Lux's Farewell

Chapter 853【0850】 Nunu’s new partner

Although Ai Xi did not form an intelligence team or internal supervision department, this did not mean that she knew nothing about the situation within the tribe.

Obviously, Zhan's mother was clear about certain matters in which she accepted the benefits of the Frost Guard tribe.

It's just that when she originally wanted to ease the relationship with the Frost Guard Tribe, these were all trivial matters - but when she realized that the Frost Guard Tribe itself was related to the void, she decided to stand up to the Void. When it comes to the opposite side, it's no longer a detail.

Therefore, she took action decisively, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

Ai Xi did not directly name them, but took out the gifts from the Frostguard tribe, explaining his attitude in this way.

Several of the people involved in the incident were accompanied by their mothers, some were trembling with fear, and some were pretending to be calm, but no one dared to take the initiative to speak.

He explained the threat of the void to the loyal people, showed his confidence to those who had doubts, and defeated the wavering people who might not be on the right side. Through this closed-door meeting, Ashe announced that when the meeting was dismissed, Avaro The decision-making team composed of the Sa tribe's war mothers and war mothers have roughly unified their thinking.

Ai Xi's prestige is still sufficient.

The overall size of the Avarosa tribe is not that large.

And according to Freljord's tradition, the only way to overturn the War Mother's decision is to challenge the War Mother and win - becoming the new War Mother can overthrow the predecessor.

Ashe is irreplaceable in Avarosa, so she unifies her thoughts in this way, mainly so that the entire clan can unite and carry out subsequent related tasks.

Judging from the results, the results were very successful. Most of Zhan's mother and others understood her thoughts. Even if some people had ulterior motives, they could not be made explicit.

In this way, just as the alliance was about to begin, the big ship Avarosa raised its triangular sail and quietly changed its course.


As Avarosa's direction changed, the first unlucky person was the Frostguard priest who participated in the alliance as an envoy.

Ashe is not a violent and murderous person, and she does not think that all Frost Guard Priests are heinous - but she still ordered to control all Frost Guard Priests, and sent her most trusted personnel to guard them, and prohibited anyone from interacting with them. touch.

Moreover, in the subsequent alliance sessions, the part about the Frostguard tribe was also deleted, although she had not thought about completely breaking up with the Frostguard tribe and Lissandra before participating in Anivia's trial. Cheeky, but Ashe must at least send a clear signal.

Lux, who was in Luxtark, observed all this clearly.

Facts have proved that she was right about Ai Xi. Like her, the other person also has a kind of natural idealism. After truly facing the void, he will definitely choose the right direction.

Seeing that the Frost Guard priests were being detained, and the preparations for the subsequent alliance were steadily advancing, Lux's heart, which had been hanging before, was finally relieved a lot.

Although some of Lissandra's actions have always worried Lux, but now that there is no Frostguard Priest, and Ashe will not provide any help, unless the Frost Witch is willing to leave the Frostguard Fortress, she will eventually Nothing can be done.

As long as the alliance goes smoothly and Ashe completes the trial of Anivia, Demacia and Avarosa will formally form an anti-void alliance. At that time, through Kalya's relationship, Shurima will If , Ixtar and Ikasia are also involved, Runeterra will soon have a relatively complete communication mechanism.

Under this situation, apart from the work of sorting out intelligence and filtering information with the intelligence team, Lux can finally rest for some time.

Considering her status as a guest attending the ceremony, Lux also participated in several banquets and chatted with many tribal representatives in the Luxtak Plain, which could be regarded as accumulating some additional information.

In the Freljord, there are not many opportunities to eat and drink with public funds like this!

And it wasn't just Lux who was eating, drinking and working at the banquet - after completing their mission and about to have their own caravan, Nunu and Willump also took advantage of the banquet to Started looking for companions.

Caravans usually need to be pulled forward by multiple Erniuk or Yukar. It is a sleigh that combines a truck and a passenger car. It can be set up as a stage after simple modification. It is a traditional mobile performance vehicle of the Nuotai people.

Even if Nunu and Willump have two heads and six arms combined, they can't control this kind of large multi-purpose vehicle. In addition, tasks such as feeding livestock, cleaning vehicles, and accompanying dancers with music for performances all require human hands. If you want to really use it, To achieve all the functions of a caravan, Master Nunu said that he would have to recruit five partners.

Under normal circumstances, ice travelers who leave the tribe and wander around will not refuse the invitation of the Nuotai tribe - the Nuotai tribe is different from other tribes. They usually do not participate in the struggle, and except for a few core members, There are often no strict restrictions, and people can come and go relatively freely. It is normal for ice travelers to join the Notai caravan as an extra for a section of the road.

But the problem is that Nunu is a bit too young, plus Willump, who looks cute but is not human at all, and the caravan that is said to exist but does not exist yet, multiple factors add up to Nunu. The process was rather rocky for Noura's partner.

Even though his stories and songs convinced many people of his Nuotai identity, it was still a bit unacceptable for these ice travelers to be companions in a caravan driven by a child.

Nunu, who had been rejected many times in a row, was anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. If others didn't want to believe him, then he couldn't force others into his caravan, right?

And to be honest, when faced with the questions of these ice travelers, Nunu himself was sometimes not very confident. After all, although he had seen many caravan performances as a child, he had never served as the conductor of any performance. Even if he was asked to guarantee that he could do a good job in the caravan show, he couldn't pat his chest.

But for the ice travelers, if they temporarily join the Notai caravan to perform, the proceeds from the performance will be their travel expenses. How can Nunu look like he is not very confident? It feels like following Nunu and starving for nine meals in three days. How can anyone be willing to join?
As a result, Nunu spent three days eating and drinking at Avarosa's banquet. All the materials for the caravan were prepared and construction officially started, but he didn't get a single companion.

Nunu, who was smiling all day long, was a little bit defensive. Every time he told stories and played songs at the banquet, the participants of the banquet would cheer and applaud him. But when he sent out the invitation, these people They all lowered their heads, drank wine, or ate meat, but no one responded directly...

Do you want yourself and Willump to run empty cars?
Is this too embarrassing?
Fortunately, there are still two days before the real Guild Alliance ceremony, and Nunu still has time - he has already made up his mind. If he has not recruited his companions, then when the Guild Alliance is officially held, the worst he can do is go with Willump. Let’s take part in the competition!
Nunu is not considered to be able to fight, but Willump is still very capable!
Of course, even though we have a safety plan, we still have to work hard to get it.

Today I heard that another group of ice travelers have arrived. Nunu plans to exchange feelings with these new arrivals, and then see if anyone has the discerning talent to join them.

…………… Just like the past few days, Nunu still took the initiative to start performing at Rakstark’s party.

The play he performed today is Ornn's Oracle - this is the legend about the Flame Hidden in the Mountain. When Nunu was a child, his mother told him many stories about Ornn, and now he plans to Through a performance, it was shown to the tribal representatives and ice travelers participating in the banquet.

For Nunu and Willump, The Furnace is the best play to perform, because it is said that Ornn is a being who does not like to talk and can only make thunderous grunts, so Willump only needs to put a pair of arms on his back. Later, you can pretend by wearing ram horns and mask.

Moreover, considering the cute height difference between Willump and Nunu, there is no sense of incompatibility for Nunu to play an adult in front of Willump's "Ornn".

The Furnace Oracle is a series of short stories, including historical stories and fables. What they are going to perform today is the part about the bet between Ornn and the troll.

The cunning troll made a bet with Ornn, who could drink a large barrel of wine in one go first. As a result, the troll added Zhenbing to Ornn's wine barrel, and Ornn drank more and more wine, and finally failed. Don’t admit defeat and create a treasure house door for him that no one can open.

Of course, the focus of this story is the second half of "The troll himself couldn't open the door, and in the end he could only lose all the treasures while wailing." But before Nunu finished his performance, the banquet There are new ice travelers who are making noise.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Finished drinking!"

This was the first time Nunu saw someone who took the initiative to cause trouble. Nunu, who was wearing a troll mask, couldn't help being stunned.

But while Nunu was stunned, Willump stood up first and gestured towards the drunkard who was causing trouble.


"I don't believe your legend. This story is really boring. It's not as beautiful as Anivia told it last night." The other party didn't pay attention to Willump's actions at all, and his tone became more and more disdainful, "Don't waste your time there, little one." Guys, you might as well take this opportunity to come over and have a drink - you don’t get many opportunities to let loose and drink!”

"This is true, it's the Furnace Oracle!" Nunu obviously would not allow the other party to so wantonly smear the legend passed down by the Notai people from generation to generation. "As long as you add perfect ice to the strong wine, under Ornn's breath of fire, the wine will be You can’t drink it dry!”

"I told you, those are all lies to children!" The drunkard leaned down and took out an extremely large-looking wine barrel from under the table. "I have the strongest wine in Freljord here, Zhenbingdu. It won’t freeze, but I never know if it will drink dry!”

If it was before meeting Lux, Nunu might not know how to deal with it, but now looking at the other party's vow, the little guy blinked and suddenly had an idea.

"Okay, how about we make a bet like a troll and Ornn?" He motioned to Willump to hand over the mask representing Ornn. "Since you carry a wine barrel with you, you must Is it a good drinker? Let me add ice to you and see if you, a good drinker like you, can drink up this barrel of wine!"

"Aha, what a clumsy way to provoke a general, boy!" the other party snorted, "This barrel of wine is my treasure. I got many of the materials from Demacia merchants. I won't do it just because of an unknown incident. The bet is wasted!"

"As long as you drink the wine, it's not a waste!" Nunu raised his face, "If you can drink all the wine with ice in one go, then I won't recruit companions, and I will give you my caravan! "

After hearing this, the drunkard finally showed a little bit of interest. He hesitated for a moment, and then stretched out his hand.

"Okay, if I can't finish the wine with Zhenbing, then I, Gragas, will go work on your caravan, working hard without complaint!"

In Nunu's smile, the big one and the small one slapped together, and the bet was officially established!

Compared to Nunu and Willump's performance, this kind of on-the-spot bet was undoubtedly more exciting. All the people attending the dinner turned their attention to it. They placed Nunu and Gragas on three levels inside and outside. Surrounded in the center, waiting for them to verify the ancient legend of Freljord.

Under everyone's gaze, Gragas placed his wine barrel on the table, and then gently pulled out the cork.

With the sound of "pop", a spicy smell that makes people's souls restless began to permeate the wind. Among the onlookers, the eyes of those who were good at drinking lighted up - according to the Freljordian "wine over" With the aesthetic of "stronger, the better", the spirits in Gragas barrels can be said to be almost perfect.

So, the pressure came to Nunu.

Where is Zhen Bing?
Perhaps for ordinary people, Zhen Ice is a very rare existence, but for Nunu, it is not difficult to obtain a piece of Zhen Ice. Willump took out a long piece of Zhen Ice without him having to ask. , and put it directly into Gragas' wine barrel.

As Nunu made a gesture of invitation, Gragas finally raised his barrel, raised his head and began to toss.

The sharp aroma of wine began to spread, and as Gragas drank heavily, a lot of wine flowed from the corners of his mouth and flowed down his thick beard - it seemed that because of Zhen Bing, these wine liquids all flowed out. It froze instantly when it encountered the wind. In just a moment, Gragas' beard was covered with a thick layer of ice.

However, Gragas didn't seem to notice it and was still sipping his strong drink.

Under the heavy drinking like a giant whale swallowing the sea, Gragas's already bulging belly quickly expanded like a balloon. Judging from the expansion volume, it seemed that all the barrel of wine would be consumed soon.

But just when everyone thought Nunu would lose his caravan, a shocking scene happened.

The volume of Gragas' belly has expanded far beyond the capacity of the barrel, but his drinking has not ended yet. Gragas still holds the barrel high and continues to drink it, but the white ice shell on his beard is getting thicker and thicker. Come bigger.

The onlookers finally realized something was wrong, and their eyes gradually turned from curiosity to shock, until Gragas couldn't drink any more and fell down in embarrassment, throwing the wine barrel aside. The wine was still gurgling out and freezing rapidly.

The originally noisy banquet was silent at this time. Everyone had their mouths open and looked at everything in front of them blankly. It was not until Willump took the initiative to cover the lid of the wine barrel that they looked at each other and began to make eye contact.

Before this, Nunu performed legendary stories.

And at this moment, the legend truly shines into reality. (End of chapter)

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