishing popularity and directness among the people through her Spring Speech and Winter Speech. Influence, but when carrying out the magic industrialization reform, she still needs to be cautious, knocking the clerks and mages from time to time, and finding a balance between profit sharing and restraint functions.

No matter how much the clerks and mages respected Lux, they could not help but make their own plans once they had the opportunity, forcing Lux to carry out regular internal purges and repeatedly emphasize not to create new nobles.

For Ai Xi, who uses gentle means to absorb other tribes, no matter how close her subordinate Zhan's mother is... can she really be of the same mind as her?
Ashe doesn't believe in the Frostguard tribe because the old Avarosa was indirectly destroyed by the Frostguard. Her childhood sweetheart personally broke all her filters about the Frostguard tribe.

But those war mothers who later joined the Avarosa tribe were not like that!

Among these war mothers, many of them have more or less connections with the Frostguard tribe. During this alliance, Avarosa and the Frostguard were so quickly prepared for contact. Vigorously.

Well now, a little kid from the Notai tribe, a warm-blooded person from Demacia, came to see War Mother and gave her a slap in the face. As a result, Lord Ashe immediately changed her mind and was about to grit her teeth and target Shuang. The Wei tribe... How could they accept it so easily?

It's not that they are not loyal to Ashe or Avarosa.

It is precisely because they are loyal to Ashe and Avarosa that they think Ashe has been deceived.

Therefore, after Lux's eyes swept over the Zhan mothers without leaving a trace, a subtle smile finally appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She is looking forward to Ashe's subsequent choices, and is looking forward to seeing Ashe's final decision, to see whether she will close the door and hold a small meeting to convince everyone, or use the majesty of a war mother to push forward the plan.

This will be related to the subsequent choices of Lux and Demacia.


After confirming that they were going to participate in the trial and temporarily suspending their relationship with the Frostguard tribe to normalize, the follow-up communication between Ashe and Lux ​​was still very smooth.

From Ashe's perspective, what she saw was the great sincerity shown by Lux. In the process of fighting against the void, Demacia was willing to increase the preferential scale of trade in the north, as long as the Avarosa tribe was willing to stand firm. With the world on Runeterra's side, Demacia will become the Avarosa tribe's closest trading partner.

Lux even issued an export control list, agreeing to add many items that had never been sold to the outside world to the northern trade share.

And unlike the Frostguard tribe, which has been working tirelessly to infiltrate the internal power of the Avarosa tribe, Lux's hands and feet are very "clean" in Ashe's opinion. She only needs to do so with the permission of the Avarosa tribe. , several missions are stationed at key trade nodes such as Laxtaq, responsible for handling trade-related issues.

Therefore, the negotiation between the two parties can be said to be a happy one.

But as it got late, today's negotiations ended and after Lux stood up and left, Ashe frowned directly after sighing softly.

Then, she winked at Tryndamere, who nodded gently and guarded the door of the War Mother's tent.

"Everyone has something to say, right?" Ai Xi looked around, her blue eyes seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, "Many people have different opinions."

Some of the followers swept by Ai Xi's eyes lowered their heads and pondered, while others looked at each other calmly. In the suffocating silence, an old man finally stood up.

"Your Excellency, War Mother." His withered arms trembled slightly, and on the wrist outside the cuffs, a hideous scar seemed to be a nightmare manifested, which was unbearable to look at. "The Notai people may be trustworthy, and the warm-blooded people are also very trustworthy. We have credibility, but that doesn’t mean we have to completely abandon tradition.”

He did not directly target Ashe's decision, but as he spoke and as the suffocating silence was broken, many of his followers finally took action - they nodded, groaned, or softly agreed. , looking around, there were 23 people among the 15 seats and mothers in Larkstuck, who seemed to have some complaints about Ashe's decision.

This ratio made Ash couldn't help but frown slightly.

Three more than I expected.

Then, her eyes fell on her side.

"Sang Lei, do you also hope to ease the relationship with Frost Guard?" San Lei, who was suddenly named by Ai Xi, looked to be about the same age as Ai Xi. Judging from the position of his seat, he was undoubtedly Ai Xi's right-hand man - and This is actually the case. Sanley was the first group of members after the establishment of New Avarosa, and he was also one of the few witnesses and witnesses of that difficult march.

Sanlei is not a warrior, but a furnace owner. During the development of Avarosa, he has always been a person that Ashe trusts very much. He is a person who Ashe regards as a brother, whether it is trade in the north or in the Whether it was the construction of the city of Frost Harbor, or the recruitment of the Blood Alliance, or the eastward march to Larkstark, Sanlei was Ashe's staunchest supporter.

But now, when facing the problem of the Frost Guard tribe, Sang Lei's attitude seems to have changed.

"Sir Ai Xi." After being named, Sanlei stood up and bowed slightly, "I have always believed that maintaining friendship and conducting trade with warm-blooded people is our foundation, even if our tribe has now arrived in Laxtaq City , the tribe is about to hold an alliance under the watchful eyes of the three sisters, and we must not forget what gave us the confidence to move eastward."

Ashe nodded slightly.

"Trade with warm-blooded people is a supplement, a correction to the past." Sanlei continued, "The rise and fall of countless tribes in the past have proven that plundering and oppression alone cannot keep tribes prosperous. Go down, so I always believe that we should maintain relationships with warm-blooded people."

Ai Xi continued to nod—Sang Lei's attitude had always been this way.

"However, this does not mean that Avarosa should abandon tradition." Pursing his lips, Sanlei looked directly at Ashe and continued, "We are the descendants of the three sisters and descendants of the ancient civilization of Freljord. Heir, I still remember the vow Lord Ashe made when he left Ornkar, we will revive the Freljord!"

Ai Xi looked at Sang Lei in silence, waiting for Sang Lei to continue speaking.

“The glory of the Freljord comes from the unity and cooperation of the three sisters, and sincere unity is also the key to Avarosa’s success today. Only by truly uniting all the tribes can the Frostguard tribe, the descendants of Serelda and By standing together and speaking with one voice, the Freljord can usher in a true renaissance that the warmbloods of Demacia cannot give us anyway."

"Even if what the Notai child said is true, Lissandra did collude with some dangerous existence for her own ambitions. What we should do is not unite outsiders to fight against them, but we should do what we did in the past. More Frost Guard warriors who don't know the truth came to our side." Sang Lei's eyes were frank and clear, "You know, my father fell before dawn during that migration, and the Frost Guard priest and I also had deep feelings. hatred, but I still think that the Frostguard tribe should not be our enemy."

Ash looked at him with a smile, as if expecting him to continue.

"Furthermore, you also said before that Lissandra of the previous generation sacrificed herself to seal those dangerous monsters. This has proved that when facing those monsters, the Frostguard tribe is on our side - since everyone They can be comrades-in-arms, so why should we choose warm-blooded people instead of fellow Frost Guards?"

Having said this, Sang Lei finally nodded slightly to indicate that he was finished.

As he sat down, many of his followers nodded slightly, expressing their affirmation.

Obviously, in their eyes, no matter how bad the Frostguard tribe is, they are still their own people, and now the Avarosa tribe has the ability to transform these own people. Taking advantage of the opportunity of this alliance, they In turn, they should expand their influence on the Frost Guard tribe instead of drawing a clear line with the Frost Guard tribe.

Even if they are all allies against the Void, the Frostguard tribe is closer than the Demacians!
"Besides, the hands and feet of Demacians are not clean!" As Ashe's eyes began to scan again, someone stood up again, "The scale of the alliance held by Her Majesty Laxana in Newskala is not small at all. We held a guild and invited them to watch the ceremony, but they also organized a guild on the way to the ceremony. I heard that they also built a high wall outside the West Pass of Newskala...Those warm-blooded people, huh!"

Obviously, this person is still worried about Lux's previous alliance and the construction of the ice wall in Newskala. Even if the West Foreljord subcontinent is indeed the sphere of influence that Avarosa has given up, that does not mean that You warm-blooded people are qualified to get involved!
At this time, I reached out to the West Freljord subcontinent. These warm-blooded people did not look like reliable allies!

As he said this, some of his followers began to nod slightly - obviously, he was not the only one who had such thoughts.

"Sifreljord will not become a world of warm-blooded people." Looking around again, focusing on a few people who did not dare to look directly at him for a while, Ashe finally said, "Now Ava Rosa doesn’t have the energy to spare, so don’t put too much emotion into the unchangeable fact—Under the Breath of Anivia, only the strongest merchants can make the journey for warm-blooded people. How come the De tribe surrenders to Demacia now, how will we come back when we have the ability to return to Ningshuang Port in the future."

There was a strong sense of confidence in Ashe's words. In her opinion, Silverjord had just changed its alliance partner, and it was actually not critical. As the power of the Avarosa tribe gradually expanded, I have gradually found a way to unite more people. After all, it is part of Freljord.

"As for Sanlei's opinion..." After finishing Sifreljord's question, she sighed, "I am more willing to believe in our compatriots and the power of frost deep in the blood, but only those who have ever truly Only those who have faced those terrifying existences can understand my concerns.”

Ai Xi's words made San Lei frown. In his opinion, this seemed to be an excuse - he was a furnace owner, so he naturally did not participate in the battle of the Howling Abyss. He could not refute it no matter what Ai Xi said.

"Quason!" Ashe suddenly called the name of a young warrior at the end of the table. "Have you ever seen those monsters? Tell me, if you met the raiders of the Razor Tribe and those monsters at the same time, who would you join forces with?"

Quason, the last one, is a young man. His entire tribe was almost destroyed by Razor's raiders. Now, his eyes turn red whenever he hears Razor's name.

Then, under the gaze of all his followers, the young man named Quason stood up with his eyes wide open, gritted his teeth, and gave his answer firmly.

"Razor's bastard."

Sang Lei was horrified.

"That's the scary thing about those monsters." Ashe sighed, "Anyone who has anything to do with those monsters cannot be considered a compatriot."

Sanley fell silent - although he had not seen it with his own eyes and still had doubts in his heart, from Ashe's description and Quason's reaction, he finally no longer insisted on his opinion.

Then, Ash turned to the few followers who had been avoiding her eyes before.

"I believe you can understand, right?" Her voice was as cold as a piece of perfect ice, "After all, Avarosa's future should be more precious than some gifts."

These people subconsciously wanted to speak out to defend themselves, but at this moment, Tryndamere suddenly opened the door of the tent and threw several ice weapons and magic amulets on the ground.

Inside the big tent, there was silence for a moment. (End of chapter)

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